SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, November 7, 1941 Page 7 QHHHBBD O QHHMD O OHHHHHD 81OHBBBD CD OBHHBD B QBBE9B CD BBBBBD B OBBBBB CD OBMHHDB OBBBBD CD I CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE I NURSERY STOCK Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young | ■(■■g(D(■■■■■ tMMMMD □tmaBaCBHBBDQaaBMNDaMBHDtD■■BIIIBBBIQtMaBMRWItMBEBDS WW imI ..'IBLJ ID I W I I'Wl B "-1 «fiMHagE By ED WHEELAN BIG TOP I m ine GRF AT SCOTT, \ Plan Now for Fall Planting Fra* 40 page catalog 700 varieties of Fruit, Nut Flowering and Shade Treea Shrubs, Renos, Berry plants, etc. Holland Tulips grown In Ore­ gon Free price list In color. Please mention descriptive matter wanted. Tualatin Talley Xnreerles, Sher­ wood, Oregon. 1 don ' t know . honex BJT am / rate yæ know TPEPE S NOTHIN' FOP > ¿Z?. us to vioppy jrä ■ BOUT . _ HAU WHATSjZ< 'S 2-^ME.JEFrJ AT LAST' ROCKHILL EVERBEAR­ ING HTRAWIIKKIlf plants reason­ ably priced Wonderful berry. 10»% perfect. Plant 100 new, harvest berries worth *1500 next summer. tM each postpaid, any quantity. Oreen Mountain Berry Growers, Castle Mock, Wash. ticket wagon e>y gol LZ tack VM GETTING NERVOUS ■" VIHAT-S THAT ! * DICK "HERE / i FOR. ? / HOW SHOULD I KNOW, MAX . BUT WITH THE KIND OF LUCK . WE'Vt BEEN HAVING-, I WOULDMT BE SURPRISED IF THE L . VIHOLE SHOW WAS J* .. P inched zg? . / TRUCK PARTS Heavy-duty Moiurs. axels parta, bodies. Urea hoists and used trucks. TRUCK WRECKING COMPANY Portland. Ora. 10th 4 8 E. Hawthorne RABBITS AND SKINS POULTRY AND RABBITS WANTED. Good white fryer rabbit aklns SI.10 per lb Write postcard for prices and Information Buby * Co. 935 8 W. Front Portland. Ore. “ FILM DEVELOPING FAST SERVICE ¿¿ED WBeejAM Boll Developed and Two Prints from Bach Sood negative By RUBE GOLDBERG LALA PALOOZA WE8TBBB ^LO OK,LIZZIE - I FOUND ALL THIS PHONEY JEWELRY IN MY WAGON V'NCENT, SEIZED WITH A NOBLE IMPULSE TO HELP LALA CLEAN HOUSE, THROWS OUT HER JEWEL CASE CONTAINING $200,000 WOPTH OF HER PRECIOUS JEWELRY 25C PHOTO COMPAMT Portland. Ora. box W-4365 OO,GOOD- l*LL WEAR IT TO THE CROWLEY’S MAY PARTY 7 » PRINTS AND TWO ENLARGE­ MENTS 25o—.Made by Portland's larg­ est retail kodak finisher. Satisfac­ tion guaranteed Quality Picture Co­ Box W3573. Pbrtland. Oregon. PICTURES frtsn kodak films on Beautiful Christmas Greeting cards with envelopes to match, *1 00 per dozen Send negative, or write for sample. Superior Picture Co, P. O. Box 489, Portland, Oregon. « HELP WANTED Want Good Yarder or let yarding for M M. Bp per dav. Roads In. Long job. Sargent, Lowell, Oregon. FOR SALE Now Hatching Weekly Dubl-Dollar New Hampshires—U. 8. Certified Leghorns Vachon Island Co-operative Hatchery, Box 3. Va­ shon, Washington. Frank Jay Markey Syndicate. Inc. By C. M. PAYNE S’MATTER POP— Politeli Silence, Yei Indeed REPAIR PARTS FOR RANGES HEATERS. FURNACES Oruet- tnsr's, M1413 Monroe, Spokane. FOR SALE: Dairy farm: stock farm: wheat farm; in Klickitat County. Washington. Now Is the time to buy farm property. C. H. Xnoeher, Ooldendale, Wash. FOR SALE. VERY REASONABLE. 2 REGISTERED good large Kara­ kul rams and 75 extra good young unregistered Karakul ewes. Also Koinnye. Suffolk and Hampshire registered and unregistered rams and ewes Coffin Sheep Co, Yaki­ ma, Wash. FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR HUNT­ ING DOG—C-B. OJIA Signal gen- erator; C-B. 281A Unimeter; con­ fidence special tester. Equipment practically new and In Spokane. Write Box 743. Libby. Montana. 25 Young Hounds Well-trained on all game. None better. Stalf broke. No bad habits. 14 Hound Pupa from trained parents. Willard Burn­ side. Glenoma, Wash. WE BUY AND PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICES Hide«—Honehide*—Calf Skim —Horsehair—Sheep Pelt«—Wool —Cascara Bark—Rabbit Skins —Fur«—Coyotes, Etc. Ship & Write to Hibbard-Stewart Co. 1210 Western Ave. Seattle. DENTAL PLATES DENTISTRY on CREDIT TERMS By J. MILLAR WATT POP—Careful, Pop! T.k. S, 10. IS Mvark. r, key D r . H arry S emler , don ' t you o&r — I FOUND MYSELF OUTSIDE AND HAD TP PAY TO COME IN AGAIN / TAKEN IN BY THAT LIKE I b DID, CHUM/ Dentiti ALISA V BIX. • In 5 M0RR1S0M • PORTI ANO ORE Back-Driver A back-driver sounds like a mother-in-law in the family car. but it’s really a job in tbe upholstery business. Electric Refrigerators i As of January 1, 1941. there were approximately 18.100,000 electric re­ frigerators in use in the United States. Exports Decrease United States exports of wheat fell from 17.000.000 bushels in 1938-39 to 45,000,000 bushels in 1939-40. MIXED SIGNALS Eye Bender The eye-bender is definitely not a circus freak, for he’s engaged in iron and steel product« work. Thumber Not Hitchhiker A thumber is not a hitchhiker, but a chap who does a specialized job in making wooden boxes. Permanently Frozen In the Soviet Union 47 per cent of the underground soil is in a perma­ nently frozen state. Few Care for Teeth Only about 22 per cent of the United States' population receive« dental care. Mexican Volume By LANG ARMSTRONG GLUYAS WILLIAMS ♦ The first book printed in the West­ ern hemisphere was a Mexican vol­ ume. CWSK PRACflfN.- IV EVERYONE EACEPf FRIEND 1t> TURN AND STARI. WES SIP Of WMER, VERY REP SEES FRiEHO SfiLL PEERM6‘ROUND R>R HIM AND WAVES, WOMAN VPAREN1W -ÍHINKIN6 Hi B WAY1N6 li) HLR. SEES HER SPEAK « ESCORI WHO ÌURN6 AND STARES. BURIES ÎIAMIN6 TACI IN MENU Clepsydra CRIES HIM AND ASKS IN SOME ANNCN'AHCE WHY HE WONT LET NN KNOW WHERE K WAS A clepsydra is a water clock used by the ancient Greeks. Capital of New Greece Athens became the capital of New Greece in 1834.