Friday, Nov. 7. 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 NEWS FROM 'Grizzly Basketball edule A n nou need Washington School I Seh The following basketball sched­ AfAÎÎlK M Friday and Saturday! RIP-ROARING ACTION! ROMANCE RIDES ON WINGS OF ADVENTURE! ’‘■'«•rii.' SUN • MON • TUE rr s for Forget the news! Shake those blues! Let the Fun-shine in! NEWS UIOM Lincoln School HINDSIGHT ON SPORTS By SCHOOL I'll'II.S I By SCHOOL PUPILS ule for the Ashland high school Room 4 is making very interest­ Grizzlies' 1941-42 season was re- Miss D«-|M' w ' h \ l-»it I M iss Depew came to visit room i ing Thanksgiving booklets We leased by school officials Thurs- 1 1 1 < 5 ef Lincoln school Nov. 4 Sue write stories which tell about the told them about the alphabet and Pilgrims coming to this country. lly I TOLI» YOU so 12-13. Bend at Bend. how it was developed from plctuie First from England to Holland, 19. jamboree at Medford then to America They named the 9. Grants Pass at Ashland writing Mias Depew showed them Even if the Ashland Grizzlies I on the board that A was an ox. place where they landed in Amer­ Jan. 13. Ashland at Roseburg B a house, C a camel, D a tent. E should happen to lose their game ica "Plymouth Rock." They came Jan 16. Medford at Ashland in 1620 . We make pictures also, Jan 20. Grants l'usa at Grants 'a window, F a hook. II a fanes, I with Astoria there Nov I4, they j and J were fish, K a hand, L a will have the distinction of mak ; which describe the stories we Pass write. Jan 24, Roseburg at Ashland whip, M waves, N a fish. O an eye. ing the longest trip of any high P a mouth, Q a knot. R a Read, school in Oregon as far ns this Jan. 30. Ashland at Medford We are reading many interest- department knows Tine Grant S was teeth and T was a cross ing books Some are "The Indians Feb. 3. Ashland at Roseburg The boys and girls in riMint l high of Portland came all the way Feb 6, Grants Pass at Ashland. in Winter Camp," "Little Eagle" and "Ta-Kee the Boy from No­ Feb 13. Klamath Falls at Ash- have finished building their play- to Klamath Falls to lose 7-6 to the house. It has a chimney, a good Pelicans and Medford travels to where." land. Delmar Kampmann's mother Feb. 17 Roseburg at Ashland roof, two windows and a little Tile Dulles on Nov 29 in a game porch. The boys and girls have that probably will decide the my­ Feb 20. Medford at Ashland. bought us each a cup cake for our Feb 21. Ashland at Granta Pass. used it for a school house, church thical state championship But the Hallowe'en party. She had painter! Feb 24. Klamath Falls at Klam- and a playhouse Everyone helped Grizzlies' jaunt to Astoria is con­ faces on the top of them with build it. Some of the boys made siderably farther than Grant high good frosting The cakes were so ath Falls little benches to put inside the traveled and bests the Medford Feb 27 Ashland at Medford. good! Mrs. Kampmann also brot trip by about three miles, accord­ house. us candy for our party. We thank ing to our map. her very much for remembering classes. Marine Garden The trip gives the local grid­ We have just received the first i Miss Stephens brought a marine us. The Washington school will copies of the "Washington Flash- garden to room 5. She brought It atela something to work for in the hold Open House on the evening | es ” It includes sports. Jokes, Tuesday. Nov. 14. The colors in it closing part of the season and of Nov. 13 at 7:30. Classes will be . birthdays in November. poems. I I 'are purple, green, yellow, violet, i gives them a chance to get out of held for the benefit of the visiting I riddles and clubs We think they orange and white. It looks like a their old stamping grounds und take on some fust stepping compc parents and friends. Anyone in­ are very interesting, Why don't castle and is very pretty. tition: not that the Medford fra terested will be most welcome, you buy one? A Trip to the Library cas tonight won't la- with fast The patrol boys of the Safety Classes in music and art will be 5 took a trip to the libra- enough company. If they should held in addition to the regular Council have their new yellow I ry. Room The children's librarian, Miss get over Astoria they will have to hats and belts and white rain­ . Mason, showed them many inter be reckoned by upstate tennis and coats. The two six-man football teams esting new books She told them a papers. it also will I m - a chance for an AUTOMOBILE - FIKE are going to play on the turf field I little about each book. CASUALTY - LIFE Some of the books were about | Ashland athletic tenni to "make ’ again this week. We are very an­ xious and excited The "A" team is dogs .airplanes, negroes and other an upstate paper by more than interesting things The boys and I thè few lines that says "so-and- INSURANCE captained by Ed Beare and the I girls enjoyed the trip and hope to so beat somebody else " "B" team by Robert Fowler. Dependable Protection at At any rate, the signing of Mr. Smith has been taking ple ' get some of the books later. The pupils of room 8 of Lin­ Fishermen is a definite break Reasonable Kates tures of the football teams and coln school had an experiment of the Grizzlies, win or lose players. Oregon and UCLA let us down Bob Osterman is out of school filtering water. They got some M. T. BURNS dirty water and filled a lamp last week-end und sjsiiled an <>th with poison oak. ON THE PLAZA The children of the Washington chimney with sand and gravel erwise perfect record To date <17 school think the copy of Wash- They put the dirty water into the games have been picked with 46 ington School Flashes was very lamp chimney The water went winners and 21 losers This week's selections: Wash­ good and that the staff did a fine through the sand and gravel and when it came out it was cleaner ington over California, Washing­ : WATCH REPAIRING job on their first paper The second grade is reading a than when it was poured in. This ton State over Idaho, Oregon Expert Swiss and American new book "Round About." We proves that sand and gravel clean State over UCLA, Santa Clara over Oregon, Texas over Baylor, watch repairing. Your watch have work books to go with our water. timed and regulated FREE on The sixth grade had a Hallow Northwestern over Baylor, Minne­ readers We enjoying working in our Electric Time Mlchrometer. e'en party at 2 30 p m oct 31 sota over Nebraska, Fordham them. The third grade has a new read­ The game committee was Curtis! over Pitt and Medford over Ash- er. "If I Were Going." We have a Vail. Eugene Ritzinger and Joe land RAMSEY’S JEWELRY work e book to go with the reader. Bayne; refreshment committee.1 Miss Mitchell has read us "Pin­ Juanita Schultz. Dorothy Elhart • Mrs Cora Fleener of Paulsbo, STORE occhio.” We would not like to be and Arlene Gregory, and the dec­ Wash and daughter. Miss Audrey Pinocchio. He is always getting oration committee was Maryen Dodge of Port Orchard, Wash are Ashland Swedenburg Bldg. into trouble, but sometimes we Roberts. Louise Schilling, Ione guests at the A R Kincaid home Hile. Carol Cahill and Virginia • Mr and Mrs A. A Snider ir. are just like him! Lutz, The room was decorated in Los Angele« thl« week on bu«l- with pictures of witches. bats. liess. Grizzlies Stop Yreka coal black cats, and pumpkins Truth or consequences was played In 7-6 Thriller refreshments were served The Ashland high football ma­ until All had a good time. There was a chine had a narrow squeak but An committee of volunteers managed to keep their undefeated clean-up who cleaned up after the party, I record for ■ games played on the Unbeatable new Walter Phillips field intact taking down pictures, cleaning Friday night with a 7-6 win over boards and sweeping the floor Pair Room 8 went to the public li­ the previously undefeated Yreka brary Oct. 28 to have a lesson on Miners. The Yrekans presented a pow­ using the catalog Miss Mason erful and fast-charging line and a taught them many things about lot of fancy backs but the super­ the books and the library They Try Our Milk and Cream ior plugging of the Grizzlies gave found books listed under name and AN ASHLAND PRODUCT them the victory The Californians author cards and learned how to scored in the second period on a find books for themselves It was short plunge through the line and very helpful and they enjoyed it Mr Martin spoke to the chil­ it wasn’t -until late In the third dren of Lincoln school about the quarter that Charley Jandreau blackout He told them what