Friday, Oct. 24. 1041 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 • Mrs Mark True and her uncle, Mr. Owens from Sacramento, re­ turned Saturday from a visit with relatives at Dallas Mr. Owens Working behind a hard-charging left Sunday morning for his home. • Mr and Mrs. A. C . Jov left* Ashland junior high school line, • Bellview grange met in regular Wednesday morning for a visit Clarence "Mark" Marquess scored AU Service Men in uniform •re session three touchdowns to defeat the Tuesday evening when relatives in Portland. Invited to he our guests FREE plans were completed for the Po- | with 0 Miss Esther Wade returned last Grants Pass Frosh 19 to 6 on the OF CHARGE during their Ash­ nwna grange which will meet at ’ week from a few days visit in local turf Thursday night. He scored in the first, second and the Bellview hall Saturday. This Eugene. land visit............... will be an all-day meeting. Bell-' • Only a small crowd attended fourth quarters. IJttle Jamie Moseley, playing view grange will furnish the meat the Bellview school budget meet­ vegetables and coffee and the viit- ing Monday night. The budget car­ quarterback. ran “rings" around the Frosh light end and piled up | iting granges will bring salads ried by a large majority. and desserts, All fourth degree • Little Billy Welch Jr., who was most of Ashland's yardage. Grants Pass' lone tally came I grangers may attend this meeting I operated on for appendicitis Sat­ i • Mr and Mrs. Walter Davis and i urday, has been removed to the late in the game when a backfield Lyda Catherine, and Mr and Mrs I home of his sister, Mrs. Irvin man named Brown fumbled. The Floyd Parks from Central Point | Roas. He and Mrs. Welch will re­ ball rolled across Ashland's goal spent the week-end with friends main there until he is able to go and was fallen on by the bull-car­ rier's brother. at Gold Beach. on to their home near Yreka, The win puts Al Simpson's club • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rosen-1 Rosen- • Mrs. Jim Tucker is visiting with ba uni and baby from Klamath her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Fred in a tie for first place with Med­ Falls were gUMto at the Walter Nichol of Klamath Falls, She ford in the southern Oregon junior Hash home Saturday and Sunday. plans to return the last of the high conference. • • Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dunn from week. WHO DO CLASS MEETS Bui-ns spent last week with Mr. I Tlie Who Do class of the Meth- and Mrs. Claude Moore and fam­ NEWS FKOM odist church will have a ¡NU t y ily. this afternoon (Friday) at 2 • Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Deadmond o'clock at the home of Mrs L R and Dr. and Mrs. C. F. Tilton I Coder, 308 Oberlin street. spent a few days last week at I By SCHOOL PUPILS Keno. They were there for open­ Lincoln patrol members we re fifth grade arc John Payne. Mnry ing of the duck season Thursday chosen last week. The following Jane Coleman und Jeannine 1 'res morning. • Mrs. Theo Wenaus was honored were elected: Louise Schilling, ley. last Wednesday evening with a Billy Montgomery. Lorraine Lor- I Juanita Kuykendall from room birthday party. Guests included ree. BillyDean Walter, Maxine six moved to Klamath Falls Oct Mr. and Mrs George King of i Riley, Carna Henson, Janies Rose, 18. She was a nice girl and every- Wagner creek, Mr. and Mrs. R D : Ruben Smith, Warner Krinock, one liked her. Reynolds, Vera Demick. Lloyd and Maxine Winters. Ann Fullerton. Grade five challenged grade Kenneth Wenaus of Dunsmuir Barbara She re, Richard Adams. four in a game of football Oct 21 Mrs .Addie Henninger and the, Frank Hile, Betty Rynkken, Al- The referee was Carl Surber Wenaus family. Games and visit- j son Vestal. Joyce DeVore, Allen Grade five beat 12 to 0 ing were enjoyed and refreshments j Speece, Frank Morris, Colleen Kri­ Room seven has with the help of cake and sandwiches were nock. Lois Kathan and Eddie of Mr Wilda been decorating Allen. served. their library, Each one in the Carmela Daly is a new pupil in room has had a part in making • Auntie Jane McCoy spent sev- eral days last week with Mrs. room eight. She is in the sixth the room look nice. grade. The class is glad t have Malinda King. On Tuesday, Oct. 21, the fourth • John Mann who was injured her. She came from Washington grade made their second trip to school. last Thursday while working on I the city library to get new books the Lindsay ranch, was able to re- 1 The fourth grade received four Most boys and