Friday, November 7 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Eaay-to-Make Slip Cover Brightens a Faded Sofa Page 3 Fashion Advocates lavish Of Fur in a Variety of ¿y -Ptpui, CltasnbeM. By ClIEKIE NICHOLAS D ED, white and blue are starred in an attractive quilt which bears the intriguing name—Stars of Stripes. You’ll be charmed with the easy piecing of these clever eight-pointed star blocks of which just 20 are required. Diag­ onal setting is used and with a narrow border, the size is about SO by 110. i’in Fabric to Sofa tor Fit, AJOOD-BY, old-furniture blues! Make u slip cover like this for your worn tofu- using u colorful tlower-Hplushed chintz — and the whole room has n bright, new look! Making a cover is easy the pin- on wuy. No pattern needed! Sim­ ply lay fubric on sofa and cut to fit. • • • Our 32 page booklet tells In detail with step by step diagrams how to cover ehalrs. Sofa» and auto seats the pln-on way. De­ scribes making nt French, welted and beund seams, box pleats, swat flounces; suggests fabrics, colors Send your or­ der to: • • • Accurate cutting guide with yardages and directions tor the Start of Stripes Is Z93S0. 15 cents. Trie quilting may be either diagonal cross lines or a star motif. Send your order to; HIKE’N TO BUTTERY FINGERN AND A TAFFY PL'LL (Sea Recipes Below) Bo« 1M-W ( IIII.DItEN'N Iti LIGHT lll'Alllll HOME HEHVK K 117 Minna Nt. Nan Kranrlaro, Calif Endone 10 renta In coin tor your BLIP copy of COVERS Name.. Atterra» Relief At Last For Your Cough Crromulslon relieves promptly be­ cause it goes right to the wui of the trouble to h>lp loosen and expel Serm laden phlegm, and old imturo i Soothe und heal raw, tendrr, In­ flamed bronchial mucous mem­ brane i. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulslon with the un- dcrKtnnding you must like the way It qulekly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis If you want your children •nd their friends to give you a rating of ’'super,” then give just one par­ ty for children alone, and make that party n good, old-tnshioried taf­ fy pull. Think back a moment and remember how you looked forward to a taffy pull just aa much as going to a circus. This party is exciting fun because the children have a chance tp help In the making of refreshment«. Yes. pulling taffy with their fingers all buttered, and watching the durk candy mixture get lighter and light­ er each time it's pulled. They'll like this too, because a taffy pull isn't a fussy party. When you send out the invitations, let the mothers know It's a taffy party so the children will be dressed accordingly. CONSTIPATION SLOW YOU UP Moiaaara Taffy. • When bowel» are »luigiih and you feel irritable, headachy ami everything you do 1» an effort, do •• million» do- rhew FKKN A MINT, the modern chewing gum laxative. Simply chaw EEENA- MINT before you go to bed «laep with­ out being ditturbad-nart morning gantla, thorough relief, helping you feel »wall •gain, full of your normal pep. Try KEEN A MINT. Ta»te. good, 1» handy •nd economical. A generuua family »upply 2 cups pure New Orleans molasses 1 cup granulated sugar 2 tablespoons butter 1 tablespoon vinegar Vi teaspoon vanilla, if desired Vi cup water •Chop Suey, Rice or Noodles Bean Sprouts Apricot-Cream Cheese Sulad Bran Bread Orange Chiffon Pie Tea Coffee •Recipe Given 4 tablespoons butter 8 slices buttered toast 16 slices crisp bacon Beat egg yolks, add flour, mus­ tard, salt and paprika. Mix well. Add Vi cup milk gradually and stir until smooth. Put mixture in dou­ ble boiler, add rest of milk, and cheese, cubed. Cook until thick, add Worcestershire sauce. Wash, slice, and saute mushrooms, slowly. Place mushrooms on toast and pour cheese mixture over them. Garnish with bacon. Although the taffy pull will be the main event of the party be sure to have games planned to fill out the evening. Quiz games are popular and lists for these can be made up be­ forehand using questions on slogans, famous personalities, historical events. Interesting facts, and rid­ dles as questions. Children will want some lively fun too, and for this you can have a sack race, The leaders of two lines of players are given two large pa- per sacks, They place the sacks