Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, October 24, 1941, Page 3, Image 3

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    Friday, October 24, 1941
Elegance and Refinement Are
Apparent in Furred Costumi
Page 3
Al.I. Oi l
EOK Illi; SPAf.lll III
frocks like this one. A glance at
the diagram will show you how
utterly simple it is to make. It
can also have an open square
neck, as sketched.
Wnat Is spaghetti, and if so how?
• • •
Is macaroni playing fair with the
• • •
Is ttie federal security program In
any way being balked by the vermi­
celli situation?
These are questions which the
government of the United States of
America is now handling despite all
the other serious matters
thought were taking up its time.
Pattern No.
Name ...
Address .
’Í 5
All That Glitters
Is Kight in Style
Everything in the way of hats,
dresses, suits and accessories glit­
ters this season. You do not have
to stop and wonder if this glittering
touch or that will be in good taste.
It is good taste, according to fash­
ion’s decree
The embroideries
massed on avening fashions are
masterpieces of needlework. The jet
accents on day frocks, be they sim­
ple wool or regal velvet, are every­
where. Nailheadp, are no respecters
of fabrics. They glitter on suits and
on elaborate dress gowns alike.
Black frocks are being illumined
with plashes of gay beadwork and
embroidery. And the latest is bright
red, green or vivid blue sleeves,
lavishly embroidered.
Hats, too,
come in for their share of glitter.
Some are of fur encrusted with guy
Dressy Afternoon Suits
Of Velvet or Rich Silk
A button cruze is on. Designers
nre working overtimo devising ways
to "show off' juttons. Fashion even
has a surprise for your tailored wool
suit - jeweled buttons! It's this kind
of ingenuity thnt keeps things in­
teresting. From the American cou­
ture series by "la Mode” come the
buttons of varl-colored jewels that
march in double rank and file up
and down the jacket of this smart
suit, climaxed by n matching spray
lapel pin. You will And these jewel-
fascinnting on tailored and dress-
makers suits.
So brighten up that dark sheer
woo), or make that gaudy plaid even
more enchanting with buttons, but­
tons and more buttons!
"Weygand Renews Pledge of Loy­
alty to Vichy.”—headline.
Unless he does it every few min­
utes he has trouble keeping his mind
to it, no doubt.
• •
Hitler and Mussolini have
come out for a new world order
in which everybody except the
Nasis can live on their knees.
Add similes: as funny as the Nazi
blast denouncing the invasion of
Iran as unlawful, unfair and a
treacherous blow at a small nation's
I have never found it otherwise.
When I'm in Bangor, Maine,
The matchbook covers advertise
A quick lunch in Spokane.
Should Work
"I’ve got a new invention and
there's a fortune in it.”
"What is it?”
"An alarm clock that gives off
the smell of bacon and eggs and
coffee, instead of ringing a bell.”
The complete pattern (accurate cutting
guides, applique placement!, estimated
yardages, color suggestions and quilting
design) is Z5265. 13 cents. The resulting
quilt Is about Ml by 110 Inches in slz«.
Send your order to:
All the Harder
Al tuo men Hood chatting in the
itreet a third, known to both of them,
patted by.
"Whaft urong with Jack this morn­
ing!'“ atked one. “He looki worn out
and worried to death.”
“He’i been contenting hit uife’i uill,”
the other told him.
“Hit wife’i uill? I didn’t know the
uat dead.”
“She iui’t!” uai the brief reply.
And by the way who is the Fed­
soft brown wool suit shown to the eral Administrator in Charge of
right has a front of sable-dyed squir­ Noodles for the fiscal year?
rel. An autumn brown felt hat with
\ITE ARE never too young to
wide brim softly shirred and chou
And have you got the address of
of green velvet tops this handsome the U. S. Chop Suey administration ’ ’ appreciate a pretty frock.
Here is one of youthful lines, with
and the first name of the govern-
A record-breaking season that will ment Grated Cheese Dishes co- its yoke top set off with ric rac
braid and turn down white collar—
dramatize furs to the limit is In ordinator?
and side sashes to tie in back.
Designer* are using fur
There's no reason why your own
so intriguingly that only seeing 1*
But to get back to the Italian
believing Their effort* run in two dinner crisis. We understand the little daughter shouldn't be a
distinct avenues of thought. One : macaroni'hearing'te^'to^be'"fo“r thZ(Proud P°ssessor of two or three
approach leads to the lavish use purpose of going over the whole —
C*- f*-
O- O- O- <*• fV- C*- <N->
of fur as a trimming, as demon' spaghetti, vermicelli and macaroni • C^e
strated in the accompanying illus situation in America with the idea
tration. The newest coats are en- of making certain it does justice to I
riched with tuxedo panels of fur, modern government and that there
dresses have tunic* heavily bor­ is nothing about it that might at Î
dered with fur. and there are at­ j some time show that Washington \ A General Quiz
i had not been on the job.
tractive apiflique* of flat fur.
