Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, November 14, 1941, Image 5

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Every large ship In the IIH
Navy and many of the smaller
ones publish a dally press sheet In
mimeograph form
• Pfc. Alden Powell Is visiting
parents, Mr and Mrs A 1»
Powell having arrived in Ashland • Bellview P TA will met Hl 2
Monday from Albuquerque, N M p. m. Fnday '1 he meeting la a
week ahead of the regular time
on acounl of Thanksgiving
_ next
week The main business will be
imilig a lady to cook hot lunch, as
no woman on the WI'A is avail­
able this year.
• Miss Nancy Ring who is em-
pioyed al Dunsmuir spent lhe
week-end with her paren'ts, Mi
and Mis M A Ring
• l-.ail Warren and Eunice Kin-
raid visited with E H Wilson
Sunday evening.
• Marvin Ring who I h teaching
schrstl at Empire near Maishfieid
had a few «lays vacation this week
and was home until Wednesday
• Mrs I E 1 «e.idinond nr.-i M
George Helms attended the Ai
mistice day parade in Modfoid
Tuesday afternoon.
• I E D'-adniond ind C M I.
wilier ot Ashland spent Tuesday
duck hunting in Klamath county
• Mr. ami M ih Mod« ■ n attend* !
the Ai mistier day cciebi ation In
Medford Tuesday.
• Du i |.p. i Valley Comm u It .
club met Wednesday afternoon
with Mis. Bertha Wallis leading
the Bible study and Mrs. Vai Ln-
low in «-barge of the piogiam
Mis Chamberlain, Mis Chariei
May and Mis Edwin Dunn wen
hostesses for th«- afternoon.
• Th«- Bellview extension unit Will
meet on the fourth Wednesday in­
stead of the third as was planned
• Mi ind Mrr Wallet Bash vi
Red in Klamath Falls Satuiday
with Mr. and Mrs Robert Rosen­
baum and son.
• Mrs llciman Helm was ho.*t< --
to the Embroidery club Wednes­
day afternoon of last week. 'Hie
meeting opened with a 1 o’clock
luncheon and the afternoon was
spent In needlework and visiting
• M> and Mrs Olson icccnt ar­
rivals from International Falls,
Minn., have leased th«- Bellview
service station from R. E. Bell
and have taken possession.
• Mim
ployed at the Cameo beauty salon
in Medford.
• Wtlmei Warren who has been
with the US army stationed at
Fort Stevens has been discharged
from the service and will be at
home with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. A Warren.
• H 1. Gregory Mrs Grace
lars and daughters Lucile
Aiieen of Central Point were
ner guests Tuesday of Mr.
Mrs Mark True
• Mrs Walter Davis and Mrs.
Floy.i Paika ot <'entrai i*oint •• I
ited Wednesday with Mr Parks
who is employed at Copco.
• A group of friends and neigh-
bora surprised Mr. and zMrs. Ar-
thur Bailey with an old-fashioned
charivari at the home of Mrs Bai­
ley’s parents. Mr. and Mrs Simp­
son, last Monday evening. The
evening was spent in playing
games and visiting. Mrs. Simpson
served refreshments.
• M i
x R
guests, Mrs. Cora Fleener and
Miss Audry Dodge, and Miss Beth
Hamaker visited Wednesday in
Talent. Central Point and Med­
ford. Mrs Fleener and Miss Dodge
left for their home in Washington
by way of Klamath Falls Friday.
5c-10c-S1 STORE
One swell Kuy
For Screws and Bolts
Give him a try.
He does his part in every sense
To be prepared for your
One hundred and sixty-five
years of democracy have
made America the richest,
the freest, and the most ae-
cure country in ali the
world, and every patriotic
man, woman and child in
the nation wants to keep
it that way.
We are rich, we are free.
lenge to our way of life
breaks in on our democrat­
ic peace and contentment
America realizes at Iasi
that these terrible events
hold a deadly threat to this
Whether we
like it or not, or whether
we may ever be called on
to use our defense com-
mon sense and common
Provost Hijfh Scorer
In Conference Piay
The 20 points Bud Provost ci
ed in the Medford gam«- last Fri
day advenced him from seventh to
first place as the leading scorei
of the southern Orwgon high
school football conference.
Junes, leading Medford's league
scoring, wound up in second place
and Ralph Koster, the Klamath
Fails speed demon, finished
third position.
• Mis Lydia Powers ot Wagnei
Creek underwent an eye operation
for the removal of a cataract at
Mer many
Medford last week
friends in the valley hope for a
successful and speedy recovery.
• Mr and Mrs John Gore and
daughter Jeanett moved from th*
old highway one mile south of
Talent to Medford last week Jea
netl teaches the third grade in the
local school. They were unable to
find a place to locate in Talent.
• '1
the home of Mrs. Nettie Naugles
from 10 a m until 4 p m. Thurs­
day. A potluck luncheon was
served at noon.
During the training period U.S
Navy recruits gain an average of
fifteen pounds each.
