Paqe 6 Friday, November 7, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER $ I A " e B H arry © Me ClURC PUGH LL> o e !Zf Sg, W.N.U.Service^f p TERNS SEWDNG CONCILIE INSTALLMENT FIFTEEN—The Story So Far Laura Mafuira to wife ____ _ ___ of happy-go- htckv Mik«, editor and mayor of Coving­ ton. whom banker Mays to seeking to min for criticism of his banking meth- ads She to the mother of tour children: Tom. whose real estate Job tn a bigger eft.v peters out tn th* depression, and who separates from his wife. Mary Etta, secretary to a big ahot. shen she re­ fuses to give up her Job and go with him to the smaller town. Alev, who can't get a Job and runs around with a divorcee, but lately has become interested In Lou Knlitht. the town drunk's daughter whom he has tak­ en to his mother's home when her fa­ ther died rescuing a crippled boy tn a lire Shirley, whose marriage to Jalrd New- sum at length takes place when they scrape up enough money to buy a ham­ burger stand, though Ma Newsum want­ ed him to marry Connie Mays, the bank­ er's daughter. Kathleen, who despite herself, to be­ coming Interested in Ritchie Graham, a newcomer, also a newspaperman Kath­ leen does not approve her father and Ritchie's Hghttng with Mays. She's a very unhappy girl. a cottons (and one in wool jersey, for extra warmth). The jerkin cun also be made to contrast with odd skirls, the skirt to go with sweuters and jackets and the blouse to be worn With suits and jumpers. • • • Barbara Bell Pattern No. I21M II la de- signed for styes It. 111. 12. 14 anit til years Sire 10 Jerkin and skirt require l*a yards 54 Inch material; l'p yards 33 Inch. Illouse with long sleeves requires I’s yards of 33 inch material; short sleeves. !•'« yaida Send your order to: AIE YOH Rouble. Stubbvut? Thea try SludaMal Stasi e* alt sue saa'S capaci ihasa to mi aaleae yee gire to««t a U mh Moel peo*ie eiaka aure lo aal S Beata, a day. Bel lk«r eoeee Ihlak of gietag Ihalr oowela a regular Urna i I« évacuation U you've aagloaiod TOUR buweU anni Ihay SaaUy boaaaao slubbora aa• r*- <*««>• g*. <*. f\. (\. g*. that his black eyes gleamed. "Yes?” leen was on earth. Once when Gene a soft, deep, caressing voice that she prompted. Mays danced her quite close. Kath­ was ‘treachery to her throbbing "Behold in me.” he announced leen sang out something impudent senses. with a swagger. "Grocer Kenne- about what a small world it is after Empty Talk day's hired hand." all. But Ritchie only looked at her "Love is the sweetest thing, No mortal has a right to wag "Alec!" as if he had a vague recollection of his tongue, much leas wag his j>en, What else on earth could ever ? A General Quiz “Sure. I’m the grocer boy now at having seen her somewhere before <\. fV. ft« (X. (X- (X. (X. fX. (X. ft« ft. (X. (\ fx. fX. ft« (X. bring without saying something -Car­ ten dollars a week, delivering let­ and turned back to Ruth with ev­ Such happiness to everything as lyle. The Queetione tuce and cabbage and what not at ery evidence of eagerness. It was love's old story?" 1. What is a jury-rigged ship? the back doors of all the best houses then Kathleen ground her teeth, 2. Whut is the unit of lumber in town. If you don’t believe me ACHING-STIFF-SORE Kathleen simply could not bear it "I never dreamed I could be this measurement called a board foot? order a flock of goods tomorrow and way about a girl." said Gene Mays that Ritchie should sing like that 3. What was the first place in watch me do my stuff.” along with everything else. in a strange hoarse voice. the British colonies in America to Laura laughed hysterically. Alec "Don't!” she cried fiercely. Kathleen's pulses stirred. After of all people clerking in a cheap all, he was Eugene Mays. The town have slaves? For Quick Relief - Rub (>n Ritchie turned and looked down at 4. What Canadian province ex­ grocery store! Alec who had prize! The guy girls had tried and her. And the hand that held his tends along the border from