Friday. Oct. 31. 19-11 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 Jack Eaton. NEWS FROM Southern Oregon Miner People You Know! • Mr and Mrs. Glenn Huffman are now living in Roy. Wash., where Mr. Huffman is employed. • Mrs. L. A. Phillips and her house* guest, Mrs. Ik»ra E Wright ★ of Seattle, entertained the follow­ SUBSCRIPTION ing guests at luncheon Saturday: RATES Mrs. Jessie Miles of Medford, Mr (In Advance) and Mrs. George Loosley, Mr. ami $1.50 ONE YEAR Mrs, J. M. Wagner, Miss Lydia SIX MONTHS 80c McCall. Mrs. A. E. Kinney and ★ (Mailed Anywhere in the Mrs. A. Belk* Anderson. United States) TELEPHONE 8561 • Boni to Mr. and Mrs. Gen«' Hopper Oct. 25, a daughter. • Mr. ami Mrs. J. H Philpott SET YOU FREE” THE TRUTH WILL visited their daughter in Silverton over the week-end. • Mr. and Mrs. Karl Nini» were business visitors in Portland last week. The Miner heartily backs Ed Martin, head of the Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schmeer Portland were week-end guests Jackson county air warning service, in his request for of of Mr. ami Mrs. I. C. Erwin. complete public cooperation in the practice blackout • Miss Catherine Ginisell of Sau- salito, Calif, is a guest of Mr. and tonight. Mrs. K. O. Thompson. Since many are apt to consider the blackout as an • Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Carson and unnecessary game, it is important to emphasize the Miss Eugenia Carson were week visitors in Klamath Falls. purposes behind the project. The first is to officially end • Mr. and Mrs. George F. Down- test the northwest air combat and interceptor forces j ing and daughter of Long Beach were week-end guests of Mr and of the army and the second is to test the civilian de­ Mrs, Horace Badger. fense units in this section. To many, the possibility of • Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smook Springfield visited several days an air raid in this section sounds silly and the army ' of last week with Mrs. Fannie Leg- and defense council admit the chances are remote, but i i gett. just the same it is well to take precautions and it is • H. J. Carter went to M«*dford Sunday to visit County Clerk particularly important that we do our bit to give the | George Carter, who is convaleac- air forces a more realistic test of actual wartime I ing from a recent operation per­ formed in Portland. conditions. • Mr. and Mrs. Ned Mars. Mr. The blackout will last but a few minutes and will and Mrs. R. L Lindner and Mr. Mrs. W. J. Stevens went to cause a minimum of inconvenience; so let’s work to­ and Medford Sunday evening. gether as a community and give Ashland a high civil • Mrs. H. I. Dort and Mrs. John Batcheler of Hamilton Field, Cal. defense rating. visited Mr. and Mrs. Devon Wray last week. -y-V O’ «e » • Mrs. Raymomi L» The World’s News Seen Through guests of Mrs. Gladys? Gale « < Thursday of last week. ■ he hristian cience onitor « CHAS M. GIFFEN WUXJAM SAVIN Publishers Published Every Friday at 167 East Main Street ASHLAND. OREGON ¥ Entered as second-class February 15, matter 1935. at the postoffice at Ashland. Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 Douse The Lights! ■ ■ ■ T S C M An International Daily Neus(>a[>er < PtMuhed by THE CHRISTIAN’ SCIENCE PUBLISHING SOCIETY One. Norway Street. Boston, Massa. a a. See the Ashland-Yreka footbull game tonight, 8:30, at th«- Walter ' Phillips field. < < < < < < < ». ». HILCO Tli»' third grad«> was very glad to have Billy MoDowell back to school. He returned to school Tuesday, Oct. 27. Jerry Garrett has been absent for about two weeks. Rosemary Ross has been absent several days Kent Bayne is absent this week because he has the mumps. The third grade has been study­ ing about vegetables. They plant­ ed carrots, sweet potatoes, white potatoes ami beans to see them grow. They put some in the dark and some in the sunlight to see them grow. S« m * the Vsldand 1 rekii foollmll gain«» tonight, 8:30, at the Walter Phillips Held. • Henry Enders was successful In getting his deer ut Bly the last day of the hunting season. See th«' Ashland-Yreka foothall game tonight. 