SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, Oct. 24, 1941 About People You Know Page 5 AUTOMOBILE - FIKE CASUALTY - LIFE Homecoming Event Scheduled Today • '1 he Talent homecoming for high school alumni will be held this, Friday, evening All Taient alumni husbands and wives are ( hurch of Christ l ull Gospel Temple invited to attend. All graduates Second and B Streets Main and Siskiyou Blvd. possible to reach by mail have Earl F. Downing, Minister * P. Furman, Pastor been sent Invitations. The follow­ ing program is planned: Football Bible school 9 45 a rn. L. U. Gre­ Sunday school 9:45 a. m. game. Gold Hill vs Talent, 2:30 sham, superintendent. Classes for Morning worship 11 o'clock. p. m.; ; 2 homecoming ____ „ banquet k p. all ages C. A service 6:45 Sunday eve­ rn.. served in school cafeteria; Morning service 11 o'clock. Ser­ ning Evangelistic service to fol­ homecoming dance at 9 p. m. in mon. "That Awful Ethyl." Jun­ low at 7:30 o'clock. the Talent gym. ior church for primary grades un­ C A service and choir practice • Mr and Mrs L W Putman of der direction of Mrs Jack Young Kansas who spent the summer in is conducted simultaneously with 7:30 Tuesday evening. Bible study and prayer meeting the valley and Washington, and adult service. 7:30 Friday evening. Mr and Mrs Sam Hamilton. Dick Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. Everybody is cordially invited Keger and sister, Mrs. Mary Flu- Junior, High School and Young to all services. rer and daughter Marie left Mon­ People's societies. • I day morning for Wakefield,_ Kan Evening service 7 30 o’c'ock to visit relatives and friends They Representatives of the American I • mi and Ms Howard >• Weiser, are all formerly of Kansas and Sunday School Union will conduct Foursquare (hurch and Mrs C. C ~ Ix-wls of * ***** Ida visited last week with Mr plan on being gone for a month. Fourth and B Streets the service. Pictures will be shown. • Mr. and Mrs Roy Coghill have and Mrs C. L. U-wls. Midweek prayer meeting, 7:30 llev. Shearhurn, Pastor • mi and Mt« i' R Hardy have purchased the John Mason place p. m. Wednesday. returned from a combined vaca­ on Gibson avenue. • Sunday school 10 a. m. H. O. tion and business trip to Spokane, • James McDowell suffered a I Butterfield, superintendent. broken leg while working for Dick Wash Morning worship 11 a. m. Church of the • Clifford Smith was successful Skeeters' logging crew at Pros­ Evangelistic service 7:45 p. m pect last week. He was taken to in hunting deer near bly. Nazarene • M P O'Harra went to I-os the Community hospital in Ash­ Week night services Tuesday Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor les this week on business land for treament. rnd Friday evenings at 7:45. Fourth mid C Streets • Mis* Margaret Edgblll visited • Mr and Mrs Walter Jeffries of several weeks with her sister, Mrs Santa Rosa, Calif, sfient Sunday Church school 9:45 a m Friend- calling on old acquaintances in William Betts, in Gold Hill. First Methodist • Mr and Mrs Arthur Bish and Talent. The Jeffries formerly lived Sunday. Morning worship 11 o'clock. Mrs Church of McMinnville were on the Olsen farm in the Valley­ (’hurch Departmental meetings. Junior recent guests at the A H Peach- view district, leaving here in 1919 Cor. N, Main and Laurel Sts. • Mr and Mrs Cliff Green mov- Young People, Adults. 6:30 p. m ey home. Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister Evangelistic service 7:30 p. m • Mr and Mrs IHck Adams and ed to Proapect last week in Don- Prayer meeting, 7:30 p. m. Wed­ children spent several days in aid Walden's trailer house Don- Sunday church school, 9.45 a aid will occupy the Green home nesday. Portland last week m. • Dr and Mrs R E Potion in their absence. Morning sermon at 11 o'clock spent several days in Palm • The Talent extension unit held on the subject, "Around the World retum- Springs and ixts Angeles. a public chicken noodle dinner In Trinity Episcopal with Christ.” The adult choir un­ Ing home the first of the week the city hall Tuesday evening. The der the leadership of R. H Cookt­ Church • Mrs Zerretta Reed of Bridge- dinner began at 6 'clock. will sing an appropriate anthem I port, Calif, visited with her par- • The carnival held at the gym Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Vicar Wesley League and Youth Fel- enta, Mr and Mrs J F Emmett, Friday was enjoyed by a packed lowshlp at 6:15 p. m. Blum of house. Eads the magician was last week. Mrs Alun Evening worship service at 7:30 Holy Communion 