Friday, Oct. 31. 1911 ( 111 IH II OF < III1ISÌ N< orirl and II Streets Earl F. Downing, Minister Bible school 9 1ft u m. with ellisse» for all ages. Morning worship li o'clock Special music by the choir under direction of Mis 1 Stephen “ Epier. Sermon, "It's a Ghost Christian Endeavor fl 30 p. m Junior, high achrsrl and young I people's groups Evening service 7 30 o'clock ' Sermon, "Golden Chapters «If the' Bliilv The Chapter that Hltleri has Removed.” Midweek service 7:30 p m. Wednesday. I IIIMTY EPISCOPAL < m i« II Dr Claude E. Sayre. Vicar Italy Communion 8 a m. Church school 9:80 a rn Hermon ami Holy Communion II a. m. Pariah dinner 0:30 p. m. I Idly Communion, 1» 30 a rn Wednesday. Choir will meet 7 30 p in Thursday. You urc cordially Inviteli to worship with us. catholic < hi I« h Rev. W. J. Meagher, Pastor Mass at 9 a. m. Hunday Sunday school for children con- du •d by several Misters from th' Sacred Heart academy M eiiford following mass SOUTHERN OREGON MINER • Th«- WH«’H of tin- Methodist church will hold a week of prayer mid seif denial program In church at 2 p hi . today I F riday) An in­ vitation hax been extended the public to attend. Fl'Ll. GOSPEL TEMPLE • Talent football team defeated E. Main turd Siskiyou Blvd. «»old Hill in a game played at the L. P. Furr nail, Pastor local field Friday Considerable in­ Sunday schl 9.1ft a m. terest lx xhown in tire forthcoming Morning worship 11 o'clock game next Thursday when Tal­ C. A service fl:1ft Hunday eve ent plays Jacksonville Both teams nlng Evangelistic service to fol' : Is-lng undefeated or tied during low lit 7 30 o'clock. i this series of the Jackson county C A service and choir practice class B high schtxd six-man con­ 7:30 Tuesday evening ference. Bible study and prayer meeting • Mrs M Rush of Ashland spent 7:30 Friday evening. Tuesday aftemixrn visiting old Everybody lx cordially invited acquaintances In Talent. Hhe wax to all services. formerly a resident here, e • Mix A pie’s meeting at fl 1ft p m. Even­ ing worship at 7 30 p m Mid-week prayer meeting Wed­ nesday evening at 7:30 p in You are welcome to all services that is worth • $15002° I ••HINT METHODIST < III R< II Cor. N. Main and Laurel Mis. Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister Sunday church school, 9:4ft a. m. Morning sermon at 11 o'clock on the subject, "Blessed are they that mourn " Wesley la-ague and Youth Fei- lowship at fl 1ft p m Evening preaching scrvlce 7:30 o'clock Prayer meeting at 7 30 p m. Wednesday. READ HOW WU no CAW 8ECOAAE AW EXPERT LN AVMTfOW, RAD/O < HI 1« II OF THE NAZARENE Bertriuid F. Peterson, Pnstor • Fonrth and C Streets OR EWOfNEERfNO ANO DRAW urch schtsd 9:1ft Morning worship 11 o'clock Departmental meetings, Junior, Young People, Adults, « 30 p m Evangelistic service 7:30 p. m Church board meeting Monday, 7 .10 Prayer meeting, 7:30 p m Wed­ nesday. Choir practice, Wednesday, 8:30 Women's Foreign Missionary society Thursday at 2 p m. • COOP RAY WHILE YOU LEARNf I F YOU WANT to get ahead fast, to serve your country, to build yourself a good-paying future... here’s the op­ portunity you’ve been waiting for. The U. S. Navy may train you to become an expert in any one of nearly 50 skilled fields. Each month, over 5000 new men will be sent to a Navy Service School, where you can learn to be a Diesel engine operator, machinist, avia­ tion mechanic, aerial photographer, radio operator, or whatever specialized work you’re best fitted for. This first year’s training which you get is worth at least $1500. The Navy foots the entire bill. You earn while you learn. In fact, it is possible for an enlisted man to earn up to $ 126 per month—with keep. You’ll have plenty of opportunity for advancement in position and pay — and you'll have fun while you learn! You’ll come out of the Navy fully prepared to take on a good job in private industry. And if you want to stay in the Service, you can go right to the top... and retire at the end of 20 years or 30 years with a liberal monthly income. You can choose now between the regulars or the re­ serves. Both offer equal opportunities for advancement. I FIRST PR ESIIYTERIA N CHURCH Sunday scnool 9:1ft a m. Worship service at 11 a m HILT NEWS • Funeral service« for Axel Ek­ wall were held Tuesday afternoon at th,- Turner Euneral Parlors in Yreka, with Rev. Malone officiat­ ing Following the services at Yreka, interment was made in the Hornbrook cemetery. • The L. D Fox