Friday, Oct. 24, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 for Mr. Gregory at Grants Pans I , PRENin TERI IN ( III 1« II ||\S PROGRAM MONDAY • The Women's S«x*iety of Chris­ Under th«* uuapices of th«* Wo­ tian Service rflet Thursday after men’s iissociiitlon. i« "Missionary noon at the dull house with M ih Syni|M>nium" wits held at th«* /•‘irst It«sl States Depart turn ( of (lie Elixir Wright as hostess (»tlieis Presbyterian church Monday eve­ Interior, General Liuid Office. attending were M endtimes T An ning. Th«>se participating in tin* CHAS. M. GIFFEN Published Every Friday O. and C. Ailiiiiiiistrutlon, Port tler.Hon, John 1 >e Wilt, W. Dutro, at 167 East Main Street WILLIAM SAVIN land. Oregon. li.niy I ». I.nnell | Harry De Jamett, Arthur Go piuginm were Mis .1 W Mrt'ny, ASHLAND. OREGON NOTICE OF TIMBER MALE | I berg and daughter Karen, W M ihm Florence Allen, Rev. ami Publishers Sealed bids, marked outside 'Grim. Arthur Pedersen, I (Ju.iin M ih U F McCall and M ih E I ♦ ★ “Bid for Timber.” ami addressed me, Frunk Ward, Donovan Ward, McFarland Entered as second-class An interesting exhibit of curio« to the Chief Forester, O. mid C. and daughter Diane, E. O. Rob SUBSCRIPTION matter February 15, ROGER-M KYES - Administration, 4 10 Custom insoii, Mary Rosecrans and Edwin from various countries wits din- RATES 1935, at the postofliee at Diredor, Nations! Ferm Yotrfh FounJai^n House, Portland, Oregon, wi. I lx* S Richardson and daughter Bet- played. (In Advance) Ashland, Oregon, under • received until 10:30 A M , Pacific ty Tlie Christian ring for U m SI 50 ONE YEAR the act of March 3, 1879. JAMES GILBERT WAl.KF.It KEEP ’ EM RUNNING ITime, Nov. 4, 1941, for the pur ­ pur- church which recently was 80c SIX MONTHS Funeral sendees were held * «Mailed Anywhere in the One of the saddest sights to bo chase of timber upon tracts here­ chased by the society was (B m - Tueaday afternoon at the Hkn inafter described; each bid must pluytMi ut the meeting and a »pe­ found on any farm is a costly piece TELEPHONE 8561 United States) temple for James Gilbert (Butler) of equipment allowed to stand out state the amount per M feet B. rial report on th«* Mt ShuHtu ata Walker, aged ■ — 75 - lie - hail - |lvml M , which will be offered for each trict meeting wiw read by Mrs. I in the weather and rust instead practically his who)«* life In Ash- í~~TiT^P of wear out. species and the total consideration Don W uq I Delicious refreshments land. Four daughters, all of Ash- •THE TRUTH WII.I -- — “ —* SET YOU FREE" | which will be paid for the timber were served by th«* hostess, M ih I Farm imple­ land, survive They are Mrs I.eS- ments cannot be ! No bid for less than th«* appraised Wright. ter De Hhaxer, Miss Marie Wal- j value will be considered. Each bid • Mrs. Jones of Dunsmuir was expected to last k«*r, Mrs George Helms and Mrs forever. Noth­ i must be submitted in duplicate visiting her sister. M ih . W Dutro, | Dan Kay. Dr Claude It Sayre and be accompanied by a deposit Friday. Our attention once again has been called to the ing does. But it in the form of a certified check • Mr. and Mrs Walter Bray mid officiate«! at th«* service. is a compara­ | I in a general disregard for the pedestrian crosswalks in favor of the Chief Forester of daughter Judy of Dunsmuir .*u>ciit I tively rare EARI. ROGERS NAMED Ashland—which luckily has not resulted in any fatali­ thing to have I the O. and C. Administration. Th«- th«* week-end visiting relatives CHAIRMAN AT MEET any implement deposit of any successful bidder and friends here. Mr. Bruy is| Th«* Kith annual convention of ties as yet. However, our luck should be no excuse for actually deliver will be credited on the contract employed by th«* Southern Pacific i Oregon High School Principals' Payment in full at the time of fil ­ permitting an acknowledged hazard to exist on our • Mr. and M ih W Gran were association is convening in Salem the maximum Kyes service of which ing the contract is required in i ! in Medford on business Saturday , Thursday, Friday ami Saturday downtown streets. sales amounting to $2500 or less • M ih Finest Eian.i.s and KM1 it is capable, And the reason For copies of the form of proposal, i , Eldon of Ashland spent Thursday 1 of this w«*«*k. Considerable emphasis has been given the evil of for that