Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, November 14, 1941, Page 3, Image 3

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    Friday, November 14, 1941
Rayon Fabric Patterns Show
New Emphasis on Originality
Page 3
Dcur Mu
Every day they are checking out
a bunch of u* refugee* from soft
bed* under them
new rule* releas­
ing jeeps who arc
married, or 28
year* old. or
needed at home,
but they are still
pussing me up
like 1 was the
urrny's choice for permanent K P
duty. 1 look and feel more like a
hardship case than most of the
crumb hunter* who ure being re­
leased and I keep telling the officer*
that I am no more use to the army
than if I was married on account
of I am in love.
There are three buttons closing
the top and four patch pockets.
This new length jacket fits well
down over the hips and the skirt
follows a gently flaring line be­
low. It’s a frock to make now in
plaid wools, it will be suit-like in
gabardine or corduroy, especially
when worn with the crisp white
• • •
Barbara Ball Pattern No 1473 B is de­
signed for Ilze* 12. 14. 1<J. IS and 20 Cor­
responding bust measurement* 30, 32. 34,
36 and 38. Size 14 132) with short sleeve*,
requires 4% yards 35-lnch material. 3
yards M inch material. *• yard 35-lnch
material for dickey. Send your order to:
Beautifully adapted to the fluid
molded lines of the current eve­
ning season, sleek rayon Jersey
brings its lovely draping quality to
Larne Patch Pockets
Extend the *Netv Look'
It make* me soar to see a lot of
boys being released every day. But
they certainly get checxed up on and
three day* before they go they get
a complete going over by the doc-
tors again. I can't figure this out
■ unless they want to be sure no jeep
get* out of the army in any better
shape than he was when he came
in. I asked Sergeant Mooney and
he said it was the rules that every
soldier must be exactly like he was
when he was accepted He said one
reason why I could not get out was
that I was in such lousy shape when
I reached camp that it would be Im­
possible for a army to ever get me
back in the same condition again.
sophisticated dinner and evening in­
spirations. Jewel-toned rayon jersey
falls in sleeky gleaming folds for
the skirt and wide bishop sleeves
ot the glamorous dinner gown cen­
tered in this group.
The vogue for street-length infor­
mal dinner gowns has inspired the
Otto Bixby thought he was going
long-torso style which combines a to be released and he was all set
rich black rayon crepe skirt with a and everything but after the med­
smartly contrasting shaded rayon ical inspection he was told he wood
and metal stri)>ed bodice, as shown have to stay in the army. The rec­
to the right The long sleeves and ord* of admission showed he had
low V-neck of the bodice are excel­ four teeth missing when he got in
lent fashion points, as is the grace­ and they don't check with the fact
ful all-round pleated skirt.
lie ha* six missing now.
Indispensable in the dinner and won’t accept hi* explanashun how he
evening wardrobe are the rayon i last the other two.
crepe frocks
Lovely versatile
They just finished a big athletic
types, sucn as matelasse pattern­ Held for us at this camp and we
ing*, tree-bark effects and mossy
got a regimental
finishes give pleasing variety. The
football team on
exquisite grace of line expressed in
witch I am trying
the slender tiered frock to the left
out for the re­
in the group interprets the beautiful
In the
draping qualities of mossy rayon
first scrimmage I
crepe. In this Instance the crepe
got a sprained
is in a dusty rose, with the refined
ankul, two broken
brilliance of cut steel at the draped
toes, a dislocated
! arm, a soar back and two teeth
(Itelessed by Western Newspaper Union ) knocked out but 1 still do not feel
Be livelier
The latest turn of fashion is to
carry out the costume ensemble in
one color from head to foot Very
handsome indeed is an outfit that
created quite a sensation in the
grandstand parade at one of the
important games this fall.
stunning ensemble, done in the new
gold tone so smartly in fashion, in­
cluded a fleece boxy topper, a per­
fectly matched handknit two-piece
dress and a turban. Costumes nil
in the widely heralded "black plum"
are also outstanding in the autumn­
winter collections. Brown and to­
paz colors are also very effective
developed in single tones throughout
Bangle Bracelets
Ostrich Trim
Wcll, I will close now with lots
of love.
Your son,
PS—I wish you would ask Nellie
Peterson to write me oftener than
three times a week.