New dreamed of doing tremendous things tried to land. Only to get the old cigarette was not quite steady. in a huge way. York to Minnesota? ax for their pains. “I suppose that uncouth Mays cub "Darling.” she gasped between 5. In Greek mythology what was "If it’s any news to you," he said represents all the things you think gurgles, "please excuse it But this the name of the monster with 100 resentfully, “you've got me stand­ you want from life," he said abrupt­ is so sudden.” eyes? ing on my ear.” ly- He grinned. "You ought to see 6. What is a bowdlerized novel? Father of Mischief Her lips quivered. "Perhaps." Kathleen smiled, "You look aw- me in a white apron slicing liver- 7. Who was the financier of the It (gambling) is the child of Ritchie made a sudden violent ges ­ fully cunning on an ear." wurst” American Wur of Independence? avarice, the brother of iniquity, “Have a heart,” he groaned. "It ture. "You are not in love with Laura choked. And then sudden- 8. Who made the Gibson girl and the father of mischief.— him." lv she realized that Alec was not may be fun for you. but it's bell on famous? George Washington. "I'm not?" laughing any more. His young face 9. The "Hundred duys" nre Ritchie stared at her and there was set and a little white. usually associated with whom? was a flame back of his gray eyes. IT IS just like big sister's, that is "I’ve been an awful fool.” he said "Kathleen!” he Said and again his * why this jerkin, skirt and blouse huskily. “Whining because I couldn't The Antuitrt voice made a poem of her name. outfit will be so dear to the heart tackle mountains. Pitying myself 1. One rigged for temporary Little ripples of emotion surged of your teen-age daughter I She'll and running you crazy, I guess. through her, strange Impulses that enjoy starting off to school in it— service. Going to the devil because the world 2. One foot by one foot by one swayed her like a slender palm in the jerkin buttoned down the side, refused to let me set it afire. But the clutch of a tropical wind. “What the skirt smoothly flaring and the inch. I’m through with all that, see? Go­ 3. Jamestown, Va. are you going to do about it?" he blouse fresh and clean I Pattern ing to be a man if I can—and I 4. Ontario. demanded. No. 1296-B is the kind you know you think I can.” 3. Argus. can't go wrong with. You can "I don’t know what you mean.” Laura's heart leaped. 6. An expurgated novel. make the skirt and jerkin in a "Don't you?” “I’m paying Lou’s board. Moth­ 7. Robert Morris. long wearing corduroy, tweed, He leaned toward her and she be ­ er.” 8. Charles Dana Gibson. gan to tremble wildly. Everything plaid wool or gabardine and make “You don’t need to do that, Alec.” 9. Napoleon. (The interval bc- up a set of blouses in washable in her reached out to him. Furi­ “I know, but I want to. God tween his entry into Paris after ously.. knows why, but she thinks I'm the his escape from Elba and his de­ "I can’t give you anything but best cut So I’ve sort of got to parture after his alxhcation. March *e 5 S i** love, ” sang Ritchie under bis try to be, haven’t I?" 10 to June 28, 1815.) breath. "Yes, Laura swallowed bard. The song was trite and silly but Alec." A gift within a gift is the new it didn't sound that way when Ritch­ < my “And I drew five dollars of Christmas eift humidor package ie sang it. Kathleen's hands salary tn advance. Get her some of Prince Albert Smoking Tobacco clenched. decent shoes. Mother, Next week now being featured at local deal­ What ’ ll You Give maybe I can manage enough for a “After all, my wife won't really ers. — ■ The ■ handsome wrapping of "What are you taking for your this package starve, Kathleen.” dress.” ackage conceals a real gf glass dyspepsia?" think Laura's breath caught “I "No,” she said passionately. humidor ._ filled with Prince ... Albi aert. "Make me an offer. ” I can fix up some of Kathleen's for The humidor is a welcome gift for “You'll manage to keep a roof of