failure to deliver 100% form Karl Rogers, Ashland junior of contract and bond, terms with her mother. Mrs M Wert simply lack of proper care, high school principal, haw been jay-walking in the middle of the block, but as long as is How of payment, amount of deposit • Mr and Mis J oi - Vioia and named chairman to head the con­ often do you see farmers there is open season on the pedestrians at the cross­ grease the share and moldboard of r«*quired with bid, amount of son Charles and Mr and Mrs Ben stitution committee group. boiul required with contract and Cavin spent Saturday duck hunt­ plow as soon as they ha\e fin­ walks there is little incentive to make any extra effort a ished application ing at Tule Lake. using it? That coating of oil other information, should be made to th«* address • Among those who attended th* to cross there where motorists maneuvering from side or grease will keep the plow bright shown above. IN JACKSON Yreka-Dunsmuir fall game free from rust. It takes just a and streets create an extra threat. few seconds. It costs almost noth- COUNTY: T 32 S . R 1 W See Friday night were Mr and Mrs 19, all merchantable timb«*r desig ­ According to the Oregon Driver’s Manual, "Pedes­ •ng A1I farmers know that rain Ray Coleman, Mrs W Dutro and nated for cutting on the ESSE1*, son Norman, Mr. and Mrs W trians must be given the right of way at intersections. and weather take their toll of steel estimated for tbe purpose of this« Gran. Charles Wright and Roy shorten its life, but a very Any person walking across a street in a crosswalk, and large number of them just leave sale to be 84Q M feet DA Mr, Williams Ernest Dutro mid Billy 795 M feet DC Fir. 35 M feet Gran played on th«* Yreka team whether such crosswalk is marked or not, has the right the plow in a comer of the held, Incense Cedar. 50 M feet Whit«* • Mrs Beryl Calkins spent the or "park” it alongside of the barn, Fir. No bid for less than $2 75 week-end with Mrs Oliv«* Allison of way over motor vehicles and the best drivers grant without any protection at all. M. ft. BM for the DA Hr, Sunday was spent fishing in Kia- such right of way to pedestrians as a matter of cour­ The manufacturer of a tractor per $2 25 per M ft B M for the DC mat h river. supplies a carefully written in­ Fir, $.75 per M the • Mrs Maude Wert spent tesy as well as to comply with the law.” struction book that tells exactly Incense Cedar, ft. BM for $.50 pat M ft : week-end in Ashland One suggested solution which seems to merit con­ how to keep the machine in per­ BM for the Whit«* Fir. or a total O Mr and Mrs Frunk Ward. Mr running condition—how to purchase sideration is the installation of “Stop When Pedestrian fect price of $4,150 00 will be and Mrs. Walter Bruy and daugh­ service the crankcase, the trans­ Douglas Fir and White ter Judy and Mr an*• • ... but only sound iuid suffl- twenty per cent. And best of al), Fir. 80 M feet DB Fir. 550 M home this past week on furlough, such care might keep the tractor feet DC Fir. 105 M feet White left Tuesday evening by train for «•lent fire Insurance will p re­ Welcome home. Battery B! Although we of the going, preventing a time-wasting San Diego. lent it loss when fire strlk«*s. for less than $2 50 per Miner management have had the privilege of meeting breakdown at a critical moment. M Fir. ft No B bid M for the DA Fir. $2 00 We represent only tri«* SWLSE'i, estimated for the pur-! important metals that are needed Phone 8781 41 East Main Medford hav«* moved to Ashland for national defense as well as na- ' ' pose of this sale to be 200 trees. , . - _ - * tional economy How many millions more or less, of Douglas Hr PH- ; to make their home. of tons of metal would you guess ing. No bid for less than $ 90 per j or a total purchase price of At a time when the administration is finding oppo­ had been wasted in the last ten tree years through not protecting farm $180 00, more or leas, will be con- i sition and criticism on all sides, the Christian Science implements from the weather? The I dered. All trees over 22 ins. DBH­ OB are reserved from cutting un- i Monitor has recalled a very appropriate story told of total would be staggering. less samped USOC Only Douglas | Perhaps w-e Americans have had ’ President Lincolln: too much of everything. We haven’t I | Fir to be cut. The