on their feet and at a signal run to die opposite goal and back, take off the sack and give it to the person next to them. The object is to see which line finishes first. Speaking of children, are you hav- ing a time with their school lunches? Variety is the big problem for Cook the molasses, sugar and wa­ packing a complete meal in one small box is hard ter in a heavy kettle slowly until j the mixture reaches 260 degrees or to vary and does­ n't have as many until a little of the mixture dropped possibilities as in cold water becomes brittle. Stir the table at a little during the latter part of the home. Having at Ixiiling to prevent burning; pour into Worst Fraud least one hot food a buttered pan. When cool enough The first and worst of all frauds to handle, cut in pieces and pull un­ helps loads, and is to cheat one's self.—Bailey. til light and stiff. Butter the hands put this in the thermos bottle . before pulling: You can have Refreshments can be simple for a cream soups, vegetable soups, then taffy party, for children will be so again hot milk drinks for variety. excited about the Sandwiches are a standby, but taffy, they won't don't get into a rut with these. Don't give their best at­ have soggy Allings. Wrap each one tention to elabo­ separately in wax paper. Favorite If you suffer from monthly eramps, rate dishes. As­ headache, backache. nrrvommraa fillings include: sorted sand­ •nd distress of "Irregularities"— Peanut butter and jelly caussd by functional monthly dis­ wiches will fill turbances—try Lydia Pinkham's Chopped meat mixed with may* the bill perfectly Vegetable Compound — famous for onnaise and relish relieving lailn and nervous feelings and a hot choco­ Chopped hard-cooked eggs with of women s "difficult days." late milk drink will take care of Taken regularly—Lydia Pinkham's bacon Compound helps build up resistance their keen, lusty appetites. At des- Cheese and luncheon meats against such annoying symptoms. •ert you might have simple cup­ Follow label directions. WURTH Vegetable salad sandwiches ^RTINO^ . cakes iced with pink and chocolate Flaked fish with celery, lettuce Icing, fruit, and of course, the taffy. Chopped figs or dates, nuts, If you'd rather give them a hot moistened with orange juice tish in place of ths sandwiches, TrxUy’fl popularity Color peps up the lunch box, so of Doans Pills, after era's a simple but elegant one: occasionally pack a salad in a pa­ THE many yean of world* Millionaire Gold. wide uae, »urely must per container. Use fresh fruits of­ H 1« accepted aa evidence ten, or canned ones also packed in (Serves 8) of satisfactory use. And favnraNe public small glass or paper containers. 2 egg yolks .IMP1. Y Á Opinion supports that Cornstarch puddings are attractive of the able physician« Vi cup flour TOLD who test the value of and nourishing, and simple cookies Mi teaspoon mustard Doan'a under exacting wrapped in wax paper will bring 1 Vi teaspoons salt laboratory conditions. cheers from any child. These physicians, too, approve every word 3 cups milk of advertising you read, the objective of Economy is highlighted these Vi pound American cheese which ia only to recommend Doan's Pills a« a good diuretic treatment for di«order days, but it needn’t be dull if you 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce of the kidney function and for relief of use attractively garnished platters. 1 pound mushrooms the pain and worry it causes. If more people were aware of how the I........................... ............. .............. ..... •Chop Suey or Chow Mein. kidneys must constantly remove waste (Serves 6) that cannot stay in the blood without in­ jury to health, there would be better tin- Vi cup butter or shortening LYNN SAYS: drrstgnding of why the whole body flutters 2% cups cooked meat, cut in strips when kidneys lag, and diuretic medica­ tion would be more often employed. lVi cups onions, cut fine Burning, scanty or too frequent urina­ Stop food wastes. Not only is 1 teaspoon salt tion sometimes warn of disturbed kidney this a matter of thrift but also a function. You may gutter nagging back­ Vi teaspoon pepper vital step in conserving this coun­ ache, persistent headache, attacks of diz- 1 can bean sprouts, drained xiness, getting up nights, swelling, pufti- try's resources. It is estimated ness under the eye«—feel weak, nervous, 2 Vi cups celery, cut fine that tiny food wastes total up to all played out. I cup hot water Use Doan's Pills. It !