any pipe-smoker—not to mentum her.” sorts over her head. And if she’s "Nobody,” says a writer, "has the cfioice tobacco inside it. Prince “Gee. will you. Mother?" Alec’s extremely clever about using up ev­ face was radiant ery scrap of stale bread for pudding any use for the man with cold Albert also is available in the one pound tin. specially wrapped "You’re dancing this with me.” Laura sat very still. But a pulse and stoking the furnace on rejection feet.” How about the people who as a gift. Take care of the pipe­ throbbed In her throat. And inside slips and sponging last year's Pan­ make hot-water bottles? Silence a Friend smokers on your Christmas list she breathed a little grateful prayer me. The way you throw me for a ama so that it'll do for another sea­ Silence is a true friend who with Prince Albert — The National I to the God who watches over the fall every time I open my mouth.” son, she'll probably live happy ever Joy Smoke.—Adv. never betrays.—Confucius. Wouldn't Think So "Do 1?" she queried innocently. sons of mothers. afterward.” "Will you join me in a cup of "You know damned well you do.” Ritchie looked down at her and tea?” CHAPTER XXII She laughed. "Maybe Fm bad dope his face was white and very stern. "Will there be room for both of for you," she suggested. “Perhaps “Your values are confused, Kath­ us?” “Where's Lou?” Alec stood in the you’d better leave me lie." leen. They're backfiring.” "Listen,” he said fiercely, “I'll doorway. That's Sure “I’m determined not to have a “1 t< ant tn know uhnl I'm belt fitted “She went up to her room and make you take me seriously if I rush of glamour to the brain and I’ve an idea she’s crying her eyes have to break a tooth or something." spend the rest of my life regretting for. Should I go to a pa I mitt or a mind reader ?" Kathleen smothered a yawn. it” out” said Laura. “But you might When you lake Smith Brothen Cough Drops, "Better choote a pal mitt— you know "You’re dancing this with me,” see for yourself. M "I could make you forget false Sou get Vitamin A at no eitra com . Smith you've got a palm." Alec went almost shyly up the said a voice at Kathleen’s elbow. gods.” Irotben-Black or Menthol-Mill com only H. A "Is zat so?” growled Gene Mays. stairs. He took a quick step toward her Smith Bros. Cough Drops are the Ritchie did not even look at him. and her heart cried out. If he caught Free, a Grand Cook Book "It’s Alec, Lou," he said. His only drops containing VITAMIN A "Aren’t you taking a lot for grant­ her in his arms, she was lost She I voice held a note Laura bad never Standard Brands, Inc., Dept. W, beard before. “I came to say good­ ed?" she asked thickly. knew it She wanted so terribly to 691 Washington Street, New York Vitamin A (Carotene) raises the retiMance of “I don’t think so," murmured be crushed against Ritchie's breast City, have prepared a cook book mucous membranes of nose and throat to night.” b cold infections, when lack of reviM- . “Gee. you’ve been crying,” said Ritchie and held out his arms. "Please,” she whispered. containing dozens of delicious TRAD ante is due to Vitamin A deficiency, / MARK Alec. "I'm sorry.” She had the perverse desire to Only deep within she did not real­ recipes for those who bake at Lou's wan little face quivered. hurt him the way he was always ly crave mercy of him. home. It may be had absolutely “You needn’t stay away all day to­ hurting her without even trying. She Hardy Eskimo Dogs “Don't worry,” cried Ritchie in a free by dropping a post card to the worst blizzards, it is not un­ morrow.” she whispered, “just be­ wondered why he mattered so much. cold, inflexible voice. “I want you. Standard Brands at the above ad­ Although Eskimo dogs prefer to common for them to freeze to the cause you can’t bear to have me It had no rhyme or reason. But he It's queer that I never wanted any dress, requesting that it be mailed and usually do sleep outdoors in ground and be snowed under suf- • around. I don’t want to run you did. Throat tightening, Kathleen woman this way before. I don’t to you.