Friday, October 31, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 7 Fun for the Whole Family BIG TOP By ED WHEELAN I^HAT AFTERNOON AT 1ME COOK MOUSE . HAL HAD A CHANCE To TELL aerr bangs about the visit to the children s hospitau ,/viE gave 'C^T a great thrill ^ boss T^ 0/SO AM I.HAL ( VM SURE GLAT> WE WERE ABLE ID BRING (J WJT SPTAklNQ A LITTLE SUNSHINE INTO TUeiR j—1------ T~J '"'OF HOSPITALS V LIVES!! _ / /< WC HAD A WIRE ABOUT" *5) LX" J K. FOWLER H-X %ATER,A5 HAL WAS PREPARING FOR the WILD WEST " CONCERT - • HAS COME OUT OF Hl s" O COMA NOW BUT HAS > /z COMPLETELY LOST HIS # 7/ uasAMtr*/ O'C CTil 1 if * MEMORY - li HE'S ST i LL IN A / CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT NURSERY STOCK Plan Now for Fall Planting. Fra« 40 pago catalog 700 varieties of Fruit, Nut Flowering anti Shad« Trees. Shrubs, Rreea. Berry plants, etc. Holland Tulips grown In Ore­ gon Free price list In color. Pleas« mention deecrlptlv» matter wanted. Tualatin Valley Wuraerles, Sher­ wood. Oregon. TRUCK PARTS Heavy duty Motors, axels psrts bodies, tires, hoists and used trucks. TRUCK WRECKING COMPANY tOthAS E Hawtt..,rne very serious condition , AND MAY HAVE T o STAY ( there FOR MONTHS .’I / SAV. CCNJBO/ I’M LOOKING FOP GE-FF BANGS 1 do „'/°V Port land. Or«. RABBITS AND SKINS PUL'L'fRY ANO RABBITS WANTED. Good whits fryer rabbit skins per lb Write postcard for prices and Information Buby k Co- 935 ■ W. Front Portland. Ore. KNOW WHERE I . CAN FIND HIM » / FILM DEVELOPING FAST SERVICE Boll Developed and Two Printe from Bach Good Iterative WltTMX box W-4365 LALA PALOOZA r By RUBE GOLDBERG A Great Help BABETTE’S IN LOVE WITH \ HIVES, VINCENT’S GAMBLIN’ I 25c PHOTO COMPAWT Portland. Ore. « PRINTS AND TWO ENLARGE­ MENTS 25o—.Made by Portland’s larg­ est retail kodak finisher Satisfac­ tion guaranteed Quality Picture Co. Box W3573 Portland. Oregon. FOR SALE Now Hatching Weekly t»ubl-Dollar New Hampshire«—U. S. Certified Leghorns Vashon Island Co-operative Hatchery, Box 3. Va­ shon. Washlagton. WITH THE CHEF, AN’ THE /' ~ CHEF'S BRAT IS BEDEVILIN' > PINTO-SO HOW CAN I EVER \ GET THIS HOUSE-CLEANIN’ DONE? / I AIN’T EVEN HAD TIME TO J PUT MY JEWELRY AWAY I " P.EPAIR PARTS FOR BANGES HEATERS. FURNACES Omet- tnsr'e. M1412 Monro«, Spokane. “What do you mean by the glad' hand?” “Anything.” answered Mr. Blue­ chips, "that will beat three of a kind.” Taken to Task By C. M. PAYNE S’MATTER POP— Oops! The Old Gag Came True! Boogy—The more I xtudy about it. the more certain I am that people inherit most of their stupidity. Woogy — Shame on you! — you shouldn’t speak ill of your parents. QUINTUPLETS CHEST CUIUS relieve misery of this good old reliable way At the first sign of the Dionne Quin­ tuplets catching cold—their chests and throats are rubbed with Musterole—a product made especially to promptly relieve distress of colds and resulting bronchial and croupy coughs. The Quints have always had expert care, so mother—be assured of using just about the BEST product mad« when you use Musterole. It’s mor« than an ordinary "salve”—Musterola helps break up local congestion! IN 3 STRENGTHS: Children’s Mild Musterole. Also Regular and Extra Strength for grown-ups who prefer a stronger product. All drugstores. Hidden Reasons There are not unfrequently sub­ stantial reasons underneath for customs that appear to us absurd. —Charlotte Bronte. DON'T LET CONSTIPATION SLOW YOU UP By J. MILLAR WATT POP—Out of Sight, Etc. • When bowels are sluggish and you feel irritable, headachy and everything you do is an effort, do as million» do — chew FEEN-A-MINT, the modern chewing gum laxative. Simply chew FEEN-A- MINT before you go to bed—sleep with­ out being disturbed—next morning gentle, thorough relief, helping you feel swell again, full of your normal pep. Try FEEN-A-MINT. Tastes good, is handy and economicaL A generous family supply FEEN-A-MINTToi Unerring Sign Virtue alone is the unerring sign of a noble soul.—Boileau. ^Relieves distress from MONTHLY^ FEMALE WEAKNESS Unbuttoned BFCOFfS WW ÛT DWW APPRORCWSC j MÍÍ0N Hlft WPERfe ÍÚRI61b 6REEÌ WIW AFTECilONATElY MUCH y »WRIA THE BUfföN 0D1 Of HAS 6RMP Lydia E. Pinkham’s Compound Tablets (with added Iron) not only help relieve cramps, headache, backache but also weak, cranky, nervous feelings-due to monthly functional disturbances. Taken regularly — Lydia Pink­ ham's Tablets help build up resist­ ance against distress of ‘‘difficult days." They also help build up red ^blogd. Follow label directions^ BEACONS of —SAFETY— MfRRV-MROlND A«, Hf WHS OttCLlHû -b fag wdy anp dawy krps circlinc . T j «T M BUiibH ' V GLUYAS WILLIAMS By LANG ARMSTRONG ♦ “O. B.» Mom. throw ’em; we’re all «oder «overt** Aft Dfibtt Flh'ALW 6ETft rf THROWS HIMÍÍ1T wm® klievihó ihw w i & TICKUN6 HIM • Like a beacon light on the height — the advertise­ ments in newspapers direct you to newer, better and easier ways of providing the things needed or desired. It shines, this beacon of newspaper advertising—and it will be to your advantage to fol­ low it whenever you make a purchase.