Friday, November 14, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER PaqezT CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Fun for the Whole Family BIG TOP Plan Now for Fall Planting Free 40 page catalog 700 varieties of Fruit. Nut Flowering and Shade Trees. Shrubs. IP sea. Berry planta, etc Holland Tulips grown In Ore­ gon. Free price Hat In color Please mention descriptive matter wanted. Tualatin Valley wood, Oregon. By ED WHEELAN fXa«ioe the tent the ceitciivc and J eff were - still talking W r T—o-—~---------------------------------- ’T--------------------- n~ » NURSERY STOCK -AMD SO THE TWO HOLDUP GUYS PLANNED < To DOUBLE-CROSS BOTH STINGER AND FOWLER | AND Http >DUP MONEY THEM6ELVES" *WEN I THEY GOT PRUNK AND CKUARRELLED ONER THE DIVISION OF THE DOUGH, WE TABBED 'EM AND i FORCED A CONFESSION OUT CF 'EM ”SO V . HERE'S MOST OF fl V your ten . \ THOUSAND, r, \ MR P>AN -rsk-TSK I I ••• ) 5AM «STINGER IS I HCNJ HORRIBLE, _ -I HAL. “ NOW I KNCN) YN JAIL. YWRA. AH' •SILK" IS UNDER why i always ARREST IN THE. mistrusted , HOSPITAL. - IT 'S , THAT MAN - I PLAIN NOW THAT '6lLR *'• I HE'S REALLY . M/A-o BACK Of ALL OUR \ A FIEND !' > • MISMAPS¿.,_^ . ------- -* / •i'i * • It.. / f I MEVER TRUST DÓT A WONDER- HE BUMMER 7SILK". . I ITS DIDN’T Ifey TO SlNCE I \A/AS MlT f VOIGON US ALL [ DER SHOW, lotta - / NOWlT COMES A ( or somethin ' "2. K OUT - KA" j—-—« TRUCK WRECKING COMPANY lOttiAS f. Hawthorne z M* ív Take Your Choice Portland. Ora RABBITS AND SKINS POULTRY AND RABBITS WANTED Good white fryer rabbit skins 11 10 per lb Write postcard for prices and Information Bnby A Co- 935 I W. Front Portland. Ore. s' jj LALA PALOOZA TRUCK PARTS Heavy-duty Motora axels parta, bodies, tires, hoists and used trucka £ , I 4 Sher­ AT LAST' ROCKHILL EVERIIEAR- ING .STH A WHERRY plnnta na»on- ably priced Wonderful berry. 100% perfect. Plant 100 nr-w. harvest Berrien worth 915.00 next aurnrner. 2|c each postpaid. any quantity. Orwn Mountain Berry Growers, Castle Bock. Wash. [( G oodness , mogo , A LITTLE LATfR THE NEWS SPREAD LIKE IN UDF IRE Mnrecries, By RUBE GOLDBERG FILM DEVELOPING FAST SERVICE Boll Developed end Two Printe from Each Good " negative WBSTBBM bos W-4365 25c PHOTO COMPAMT Portland. Ora. J EK1NT8 AND TWO ENLARGE­ MENTS 25c—Made by Pot Hand's larg­ est retail kodak finisher Satisfac­ tion guaranteed Quality Fletare Co. Box W3573. Fortiund. Oregon. PICTURES frr*m kodak films on Beautiful Christmas Greeting cards with envelopes to match. 61 00 per dozen. Send negative, or write for sample. Superior Picture Co, F. O. Box 489. Fortland, Oregon. SCHOOLS PBBFABE MOW FOB FUTUBB EABM WHIILE YOU LEAH» Earnings more than |>a\ tuition. MOLEH BARBES COLLEGE 104 First So. Seattle, Wn. EQUIPMENT S’MAT TER POP— Today We Go In for Pathos By C. M. PAYNE COMPLETE Stick of NEW SCHULT TRAILER HOMES The best qual­ ity trailer at moderate prices. Also used. Trade and terms Lombard Trailer Sales, 4536 V. Lombard St. U.S. 30 Bypass, Portland. Oregon. HELP WANTED DEPENDABLE. EXPERIENCED OR PARTIALLY experienced woman of stable background, perst nallty and ability to work (one shift as cook or waitress) and help manage beauti­ ful cafe In live area. Salary, per­ centage. excellent living quartern and permanent honest cooperative and willing worker preferred to too much experience. No snap or play Job. but worth while. Apply man- ager. Hotel Continental, Grand Con- lee, Wash. FOR SALE Now Hatching Weekly Dubl-Dollar New Hampshire«— U. 8. Certified Leghorns Vashon Island Co-operative. Hatchery, Box 3, Va­ shon. Washington. MESCAL IKE In That Case You Never Can Tell By S. L. HUNTLEY For Western Washington ranches and dairies Writ.- i s, this is one of but many bargains. 40 acres bottom land, good buildings, will run 30 milk cows. S1000 00 equity In ranch. 32 eows, all equipment. Income at present S275 per mmth. JT. J. Bob- erts, Kelso, Wash. REPAIR PARTS FOR RANGES HEATERS. FURNACES. Gmrt- tner's, H1413 Monroe, Spokane. FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR HUNT­ ING DOG—C-B. OMA Signal gen* erator; C-B. 281A Unimeter; con­ fidence special tester. Equipment practically new and In Spokane. Write Box 743, Z>lbby, Montana. 25 Young Hounds. Well-trained on all game. None better. Stalf broke. No bad habits. 16 Hound Pups from trained parents Willard Bum­ side. Glenoma, Wash. ATTENTION, ARTHRITICS. IF ALL OTHERS have failed, write for our free boctdet. Baiter Bay CUnlc, Ta* colt. Wash. POP—No Argument Here By J. MILLAR WATT LARGE portable sawmill with top ar­ bor cheap. Harry J. Veldwyk Mach. Co., 1743 First So. Seattle. Wash. EL 8103. “I don't like the stage manager.” said the soutrette petulantly. “He’s always making us learn some new popular song.“ “What of that?” asked the first comedian. “Oh.” answered the soubrette, “I hate a man who puts on so many airs.” .Might Come in Useful Isn't it strange that nothing wd possess in this world will be of any use in the next?” “Oh, I don't know. You might hang onto that little book you have entitled 'What to Do in Case of Fire.’ ” CLEARING FOR ACTION THE SPORTING HING WE BUY AND PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICES Hides—Horsehides—Cali Skins —Horsehair—Sheep Pelts—Wool —Cascara Bark—Rabbit Skins —Furs—Coyotes, Etc. Ship & Write to Hibbard-Stewart Co 1210 Western Ave. Seattle. Wright's Health Underwear Men's wool union suits and also wool shirts and drawers give greatest satisfaction to wear ,t We use western wool. Also new patented rein­ forced supporter dou­ ble crotch gives long­ er wear and more sea u • sat or»comfort. Try out these garments and enjoy their body comfort. Ask at your retail etorea. Do It now. LANG ARMSTRONG BUT WEIGHT'S VMDB1W1AB FOB CHBXSTMAS WRIGHT'S UNDERWEAR CO. ••Nobody knows where It comes from—but It drops in every evening for a workout.” 34S Broadway Mow Tork