<*- <v. fV. fb.. fV. fV. fV. (X. (V. fV, fV. fk. (V. fV. fV. fv. (V. fV. fW.
On the other hand, designer* are
• • •
The Question»
playing up high drama in separate ■ The government is out to protect
fur pieces. Muffs were never so you from false spaghetti just as it
huge and, a* if to stress this fact, protects you from a bad stock mar­
1. In whose honor was the Pan-
hats in matching fur are often so ket investment. It would give you theon in Rome erected?
tiny they look like topknots perched the same safety in the matter of
2. The Civil war battle of An-
on pompadours or thrust at a dan­ buying 10 yards of spaghetti that it tietam was named after what?
gerous angle over the forehead. tries to give you in acquiring a few ' 3. Who wrote the classic series
However, milliner* are seeing to it share* of common stocks.
of papers called the Federalist?
that there are fitted snoods at the
• • •
4. The prime meridian passes
back or other contrivances that in- | Spaghetti should be cord shaped through what city ?
sure firm anchorage to the head. | and measure between 0.06 and not
5. In Shakespeare s "Merchant
Nor are all fur hats tiny, for one of more than 0.11 in diameter, the gov-j°* Venice what is the name of
the smartest hat fashion* this season ernment holds. It has specifled cer-jthe merchant?
is the wide brim that is fur-faced. tain specific shapes, and contours
®- What dirigible made the first
All sorts of fur neckpieces are for macaroni and vermicelli, with transatlantic flight?
made of fur, the latest bit of fashion or without grated cheese.
7. How many figures make up
gossip centering about the new stole
the Mount Rushmore memorial in
effects. Some of them arc like capelet
And it is sticking to its policy of South Dakota?
scarfs Other fur fantasies include protecting you against everything,
8' «°w ,nia,?y( «uns are fired in
fur-cuffed gloves, huge bows of fur except a fly in your minestrone. It B.n official^salute to the governor
to wear at the throat, shoe orna­ may yet get around to that. We 01 a s,a,e
ments, bracelets with dangles of
hope the spaghetti hearing is a
fur. corsages of fur flowers, and
The Answer»
happy one and that somebody wil)
fur motifs to applique.
provide red wine.
BUTTERFLIES of print, potted
flowers—20 such blocks make
a beautiful quilt. Partial piecing
is augmented by applique; strips
and squares outline the diagonal
setting; and alternate blocks are
quilted in a charming motif.
It Just goes to show you the
thing the long arm of the govern­
ment gets Into these days. Not even
a plate of minestrone soup can go
its own unregulated, undisciplined,
uncontrolled way.
Go ahead, bomber—
Have your way!
You'll be a saucepan
Again some day.
—Grace B. Treadway.
US New Monicnmrry Street
San Francisco
Enclose 13 cents tor each pattern.
Is victory over Hitler and Musso­
lini tied up in some way with the
dollar Italian dinner? Is the ulti­
mate triumph of democracy depend­
ent on a standardized bowl of
spaghetti? Are the Four Freedoms
remotely linked with honesty in the
macaroni, spaghetti and vermicelli
• • •
Who can say? All we know is that
Mr. McNutt had ordered a hearing
by the Food and Drug board for
defense reasons. Even the ravioli
situation may be gone into.
• • •
(Rrleaaed by Western Newspaper Union.)
Pattern No. 8020 Is in sizes 2. 3. 4. 3
and B years. Size 3 requires 1». yards
36-lnch material, ■« yard white material
for collar. For this attractive pattern,
send your order to:
And what department do you
think is considering the spaghetti,
macaroni and vermicelli situation?
You'd never guess.
The Federal
Security administration!
Yes, sir.
Paul V McNutt has ordered a hear­
ing on the whole subject.
'T'HERE is a genuine feeling for
elegance and refinement ex­
pressed throughout the fall and win­
ter fashion program that bespeaks
the discriminating taste of best-
dressed women. Among the signs
that point to a definite movement
toward distinctive apparel that car­
ries a message of "tone” and qual­
ity is the emphasis placed on luxury
fabrics this scJaon, on sumptuous
furs, important-looking jewels and
accessory accents that Impart thor­
oughbred touche* to the costume.