• The T.rlcnt extension unit
at the hon e of Mrs J. C Williams
Wednesday for an all-day session
Miss Furred home demonstration
agent, gave h -sons on the car« of
sick in the home The subject was
an interesting one and listened to
with much interest There was a
goo<| attendance of members. A
covered dish luncheon wax served
at noon.
• Talent Townsend club meets
every second and fourth Tuesday
of each month. Tuesday evening
an oyster supper was served
There was a very enjoyable pro­
gram following th«- supper.
• M
who reside south of Ta'ent re­
turned bom«- from Ix«s Angeles
where they were 'ailed by th«- ser­
ious Illness of their son. They re­
port him as somewhat improved
and he plans ori coming to Oregon
as soon as his health permits.
• Mr. and Mrs Fred Hodapp and
two girls umd Mrs. Thresa Rob­
erts of the Central Point area
visited friends in Talent Sunday
back to work on the T. I D after
a peri'xl of two or three months
lay off.
• T -
night with th«- election of officers
as the main business Ear1 Yar-
yan was elected master: Elton Pe­
tri. overseer: Mrs Nellie Borg,
lecturer: James Wolters, steward;
Alvin Smith, Assistant steward:
Rev. C W Astelford, chaplain:
Mrs. Stanley Robbins .treasurer:
Robert Learning, gate keeper: Vi­
ola Smith, Ceres: Mrs. Anna Lu-
nak, Pomona: Marveen Shumate.
Flora: Marian Borg lady assistant
steward; George Hartley, execu-
live committee; Mrs
Holmes, musician The YGA meets
at Central Point Nov 12 and the
Talent HEC meets with Mrs. Nora
Wolters in Talent Tuesday, Nov.
11. Refreshments will be served
by the young people of the grange
Remainder of th* evening will be
spent in practicing for the square I
dances which are to be held thru-
out the county.
• Mr and Mrs Joe Skeeters of
Lincoln street. Ashland, spent last
Tuesday at the home of their son
and daughter-in-law. Mr.-and Mrs. i
Charles Skeeters.
• Mr and Mrs Paul Stelle and'
children left Monday- for Portland
where Mr. Stelle is employed.
• Ml
Phoenix and Mr and Mrs Edward
Inman of Medford were .»hopping |
ami visiting in Talent Saturday
• Harland Ixiwe of the 17th bomb
group, stationed at Pendleton air
base, is home on a 30-day fur­
Our stock of Fine Gift Jewelry is
complete .. Make your Christmas
selections now and use our
Lay-away Plan!
“Home of fletter Jewelry”
Swedenborg Building
Ashland, Oregon
go East through sunny California—
through romantic San Francisco and glamorous Los Angeles.
On roundtrip tickets to New York, Chicago and most other
eastern cities, you can go this way for not lc extra rail fare.
k\ i I T
t/1 Ilf Ê 1 ^7
Southern California All-Winter Sun Festival!
WHEN YOU £0 EAST through California, you can see some of
the 300 events of Southern California’s All-Winter Sun Festi­
val. From now until March, there'll be something doing every
day in the land of palm trees and movie stars. For free list
of Sun Festival events, see your S. P. agent or write J. A.
Ormandy, 622 Pacific Building, Portland, Oregon.
The Friendly Southern Pacific
See your local S.P. agent or write J. A. ORMANDY,
Gm. Pan. Agl., 622 Pacific Bldg., Portland, Ore.
. * ree* the
wire,., bud*i*n't heve enough
ree*y money for the ticket, se
t phene* the FIRST NATIONAL
BANN. luckily the beys knew
me, for I he* fíne nee* my eer
there. The money wes wmtmg
fier me en* t wes en my wey
and we are secure because i caution demand that
ours is a government of the build up a superlative de­
people, for the people, and fense with a maximum of
by the people. The individ­ thoroughness.
ual is supreme. He has al­
Accordingly, the Govern­
ways been so from the mo­
has issued a clarion
ment the nation was found­
ed. To him belongs th«> call to American patriot­
credit for having created a ism and efficiency A great
new way of life the Amer­ program is rapidly taking
ican Way and on him form, and billions of dol­
must devolve the responsi­ lars are needed at once to
bility for its perpetuation implement it. Necessarily,
But normal times do not more taxes must be im­
always prevail uninterrupt­ posed. Taxes are govern­
ed either with individuals mentally-fixed
or with nations From with­ tions by the people for the
in or from without, unex­ support of the nation.
pected events sometimes America does not have to
force us temporarily to and never will tax its peo­
change the entire pattern ple to the point of confis­
of life. And so It is now cation. Bleeding the people
with America. Suddenly, white with taxes is a total­
from afar, an Impudent itarian presumption. It is
and contemptuous chai not the Democratic way.
a Thanksgiving
Day Every Week!
—by having the Ashland Laundry Com­
pany help you with your washing you
will indeed find it an occasion for
thanksgiving each week when your
laundry ret urns so fresh and clean,
None of the muss and drudgery of
washday to mar the week—and this
service is surprisingly economical
Phono 7771
“For the ideal washday—
Just call,
That’s all.”