Page 8 Friday, Ort. 17, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER • Mrs Roy Unruh and Mrs Don | in the gym Friday night, Oct 17 Hungate of Prospect were visiting • Mr. and Mrs Ted Netherlands • F. S Stewart who operated a friends and relatives in Talent of Winters. Calif, arrived in Tal­ small greenhouse one mile south Tuesday. ent Thursday to visit relatives and of Talent has sold his property to • Mr and Mrs E Woods return­ friends in the valley a couple of C Huffman. Stewart will reside ed home last week from a trip In weeks. in Talent. Washington where they s|>ent a • Sammy Hamilton, son of Mi and Mrs Sam Hamilton, station­ • Among the lucky hunters over couple of weeks with friends. the week-end were Alfred Norris • Mr and Mrs K F Paiks tv 0 by the Pelicans The Grizdly line was backed up i>\ a big husky wealing number 32 who was in on almost all of Ash­ land's defensive maneuvers and played an Important part in of­ fensive plays, such as they were The man on the business end of the PA system had reference to Russell Hawk, the boy who was panned In this column at the be­ ginning of football season for his decision to transfer to Medford, a plan which failed to materialize Mr. I Told You 8o has been watching Hawk play high scb<>< hall for two years prior to this season and reached a decision that he was no more than a mediocre high school gridster But the wa\ he performed last Friday nicht this department takes off Its hat to Bussell Hawk We still feel, however, that the dickering between Ashland and Medford schisils. dons by Hawk, was out of place. < < r Our grid forecasts failed to rate space last Friday. The season av­ erage now stands nt 703 with 26 correct and II wrong Tills week's guesses: Washington over UCLA at Se­ attle Washington State over USC at Los Angeles. Oregon over California at Port­ land. Montana over Gonzaga at Mis sou la Stanford over Sun Francisco at San Francisco. Santa Clara over Michigan State at San Francisco. Texas over Arkansas nt Austin Nebraska over Indiana at Ijn- coln. Duke over Colgate at Durham Klamath Falls over Medford at Klamath Falls Jiii y Miitiutw 1:45 |>. ni Evening* 6:45 UlultN30c; Student» 20< Children I !<•—Including; tax ContinuoUN show on Sundays Friday, Saturday ; “THE LADY- FROM LOUISIANA” i I with Ona Munson John Wayne “THE MEDICO OF PAINTED • SPRINGS” with Charles Starrett ALSO THE NEWS Sunday, Monday and Tuesday “BLONDIE IN SOCIETY” ! with Penney Singleton ■ : Dagwood and Baby Duniplin and of course name is Kenneth Montgomery W<- are glad to have Kenneth with us We nre making Hallowe’en pic­ tures. It is so much fun! We plan to have a party We are going to make a mask out of paper sack Jean Turnbull and Norman Gould each played a piano solo Adult» 15c- Kiddirs 11c; for us They played beautifully and we enjoyed their music very INCLUDING TAX much. Julia Norby was chosen from Add Defense Savings Bonds to our room to tie a member of the your investments Serve your "Safety Council.” We believe thia country and conserve your earn­ ing» will be a fine organization. Daisy, the Dog Wed. and Thurs. Mid-Week Special J. P. DODGE & SONS FUNERAL DIRECTORS LIFE EXTENSION SERVICING Do you plan to drive your present car another year or two? If so, treat it to a “LIFE EXTENSION” servicing! Wed’sday & Thursday Bargain Days 20c 2 - BIG HITS - 2 GEMS OF THOUGHT SERVICE Human merit or demerit will | find its proper level. Divinity alone solves the problem of hu­ manity, and that in God's own time. “By their fruits ye shall know them.”- Mary Baker Eddy. Man's chief merit consists in resisting the impulses of his na­ ture.—Samuel Johnson. Good actions crown themselves with lasting bays; Who deserves well, needs not an­ other’s praise—Robert Heath. Life is continually weighing us in very sensitive scales, and tell­ ing every one of us precisely what his real weight is to the last grain of dust.—James Russell Lowell. Merit is never so conspicuous as when coupled with an obscure origin, just as the moon never ap­ pears so lustrous as when it emer­ ges from a cloud.—Bovee. WE RECOMMEND— • Renewed Brakes • A Carbon and Valve Job • A New Battery • A Few New Tires • A Clutch Overhaul • Check Transmission, Rear- Axle and Universal • Shampoo the Upholstering • Knock Out the Dents • Touch up the Paint * RAME and HOT WATER NEATER Vow? We are equipped to give you authorized ser­ vice and genuine parts for any make of car. • * R. L.OROSBY J*~~Electric Appliances - For Better Living Certified TEXACO Service Phone 3911 YES INDEED! Priorities, shortage of basic materials and skilled labor, “all-out" defense—all point to HIGHER PRICES and REDUCED PRODUCTION during the present national emer­ gency, Why not PLAY SAFE and BUY AT ONCE while your dealer can serve you ond while prices are still within your budget? Don't put off the joy of clean, cool efficient ELECTRIC COOKING—of CONTINUOUS HOT WATER for ALL THE FAMILY! I1 Air CITY ELECTRIC STORE Marfak Lubrication Mechanical Service Main and Helman I