There *u» evidently no luck of public support for Medford's black out one lady even went no fui ns to heave h rock at an offending neon light on one of the building* r r Tills AND THAT By Ol.ll TIMER To the Editor: On Apiil 3, 1917, the fir nt mined American merchant ship, Aster», wum sunk near Breat by a German submarine, while cablea were buzzing In the same waters with m w« of president Wilson’s mes­ sage to congiewa for a declaration of war First to act, the senate adopted Resolution No 1 intro­ duced by .Senator Martin of Vir­ ginia, which In IM) words pledger! the nation's manpiwer and wealth to settling the state of war be­ tween the United .States and Ger­ many "which has been thrust up­ on us " The vote was M2 to 6 The six were LiFollette, Groena. Lane. .Stone, Vardaman and Harris Har­ ris shouted: "Unborn millions will tirnd their backs In toll in order to pay for the terrible step we , are now about to take I feel we me about to put the dollar n, n upon the American flag " John 8harj>r Williams replied to this with: "if it be not treason, It gruzes the edge of treason." ere Is It not time that some drastic steps were tieing taken to stop the killings on the highwavs? Two fatalities within a week is rather a gruesome record. r Volume X ILAND Sattitilütty *7a £ay --/ltid 9tl 3GON .FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1941 Number 45 / Certain die-hard Republican* who thrive on op|x>altion to any­ thing and everything can now stay In their own camp and take their fight out on Wlllkle • * *1lt* Pofi** *1kat < If all of our so-called service clubs could tie Hilled into one and made a genuine boosters' organi­ zation. a saving of time, effort and money could he effected Anri In­ cidentally something worthwhile could tie accomplished far the bet­ terment of the communitv S< many "eating" clubs start off with lofty alma and purposes and In course of time fall to justify their existence, deteriorating into mutual admiration societies • Court Proceedings Cases appearing before Justice ,M T Burns in the jurtice court thia week Include the following: Lloyd James Carter, guilty of having Illegal windshield stickers was fined $3 50 ami costs Ray Edward Reed was given 30 days In the county jail on a charge of larceny by bailee Marion S Mann wax finer! $25 and costa for discharging fire­ arms from a public highway Francis E Mav paid $i and costs on each of two charges, no operator's license and no tail light Gerald G Keesee wax f $5 50 and coxtx for violation of the basic rule John A Bergstrom, guilty of discharging firearms from the highway, received a fine of $10 and costs. William M' Branson was fined $1 and coats for having no regis­ tration certificate and $5 50 and costs for speeding • AUXILIARY MEETS MONDAY Mrs. Jesse Silver. Mrs Ivor Er­ win and Mrs Madeleine Pendleton were hostesses to the Auxiliary of the American Legion nt the Silver bone Monday evening Mrs Emil Stauffer wax named chairman of the Christinas doll project Fol­ lowing business the mrmberi en­ joyed a social hour. ----- •------------ WOOIK KAiT LODGE MEETS Mrs Anna Messer presided at the business session of the Neigh­ bors of Woodcraft Monday eve­ ning The program was in charge of Mrs Mae Lindner. Mrs Messer and Mrs Ellis served refresh­ ments. • MICH. GOLDY ENTERTAINS The Neighborhood club met at the home of Mrs George Goldy Friday afternoon with IB members and guests present. Decorations and refreshments were in keeping with Hallowe’en. Sewing and visit­ ing occupied the afternoon hours ------------- •------------- • Melvin Brittain of Drain, for­ mer Nebraska friend of William Savin and Mrs. Charles M Giffen, called at the Miner office Thurs­ day morning to renew acquaint­ ance. B. B. CLARK mid Companion Are Invited to Be Guests of the Southern Oregon Miner To See Their Choice of the Following Varsity Theater Programs: (Friday and Saturday) "NEVADA CITY” and "FLYING BLIND" (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday) "KISS THE BOYS GOODBYE" • Please Call at The Miner Office for Your Guest Tickets XMAS OPENING SET FOR NOV. 28 Stockpiles of Food for Peace (Questionable Show Manager Reported It has been re|H,rted that a Ret I A. ‘ lamtM-rt of the Na- Monal Bureau of Religion* and Educational films is working in this MM'tlon of Oregon. Ilis me­ thod of working is to contact M-hoois and ehurihe* to arrange for the showing of Mi film* for which a collection i* taken. A record of the Better Bu*i- nens Bureau of Rochester, Inc. serves a* a warning for anyone doing bu*ine** with Rev. Lam­ bert. The bureau's file* show that laimbert ha* been Involved in a series of questionable buxi­ ne** deal* and un|mid hills since 1923. Rev. Bruce of the Ashland Methodist church who has had a previous experience with lam- bert Indicated that his f ilrns were extremely Inferior. It is also reported that Rev. Lambert place« ciasified ads in local pafier* for voting men to travel with his crew. Ashland's 1941 Christmas open­ ing lx scheduled for Frlduy eve­ ning, Nov 28 and a special pro­ gram will celebrate the occasion, according to preliinlriaty plans set forth at the Wednesday noon meeting of the- Retail Merchants Committee of