• • •
"WANTED employment for two
1 young women in early twenties;
A B. degrees, intelligent, attractive,
poverty-stricken. Can act, model,
dance, sing, act, knit, sew, paint.
I decorate, act, sell, ride horseback,
read to invalids, swim, act. play
hockey, walk dogs, play bridge,
French, German,
Greek, Russian, Latin, fence, act,
direct, design,* construct, act, cook,
mix drinks, play piano and ukulele,
compose, act, wash dogs, parachute
jump, play tennis, hook rugs, mind
children, act, psycho-analyze, de­
bate, garden, photograph and act.
Phone CHelsea 3-3059 between 5:30
and 9 p. m."—New York Times,
But how are you on ski jumping
and horse-shoeing?
Tip l<> Toe—You'll
Be Wearing One Color
The much-beloved little pillbox
hat is taking on new glory this sea­
son. Picturesque ostrich goes trail­
ing down one side over the hair in a
glamorous "portrait of a lady"
manner. The huge profile berets
I asked Sergeant .Mooney how 1
done and he said I must of attracted
at ten shun becuz he knew the army
was scouting the game and he saw
I a scout looking at me and saying
( he never saw anybody play the kind
, of game I did
Dresses and suit* are very pocket­
conscious this fall. Four seems to
be the magic number for pockets
and sometime* six—four on the
long-torio jacket, diitributed in two
breast pocket* and two hip pockets,
with the skirt sporting two pockets
on its own account
Ingenious pocket arrangements
are also expressed in connection
with peplum flares There are sep­
arate stole scarf affairs made to
wear with practical daytime dresses
that are finished off at each end with
huge pockets. They have zip fasten­
ings, all very practical and usable
Young girl* are going in for a
new hobby. It is the collection of
bangles for their bracelets which are
for tiie most part in silver. You can
buy cunning little trinkets galore at
the jewelry counters, and a most
thriving business is going on in their
sale. However, it makes it far more
interesting to add the personal touch
of dropping a hint to doting rela­
tive* und friends that you would
rather have a bangle to add to your
collection than any other gift they
could make to you.
| no worse after it all than 1 do when
I get back from a manoover.
"Only the brave deserve the fair"
—and "only the fair deserve the
brave." In these times when men
are so occupied with defense, wom­
en and girls can maintain national
morale only if they look their best.
Just as soldiers, sailors and marine*
are required to keep their uniform*
neat, to shave every day, to keep
their nails in order, and to have good
haircuts, so should women be
especially careful of their clothes,
their complexions, their hand* and
hair. The selection of stylish, be­
coming dresses and the use of cold
cream, powder, lipstick and nail pol­
ish and attention to the hair are
more important than ever before.
Here 1* a lovely New York creation
that carries out the trend of "dressi­
er dresses" and feminine elegance
with its smooth, slenderizing pock­
et* and antique filigree gilt button*.
Believe it or not. there is at 491
East 95th street, Brooklyn, a Society
for the Prevention of Disparaging
Remarks About Brooklyn.
• • •
Three New Jersey judges have de­
clared pinball machines obvious^
gambling devices and denounced the
claims of operators and lawyers that
they are not. Here and there you
find a court that can't be fooled.
• • •
Hitler is giving the New Order to
Europe and Asia and the dull thud
of the falling bodies of the benefi­
ciaries is heard on all sides.
It is culture by way of the firing
squad and the better life against the
background of a stone wall.
• • •
"This war will decide the fate of
Germany, for the next 100 years.”—
A year ago he said it would decide
It for 1.000 years. What’s a little
matter of 900 years to a micro­
149 New Montgomery Street
San Francisco
Enclose 15 cents tor each pattern.
Every time I urgue that I am
needed at home they just laugh at
me so I gens they must huve
vestignted and found out that 1
way* let you and pop bring up
coal and wood and was not
help to speak of. When 1 think of
how I used to squawk about tending
the furnace it makes me sick all
over. Believe me ma if 1 rver get
out of this and back in my own
home 1 will think it a priverlage to
tend the furnace.