8 a. m. first on the program, followed by Beno also was a guest. o'clock. A representative of the Church school 9:30 a. m. _ Mrs Bea» Stevens of Klamath skits and music and crowning of • Sermon and morning prayer 11 American Sunday Schoo! Union Falls visited a short time with her the queen, Inveli Mason, senior. a. m. will be guest speaker and will sisters, Mrs Dora Clark and Mrs was chosen queen Games of bea- Young People’s Fellowship 7 P show pictures of his work, The no, ducko, penny board, basket rn. Bertha Heer young people's choir under the • Mr and Mrs Al Berwick of throw, nail drive and the fish Holy Communion, 9:30 a m leadership of Mrs. Cora Bruce will Klamath Fails ware waah «*1 [Mind. The P-TA served sandwich­ Wednesday. provide special music. guests of Mr and Mrs. B. H. es. pie and coffee Cakes and pies ----------- •------------ Choir will meet 7:30 p. m. were sold to the highest bidder. Thursday. Boyer. • Mada *oa*m tnmaactad bual- Proceeds for the evening were bet­ You are cordially invited to First Presbyterian Hot lunches are worship with us. bus In Vallejo Calif several days ter than 1250 this week Mrs Belle Songer and being served in the cafeteria now ------------•— Church « Mrs Cloma Burton accompanied rllil) (lay i him to California and visited in • Talent grange met Thursday1 Sunday NcT.ool 9:45 a. m. Salinas and San Francisco evening when Marveen Shumate Neighborhood Church Worship service at 11 a. m. • Mrs Alice Cramer is visiting was admitted as a new member, j ------------ •------------ Congregational The grange will entertain the i in Dis Angeles Boulevard and Morton Streets 6 Mr and Mrs Andrew Macken- Ashland chamber of commerce at Clarence F. McCall, Minister son have moved from Redding, a later date Tt is the plan of the Catholic Church Iowa to Ashland where they will young members of the grange to Rev. W. J. Meagher, Fautor live organize a suiscidm ■' ■ Y'iA at j Sunday 9:45 a. m. Bible school, • Mrs Bernie Young and son of Talent. A fine program was pre­ Mr». Glenn Prescott, superinten­ Mass at 9 a. m. Sunday. Burns are visiting Mr and Mrs sented during the evening, in ' dent. Sunday school for children con­ H. L .Claycomb ' charge of Frank Reed as chair-j )t>an3 aq him Xjeuotsstui ducted by several Sisters from 25 for • Mias Maqpery Newton and Ml man of the agricultural commit­ uojun looqog Aapong uvauatiiy the Sacred Heart academy of Your Name I’rlnled Nancy Briggs enjoyed a vacation tee The next meeting will be the uv ui b ft }B djqsuoM Medford following mass. trip to l»s Angeles and I Palm election of officers All members ------------ •------------ Discounts on larger ----------- «------------ arc urged to !..- present Springs last week. MBS. HOM ARD HOSTESS quantities e • Waldo Green and Dorothy TO THIMBLE CLUB Free MltS. ItEED HOSTESS TO Dodge were married last week in , Mrs. Howard on Neil Creek en- HOME Bl ILDERS ( LASS Reno. The couple live one mile A complete line Methodist Church tertai ned the Woodcraft Thimble Mrs Sid Reed entertained thc south of Talent on the new high-| club at a 1:30 covered dish dinner East Main Street Home Builders class of the Meth­ way Mr. Green is employed in Children’s Thursday of last week. Assisting John It. Poet, Pastor odist church at her home Friday Medford as a mechanic. hostesses were Mrs. Etta Morris Religious afternoon with Mrs lxiwrence • Mrs Clarence Homes and and Mrs. Alice Cook. Powell and Mrs Roy Frazier, as ­ Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. daughter Clarice called on rela- ! Parchment The afternoon was spent in vis­ sisting hostesses. Business and tives in Talent Monday. Bernice Beare, superintendent In iting and needle work. Any type to meet your social session followed 1:30 des­ • Mr and Mrs Bob ixigan and charge. sert. Guests ’ included Mesdames Morning worship at 11 o ’ clock. Mrs Blanche Hungate spent Sun ­ I needs Walter Herndon. (> I’. Wray. Roy day visiting their children. Mr. Junior meeting and Young Peo­ NOTICE! Frazier, J Frank Culp, George and Mrs. Harold Sloper and Mr. ple’s meeting at 6:45 p. m. Even­ If you don’t want to sell Finest Line Ever Mason, Carol Kannasto, H B. and Mrs. Don Hungate ing worship at 7:30 p. m. your property, don't list it (Thapnian, Henry Newton. Law­ • Mr and Mrs. Lyle Tame of Mid-week prayer meeting Wed­ with us! Stocked Here! rence Powell, Phoebe Pickens, Dead Indian visited in Talent nesday evening at 7:30 p. m. C. HUFFMAN Bertha Freeze and Ellen Barker. Sunday. You are welcome to all services For Real