the chamber of com­ merce. The opening will Include gifts and noiseinakers for the young­ sters. a Sant* Claus, valuable prizes and attiactive window dis­ plays prevuing the new Christmas merchandise According to present plans, the cooperating merchants will offer window prizes which will be given free to holders of lucky tickets These tickets, which also will be good for a chance at grand prizes of turkeys, will be distributed throughout Ashland and surround­ ing communities prior to the open­ ing To add to the festive atmos­ phere, the city will be asked to arrange for the decoration of main streets in the business district • GRIZZLIES FACE BLACK TORNADO College Celebrates National Art Week LOWE BLAMED IN FATAL ACCIDENT A coroner’« jury meeting M<»i- day night on the accident which killed John R Keach of Missoula, Mont., returned findings that the accident was due to negligence pn the part of Marion Edward Lowe of Hornbrook, driver of the other car. In view of this evidence. Lowe will be charged with negligent homicide, according to District Attorney George W. Neilson. The head-on collision occurred Sunday morning on the Pacific highway about two miles south of Ashland. Lowe, who was traveling north, testified that Keach was approaching on the wrong side of the road and that he swerved into Keach'« lane to avoid a crash, but. Lowe testified. Keach also swerv­ ed into the lane in time to cause the terrific head-on crash How­ ever, evidence submitted by State Policeman Phil Stansbury con­ vinced the jury that Lowe was at fault. Both cars were demolished by the impact and Arlene Daisy Mur­ ry, 19. of Ashland, a passenger in the Lowe machine, suffered two broken legs, while Lowe luckily escaped with minor injuries. The Community hospital reports that Miss Murry’s condition, which was at first considered critical is now satisfactory. ------------- •-------------- The Grizzlies of Ashland high, defeated only once this season, will face a tough undefeated and untied Medford high Black Tor­ National Art week from Nov. nado on the Medford high school 1 to 7, sponsored by the American turf, beginning at 8 o'clock to­ Artists Professional league, la las­ night ing celebrated by the Southern Medford, billed as favorites for Oregon College of Education the mythical state championship, Word wax received from F Bal­ expects an easy time with Frank lard Williams, national chairman, O'Neil's Grizzlies but the entire that Mias Marian Adv of the col­ Al Simpson's so far undefeated Ashland ball club has a different lege art faculty wax designated as junior high football team will attiude about the whole thing. local art week chairman O’Neil has been drilling his club close a successful season tonight Smal^prt poxtqrs have been in straight football all week and when they face the Grants Pass tilared tn the imllege and at the has devoted equal time to both frosh on the Grants Pass turf at Idncoln trainin' school The col­ offense and defense and pronounc­ 8 o'clock. The Ashland club, hold­ lege llbrury is exhibiting a collec­ es the squad in good condition ing a previous 19 to 6 win. must tion of new books about art Two Here is what the U. S. Department of Agriculture mean* when it both physically and mentally for win this encounter to cinch the exhibit* are being shown at the urges farmer» to help produce "»tockpiles of food for use after the this crucial tilt. southern Oregon junior high ('dirge The first exhibit I war." The upper picture shows barrels of dried milk, just as good a Al Newbry, end who was injur­ school conference. A loss will put group of 10 photographs taken In ed in the Coquille game, is the them in a tie for first place with year from now as today. The lower picture shows a warehouse filled Oregon by F Cyril Sanders and only player who will be out of Medford. a group of 10 water colors bv with huge drums of cheese, even better with aging. These farm Jamie Moseley, speedy little left the lineup Charley Jandreau, who Elaine Cornford (Mrs Max Marsh products, plus condensed milk, dried milk, cured pork, and canned has been nursing a sprained ankle half, has been on the sick list all of St Helens, Ore) These two ex­ meat and vegetables, constitute the stockpiles of defense tood which, and weak knee most of the sea­ week and "Mark" Marquess has hibits are open to the public dur­ •ay» Secretary Claude R. Wickard, wRl be needed by hungry Europe son. will start in the Grizzly back­ .been nursing an injured back but ing school hours In room 9 In the field. Dick Finnell, on the shelf Simpson reports both are well end "will exert the maximum influence at the peace conference table." Administration building Special with a broken nose, will be ready I enough to start the game. How talks are being given at the Lin­ to step in at end and big Martin i long they will hold up remains to coln school on children's book il­ Herrin, regular tackle, has recov­ be seen If removing them from lustrations and other phases of ered from the flu and will be a the lineup should be necessary, art interests bv Otto Wilila also starter. Bud Provost, fullback Simpson has Fred Wilson ready of the college art faculty. Announcement was made