Friday, November 21, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 3 Wool and Fur Combinations Make Stunning New Outfits By CIIERIE NICHOLAS PATTERNS SEWI1NG CDPCLE with convertible neckline and long and short sleeves. The jerkin and skirt lend them­ selves to novelty materials, cor­ duroy, plaid, tweed or gabardine. Contrasting blouses may be of washable cottons, rayon crepes, silk crepes or sheers. * • • Barbara Bell Pattern No 1477 B Is de­ signed for sizes 12, 14, 16. 18 and 20 Cor­ responding bust measurements 30. 32. 34. 36 and 38. Size 14 (32) Jerkin require« yarda 54-inch material, skirt 1% yard« M inch materia) and blouse with short sleeves l’i yards 33-Inch material. Send your order to: 8EWINO CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. 14» New Mnntgomery Street San Fraaelseo Calif. Enclose 13 cents tn coins for Pattern No..........................Size................ Name ........ . ............................................... Address ..................................................... Chicken it In Kiny for fifty 14 a ill at home, would never “A" I AN take place if it weren’t OWjESS (See Recipes Below.) What is bo gay as a grand, big get-together full of informal fun, Un­ hum of pleasant conversation and plenty of good food thrown Into the bargain? A church supper, of course! The fun will take care of itself ■ nd the fixxl well, almost If you get Uie right amount of it, for the cook­ ing's as simple ns only simple can be. Chicken's a trout any way you serve it, but very easy to pre­ pare und serve if you do it Oils time-tried, oid-fush- ioned, favorite way ladled out of a big kettle witii plenty of cream sauce onto feathery light hot biscuits: ‘Chicken or Turkey a la King. und chickens, stewed, then cut meat into pieces Or 1 18-pound turkey, stewed or rousted, meat diced 1 pound tat (chicken or turkey fat and butter mixed) 4 cups flour 2 gallons scalded milk 1 pound fresh mushrooms or 2 largo cans 2 tablespoons minced onion I' d teaspoons or more salt *4 teaspoon white pepper 1teaspoons paprika 2 sweet green peppers, chopped (optional) 2 pimlcntos, chopped (optional) *» cup egg yolka (6 eggs) Melt about three-fourths of Uic fat, add the flour, and blend thoroughly; add scalded milk, stirring rapidly with a wire whisk to keep well mixed, Cook until starch taste Is gone about 10 minutes. Cook the mushrooms, sliced, in remaining fat, until delicately browned and add to sauce with Uie onion. Beat egg yolka and mix with a small amount of Uie hot mixture to blend and add to the sauce, stirring thoroughly. Cook 4 or 5 minutes more. Add turkey meat Reason to taste (with paprika and pepper mixed Into salt). Add pcpixTs and pimiento, if used Serve on hot biscuits. The simplest way to prepare the chickens is to cook them in sea- s<>ned water, to which a small on­ ion. 2 carrots and a small bunch of celery are added. Chickens are han­ dled best if dis­ jointed and the breast and back sections cut into convenient-sized pieces. Baking Powder Biscuits. (Serves 50) 4 pounds flour *ti cup double-acting baking powder 2 tablespoons salt 1 pound shortening (2*4 cups) 5 cups milk Sift the dry ingredients together, add fat and mix lightly. Make a well in the center and add the milk. LYNN SAYS: Attractive salads pep up meals besides adding nourishment plus to menus. Salads in winter are a little hard to plan because of the scarcity of fresh fruits and vege­ tables, so I suggest you try these for solving your salad problem: Prunes stuffed with cream cheese and nuts, served with or­ ange sections and lettuce. Cooked beets and cooked car­ rots diced with celery, mixed with mayonnaise. Orange sections served with tiny cream cheese balls. Mari­ nate oranges in french dressing first Canned pineapple and fresh or- 'anges served in alternate sections on lettuce. Alternating orange and grapefruit sections are a good idea, too. Chunks of lettuce with crum­ bled hard-cooked egg and a few leftover peas, tossed together with salad oil, suit, pepper, vinegar. acid, — indigestion, gas discomfort can make people ujr thing« never intended. Before it happens to YOU get ADLA Tablet*. Their Bismuth and Carbonate* relieve QUICKLY. Druggists have ADLA. ‘Chicken a la King ‘Scalloped Potatoes ‘Sunset Salad Bread and Butter Assorted Cakes •Coffee Recipe given Influence of Church The churches are the greatest influence in this world of ours to overcome the present tendency toward greed.