Friday, October 24, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 7 1 THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE | ! Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young NURSERY STOCK 1 ■BaaHBBDlDQ»nWDaa^^SiaaBB@BEiaiaaDCt ’?3EiaC^WS)C!^^^St3SES)3t^^Z)t3t^a^S3 BIG TOP By ED WHEELAN >FTER HAL HAP CONE Hl6 ROPINÖ ANPPiPiMCF THE CLOWNS POT ON SOME 6 LAP SUCK COMEPy TO THE Pt LIO HT Of- 1U& MX»4AV. Bt’ORt SMOVJ TIME, HAL AMP A FtW CT TPt OW UIPI tXCUStt) F POM THE PARADE To ÍNTEPTAiN CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Plan Now for Fall Planting. Frsa <0 pagw catalog 700 varieties «f Fruit, Nut Flowering and Shad« Trees. Khrubs, Rrwes, Berry plants, etc. Holland Tulips grown In Ore­ gon. Free price Hat In color. Pleas* mention descriptive matter wanted. Tualatin Valley Murseries, Sher­ wood. Oregon. TRUCK PARTS Heavy-duty Motors, axels parts tx><1i**M, tires, holftts and used trucka. TRUCK WRECKING COMPANY 10th A fl K Hawthorne Port land. Ora. RABBITS AND SKINS ft SAN 'IM V'v? I IN ' CRIPPLE CPEEk CRIMES PUUI/IRV AND BABBITS WANTED Good white fryer rabbit skins 11 10 per lb Write postcard for price* and Information Ruby * Co- 935 S W Front Fortland. Oro. FILM DEVELOPING FAST SERVICE KE Boll Developed and Two Prints fro* Bach Oood Vega tire HOSPITAL WESTEBH J J LALA PALOOZA Comic Picture» Box W-4265 By RUBE GOLDBERG 25c PHOTO COMPAMY Portland Ore, » PRINT» AND TWO ENLARGB- MENTS 25c—Made by Portland'e larg­ est retail kodak finisher Satisfac­ tion guaranteed Quality Picture Co. Bos W3573. Fortland. Oregon. FOR SALE Now Hatching Weekly Dubl-Dollar New Hampshfres—U S. Certified Leghorns. Vashon Island Co-operatlvs Hatchery, Boz 3. Va­ shon. Washington. ! 1440 acre stock ranch. Grand Coulee district. 200 acres cultivated, fair buildings, water, mail route. Cheap for cash or will trade for light wheat land Bert Witt, at» Fir* national Bank Building, Veils Walin. Washington. For Sale. Cheap. 3 Caterpillar trac­ tors; 1 each 20. 22 and 30. 1 No. 7 J D Combine. Froyen and James. Lyle, Wash For Sale: 400 acres or part Irrigat­ ed dairy stock. Well Improved. Flowing wells, close town. $5» OR per acre. Stocked, equipped. Terms. Boz 333. Worth Fowder. Oregon. S’MATTER POP— If a Woman, She 1» Dre».ed Up, If a Man, He’» a Bum By C. M. PAYNE OPPORTUNITY SONO WRITERS—There's a rnnrket demand for new sengs—Our mod­ ern copyrighted sales plan helps un­ known talent sell their songs—Write Composers Service, Markham Bldg, Hollywood, Calif. L, DENTAL PLATES AMD ALL BRANCHES OF DENTISTRY on CREDIT TERMS Yoke 5, IO, 15 Months fo Poy D r . H arry S emier , Diritti mSMT BLK 3ss IVOBMSOR • Pwruwi. OK MESCAL IKE Garden Business Later By s . l . huntley j We’ll Call It Square The holdup men had boarded the train and were hurrying through the coaches taking cash and valuables from each of the passengers. A man at the end of the train stirred uneasily, then reached in his pocket and produced a $5 bill. “Here," he said, handing it to the man seated with him, “is that five spot 1 owe you.” INDIGESTION Gaa may excite tbe Heart action At the first sign of di-ttreae »mart men and women depend on Bell-ana Tablets to aet gas free No laxa­ tive but mad# of the faateet-acting medicines known for symptomatic relief of gastric hyperacidity. If the FIRST TRIAL doesn’t prove Bell-ana better, return bottle to os and rervtve DOUBLE Money Bark Ae. The Day’s Idol The idol of today pushes the hero of yesterday otlt of our rec­ ollection; and will, in turn, be supplanted by his successor of to­ morrow.—Washington Irving. POP—No Time for Work or Sleep By J. MILLAR WATT Beware Coughs from common colds NOT SURPRISED the squire ' s trying TO LET THE OLD That Hang On Creomulslon relieves promptly be­ cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, In­ flamed bronchial mucous mem­ branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulslon with the un­ derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMÜLSION for Coughs, Chest Colds. Bronchitis Forgotten Item Protecting Knowledge Knowledge planted in youth giv- eth shade in old age. « Stomach Always Acid I There’« nothing wrong with THAT! Dis­ comfort only comes when there’s TOO MUCH acid. Fear, anger or excitement help cause sour stomach, heartburn, indi­ gestion. ADLA Tablets contain Bismuth and Carbonates for QUICK relief. Get ADLA at your drug store. RÍAOS OROrRlXlfRX M MAPfll AHO SAYS THAT’S All. ,W YOU ADM HASHlY 1b HOlD THE IIN(, HER HUSBAND JUST CMIFD SHF'S FOR6U1 ItN SOMifaiNO BUI SHF OWlSN'T MAM OUT WHA1 SHOUftD HUSBAND who eY this im is ON HIS WAY DOWN CfllAR ANP CMT HEAR WUM42IS 1b ClfR* F» »LAV AS SHF TtUES t> REACH CFUAR POUR M •PHONE CORP WON’T REACH 7 h M FAR Exchange of Happiness Happiness is not given but ex­ changed.—Diane. /MIDDLE-AGE^ WOMEN (,^ HEED THIS ADVICE!! GLUYAS WILLIAMS ♦ HUIPRIO REPDR1S 1Ut SHOUß 1D MllDRED FOR «OODHFSS SAKE t RUN foMOflt N IltM, WHICH D own and sa what it SHI CAN'T UFAR BECAME IS SHE HAS FORWntN HUSBAND IS R01UN6 ASH 1b ORDER CAN AROUNp IN CERAR At 10N6 LAST DfSCOUERS THE MISSINO ITEM IS LEMONS(WHKH SHE HAP SCRAtHED OFT UST BE • CAUSE SHE HAD FOUND D ire uiîrepiehiyon hand < *•»—wd By TUB >•!! »rwlfta, I m > EXPLAINS VDWBlY t> CIERK, NO HARM BEINO DONE,ClFFY WUIN6 HUNO UP A 10H6 UME AOO If you're cross, restless, nervous —suffer hot flashes, dizziness- caused by this period in a woman's life — try Lydia Pink­ ham's Vegetable Compound. Made especially for women. Helps to relieve distress due to this functional disturbance. Thou­ sands upon thousands of women report remarkable benefits. FtA- low label directions. v J