V D *Z4s Pap** ^kai Jtiiiibly the moat powerful coun­ try on earth, but we muat have UNITY At present we are too disjointed und divided to conque» the Wnikenl aggressor 111 The G P Bulletin suggests that the government might l>e guilty of a double-cross in tossing lalair racketeers Bloff and Browne In the jug for it was the govern­ ment's regulations that made I belt rise to power possible. / * * We doff our tile to the Ashland rooter who sized up the epic Ash land-Medford battle In the thin' quaiter thus: "It i'Miks like the Black Tornado haa dwindled to a mild chlnook " thanksgiving ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1941 Volume X MEMBER DRIVE STARTS TODAY Wimer Injured in Fall at Army Field Charles Wimer Jr., mechanic with the 43d air squadron, who was injured in a fall last week at McChord Field, Wash , is reported to still be in serious condition at the Barnes General hospital in Vancouver, Wash Wimer fell about 70 feet from a tree where he was fixing a bea­ con aerial He was immediately placed aboard a bomber and rush­ ed to the Vancouver hospital where it was discovered he «uf. fered from a skull fracture, a bro- ken leg. a dislocated shoulder and general shock. Wimer Is the son of Mr. and Mrs Charles Wimer of Ashland. The Ashland house-to-house so­ licitation in the Red Cross roll call drive will be conducted today, Friday, with about 30 volunteers taking part, according to Theo J ■ «Norby, local i i 1 B ■^■' tiali iiiiiii Booths ■ I^Halso will be main 8 J R J Gained at either the bank or the postoffice or per­ haps at both places It was in- dicated that the By OLD TIMER To the Editor: _ Thanksgiving appeals to Mil and there is none so [><>01 ami r so badly affected that they do is for the most part completed. have something for which to Chair man Norby emphasized the turn thanks fail that only 50 cents of each The Pilgrims set apart a day of membership goes to the national special thanksgiving at ilymouth organization, the balance remain­ immediately after their first har­ ing here for local use regardless vest in 1621 Other «-arly groups of the amount paid It also was observed the custom Connecticut (Stinted out that every cent (raid made it an annual event, starting- 'for __ __ t_ —.kle... ra«" • tlons are appreciated hut not mandatory.