—President Frank­ lin D. Roosevelt. Mix just until the dough holds to­ gether. Divide dough into fourths and make *,< at a time. Roll on a floured board, pat to *4 inch thick­ ness, cut and place on baking sheet. Bake 12 to 15 minutes in a hot (450 degree) oven until golden brown. \171TH surpassing artistry and craftsmanship American de­ ‘Scalloped Potatoes. signers are setting a new high in (Serves 50) 10 pounds (6 quarts) sliced potatoes costume design. Especially are our matchless distinction. The suit is American style creators doing them­ a masterpiece of fine tailoring. The 2 quarts hot milk selves proud in the campus, town three-quarter length cape of Amer­ Mi cup flour ■nd country ensembles which they ican opossum with striped tweed to 1*4 cups butter create of gorgeous colorful wool and match the suit will carry through 3 tablespoons salt triumphantly as a wrap to wear stunning fur. 1 tablespoon pepper Not only do the costumes pictured through the winter with daytime Peel potatoes before weighing Be­ fore measuring, peel and slice. If redound to the glory of American frocks and party dress as well. A lurge. cut in two lengthwise before designers but there is fascination sure, safe, sound and sane invest­ slicing Into six baking dishes put ■nd patriotic thrill in the thought ment, this, that will pay big divi­ a layer of potato, then a slight layer that the fur. American opossum, dends in chic, charm and self-grati­ of flour, and refloat until all potatoes which Is combined with the beautiful fication. are used. Dissolve salt, pepper and wools of these stunning costumes, is Centered in the picture is another butter in hot milk. Pour over pota­ itself decidedly all-American. example of the intrigue and glamour The possibilities presented in this expressed in the alliance of bright toes, cover and cook in slow oven new alliance of wool with opos- wool with smart fur. The coat is for 1*4 hours or until done, Best idea for a salad is this one sum are endless, Not only is opos- lined with a plaid wool in glowing sum a flattering young fur when high color to match the hood and that's made Ln ad­ used for general utility costumes. blouse. vance and needs When thrown back, the but through scientific skill it has hood forms a colorfully lined collar. only to be sliced also been made available for dressy The jacket and skirt pick up two of and placed on daytime and evening wear as well the colors in the plaid. Mittens too, lettuce leaves for as for all-purpose wear. if you please, of matching fur! serving. It's as A beautifully cut coat is shown gay and colorful If your new wool ensemble hap­ to the left in the group, The ex­ pens to be of wool in the now-so- as the get-togeth­ quisltely colorful wool stripe of fashionable magenta color, and if er itself. which it is made speaks for itself. it is without fur. you will look very ‘Sunset Salad, Now that fashion is advocating smart if you carry with it a stunning 18 ounces lemon gelatin color, women are going in whole­ huge muff of opossum, and. of 2!4 quarts hot water and canned heartedly for coats that add a bold course, there must be a hat of the pineapple juice dash of color glory to the winter same fur to wear with it The hat 1*4 quarts grated raw carrots landscape. The soft front fullness and muff twosome is an accessory Hi pints canned crushed pine­ achieved by skillful manipulation of combination especially cited among apple, drained the stripes is decidedly effective. topnotch fashions. 2 teaspoons salt Dissolve gelatin in hot water and The wide notched collar and cuffs of Colors highlighted in wools this pineapple Juice which has been heat­ natural American opossum are per­ season especially stress browns and ed to 130 degrees F. Chill. Combine fect with the subtle blue, lavender dark greens. The new bright blue carrots, pineapple and salt When and pink in the tweed. is the talk of the town. With furs When one invests in a three- it is outstanding in any fashionable mixture is slightly thickened, fold in carrot and pineapple mixture. Turn piece outfit as perfectly ensembled gathering. Amethyst tones and pur­ into individual molds. Chill until as the handsome model shown to ples also are being played up to firm. Unmold on crisp lettuce Gar­ the right, she has underwritten for heights of distinction in wools, their nish with mayonnaise and grated herself a feeling that wherever she beauty accentuated with handsome goes she is sure to be among the amethyst jewelry and sumptuous carrots. Makes 32 portions. This important en­ furs. Just in case you want to make up best dressed. a church supper menu of your own, semble for town carries an air of (Released by Western Newspaper Union.) I'm listing additional recipes: Meat Loaf. 10 pounds ground round steak 2 pounds ground pork or salt pork 4 eggs H i pound bread crumbs Crocheters, now is your big mo­ 2 onions ment. Crocheting is rising to dizzy 1 tablespoons salt heights of style prestige this sea­ 2 teaspoons pepper son. It is nothing less than aston­ 1 i quart cold mashed potatoes ishing to see what novel and in­ 1 i quart milk or canned tomatoes triguing costume accents can be Mix thoroughly, mold into five achieved with crocheting. This loaves, and bake in a moderate oven new enthusiasm for crocheting is 350 degrees F., until done. Makos “going big" "with leading designers 50 servings. everywhere who are bringing new *noilcd Coffee. artistry and imagination into the (Serves 50) field of crochet design. 