girls brought back turn to his home from the hos­ new pupils this week. Donald Daly, two or three books. pital last Saturday, and is recov-1 Gene Daly and Betty Wells came •— • from the Washington school and NEWS FKOM ering satisfactorily. • Rosemary Bell and Evelyn Wil­ Jeff Alkerie came from the Bell­ lis were Medford visitors Satur- I view school. Orchestra has started at the day. • Miss Marie Walker returned , Lincoln school. The children are Saturday from a business trip to glad to begin their playing. The By SCHOOL PT PI I S pupils in the orchestra from the Redding and Klamath Falls. We have 20 pupils in room three. For two weeks there have been only 19 pupils as Gary Guill still has the mumps Dickie Wallace is the fastest runner in our room Norma I»avis is the second fastest runner. RUSSELL HAYDEN The third grade is studying : about Indians We are reading tzf Paramount Picture "Red Feather.".We are drawing some pictures of Indians. Friday we made some Bld I an tepees The third grade boys and glr’s are working together on a big picture of an Indian villager Ckrmela Day has transferred from room seven to the Lincoln I school. Her many friends will miss her. and Room seven made masks for' Hallowe’en. Some were full-face masks and some were half-masks IN Richard Osterman brought some cheese cloth to cover them. Junior Hill Dow ns («rants Pass 19-6 RELIA IEW NEWS WELCOME! BATTERY B! Pomona Grange to Be Held Saturday Friday and Saturday! Lincoln School FRANK MORGAN “WASHINGTON MELODRAMA” Washington School WELCOME SUN • MON • TUE BATTERY B BROADY DRUG STORE Joan Crawford Robert Taylor “WHEN LADIES MEET” LITHIA HINDSIGHT ON SPORTS •; N T E R T A I N M E N T f < < By I TOLD YOally Matinee 1:15 |».m. E vpii I dkn 6:15 (lulls:30c; Stud lits ’ik nihlren I lc—Including tux ContinuouN show on Sundays Friday, Saturday •it I irrs in Filiform Admit ted Free! “LONE WOLF TAKES A CHANCE” with Warren W illiam June Story and “THE TEXAS TERRORS” Don Red Barry Sunday, Monday and Tuesday I You'll thrill every minute! Room seven has been making window and door transparent« They were very nice. Room five had a very nice sur­ prise Monday. Sidney Plckell brought u toy airport to school We are going to make an airjsirt Betty Wells, Gene and Don Daly of room five moved last MARSHALL- BRUCE 1 week They are going to IJncoln i A CO iU a « I A »ICTUS« school now. We miss them Obera Leonard, Bonnie Froh- relch, Tommy Uppington, I amnia McLaren, Donald Damon und Wal­ ker Grubb played their violins Friday for the Carrot club mem­ bers Bobby Simpson played an Indian song on the piano for us Dale Dieckman brought us two Indian pictures In room four They 4 are "The Appeal to the Great Add iM-fcnse Savings Bonds to Spirit" and "'Hie Trails End W<- your Investments. Serve your think they are very nice. ------------ •— country and conserve your earn- • The Miner for Quality Printing. Wed. and Thurs. 1 On Our Stage Sunday Night Ashland Junior Dramatic League presents Under the direction of FLORA MILLER THE RELUCTANT DRAGON Wed’sday & Thursday Bargain Days 20c 2 - BIG HITS - 2 SHALL I BUY THAT / can go EAST through Eddie Albert in CALIFORNIA for “THIEVES FALL no extra rail fare Ned Sparks FOR BEAUTY’S Defense Savings Bonds may be registered in the name of one individual, or of * two individuals as co-owners, or one individual and one other Individual as bene- ficiary. Our soldiers, sailors and ma­ rines need planes, ships, tanks, ammunition, uniforms and food. Yoa can help to supply them by buying Defense Savings Bonds and Stamps. If you’re planning ■ trip Fait and back this year, just remem­ ber that Southern Pacific round­ trip tickets take you Eatt through California for not lc extra rail fare to most destinations. Add San Francisco, Los Angeles and many other cities to your trip at no additional ticket cost. JÎL Fast, air-conditioned trains all the way including streamliners and coach-tourist economy trains. YES INDEED! Priorities, shortage of basic materials and skilled labor, "all-out" defense—all point to HIGHER PRICES and REDUCED PRODUCTION during the present national emer­ gency. Why not PLAY SAFE and BUY AT ONCE while your dealer can serve you and while prices are still within your budget? Don't put off the joy of clean, cool efficient ELECTRIC COOKING—of CONTINUOUS HOT WATER for ALL THE FAMILY! Electric Appliances - For Better Living The friendly Southern Pacific See locel S P agent or write J. A. ORMANDY, Gen /»»»a. Agent. t.¿2 Pacific Building, Portland, Oregon « CITY ELECTRIC STORE Í