logging camp shut down all operations Thurs­ day in order that al) could attend the funeral services at Grants Pass for Eldon Gregory, who lost his life in an auto accident. • William Roush, box factory foreman and Frank Ward were xwM to Susanville Thursday on idMness for the Fruit Growers Hnpply company. Mrs. Ward ac­ companied Mr Ward on the trip. Enroute home Friday evening they visited their daughter, Mrs. Wal­ ter Bray, in Dunsmuir Mrs Brav and daughter Judy returned to Hilt with them and over the week­ end the family visited relatives in Klamath Fnils. • Mr and Mrs. George Steele and daughter Luella are guests of Mr. and Mrs James Purvis Mrs Steele is Jim Purvis' sister. • Mr and Mrs. Don Ward and «laughter Diane drove to Klamath Falls Friday night to spend the week-end with his sister, Mrs. McCullough and family. • Bob Purvis and son Mike arc visiting his brother in Redding. • Tony Cappello visited friends and relatives In Hilt Monday en route to a trip down the coast. • Relatives from Nevada called at the Don Ward home Thursday evening. • A P. Warrens recently returned from a visit with his family at Durham. • Mr and Mrs. L. S. Slavens of Medford were guests of their daughter, Mrs. W. T. Poff and family over the week-end. • Mr and Mrs Delbert Black r^B son Ronnie spent the week- at Crescent City. • George Carey is in the South- ern Pacific hospital at Snn Frnn. cisco where he is receiving med­ ical treatment. • Mike Georgia, who has been stationed at Fort Ord, is being sent to Missouri this week for air service training. and her husband, who soon will be 87 years old, a happy birthday • William Wenner, a retired rail- road man, left for Omaha. Neb. Thur»day after spending the num- mere here on Anderson creek LOOK WHAT THE U. S. NAVY AND NAVAL RESERVE OFFER YOU FREE TRAINING worth $1500. FINEST SPORTS and entertainment Nearly 50 trades and vocations to choose from. any man could ask for. GOOD PAY with regular increases. You may earn up to $126 a month. You are entitled to a generous vaca­ tion period, with full pay, each year. TRAVEL, ADVENTURE, THRILLS- You can’t beat the Navy for them! GOOD FOOD and plenty of it. BECOME AN OFFICER. Many can work for an appointment to the Naval Academy or the Annapolis of the Air at Pensacola. FREE CLOTHING. A complete outfit FUTURE SUCCESS. It’s easy for of clothing when you first enlist. (Over $100 worth.) Navy-trained men to get good­ paying jobs in civil life. FREE MEDICAL CARE, including LIBERAL RETIREMENT-PAY for regular dental attention. regular Navy men. ENROLL IN THE NAVAL RESERVE ... BE RELEASED AFTER THE EMERGENCY The Secretary of the Navy has an­ nounced ¡—"All men now enlixting in the Naval Reserve will bo retained on nctivo Navy duty throughout the period of tho national emergency, but they vill lie roleai«*d to inactive duty aa soon aner the emergency aa their service« can l»e spared, rcgardletw of the length of time remaining in their enlistment.” Remember —the regular Navy and Naval Reserve offer you the name trav­ el, training, promotions, pay increase«. Physical requirements in the Naval Re­ serve are more liberal. Send coupon! SERVE YOUR COUNTRY ★ BUILD YOUR FUTURE Get this FREE Booklet 4 Mail coupon for your free copy of "Life in the U.S. Navy.” 24 pages, fully illustrated. ' It answers all your questions. Tells what your pay will be... promotions and vacations you •••••..V can expect you can retire on a life in­ come. Describes how you can learn any one of 46 big-pay trades from aviation to radio... how many may become officers. 27 scenes from Navy life showing sports and games you may play, ships you may be assigned to, exciting porta you may visit. Tells enlistment requirements and where to apply. If you are between 17 and 31 (no high school required), get this free book now. No obligation. Ask the Navy editor of this paper for a copy. Or telephone him. Or mail him the coupon. You can paste it on a penny postal card. WEAR THIS BADGE OF HONORI If after reading the free booklet you decide to apply for a place in the Navy, you will receive this smart lapel-emblem. It is a badge of honor you will be proud to wear. Tear out and take or send this coupon to the Navy Editor of this newspaper A« Without any obligation on my part whatsoever, please send me free booklet,"Life in the Navy,"giving full details about the opportunities for men in tne 'avy or Naval Reserve. Name. T own. Age. .State. 1 I I I I I I I I .4