Perhaps we are unduly curious, but we aorta wonder why General Green rates police protection for his <>wn private parking s|M>t on the busiest section of Ashland's main stem. r e e Many nave been wondering why England seems to be sitting back and taking It easy while Russia crumbles Perhaps it is a case of England "fidriling while Moscow burn«.'* see A prize story of misuse of the "franking" privilege to come to light recently was the report of Senator Nye sending a stone, postage free, to a atone collecting friend. THIS AND THAT By 01.1» TIMER To the Editor: The automobile has brought new, worlds of pleasure to man­ kind But It has brought new sor­ rows. Its speed, its power has un­ settled many a mind in the mat­ ter of care ami prudence. Many drivers filled with greed on the road toot a horn ami go hurtling along, mindless of the rights and presence of other drivers Whirl­ ing around curves they dare the chance that a part of the ma­ chinery of the car may give wav Tba story of It all Is told In h<>» pitals and cemeteries < / < A report of the Greater New York Safety Council states that from June, 1940, through April 1941 bODlbtag lh Britain OOftl M 756 Ilves and 47,856 injuries Dur­ ing the corresponding period In the United States traffic accidents killed .'13 470 and Injured mOH than a million. ere Sound the loud timbrel! Motor­ ists now stop their cars to per mit pedestrians to cross the main stem In safety, "Flying tackles” in the S F freight yards have happily been reduced to a minimum. • » » » Now that the Ashland chamber of commerce Is functioning 100 percent, the organization flaunt­ ing a "county” label should not presume to cover so much territo­ ry, especially and rightfully Ash­ land’s. COURT PROCEEDINGS Cases appearing before Justice M T Burns this past week In­ clude the following: Archie W Johnson, guilty of operating without a I’L'C permit, forfeited |IO bail. Robert H Mulder forfeited 15 50 on a charge Of driving without an operator's license. WEEKLY CHANGE SHEET New subscriptions to the South­ ern Oregon Miner: C. R Ramsey Jewelry store. Ashland: J Mackie. Western Auto Supply. Ashland Rev Earl Downing, Ashland, Mrs W A Stratton. Ashland: Edna I, Gohren, Ashland, and P G. Me- Keown, Burbank, calif Renewal: Roy Craw, Ashland • Powerful Juniors I^ead Conference The Ashland junior high foot­ ball team went into undisputed lead of the southern Oregon junior high conference with a decisive 13 to <> triumph over Medford juniors on the Medford turf Wednesday night. A previous game had re­ sulted in a 6-6 tie. Al Simpson's boys played a fine game and never let up until the final gun sounded. Ix>ng runs by Jamie Moseley and fine backfield work by Marquess and Speece, be­ hind a hard-charging line .gave the local boys their margin of victory. The juniors next go against Klamath Falls there Oct. 31. No Pilot Training At SOCE This Quarter It was announced this past week that there will be no class under the government's cviviiian pilot training program at the Southern Oregon College of Edu­ cation during the fall quarter Discontinuance of the air class was attributed to difficulty In se­ curing a ground instructor and to the scarcity of students inter­ ested. According to Marshall Woodell, registrar of the college, all indi­ cations point to a resumption of the pilot training program in January. MRS. FRANK ItEED and Companion Are Invited to Re Guests nt the Southern Oregon Miner To See Their Choice of the Following Varsity Theater Programs: (Friday and Saturday) PIRATES ON HORSEBACK" and "WASHINGTON MEI/ODRAMA" (Sunday. Monday, Tuesday) "WHEN LADIES MEET" • Please Cat! at The Miner Office for Your Guest Ticket« 9tl ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1941 Volume X Number 43 ASHLAND WELCOMES BATTERY B SCHOOL BOARD STUDIES REPORT ON BUILDING The school board studied an architect's report concerning ai- te rations in the Washington »choo at their meeting Tuesday evening, but definite action win deferred until further consideration of the situation. The report which esti­ mated alterations would require $7,700, was submitted by Miles K Cooper, an engineer employed by the Portland architects, White­ house und Church. The report indicated that ", by correcting certain structural weaknesses the building could be made sound and usable In add! tion to the matters of fireproof­ ing boiler room and adding fire­ stopping we recommend the ap­ plying of approved panic bolts to the exit doors By these changes you will have taken practically all precautions possible considering the type of construction you have to work with and without making very extensive structural chang­ es " "School design and plan has progressed so tar since this build­ ing was built that it would not seem a sound investment to try to make all changes necessary to make It a modem, firesafe educa­ tional plant." A report to Supt. Theo J. Nor­ by on a recent survey by the fire marshal's department also stress­ es the poor condition of the Wash­ ington school structure "It is not possible to lay too much emphasis upon the need for an entirely new structure to re­ place thia Washington grade school The building is in a partic­ ularly deteriorated condition and is so constructed as to lend itself to the rapid spread of fire The use of this building by high school students or junior high school stu­ dents would still present a matter for serious concern That It is occupied by grade school students accentuates lh<- danger as I look upon it. Through you I wish to recommend to