■ better to rely on a tremendous amount. a medicine that has won world wide ac­ For thickening and flavoring: claim than on something leas favorably Wise shopping will prevent buy­ Vi cup cold water known. Ash your uoighborl ing unwanted and not usable 2 tablespoons cornstarch food. The wise shopper should 1 tablespoon soy sauce also recognize between good and 1 teaspoon sugar poor grades, by reading labels Melt butter, add onions, fry for 3 and markings, and by watching minutes, Add celery, salt, pepper. the scales. hot water, cover and cook for 5 min­ Poor cooking causes much utes. Add bean sprouts and meat, waste. Meat, for instance, shrinks mix and bring to a boil. Combine Whether you’re planning a party when cooked at too high a tem­ thickening and flavoring ingredients, or remodeling a room you ahould perature. Vitamins and minerals add to first mixture. Cook 5 min­ follow th» odiurliitmtnh... to learn are lost when cooked too long utes. Serve hot with Chinese noo­ what’s new...and cheaper...and or when air is stirred Into them . better. And the place to find out dles for Chow Mein, or with steam­ about new thing» is right here in while cooking. Use short meth­ ing rice for Chop suey. Garnish this newspaper. Its columns are ods for cooking whenever possi­ platter with thin strips of fried egg filled with important mesiages ble. and green onions if desired. which you ahould read regularly. FEEN-A-MINTioi rFOR WOMEbK ONLY.' r Tf ?U1 1 L s k A DOAN SPILLS mODERIIIZE (Released by Western Newspaper Union.) AUNT MARTHA Kania» City, Mo. Enclose 15 cents ter each pattern desired. Pattern No. THIS WEEK'S MEND Unlike many foods which are iron sources, molasses when cooked does i not lose its iron content. Danger in Wit If poisible use a candy thermom­ Wit is a dungerous thing, even to the possessor, if ho know not eter to test the candy so it will be how to use it discreetly.—Mon­ cooked just right, neither too stiff nor too messy to handle When taigne. the candy Is cool enough, cut it I ju»t the right size for small hands, The piece should be large enough DON’T LET I to work on, but not too large. When the piece is light tan and very stiff, pull into a long strip and cut. 1 Stars of Stripes Quilt Intriguing Everyone Name.. Address I cording to the signs there is going to be a most grand and glorious Its graceful feather trim is Kelly display of furs this winter both as green for added color. trimming and as coat or cape en­ * Fur capes are definitely some- sembles of sumptuous fur. Almost thing to talk about, for they are in everything in the way of matching the very foreground of the current accessories that can be made of fashion picture. The gorgeous cape fur is being made of fur; hats, lower right, is of lustrous black gloves, handbags, separate neck­ Persian lamb. The new rule for a pieces, detachable plastron fronts, black wrap worn with a color-bright The and lapel gadgets of bows and bou­ dress is faithfully observed. pretty, softly styled frock is in the tonnieres. widely sponsored new gold tone. Milliners are giving of their best For daytime wear nothing ex­ in creating fur hats matched to ceeds leopard in Chic, unless it be coats, to jackets, or to the trim­ American opossum, which is also ming on one's gown and wrap. playing a star role. You will be The favor for browns has placed perfectly tuned to the grandstand extra emphasis on the importance picture if you attend the game in of mink. There's exciting fashion a coat of leopard at lower left. news in the sumptuous mink coat It is a fashionable, three-quarter shown above to the right in the il­ length style with a stand-up collar lustration. It is topped by a hat and bracelet - length sleeves — all made glorious by a wide brim (huge very youthful and destined for an fur hats will be worn this winter) eye-smashing entry into any smart of matching mink. gathering. The young woman centered above A most extraordinary develop­ in