Estate ------------ •------------ At the close of the afternoon • Mr. and Mrs. Wavne Cowdrey 65 N. Main & 345 E. Main moat of the group called on Mrs are having an addition built on • Subscribe for The Miner todav Charles M Giffen, a member of their house. Andy Carrell is con­ 5c-10c-$l Store the class, and surprised her with tracting the work a shower of dainty gifts. MISS LYDIA Me* ALL ENTERTAINS D. A. R. Miss Lydia McCall, assisted by Mrs Gordon MacCracken and Belle Dunnavan. entertained the Mt. Ashland chapter of the Daughters of the American Revo­ lution at her home Friday Re­ ports were given by Mrs. J. H. sceretary; Mrs. Louis I Edgar, Reporting Office (¡eneral Office Dodge. DAR Red Cross chairman, and Mrs. Grace Andrews, chapter Sledford Ashland historian. Medford Center Building Phone 3751 The next meeting will be held 240 East Main, Ashland Phone 2261 at the home of Mrs J W McCoy, with Mrs. W A. Stratton and Mrs Fred Harvey assisting hostesses. • Mr and Mrs Lmev Williamson YOUR CREDIT RECORD are vacationing in Portland. Se­ attle, and Victoria. B C. —You make it, We Record it! • Mrs. E. O. Smith was a business visitor in Medford Thursday of last week. • Clarence Delsman of Mi waiikir, Wis. was a Week-end guest of ('npt mid Mrs. C’hiules Helsinmi • Frank Cress, biotlivi of Har­ man Cress of Ashland, passed away Sunday in Klamath Falls • Word lias been received of the recent death In Portland of Mis Frank (' Routledge, former Ash­ land resident. • Mi and Mis George Martin were Sunday guests ail the home of Mr. and Mi» Joe Martin in Medford • Miss I .oil I a Pierson, student at the University of Oregon, visited her parents, Mr. and Mis W E Pierson, lust week-end • Mrs Earl Rogers, Mrs T L < »'Harin, Miss May Benedict anil Mis Charles Blake went to Med­ ford Sunday evening to hear Faina Whipple Gish, returned mission- ai v from < 'lima • Mr and Mrs I R Barksdale made a business trip to Salem early this week • Dr. George W Bruce utleinled an evangelising training school for pastors in Seattle and Tacotna last week. Mrs Bruce remained in I »alius for a visit with relatives • Born to Mi and Mis E R Walker Oct 16, twin daughters • Chet Fowler, Mm tin Herrin. Harry Chipman Bill Savin and James Smith attended the Call- fornia-Oregon football game in Portland Saturday. •Mr and lira '' M s. imi.-i Medford are now residents Ashland 1 N S U R A N C E • M> mid Mrs Edwin Fortmlllii of Albany were guests of Mr ami M in (.’hurles Fortmiller Inst week • Mi mid Mis Albert Pedersen went to Merrill Saturday. • Dr mid Mrs George Goodrich of Medford were guests Friday evening of Mr and Mrs. John Wilkinson. • Mrs. Iva Blackwell la visiting In Dm Angeles. • In and Mis C F Tilton visited in Klamath Falls last week end. • Miss Gerry Wilkinson of Med­ ford whs a guest at the John Wil­ kinson home Saturday night • Mrs Ernest Williams of Talent was a Sunday gueest at the R E Newby home. QRe M ETZ De|iendable Protection at IteasorHibie Kates M. T. BURNS ON THE PLAZA WATCH REPAIRING Ex|>ert Swiss and American watch repairing. Your watch timed mid regulated FREE on our Electric Time Michrorneter. RAMSEY’S JEWELRY STORE Swedenburg Bldg. Ashland 1 Professional Cards DENTISTS Dr. G. B. Hull 1st National Bank Bldg. Phone 6271 Dr. L. W. Stoffers DENTIST Hours 9-12 and 1-5 Medical Bldg. Phone 5211 Physicians & Surgeons Dr. R. E. Poston Swedenburg Building Phone 8791 Dr. Earnest A. Woods Phone 8051 Dr. Harvey A. Woods Phone 8041 Swedenburg Building • Mr. and Mrs. Alda Ceccatto were called to San Francisco Thursday by the death of Mrs. Ceccatto’s aunt. Southern Oregon Credit Bureau FOR DEPENDABLE WELDING and BLACKSMITH WORK TRY THE OAK STREET GARAGE Their welds are really tough—the kind to stand up under punishment. Furthermore, they have the equipment to do the work right, either in the shop or out on the job. So just remember the next time that you have welding or blacksmithing to be done, the Oak Street Garage can fix it and fix it right! OAK STREET GARAGE and MACHINE SHOP 97 OAK STREET, ASHLAND “We build Storage Tanks’* PHONE 4586 FOR WINTER COMFORT —you can rely on Electricity to serve you as always, providing comfortable cheery lighting for evenings at home as well as performing the everyday tasks of cooking, hot water heating and innumerable other services which make for home comfort. Don’t allow a “blackout” to settle over your home because of faulty or inadequate lighting or failure to make use of elec­ trical appliances. Ashland Light Department “Your SERVICE Department” )