last who has been ripping through op­ for Moseley's place and Wallace week by the Oregon Historical So­ position for nice gains all year, Cannon on hand to replace Mar­ ciety of their 1942 Oregon history quess. John Speece is being drilled Ash- will be in there again tonight. Coach Frank O'Neil of the prize essay competition for whi^h this Word comes from Medford that to shift from fullback to tackle, land Grizzlies announced the society again offers prizes and open Bill Bowerman's powerful club is wherever he is needed. Tommy Ashland's blackout Friday night medals for the purpose of promot­ week that he has filled the date on the Grizzly football sched­ in fine condition and ready for Anderson has been moved from ing the reading and study of won the thanks and praise of Ed center to tackle and Bobby Fra- ule with a game against the As­ this game. Mai tin, chairman of the Jackson American and state history by ------------- •------------- zier will hold down the pivot toria Fishermen to be played at county air warning service, who Oregon boys and girls spot. Astoria Nov. 14. Between 19 and 'The Old Oregon Country" was declared it a complete success The remainder of the squad is 22 men will make the trip and The blackout was carried out ax selected as the subject for this all in fine shape and gunning for . wiiP put the Grizzlies right up in year's contest which will offer originally planned even though the a conference title in tonight's | competition among the state's army air corps had to call off its four prizes first. $60. second, Safety of pedestrians on down­ battle. most outstanding football teams maneuvers because of unfavorable $50. third $40. and fourth. $30 town streets again drew the at­ The starting lineup, as announc­ O'Neil said that it all depends tention of Ashland Lions at their weather. So although the black­ These prizes will be awarded for ed by Simpson this week, will find out lacked the realism of invading the best four original essays on on how much fight the reserves dinner meeting at the Lithia ho­ Kerr and M Williams at ends. bombers, the spotters gave their the selected subject written and show in practice sessions as to tel Tuesday evening. Hall and Anderson at tackles, Ar­ reports of imaginary approaching submitted by girls or boys over 15 how many will make the trip. If Discussion centered around the ant and Calhounds at guards. Fra­ the reserves all get In and show a planes which set off the warning and under 18 years of age. attend­ advisability of crosswalk signs zier at center, Garrett at quarter­ signals and the blackout proced­ ing any public or private school, lot of determination and desire to such as are in use in many cities, back. Moseley at left half. Mar­ ure wax carried through as had academy, seminary, college, uni­ make the trip he will take M particularly in California. Consid­ quess at right half and Spence at been planned. versity or other educational insti­ players but if some of them con­ eration also was given to commu­ fullback. ,------ •------------- tution within the state Each of tinue to loaf in practice there will nications from Secretary of State Simpson denied rumors that his INSTALLATION DIVISION the four prize winners will also be but 19 on the traveling squad. Earl Snell and Traffic Engineer club will attempt to line up some The club will leave Ashland receive a handsome bronze medal. John Beakey. The letter from upstate junior high school for a TO OPEN NOON Detailed Hile» of the eomp.-ti Thursday morning and probably Snell was quite favorable for the j mythical state championship James Mackie, proprietor of the have a light work-out in Salem Western Auto store, has announc­ tlon are available at schools and where they will probably stay all signs while the letter from Beakey ' game. tended to oppose the project and ------------- •-------------- ed that construction on an instal­ libraries.------------- •------------- night and go on to Astoria Fri­ advised a “go slow” policy in lation department at the rear of day morning. They will return to adopting the signs. Before ad- MISS PIERSON RECEIVES the store is nearing completion j Ashland sometime Saturday night. Journuig the group voted unani- MUSIC HONORS AT U and that the department will be I Election of Lolita Pierson of j mously in favor of ciosswalk open to the public the first of next 1 signs and advised the safety com­ Ashland as chorister and program Howard W Oden, who has been JEAN FRIDEGER ON U OF O week. PUBLICITY COMMITTEfl mittee to continue its study of the Chairman of Mu Phi Epsilon, up­ Body and fender work will be an Ashland resident since 1919 per division women's music honor­ Jean Frideger of Ashland, a i problem. . offered In addition to the regular purchased the Bus Depot Taxi from Don Travis and took posses­ sophomore at the University of It also was suggested that the ary at the University of Oregon installations of auto accesorles sion Wednesday of this week Oregon, has been appointed exec­ | club would welcome opinions of was announced last week. —♦--------- Miss Pierson, the daughter of The taxi stand will still be utive secretary of the publicity Ashland residents in