Then, too, the revival of dress-up
clothes for "after five" Is noted tins
The street-length dinner
dress Is an important fashion
which in turn brings back into the
picture formal little early Victorian
dinner hate to wear with them. The
new long gloves add dignity and
That there is a definite impor­
to richly fur-
trimmed costumes was a fact em­
phasized when the Style Creators of
Chicago presented a showing of rep­
resentative fall and winter modes
recently, three of which appear in
These luxurious costume suite of
wool have dresses that are jewel-
studded at the top and have fur­
trimmed jackets for added ele­
Smart and distinctive is the fit­
ted three-quarter length cutaway
bordered in fox shown to the left
in the picture. Its matching dress
has below-elbow sleeves, a tucked
neckline and a huge clip of silver,
turquoise and aquamarine. A clev­
erly styled pompadour hat of felt
adds a convincing style touch.
Amethyst-colored wool is the fab­
ric selection for the suit in the cen­
ter of the group.
Ils hip-length
jacket is distinguished by a flatter­
ing collar of blue-dyed fox. The
high draped turban is In two shades
of amethyst.
The fitted und bloused jacket of the
Butterflies, Flowers
A re New Quilt Motif
A beauty contestant at Atlantic
City socked a judge when his de­
cision went against her. If "beauty
is as beauty does,” she must be
a "knockout.”
Tommy — What's baby crying
Mother—Because she's getting
her first teeth.
"Doesn’t she want them?”
Well, Ain’t It?
“Can anyone tell me uhal a mandate
it?” atked the teacher.
“An appointment with your boy
friend,“ replied Elizabeth.
Kansas City, Mo.
Enclose 15 cents for each pattern
desired. Pattern No........................
Name ........................ ...............................
Address .....................................................
Through the Suez
Although the Suez canal’s aver­
age width is about 250 feet, ships
going through it are not allowed
to pass each other in motion be­
tween the Mediterranean and the
Bitter lakes, or over about three-
quarters of the 100-mile course,
reports Collier’s. The ship facing
the tide, which flows for seven
hours and ebbs for five, is
obliged to tie up while the other
passes, for fear too much back­
water will loosen the sandy banks.
_ a
pack . pops c houmous )
JJ b b fgj VOLUMI
- TINO t K (—'
kfcJOLlïTlHi 3
Rnmor's Power
Rumor has a hundred tongues,
a hundred mouths, a voice of iron.
Plan your stay at
As might he expected since
Camel cigarettes are America’s
I Portland's newest
favorite, the induction into service
hotels, the...
of thousands of selectees and vol­
unteers has only emphasized the
service man’s preference for Cam­
els. Actual sales records from serv­
ice stores show Camel is the fa­
vorite with men in the Army, Navy,
Marine Corps, and Coast Guard.
Prince Albert is another big fa­
vorite with men in camp or on
homelike rooms
ships. Since service men nave in­
from ‘2 50 per dav
dicated in all surveys to date that
with bath Broadway
tobacco ranks first in the gift line­
and Salmon Streets
up with them, it is natural that
local tobacco dealers are featur­
ing cartons of Camels and pound
Just Overcurious
tins of Prince Albert as ideal gifts
The overcurious are not over­
for the men in the service from
the folks back home.—Adv.
1. All the gods.
2. A stream.
Van (amps
3. Alexander Hamilton.
4. Greenwich, England, in which
Is situated the Royal observatory,
from the meridian of which geog­
raphers and navigators of nearly
all nations count their longitude.
5. Antonio.
6. Graf Zeppelin (Oct., 1928).
Quick Wit
ly it is wanted. Men pay severely
7. Four (Washington, Jefferson,
Wit, like money, bears an extra who require credit.—Douglas Jer-
Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt).
value when rung down immediate- rold.
8. Nineteen guns.
for that man in uniform
.» ■’ C ' V
' '
While in Spokane the covers sell
No lotal haunt forsooth.
But rave about some grand hotel
In faraway Duluth.
—J. H. Niles
• • •
The trend toward gentlewoman
fashions is reflected in the new aft­
ernoon suits displayed in current
costume collections. You will still
wenr tweeds for morning and about
town, but for afternoons you will
Hitler is In the position of having
be wanting a suit in black, brown won so many enormous victories in
or deep jewel-colored velvet. If you such a short time that defeat stares
prefer, you can choose a suit of him in the face.
• • •
elegant moire silk. Most of the suite
have jackets with flaring peplums.
Nazi chiefs are said to have left
Berlin for a safer city, They have
come to the conclusion that aerial
Match Them
warfare can be carried to a point
Match your petunia-colored gloves
where it is dangerous.
with stockings in identical hue.
• os
Give your simple black dress a
Definition of a split second: The
dashing fillip with these accessories.
time between the changing of the
Top it with a little jet dinner hat—
red light and the blast from the
thnt's fashion's way of doing it thia
horn of the auto behind you.
Your dealer has a special
wrapping and mailing
service to save you
or costlier
Actual Sales Records in Post
Exchanges, Sales Commissaries,
Ship’s Stores, Ship s Service Stores,
and Canteens show the
favorite cigarette is