—Adv. the coldest weather and aven in flciently to die of suffocation. f out of your own house. I'll leave, slipped into Ritchie's arms while Hot know why you tear me to pieces or honest, right away.” Shot Mays stared after them with a how it happens that in all the world “You’ve got me wrong, Lou," said scowl. you’re the one my heart cannot re­ Alec. “I don't feel like that about “I didn’t suppose you could tear sist. But I don’t want even you at you. I like you. Better than any yourself away from the syrup pitch­ the cost of my self-respect and THEY girl I ever knew.” er,” she remarked. yours. I could take you, Kathleen, He heard her catch her breath. Ritchie looked down at her with if I would, here and now. I could HAVE SUCH “You’re not just saying that—be­ lazy, sardonic gray eyes and Kath­ set you afire with kisses, Hold you A WELCOME cause—you’re sorry for me?” leen’s heart ran up and down a wild till you begged me never to let you FLAVOR. INEVER Somehow he had her small trem­ chromatic scale. go.” YOU AND ME bling hand. “Look at me, Lou.” “You don’t want me, but you hate GET TIRED OF “It isn't true.” GOTH. CAMELS Her eyes lifted to his. to think someone else might,” he re­ "But I don’t want you that way, SMOKING CAMELS ARE MILDER, TOO— "You’re so sweet,” he whispered marked. Kathleen. I'm a quixotic fool, I and stooped and kissed her. She colored furiously. “So I’m a take advantage of nobody. I love LESS NICOTINE dog in the manger, along with a you. I think you love me too in "Oh!" IN THE SMOKE Lou's little face flooded with burn­ bad-tempered brat and a mercenary spite of yourself. But you’ll proba­ ing color. little beast," she summarized with bly break both our hearts with your "Some day,” said Alec, “maybe bitterness. half-baked misconceptions of what I’ll be some of the things you think "Yes,” agreed Ritchie and life's all about. Would you rather I me. But in the meanwhile—oh, Lou, laughed, She could have slapped let you strictly alone?” he asked. go on believing in me.” him. She hesitated. Ritchie stared at “I couldn’t not believe in you, Al­ To her horror Kathleen found her her with caustic gray eyes. He was ec,” she whispered, “because you’re eyes threatened with tears. She proud and, as he had said, quixotic. looked hastily away. But Ritchie He did not force his love on any you.” And then she closed the door and must have seen, for his arms sud­ woman. Alec went off to his own room to denly tightened about her and a "You’re right,” she said unsteadi­ THE SMOKE OF SLOWER-BURNING CAMELS CONTAINS crRwl into bed beside Tom. But Alec thrill cut her heart in two. ly. “You do something to me. You did not go to sleep at once. “Come outside, Kathleen,” he said have from the first. Maybe it’s love. "Probably everybody will laugh," in a low voice. "There should be a Maybe it’s biological. I don't know he told himself. "But I’ll beat the moon if there isn’t—and I’ve some­ —but I hate it. Probably you could face off the first ape who sneers thing to say to you." sweep me off my balance If you than the average of the 4 other largest-selling cigarettes liked. And for a while it might be at her.” • •••••• tested—less than any of them—according to independent heaven in your arms. But it wouldn’t Kathleen was dancing with Gene last Love doesn't. Some day I'd scientific tests of the smoke itself! Mays and pretending to be breath­ wake up and know I’d cheated my­ ÍSK:.... Si:.... : W« lessly absorbed by his determined self for the kind of thrill that soon ........ efforts to flatter her off her feet burns out. I’d never forgive either ; Begin thte ta* «tory to*'* Actually she was not absorbed at of us. Never!” all either in him or his compli­ He walked away without a word. (TO BE CONTINUED) ments. ; ASK ME } ANOTHER MUSCLES V 28% LESS NICOTINE It Is Not Too Late CAMEL- OF THE CIGARETTE COSTLIER TOBACCOS