In wiggled his way through the Yre­ and about the ladies who would Clover Leaf Dairy ka secondary to cross into pay dirt do standing up He scored the extra be in every block to help out if needed. Phone «732 point in the same manner. Room 7 had a Hallowe'en party Klamath Falls Pelicans finished Friday morning The room had a their southern Oregon conference games with a 27 to 6 routing of fine time playing games They Grants Pass and Medford trounc­ served popcorn and apples Mari­ ed Eureka 26 to 7 in a king’s-x etta Ball brought candy for the children. game. ----------- e------------ The children in room 5 of IJn- DENTISTS coin school went to the library YOUTH ENJOY PARTY Christ's Ambassadors, young for a lesson. Miss Cora Mason, li­ Dr. L. W. Stoffers people's group of the Full Gospel brarian. showed them how to look i temple, enjoyed a progressive up books by the card catalog bv I DENTIST supper and party last Saturday the number on the shelf and by, Hour« 9-12 and 1-5 evening. The final part of the sup­ the author’s name. per was served at the home of Medical Bldg. Phone 5211 I Rev. and Mrs. L. P. Furman where the group spent the re­ mainder of the evening enjoying r Hallowe’en games. I notice : ------------ •---------- If you don’t want to sell • Mr. and Mrs Philip Wendt your property, don't list it spent last week on the coast and with us! in the northern part of the state. * ITUIA LI I flirt I'riday, Saturday “CRACKED NUTS” plu» “THE KID S LAST RIDE” with Bailee Busters Sunday, Monday and Tuesday Á'ÜÑÍVtRiAl RIÇtURF Wed. and Thurs. Professional Cards F O mm LEVANT ft For Reul Estate 65 N. Main A 345 E. Main BELLVIEW NEWS Virginia DALE Raymond WALBURN Elizab^tK PATTERSON ROCHESTER Wed’sday & Thursday Bargain Days 20c 2 - BIG HITS - 2 “ARTISTS AND MODELS ” with Jack Benny PLUS “THREE SONS ’0 GUNS” ELECTRICITY C. HUFFMAN make sure Care will prevent most fires ... but only sound and suffi­ cient fire insurance will pre­ vent a loss when fire strikes. We represent only tried and tested companies, known for their dependability. Consult us at any time . .. there’s no obligation. Dillings Agency REAL ESTATE and REAL INSURANCE Phone 8731 41 East Main J Continued from Page Five zona. Mrs. Dill who has been here the past several months quite ill is some better and able to return to her home. • Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Reynolds spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs Melvin Conley at Dunsmuir, • George L. Gilbert who has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs F. H. Gilbert, left last week for Sacramento. He has been with the Marines in the Philippine Islands • Mrs. Lora Carver returned to her home in Myrtle Point Friday after visiting several days with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Holman. • Mr. and Mrs. A. R Kincaid and Eunice were Medford visitors Saturday. • Mrs. Cora Fleener and daugh­ ter, Miss Audrey, from Washing­ ton are spending the week at the A. R. Kincaid home. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Kincaid have I received word of the promotion of I Lt. Leslie Kincaid from second lieutenant to first lieutenant. He received the promotion last week at Fort Lewis where he is sta­ tioned. • Earl Warren and Eunice Kin- caid spent a day recently with | Earl’s father, Jerry Warren, at Prospect. • Bellview grange met in regular session Tuesday evening. It was election night and Albert Arnold i was named to head the grange for the coming year. Victor York has been grange master for the past year. • Bert Peachey has been working a few days this week on a tele­ phone line on the McKee bridge I road in the Applegate district. I LIGHTS THE WAY —whether it I m * the blazing day­ light brilliance of huge floodlights at airports guiding planes in to safe landings or the cheery house lamp bringing comfort and convenience into the home. At this season of the year, dark­ ness cornea earlier and more time is spent indoors; so proper lighting is given added importance. For study, for reading, or jutst comfortable re­ laxation, nothing equals good lamps adjusted to your home needs. See the wide selection of lamps at your favorite dealer’s NOW! Ashland Light Department / “Your SERVICE Department”