the picture is snappishly turned ment in fur styling this season is out in an ensemble of gray Chinese the working of glittering embroidery kidskin, the fingertip-length coat on the lapels and collars of fur coats. fashioned along very youthful lines. The new fur capes are sometimes The insistent call for sleek black embroidered with a hem line bor­ by fashion sophisticates keeps Per­ dering for evening. Brown sequins sian lamb and elegant broadtail in worked on mink hats, jet motifs on the limelight again this season. either black or white furs or metal Royally luxurious is the broadtail thread embroidery punctuated with ensemble shown in the upper left glistening jewels give to furs an en­ corner. Here a slim svelte princess tirely different aspect. Many of the coat demonstrates hoyv up-to-the- most staid and conservative coats minute is the styling given to furs are bursting into glory with gleam­ this season. The hat is one of those ing jeweled buttons. new tall effects so definitely in style. (Released by Western Newspaper Union.) Possum on Wool Grandma's Buttons Make Style News Dig into grandma’s button box. and you may find hidden treasures that will cause your winter gowns and coats to soar to heights of sar­ torial glory. Better still, trek around to the button counters and see what a splurge buttons are making in the fashion realm. Two important trends register in the button field, one of which is the inclination toward bulkiness. But­ tons are sometimes massive and knobby. Also, the new buttons tell a grand and glorious color study. You, with everyone else, are going to wear a great deal more color this year than you did last, and ac­ cordingly button originals are keep­ ing pace with the color commotion. Plastic buttons are available in a full range of costume colors. A but­ ton that makes an interesting ac­ cent on frock or blouse is a molded plastic done in a flower design with nailhead detail. Fresh fashion in- terest is also developing in filigree buttons, A gold filigree button is proving especially attractive for dress-up blouses and party frocks, In fact, metal buttons rank high in favor, whatever the type. Glitter is popular, and lovely rhinestone buttons flourish on wools, velveteens, dressy crepes, and the newest fashion note is rhinestone or other jeweled buttons on fur coats and jackets. JFoolies Defy the Chill llreath of Jack Frost Farmers can prognosticate and their signs are unfailing. It’s "ditto” with fashion. Well, from all fashion indications, we will see wool mittens; long wool socks (sheer wool for daytime hose); heads done up in wool wimples; huge fur hats and muffs as extravagantly big. All will valiantly fulfill their mission of comfort and smart appearance when winter brings on its usual quota of days with a sharp tang. More cake«, yes; but better cakes, too. You save when you buy Clabber Girl and then, the light and flavorful tenderness of your cakes and pastries gives you added pride and satisfaction in your baking. Clabber Girl means Bigger value when you buy. Better results when you bake. You’ll be surprised when your grocer tells you Clabber Girl’s price. You’ll be delighted with your baking Tesults. You Pay LESS... but us« NO MORE CLABBER GIRL BAKING POWDER Aimless Talk Speaking without thinking is shooting without taking aim.— Spanish Proverb. GAS ON STOMACH Vanity’s Tongue Egotism is the tongue of vanity. Chamfort. Black*? Leaf 40 OR SPREAD ON ROOSTS ¡&V. American opossum is a flattering, young-looking fur when it trims swank town and country tweeds. It carries a message of style prestige wherever it goes, and this year fashion's spotlight is showing it up more conspicuously than ever. In WNU—13 the picture we see American opos­ sum accentuating the straight sil­ houette of a hunter's green wool The buyer’s assurance is the adverns- ■ coat. Three bands of the fur around Bing he or she reads in the newspaper. ■ the bottom of the skirt, and a flat­ ®That ia the buyer’s guide. It tells the I tering ripple collar of this fur, add prices one must aspect to pay. Let ths ■ distinction to the pencil-slim coat. Jiefler^^^ie^^^q^nwn^eirera^j The ripple-brim fine felt hat is de­ tailed with stitching. 1SSIR11CE