1 Mi pounds coffee (6*4 cups) One of the most fascinating ges- 2)4 gallons water tures noted this season is that the 2 eggs Mix shells, whole eggs and 1 addi­ new longer length heralded for the tional cup of cold water with coffee. smartest vividly colorful suede or When the water comes to a bolt fabric gloves is being achieved by add the coffee egg mixture which either gauntlet or mosquetaire tops has been tied in a bag, to the boil­ done in simple crocheting decorat­ ing water, and boil for 3 to 5 min­ ed with tiny crocheted flowers or utes. Test for strength. When ready, tiny ruffles that finish the top edge and then go meandering down the remove bag, let coffee stand 10 to 15 glove. minutes before serving. Wool suits and dresses are cun- • • • The wife of one of our famous nlngly detailed with pockets cro- football coaches, Mrs. Lou Little, dieted of yarn in either a match- likes to serve a simple but hearty ing or a contrasting color. A meal after the game. Jot this one crocheted patch pocket embroid­ down ns an Idea for an after the ered in your monograpt will ndd a game supper or church supper idea: thrilling touch to your long middy- Hot mulled cider, casserole of pork like jersey sweater. Other ideas include a border of Here is a perfectly charming din* and beans, buttered hot date-nut bread, celery, pickles, and chill crocheting that widens the brim of ner gown made of silk jersey that sauce; jellied cole slaw; doughnuts your gay colored felt hat. Add a combines sun tan beige for the bag and belt with related crocheted blouse with black jersey for the and coffee. The skirt is subtly draped For the casserole, used canned detail. Cover big button molds with skirt. pork and beans with tomato sauce; plain crocheting adorned with an in the new long sleek lines so popu­ Note the new. hent in the oven about 20 minutes. applique of crocheted flowers. De­ lar this season. As a decoration use half slices of signers are also bringing genius to long dolman sleeves. A wonderful date-nut bread. Put them around the play In the crocheting of scarfs and black cire felt turban has superfine top of the beans for 5 minutes be­ triangular head coverings. In fact, sheer black lace veiling arranged fore the casserole comes out from there is no end to the charming and over its crown, the ends brought unique uses now being made of down and fastened under her chin. the oven. Gold buttons adorn the blouse. (Released by Western Newspaper Union.) crocheting. Crocheting Has a Gay Fashion Role Silk Jersey How To Relieve Bronchitis pEW outfits can serve with great- 1 er usefulness in fall and winter wardrobes than the jerkin, skirt and blouse and you can make these for yourself w ith Pattern No. 1477-B at very slight expense. You can wear this costume day after day to the office or to school, al­ ways with a fresh blouse or inter­ esting sweater. It will be ideal for sports events or travel. In appearance it is youthfulness personified. The dart-fitted jerkin makes the most of a slim waistline. The skirt is of plain gored con­ struction, flaring to a wide hem. Pattern includes a classic blouse Creomulslon relieves promptly be­ cause It goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in­ flamed bronchial mucous mem­ branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulslon with the un­ derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis Mostly Sniffles Life is made up of sobs, sniffles and smiles, with sniffles predom­ inating.—O. Henry. DON'T LET CONSTIPATION A house-full of smoking pleas­ SLOW YOU UP ure is the gay, new Christmas gift package of Camel Cigarettes now a When bowvls are sluggish and you feel irritable, headachy and everything you being featured by local dealers. do ia an effort, do as millions do — chew Designed in the shape of a house, FEEN-A-MINT, the modem chewing trimmed even to the snow on the gum laxative. Simply chew FEEN-A- roof, this colorful package con­ MINT before you go to bed—sleep with­ tains four “flat fifties’’—200 Camel out being disturbed—next morning gentle, Cigarettes, America’s favorite. No thorough relief, helping you feel swell wrapping is needed. There is even again, full of your normal pep. Try a gift card printed right on the FEEN-A-MINT. Tastes good, is handy package. For those smokers on and economical. A generous family supply your Christmas list, give Camels and be sure your gift is appreci­ ated. Camels are also available in the regular carton of ten pack­ ages of “20’s”—200 cigarettes. The Imagination’s Poetry carton, too, is handsomely Sentiment is the poetry of the wrapped and ready to give.—Adv, imagination.—Lamartine. FEEN-A-MINTi’oi NOTHING OOM£S EVE CLOSE TO CAMELS WlTb THE/Re MILDER By i ANO, MAN, WHAT A SWELL FLAVOR • CurtiaaTeat Pilot BUI Ward teata diva» bombers for the Navy ... shares the Navy-man's preference for Camels« THE SMOKE OF SLOWER-BURNING CAMELS CONTAINS 28% LESS NICOTINE than the average of the 4 other largest-selling brands tested— less than any of them — according to independent scientific tests of the smoke itself! THE CIGARETTE OF COSTLIER TOBACCOS