Page 8 Friday, Oct. 31, 1911 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER KEY. FATHER BRI 'F.N AG EL 1N.II RED SI NDAY While out for a walk Sunday evening. Rev. Father Henry Bruel nagel, retire»! C ’holic priest, was struck by a car driven by Vernon Fleming of Grants Pass The acci­ dent occurred at 7 o'clock near I ’ * * < Mt View cemetery. By I TOLD YOU SO He was taken to the Community hospital where he is seriously ill Upstate newspaper readers suffering from bruises and severe probably think that the Ashland shock. Grizzlies have nothing but a one- man football team down here I what with all the mention accord* Al'Tt MOBILE - FIKE | pd Charlie Jandreau. Not that we CASUALTY - LIFE don’t think Charlie deserves every inch of publicity he gets but it is our opinion that Bud Provost i also should be accorded a line or Dependable Protection at I so. He is playing in his first year Kcasoimble Batea 1 in the backfield ami turned in a supurb job against Dunsmuir and ' was the cog that played an im- 1 portant part in the 33-13 defeat ON THE PLAZA of the Tigers The wav that le consistently spun out of the arms 7 of would-be tacklers and added an extra yard or two by doing so WATCH REPAIRING certainly deserves some credit. Let’s hope those who write the Expert Swiss and American out-of-town publicity think along watch repairing. Your watch these lines also. timed and regulated FREE on f f our Electric Time Michronwter. More and more the Medford- The Dalles game to be played at RAMSEY’S JEWELRY The Dalles Nov. 29 looks like the tilt for the mythical state cham­ STORE pionship. The Dalles »lumped Hood River from the unbeaten ranks Swedenburg Bldg. Ashlaud Friday night 19-14 and take on Milton-Freewater next Friday night. Mac-Hi also is unbeaten in state competition but the Indians are heavily favored to win The Macs kept their rating last week by stopping La Grande 22-0 w,*hile Medforii remained in the running with a 32 to 13 win over Bend Myrtle Point and Vernonia kept their unbeaten records intact by getting over North Bend anil Scappoose respectively The dope bucket took a genuine kicking around last week-end with five of this column's 10 guesses falling by the wayside. The sea­ Try Our Milk and < ream son record now sits at 38 won and 19 lost for an average of 667. ASHLAND PRODI ’CT This week’s sure-fire winners are Washington over Montana. Oregon over Washington State, Oregon State over Idaho, Stanford over Santa Clara. UCLA over Califor­ nia, Duke over Georgia Tech. Minnesota . over Northwestern, Klamath Falls over Grants Pass. Phone «73’2 Medford over Eureka and Ashland over Yreka. HINDSIGHT ON SPORTS JLMSttATtirii Friday and Saturday! INSÙR A N CE M. T. BURNS A PICTURE AS EXCITING AS TODAY'S NEWS! Walter PIDGEON Joas BENNETT « and Geo. SANDERS Clover Leaf Dairy Professional Cards SUN • MON • TUE DENTISTS I Dr. G. B. Hull 1st National Bank Bldg. Phone 6’71 toffers DEN ST Hours 9-12 and 1-5 Medical Bldg. Phone 5*211 Physicians & Surgeons Dr. R. E. Poston Sweden lai rg Building Phone 8791 Dr. Earnest A. Woods Phone 8051 W ed’sday & Thursday Bargain Days 20c 2 - BIG HITS - 2 SPAWN OF THE NORTH” Dr. Harvey A. Woods Phone 8041 Sweden burg Building f NOTICE! If you don’t want to sell your property, don't list it with us! C. HUFFMAN For Real Estate 65 N. Main A 345 E. Main BELLVIEW NEWS (Continued from page 1) i ley street in Ashland. • Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Warren re- eurned Monday to their home in California after spending a week with Alvin's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Warren. • Mrs. Lou Renten of Onodia. Calif., who has spent the past two weeks with her sister, Mrs. Ger­ trude Seitz, left for her home Sat­ urday. Walter Seitz, who also has spent the past two weeks with his mother, will not return to his army duties at Portland until Nov. 11. having procured a 30-day fur­ lough. See the Axhland-Yreka fixitlmll game tonight, 8:30, at the Walter Phillip* field. • A Hallowe’en party for the YGA will be given at the Grange hall this evening. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell of Klamath Falls spent the week-end with Robert’s parents, Mr. and Mrs R. E Beil. • Mrs. Luke Willis and son Demp­ sey are recovering from a severe attack of flu. • Harry Farmer from Nubieber. Calif, spent Tuesday with his wife and parents, Mr and Mrs. John I Farmer. His son Donald returned with him Wednesday for a few days visit. Grizzlies Trounce Dunsmuir Timers Scoring three touchdowns in the first quarter, the Ashland high Grigg lies jumped Ixtck into the win couple with a 33 to 13 routing «if the Dunsmuir Tigers on Walter Phillips field Friday night LaMar Ormond, Chet Fowler ami Martin Herrin were instrumental in the Ashland line and Charlie Jandreau and Bud Provost carried the brunt I of the Grizzly attack in the back-i field Bob Dunn did a fine job in holding »town Al Newbry's place at end. Newbry is lost to the team, probably for the season, with a knee injury. It took the Tigers two quarters to get onto things but they began to roll and tallied once in the thin! quarter and again in the fourth Their best ground-gainer was Willie Cleaver, who tore thru the Ashland line and around the ends for some nice gains. He was aided, of course, by fine blocking by his teammates • --- STAMP LIST GETS NEW FOODS Simpson’s Juniors To Play Pelican Frosh Two full teams of the junioi high footlxill team will leave at 4 30 this afternoon for Klamath Falls where they will meet the Klamath Frosh tonight A pre vioua game between these two teams ended •> to 0 In Ashland's favor. The local team, now in the lead for the southern Oregon Junior high conference title, will lx- try­ ing tonight to keep their undefeat­ ed record intact. The starters named for to­ night's clash by Coach Al Simp­ son are Kerr and M Williams at ends, Specce and G. Williams at tackles, Calhoun and Arant at guards, Anderson in the center position, Wilson at fullback, Gar­ rett quarterback, Moseley at left half and Marquess at right half Westfall Wins Winfcs At Moffett Field William B. West full, 22. aon of Foods available during Novem­ ber for purchase with blue stamps Mrs Emma Westfall of Ashland, by families taking part In the wins his wings as a member of Food Stamp Plan in Oregon were the United States army air corps announced today by M 1 anils Be- at Moffett Field today as ho com- angle, local stamp plan represent­ pietea his basic flying there wlth ative. These fexxis are obtainable a class of approximately 170 ■via- in local stores throughout the lion cadets. Westfall is to report next Week month of November. Fresh pork and butter have I to the air corps advanced flying been added to the list of foods school at Mather Field, Calif , obtainable by stamp program i where he will take the final 10 participants during November weeks of training before receiving Except for the addition of these his commission as a second lieu­ two staple food items, which an tenant Upon receiving hie wings pear on the stamp program f