SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 2 Friday, October 24, 1941 IF it ties.< Finally Admitted Stronger Force's Influence WHO’S NEWS THIS WEEK Washington. D. C. AN INSIDE STORY Word trickling back to the diplo­ matic corps frdm Germany indi­ cates that Hitler is beginning to realize that the United States means business, and that he made a tragic mistake in not accepting the advice By LEMUEL F. PARTON of his more conservative diplomats (Consolidated Features—WNU Service.! who warned him of this in the first VEW YORK —During his 16 years place •L ’ in the house. Representative In fact, the inside story, which Lindsay Warren of North Carolina now can be told, is one of the most used to lie back in his chair with his tragic of the war. Possibly if it had , , , eyes closed. not been for overweening personal Deceptively Sleepy seemingly jealousies the war might even have Eyed, Warren Is asleep. But been prevehted. What happened was that when A/erfa.tFafcAc/o^J/VhZn Hans Dieckhoff. German ambassa­ he snapped into action, his mates dor to Washington, returned to Ber­ noted that he had missed nothing of lin in 1938, he brought back a strong even the most complicated goings report that the United States would on. To them he was known as enter the war eventually if Germany “The Fox.” became the aggressor. He was Similarly, not much has been ready to warn that Germany faced heard of him since he became comp­ a repetition of 1917-18 But Foreign Bergen county police seize a strik troller general two years ago, but Minister Von Ribbentrop would not er who violently protested the ar­ here he is suddenly in action with let him see Hitler. The men shown jockeying this field gun Into position on the Russian rest of three pickets outside the Ribbentrop, probably the most a brief against the National Youth front arc described In the German caption as troops of the police divi­ huge Air Associates plant at Itcndix, ambitious man around der Fuehrer administration, accusing it of play­ sion—Hitler's elite troops. The man shown on the rlghl—foreground— N. J. The pickets were taken In ing politics to keep up its member­ and a great friend of Himmler, is a runner of the cycle corps. Berlin predicted the final collapse of custody after a hail of stones rained ship rolls and get appropriations. wanted to be the funnel for all ad­ the Red military power, basing their prediction on the understanding that down on a car bringing workers to Characteristically, he goes into de­ vice going to Hitler. Also he was the Russians had marshaled their last material reserves before Moscow. the building. A defense mediation feeding him his own kind of aggres- tails. —Soundphoto. board proposed a settlement. sive advice, not the cooling caution Bulky, bull-necked. pompa- of Ambassador Dieckhoff. doured and of a general leathery In the same cautious school with makeup, Mr. Warren liked to go the ambassador were Baron Von fishing in old clothes at Hatteras Neurath, recently ousted as gover­ or Kitty Hawk. He didn’t want nor of Czechoslovakia because of to be bothered with this comp­ | his moderate views; Hjalmar troller general job, although it Schacht, governor of the Reidhs- pays $10,000 a year for 15 years. bank, now in virtual retirement; His predecessor, the penny-pinch­ and Capt. Fritz Wiedemann. Hitler’s ing John Raymond McCarl. who former commander and more re­ once nicked a pullman berth cently consul general at San Fran­ Item on General Pershing's ex­ cisco. Even Field Marshal Goer­ pense account, was known as ing was much more moderate than "the watch dog of the treasury.” Von Ribbentrop. Mr. Warren didn’t want to be Czech Putsch Delayed. a watch dog. and after Mr. Mc­ It was Captain Wiedemann, who. Carl quit, in 1936, President around May, 1938. chiefly persuaded Roosevelt offered Mr. Warren Hitler not to invade Czechoslovakia. the job three times before be He was then Hitler’s military aide took it. and attended a meeting of der One of his three children. Lindsay Fuehrer’s inner advisers at which Jr., aged 16. is ailing. The impor­ general staff advised caution. Final­ tance of getting the best medical ly Hitler, exasperated, threw up his , care for the boy. and his desire for arms and ordered them all out of the a permanent home is said to have room. But Wiedemann stayed be­ induced him to accept. He had been hind, and finally persuaded his chief President Roosevelt cancelled hi* one of the most popular men in to delay the march into Cezchoslo- regular cabinet meeting and called congress, and watch dogs aren't al­ vakla at least until the fall of 1938— in army and navy head« to diacua» together popular. which was done. Under heavy armed escort, the captured Norwegian vessel. Busko, crisis in Japan caused by resigna­ Later, it was Wiedemann and his and 20 Norwegian Nazis, were brought to Boston. Coast guard patrol tion ot Konoye cabinet. Photo shows His post carries more power moderates who persuaded Hitler to ship Bear and two patrol boats brought her to the dock. The Nazis, Admiral Stark and Secretary of the than almost any in the federal receive Chamberlain and Daladier bound for Greenland to establish a radio base, were taken by a U. 8. Navy Knot talking on White House job portfolio, although no quiz at Munich. But by this time it was navy patrol boat. steps after conference. entrant would be apt to list it. too late for Ambassador Dieckhoff He passes on government ap­ to tell his story. propriations. audits governmen­ Ribbentrop never forgave Wiede­ tal accounts, settles claims and mann for this. Also his vaunting in numerous other ways polices ambition would permit no rival close hidden or furtive charges in fed­ to Hitler. So, shortly thereafter, he eral expenditures. He had valu­ got Wiedemann transferred to a dis­ able training for this in his long tant and relatively unimportant experience as chairman of the German consulate in the U.S.A. bouse committee of accounts. Later when Wiedemann was deport­ He is 51 years old, a native of ed from this, country, it is signifi­ Washington, N. C„ up "through cant that Ribbentrop once again channels” in politics, as county at­ transferred him as far as possible torney and state senator. He