8:30, i»t thr Walter Phillips field. Melvin Rose has made a hun- dred on every test in arithmetic Tlie third since school began. g rade pupils aje very proud of him. The pupils of room eight have They been studying bacteria. planted bacteria gardens A com­ mittee was chosen who prepare«! the bacteria food and put it in Petri dishes. They planted them by letting a fly walk on one .put­ ting a pencil on another, some­ body coughed on one, milk was put on one, and one was left clos­ ed They kept the dishes in a dark warm place for seven days and then took two microscopes ami looked at the bacteria under them. They saw that bacteria multiply quickly and that th<< one that was left clos«*«! had no bac- , teria in it. It showed them that i bacteria spreads and causes dis- ( ease. The boys of room eight have ! two football teams. The captains are Richard Morris and Bill Stearns. There are nine boys on I each team. The two teams had a I football tournament. Richard's I team won the most games All of ! the games have been very ex­ citing. See the Ashland-Yreka footlHill game tonight, 8:30, at I he Walter Phillips field. • Subscribe for The Miner today. NO BUILDING BLACKOUT IN ASHLAND -Ample stocks in our yard and on order assure prompt deliveries of all materials for HOME construction in this territory. You can GO AHEAD with your building when you want to. We can assist you in planning:, financing and providing competent mechanics to COMPLETE YOUR JOB! Ashland Lumber Company Observe BLACKOI T Rules October 31 PHONE 3291 OAK STREET AT RAILROAD WASHINGTON, D. C — America is straining every nerve and muscle of its pro- i duction capacity to become' strong enough to defend and I preserve its way of life and identity as a nation. Men and women are at work to make America phys- I ically and materially powerful and their concerted effort is ! the wonder, admiration and hope of all liberty-loving peo-. pie everywhere. TTiere are many problems involved in this Defense pro­ gram, and we want to empha­ size one especially, because it will bridge the gap between victory and defeat. This vital factor is our appreciation of individual responsibility. We are a great nation, THOSE WHO HAVE TRIED THEM .... LIKE THEM! PRICES REASONABLE SIMPSON HARDWARE WITH MODERN EQUIPMENT they did this for us, too. We inherited so many worthwhile things, and in our enjoyment of these we have overlooked the fact that as freedom is founded upon fine ideals, so is the continuity of freedom based. Each of us must realize that the individual and all he is and all that he has belongs to America. Should America go, we all, and all that we have and stand for. must go. If we are unable to march and fight, we must find our place where what we can do will contrib­ ute to national needs. In buying these bonds, therefore, you are doing your duty towards the Nation and providing for your own future and that of your loved ones. i i I Permanent PRICES! SUITS PLAIN DRESSES PLAIN COATS Clip J1IÇ $1,25 FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY COLLEGE CLEANERS 823 Siskiyou Blvd Phone 6336 / LOOKED ‘EM AU OVCH mo decided to finance MV 1902 CAR THRU THE FIRST NATIONAL RANNI BECAUSE... /. LOW COST. REMEMBER WHEN —mother wrapped a hot flat iron in a towel and put It in bed to keep your feet warm? You would see how long you could hold your feet against the iron without getting burn­ ed? And then, in the morning when the towel had come unwrapped, and you put your foot against the ice-cold iron . . , Remember? Not “hot” and “cold”— but consistently efficient and reverent service. DEPUTY COUNTY CORONER Litwiller Funeral Home We Never Close—Phone 4541 4 ; ' JS 2. CONVENIENT TERMS. 3. CNANCE TO CET THE BANK TO KNOW AIE. Believe me, that last reason stands out! The Bank gives me finance PLUS! wonderfully blest with an in-i How can you help your spiring past and Ideal oppor­ Country in the existing great tunities for future service for emergency? No doubt, vast humanity. But so many of us numbers of good Americans In our hurtian way have taken are asking this question to- for granted our blessings as a I day. The Government, fortun- people. Our forefathers had to ' ately, provides us with the work, to fight, to suffer and : answer — BUY DEFENSE to sacrifice for their liberties ; BONDS, and their way of life. And (Paid Adv.) ) > ) ) ) ) A DEFENDING OUR NATION AND AMERICA’S HERITAGE FLOOR SANDERS OR ANY THREE FOR I • Mrs D. M. Brower, Miss Voda I Brower and Miss Velma Brower I went to Medford Saturday. • Mrs. Walt Finley of Rockport. Calif, visited last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Me- Nerney. • The resignation of Captain Charles H. Delsman from the US army recently became effective and he is now living in Ashland again. • Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jones of Lakeview were guests of Mrs. Ruth Jones last week. • Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Helms en­ tertained at a family reunion din­ ner Sunday with the following guests present: Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Bohn and son, Mr. and M rs. William Turnbull and daughter, Miss Edith Turnbull, Miss Har­ riett Turnbull, Miss Patsy Schoen- wold and the honored guests, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hutchinson and daughter of Los Angeles. WE RENT (LEANING Lincoln School Ry St IIOOI. PUPILS unt, Mrs Jessl«* It Silva, Francisco Monday Mary Eaton, Ed and Eaton of Condon arc vis the home of their brother, fe, -