the school board that plans be set for the retire­ ment of this building at the ear­ liest possible moment." Student Traffic Patrol Now Active Student traffic patrol which has been delayed for some lime await­ ing arrival of materials was fin­ ally inaugurated at the Washing­ ton school Wednesday While headgear and Sam Brown belts were distributed to the schools through the city police department and the Ashland Idons who spon­ sored the project are to supply white raincoats to complete the uniform. The main function of the patrol is the safety of students at street crossings before and after school and during the noon hour Accord­ ing to plans, the patrol will be active at the other city schools very anon. ------------ •------------ C-C Forum Luncheon Draws Fine Crowd The second chamber of com­ merce forum luncheon of the sea­ son, offering discussions on tax law changes, price trends in retail merchandising, attracted a fine turn out of members to the Plaza cafe last Friday. C. R. Bowman, county superIn tendent, briefly reviewed some ol the changes in the tax laws and discussed the reasons for the changes and the effects they will have. The two main reasons giv­ en for tlfe changes were that they would bring about a uniform bud­ get year and fiscal year and that the tax collections would be timer to avoid other heavy tax collec­ tion periods. J. H. Hardy, discussing pric< trends in retailing singled out sev eral commodities which have seei marked price advances and show ed the factors contributing to thi advance. He also pointed out the irregularity between price rises and the incomes of various groups WARSPITE TARS ON ROAD Two sailors from the ill-fated British "Warspite" which now is undergoing repair in Bremerton were reported to have passed through Ashland Thursday morn­ ing. They were hitch-hiking their way towards San Diego and said they were going to spend a 30-day leave in seeing the country. —•------------ • Mrs. Ear! Nutter and childrer went to Medford Saturday. • F. H Winter of Glendale, Calif visited several days last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs Otto Wiuter, I GUR DEMOCRACY il SHOULDERING ARMS- by Mat FA Ï1 AND RESPONSIBILITY. Hurry! Get Your Banquet Tickets Now! I .ate Thiinxlay Chairman Guy Applewhite of the gen­ eral committee for the Bat­ tery B Homecoming reported that only a little over half of the banquet tickets had been sold and that it wan highly Important that the remaining ticket* be sold at once in or­ der to assure the mmthw of the banquet-dance. It was indicated that this banquet is the main public expression of welcome to the Battery B men and there is no reason that every one of the 100 tickets should not tn- sold out immediately. The banquet-dance ticket» are $1.10 including tax and will admit the holder to both events. Tickets are now avail­ able at the chamber of com­ mercé. PLANS MATURED FOR WEEK-END CELEBRATION The first of the homecoming members of Battery B began ar­ riving in Ashland about 5 o'clock last night, which was consider­ W'" ably ahead of the originally sched­ M~ T uled time of Friday morning. i Lt. Lynn Neeley, commanding officer, was the first to arrive %. and the remainder ot the group X arrived at irregular intervals. Be- cause of this early and irregular arrival of the men, plans for an «■-. /ZS- organized reception were aban- /i I doned; however, Chairman Guy » All and other committee I Applewhite •4 ll IN members were stationed at the chamber of commerce office and welcomed the men and made ar­ rangements for their housing. Flags and banners decorated the ft city yesterday proclaiming a wel­ come to the homecoming soldiers H an OLING YOURSELF ANO DEVELOPING LEADERSHIP— and additional "Welcome" signs THt army ' s teaching that to a million and a half were stenciled on windows of busi­ VOUN5 MEN..SLYS LIEUTENANT GENERAL HUGH A. DRUM, I ness houses. * THZ CORPORAL OF TODAY REQUIRES THZ LEADERSHIP First public appearance of the qualifications of the lieutenant of yesterday .“ At the close of registration for battery as a unit will be this eve­ the fall term at the bouthem Ore­ ning when the soldiers and the HUGH A. DRUM MET SITUATIONS so o/o gon College of Education there 249th artillery band parade from ANO LICKED THEM KARL TRUESDELL. were 225 students enrolled. This the Plaza to the Walter Phillips is a decrease of 16..6 percent over field for the Ashland-Dunsmuir X. game. The battery will also ap­ the fall term last year. 1 One hundred and thirty-two stu- pear in military drills between | dents were registered in the halves of the game and the band teacher education division and 95 will take part in impressive flag­ students were enrolled in lower raising ceremonies. division of junior college, Tne The climax of the homecoming t teacher education group is down activities will be the banquet and 12.5 percent and junior college di­ dance at the Elks temple Satur­ 7 < vision is down 21.8 percent over day night. Present plans indicated j last year. A total of 93 men and that the men would parade to the J? < r Ì I 132 women registered. This is a I entrance of the banquet hall where decrease of 29.5 percent in men they would stand in open file to i and decrease­ of omy 4.3 percent in be joined by their "hosts" and ac­ women. companied to the banquet. An or­ BORN IN MICHIGAN,COMMISSIONED »ORN IN MINNESOTA. The only increases thia fail chestra made up of members of SECONOUEUTENANT FROM CIVIL PRIVATE SOLDIER, l?OI were in third year students and the regimental band will furnish LIFE