has from Berlin—this time to Tientsin, been regarded as one of the ablest China. political strategists of the Democrat­ The foreign minister of Germany ic party. Furthermore, there is a wants no moderates around. • • • legend that he once trimmed the President handsomely in a week­ ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN end poker game. Being deceptively Don’t be surprised if a U. S. war­ sleepy-eyed, and at the same time ship disembarks a load of Nazi alert makes him a formidable poker sailors and turns them over to player. justice department to be tried charges of “piracy.” It is even possible that in einhardt heydrich , setting up drumhead justice in the for­ “haul” may be an armed Nazi raid­ mer Czech provinces, with more than er or two that had been operating 100 executions to date, has improved down Brazil way. Anything may happen these event­ greatly dn Heydrich Possibly the compar­ ful days since the President enun­ Hat Cost-Finding atively loose ciated U. S. determination to main­ tain freedom of the seas, and System on Killings and casual branded Nazi submarines and sur­ techniques ot the Germans after the Franco- face raiders in American waters as “pirates.” Armed Nazi ships are Prussian war. prowling American waters and the In the latter instance the French U. S. navy has its orders. Francs Trireur gave the Germans a It can be revealed that neither lot of real trouble. The reprisals the justice nor war department were ruthless and widespread, but would be surprised if they had some unsystematic, and quite amateurish “pirate” seamen and "pirate” craft Dr. Arnulfo Arias, who was oust­ compared to Heydrich's highly pro­ to deal with soon. Both have been ed from the presidency of Panama, fessional exploits, for the fatherland quietly studying for a week the law Berlin has its press conferences, too, but how free they are is another in a coup which placed a regime and the iron heel. and precedents concerning such an matter. This radiophoto sent to New York via radio and to Chicago more favorable to the U. 8. In Old Baron Constantin von eventuality. via soundphoto shows Dr. Otto Dietrich announcing military achievements power. He fled to Cuba to save his Neurath, whom Heydrich suc- The war department enters the claimed by the Germans on the eastern front, to foreign correspondents I life, he claimed. Dr. Ernesto Dr La ceeds as “protector” in the picture because under the law all in Berlin. Note large-sized war map. Guardia assumed the presidency. Czech region, liked to shoot wild war prisoners landed on U. S. soil boars, but held back on shooting come under custody of the army. too many people. So they give a However, the U. S. is not at war, younger man a chance. The new so there is doubt over the army’« "protector” was Hitler’s finger­ jurisdiction. man in the >934 blood-purge, one No final decision has been of his principal victims being his reached, but the consensus of the friend Ernst Roehm, with whom legal experts is that any such he had risen to Nazi party emi­ “pirates” should be turned over to nence in the 88 organization, the justice department. They immediately afterward One suggested procedure i* that made him director of the Berlin the Nazis be landed at a U. S. port office of the Gestapo. and then jailed by the justice de­ As he rose in the Gestapo, Hey­ partment as aliens without pass­ drich established precise and up-to- ports. But most of the legal author­ date methods for killings and may­ ities contend that the Nazis should be dealt with squarely as buccaneers. hem. • • * It was in 1938, when the Gestapo CAPITAL CHAFF took on the activities of the “Inter­ In a direct membership election, national Criminal Police commis­ sion," that he foreshadowed the wid­ the American Newspaper Guild has er outreach of his espionage system. overwhelmingly defeated the leftist He said: "We are aware that the clique which for several years has criminal activities of the world can controlled the national offices of the only be fought internationally.” It union. The entire group was cleaned First meeting of the U. H. and was reported at the time that in out and a militant anti-Red slate British commanders-in-chief In the his office there was built up a dos­ elected. Far East. British Air Marshal Rob­ Cordell Hull has a new car. a long sier on “criminals’ all over the A delegation from Capitol Hill confers with President Roosevelt on ert Brooke-Popham (left) flew to sleek limousine, but without either world, who had spoken disrespect­ changes In the neutrality law. L. to R., back row: Sen. Tom Connally Manila, P. I., to discuss Far East­ fully of Nazi Germany One exploit radio or heater. Quoted at $2,611 (Texas) ; Sen. Charles L. McNary (Oregon) ; and Rep. Luther A. Johnson ern questions with Lieut. Gen. Doug­ which won him increased power for the retail trade, the car cost the (Texas). Front row: Rep. Hol Bloom (N. Y.) ; chairman, foreign affairs las McArthur (right), U. 8. chief in government only $1,800. Also gas was filching Schuschnigg’s private j the Far East. committee, and Rep. Charles Eaton (N. J.). cost* only eight cents a gallon. letters and papers. CrosH-exumining a witness on the other side, nn attorney tried by every means possible to dia- |credit him. ‘‘You tell us you came to the city in search of work," ho said meaningly. ”1 put to you that I there was another, a stronger, mo­ tive which brought you ull that distance. Isn’t that so?” The witness hesitated a time, then slowly replied, ‘‘Well, yes, there was.” "Ah!" exclaimed the barrister triumphantly, “Now tell the court ! what it was." "A locomotive," replied the wit- • ncss blandly. Free, a Grand Cook Book S|undurd Biands, Inc., Dept. W, | 691 Washington Street, Now York City, have prepared a cook book containing dozens of delicious i recipes for those who bake at 1 home, it may be hud absolutely free by dropping a post card to Stundard Brands nt the above ad­ dress, requesting that it be mniicd to you.—Adv. Guard the Lips Govern the lips as they were pulace-doors, the king within; tranquil und fair and courteous be ail words which from the presence win.—Sir Edwin Arnold. 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