To the evening wear field, where
luxury has always been the keynote,
are contributed gorgeous fabrics
worked with all the lavishness and
richness the feminine heart could
ask. Exquisite, for evening, is crisp
rayon taffeta in enchanting colors
and new effects. Such novel taffeta
finishes aa gleaming satin stripes,
metal stripes and striking plaid ef­
fects with metal stripes and unusual
color designs are seen in stunning
bouffant gowns like the model pic­
tured in the foreground ot our Illus­
fly life's so exciting—
I vork tard jo-sd
Before I’d believe, it
It’s pe.y dt-y exjt
LONGER ure fine fabrics the
•L ’ exclusive property of the few
people who can disregard cost.
There's luxury for everybody these
days, because of the advancement of
rayon as a textile fiber during the
last few years. Rayon has made pos­
sible Die reproduction of nil the mag
nlficence of tradition quality cloths
at prices well within the reach of
modest budgets.
unire on 6uua YfiiOM
MCKfD Ain nOHT /*
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Pattern No. .....................Size............ ...
Name .................................. .............
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Address ................. . .................. ...............
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A Ready Hook
Luck affects everything; let
your hook always be cast; in the
stream where you least expect
it, there will be fish.—Ovid.
, A General Quiz
The Questions
1. What island is famous for its
lake of asphalt?
2. What is a cogent argument?
3. How old are the Union Stock
Yards in Chicago?
4. Who was elected governor of
two states?
5. What is another name for a
6. In what year was the first
presidential election held?
7. What color is the stone called
lapis lazuli?
8. What common name is given
to sodium silicate?
9. The Smithsonian institution
L' ALL sewing will be taken up
* with renewed interest when this in Washington is named after
. pattern comes into your house! what person?
I This two piecer is a style of many
uses to be interpreted in various
The Answers
materials! It is smart, wonder­
fully comfortable and, as every
1. Trinidad is famous for its lake
, woman knows, kind to the fig-
' ure. Pattern No. 1473-B is espe­ of asphalt.
2. A convincing one.
cially successful as it offers the
3. Seventy-five years.
new longer top, with darts fitting
4. Sam Houston (governor of
' it smoothly through the waistline.
both Tennessee and Texas).
5. A gypsy.
6. In 1789.
If hen McKinley Turned
7. Blue.
Useful to Others
8. Water glass.
True charity is the desire to ba
And Wrought Up Mother
9. James Smithson, a British useful to others without thoughts
A short while after her son had chemist, who left $500,000 to es­ of compensation.—Swedenborg.
assumed the presidency, Mrs. tablish the institution.
McKinley was interviewed.
“What would you consider most
Delicious Recipes Free
important in raising a child to be
Would you like to try a brand
President?" asked one reporter.
new delightful recipe for Apple
“That’s a difficult question,” re­ Cake, Coffee Cake, Herb Bread, Or­
plied Mrs. McKinley. “There are ange Bread and dozens of other
so many things to teach boys. appetizing recipes? Just drop a W M
They should be taught to be hon­ post card to Standard Brands, Inc.,
est, reliable, fair.” Then she Dept. W, 691 Washington Street,
added: “But I didn't really bring New York City, and you will re­
my boy up to be President. I ceive a grand cook book absolutely
Enjoy the present hour, be
brought him up to be a good man. free.—Adv.
thankful for the past.—Cowley.
That’s all any mother can do.
First thing I know my son turned
around and began bringing me
up to be the mother of a Presi­
Van (amp’s
When the shopping list is long,
and the purse none too full, ciga-
rettes and smoking tobacco' come
to the front as ideal gifts for the
holiday season. The welcome they
get from any smoker is all out of
Proportion to their modest cost,
hat’s why Camel—America’s fa­
vorite cigarette, and Prince Al­
Bring shouts of joy
bert Smoking Tobacco—the Na­
tional Joy Smoke—rank as leading
^ifta on the Christmas shopping
— from girl or boy
sts. Dealers are featuring the
Camel carton—ten packs of "20’s”
—and a novel Camel package of
four “flat fifties,” also Prince Al­
Honor, Then Courage
I world without courage. It is tha
bert in the pound tin and the
Whether you be man or woman greatest quality of the mind next
pound glass humidor—all special­
you will never do anything in this ' to honor.—James L. Allen.
ly gift packaged.—Adv.
Actual sales record* in Post Exchanges
and Canteen* show Camels ar* the fa­
vorite with men in the Army, Navy,
Marine*, and Cosat Guard.
than the average of the 4 other largest-selling cigarettes tested—leee than
•ny of them—according to Independent scientific testa of the smoke itself!