right to waive “Some gentlemen from the west were excited and learned to be careful with our vital | j technical defects, and to reject It is too easy to get new [ any and all bids, is reserved. T>at- troubled about the commissions or omissions of the assets. equipment. All it takes is money, ed at Portland. Oregon, this 13th day of October, 1941 W H Hor­ Administration. President Lincoln heard them pa­ or its equivalent, credit. But there may come a day when ning, Chief Forester O. & C. Ad­ tiently and then replied: ‘Gentlemen, suppose all the new tools will not be so easy to ministration. ------------ •------------- property you were worth was in gold, and you had put get. And unfortunately for some of HILT NEWS us, that will be the very time when it in the hands of Blondin to carry it across the Niag­ need them most. Right now, for ara river on a rope; would you shake the cable, or keep we example, we arc looking ahead to shouting out to him—“Blondin, stand up a little perhaps the greatest demand for products this wonderful agri­ straighter—Blondin, stoop a little more—go a little farm cultural nation has even known. It • Axel Ekwall, long a member of community, and formerly of faster—lean a little more to the north—lean a little is quite likely that in the next few , this years, we shall be called upon to Klamath Falls, passed away Tues­ more to the south? No, you would hold your breath as help feed not only our own people, day morning at the Yreka Gen­ eral hospital, where he had been well as tongue, and keep your hands off until he was but half the world besides. is going to mean tools, and since he suffered a severe stroke safe over. The Government is carrying an immense still That He leaves to more tools. Right now they two weeks ago. weight. Untold treasures are in our hands. W-e are are available, but how about to* mourn his passing, his wife, Mrs. Ekwall of Lakeview, and a son, and next year? doing the very best we can. Don’t badger us. Keep morrow, The best advice this column can Edward, employed at Hilt. silent and we’ll get you safe across.” give any farmer is to keep his • Eldon Gregory, age 29, nephew equipment in proper working con- of L. D. Fox. logging contractor ditijr., and protect it from deteri­ here, who drove logging truck for oration, so that it will serve him his uncle, met death in an auto For home delivery, Phone «7«! until completely worn out. That accident Monday night when the WITH MODERN will mean better farming, better car in which he was riding cap­ crops, easier work, and cash money sized into the Klamath river af­ EQUIPMENT ter failing to negotiate a sharp In his pocket. *- turn. He leaves a wife and six- -------------•------------- Permanent PRICES! year-old son. The driver of the • Miss Eunice Hager was honor­ car escaped with slight injuries. ed at a birthday dinner at the The logging operation was shut home of Rev. .and Mrs. J. R. down Thursday at which time Turnbull Friday evening. funeral services were conducted •:<; al notices Southern Oregon Miner Pedestrian Problem! but insure and sure Welcome Home! Billings Agency No Heckling! The SUNGOLD Family IS GROWING! You Can Now Have Death Claims Axel Ekwall SUN Butter Full Cream Milk Churned Buttermilk GOLD Mission Orange SUNFREEZE ICE CREAM ASHLAND ICE & STORAGE CO CLEANING SUITS PLAIN DRESSES PLAIN COATS OR ANY THREE FOR 50c $1,25 LIKE TO BROIL? WE RENT FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY COLLEGE CLEANERS FLOOR SANDERS REMEMBER WHEN — Sunday visitors "dropped in” and mother popped corn to cat with polished red apples? Hospitality was simple then and "visiting’’ was one of the fine arts of being neighborly. Remember? The “G imm I Neighbor” (Milky 1 h one we en­ deavor to follow. “Do unto other*« as you would they do unto you.” OU'LL experience the feel of PROFES SIONAL broiling when you use this new GEN UINE SMOKELESS broiler. Takes the smoke and grease out of broil- ingl Y HILCO Phone 633« 823 Siskiyou Blvd IT’S EASY ON THIS NEW WEDGEWOOD RANGE I THOSE WHO HAVE TRIED THEM .... LIKE THEM! See This Genuine Smokeless Broiler '"»WEDGEWOOD GAS RANGE I PRICES REASONABLE DEPUTY COUNTY CORONER Litwiller Funeral Home We Never Close—Phone 4541 ¿I ¡ SIMPSON HARDWARE a ‘ ------ - - - - - - - - ----------------- -, -|_-|| A.- California-Pacific Utilities Co