regard to ROTARY OFFICIAL VISITS maintained at the Greyhound Tav­ committee for the annual Home- this safety measure either by con­ Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Pierson of William Ritchie Dowrey, mem­ ern and day and night seivice will coming celebration. tacting members of the club or by Ashland, is a senior in music. ber of the Vancouver, B. C. Rotary be continued at the same rates ss ------------- •-------------- . She Is a student in business ad­ letters to the Ashland papers. club and governor for the north­ under the former management. ministration at the university and Ray Ramsey, proprietor of the PERSONNEL CHANGES. MADE western district, met with the Oden say» that he plans to man­ a graduate of Ashland high school. Ramsey jewelry store, was for-1 BV TELEPHONE COMPANY Ashland club Thursday evening at age the business under the motto mally initiated into the club at the the Lithia hotel. Several personnel changes in of "Safety and Satisfacton.” Llovd • Mis Geinge LftHtaf is visiting Tuesday evening meeting. ------- •------------ - the Pacific Telephone and Tele­ Rodgers will continue to assist as in Klamath Falls with Mrs Mary i MRS. WHITE HOSTESS TO graph company were announced Hyatt._____________________ | driver for the taxi service. WESLEYAN SERVICE GUILD Friday by President N. R. Powley. The Wesleyan Service guild of Frank A. Dresslar, who has the Methodist church met Tuesdqy been assistant to general manag­ Members of the Ashland schools er in the Oregon area, was ap­ evening with Mix. Fiances White safety patrol went into action pointed vice president and gen- on North Main street. Miss Velma i Monday morning and from all re­ erall manager for the company in Brower conducted the devotional I ports they are conducting them­ Oregon, succeeding F. D. Tell- service Miss Gladys Whitson led selves like veterans and attracting wright who now will be located in an interesting discussion on favorable comments from all those San Francisco with company-wide "Peace.” who have seen them on duty. During the business session duties as vice president reporting Patrol members are now on directly to First Vice President plans were made for a Christmas duty at the crosswalks at the M R. Sullivan. Greeting sale and a Thanksgiving Washington school and junior ----- _•------------- box. Election of officers resulted high school and at the intersection REV. FATHER BRUENAGEL in the following people being nam­ of Iowa street and Siskiyou bou­ ed to office: President, Mrs. Alice The Rev. Father Henry Brue- levard. Their responsibility is to Willits; vice president, Miss Car­ nagel, 71. passed away at the see to the safety of their fellow rie May Smith; aecretarv students at the crossings during Community hospital Thursday af­ Cora Mason; treasurer, Miss Gla­ the noon hour and before and ternoon of last week followin'» an dys Whitson, and counsellor, Mrs illness of several days caused by after school. Homer Billings. injuries received in an accident. The uniform of the young pa • trolmen consists of yellow hel- Father Bruenagel was born in Co­ WOMEN MEET AT CHURCH mets and yellow Sam Brown belts logne, Germany. For his orders in The Women's Association of the with white raincoats to be worr the priesthood, he studied at Presbyterian church met for an Rome. Italy and St. Paul, Minn. in bad weather. all day session Thursday at the He retired in 1936 because of ill The city police and the _______ Ashland Pictured above are members of the school safety patrol with members church. Mrs. Phil Stansbury pre­ Lions club cooperated in laying health. His survivors include four sided over the morning business of the Lions chili safety committee, jail ice officers and Supt. Norby the plans and sponsoring the pa­ cousins, Miss Ann Koenig of Ash­ who coo | m rated In planning and organizing the patrol. Those ap­ meeting At noon luncheon was trol which from all indications land. Miss Mary Koenig and Hen­ pearing in the picture are: Front row, left to right, Ralph Foster, served bv the committee. Mrs will become a permanent activity ry Koenig of Bowman, N. D. and Henry Hart, Curtis Vail, Dale Watson, Richard I-cever and Jim of the schools. Mark True, Mrs. Alex Smith, Mrs Ben Koenig of Minneapolis. Ros­ Wade Wallis. Mrs. R. E. Bell and I Merriman. Second row. .lames Rose, Frank Muscutt, Alson Vestal. ary was held at the Litwiller Fu­ Donnie Cullon, Richard Woodcock, Donald Green and Charles Zarka. Mrs Chester Applegate Mr» F j • Donald Rude of San Mateo vis­ neral home Friday night and last Back row, Al Nnider, Hupt. Norby, Officer Parker Hess, Limey Wil­ ited with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Rude rites were observed in the Port­ P. McFarland was guest speaker at the program in the afternoon.1 liamson, Hill Savin, Chief of Police C. P. Talent and Bill Snider. over the week-end. land cathedral Monday. Juniors Close Season At Grants Pass Tonite Historical Socit'ty Offers Essay Contest Near 109 Per Cent Blnrkouf in Ashland AHS TO ASTORIA FOR GRID TILT Lions Continue Study Of Pedestrian Safety Oden Purchases Bus Deoot Taxi Service • PATROL READY FOR ACTION! School Patrol Wins Praise of Motorists