Friday, October 17, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 7 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Fun For the Whole Family TRUCK PARTS Heavy-duty Motors, axels parts, bodies, tires, hoiata and used trucks. THICK WRECKING COMPANY 10th 4 R R Hawthorne Portland. Ora, RABBITS AND SKINS BIG TOP POULIHY AND RABBITS WANTED. Good white fryer rabbit skins 11 10 per lb Write postcard for prices and Information Raby k Co.. 935 S W. Pront Portland. Oro. By ED WHEELAN FILM DEVELOPING FAST SERVICE Boll Developed and Two Prints froaa Bach Good Negative WESTERN box W-4265 25c PHOTO COMPANY Portland Ore. » PRINTS AND TWO ENLARGE­ MENTS 25 c —Made by Portland's larg­ est retail kodak finisher Satisfac­ tion guaranteed Qnallty Picture Co. Box W3573. Portland. Oregon. SCHOOLS LALA PALOOZA By RUBE GOLDBERG Big Game PUT YOURSELF IN DEMAND for war or peace time, there will be plenty of work for many years for «■Ithrr Wehhrs or Machinists. We are equipped tc> train men for eith­ er trad«- We see that you go to work after seven to ten weeks training in our school, for h very small tuition. We have the best of Equipment and Instructors, are ths largest school of Its kind In the Nrrthwest. For further informa- tlon write or call: A k A WELD- IBG k MACHINIST SCHOOL. Inc., 3335 Pifth Ave.. Beattie. Wash. HELP WANTED WANTED: Single middle-aged man to help tsi small farm. No cigarette smoker. Must be able to milk 1 or 4 cows. Good home and wage< to reliable man. See or write Keter Pearson, Gaston, Oregon. OPPORTUNITY By C. M. PAYNE S’MATTER POP- Very Technical Tad REAL OPPORTUNITIES TODAT TN THE HANDWARE AMD AUTOMOTIVE LIWES Visualize the sales and profit possi­ bilities that exist for these fastest selling lines. We have a complete store program for the man with limited capital—a planned merch­ andising and sales program for a profitable and successful business of your OWN. Capital required, »4500. We have seme excellent lo­ cations available For further In­ formation. write Marshall-Wells As­ sociate Store. Division, Box 4300, Portland, Oregon. FOR SALE Now Hatching Weekly VJHE.N ¡M NOT HOME. Dubl-Dollar New Hjimnshlres—IT. S. Certified Leghorns Vashon Island Co-operative Hatchery, Box 3. ▼»- shoa. Washington. f 1 < SHEEP 12 HEAD OF HAMPSHIRE AND I head of crossbreed Hamp-Suffolk rams. »20 per head Clay Bichóla, 818 Pifth St- Lebanon. Or HUNTERS—Get one of these redbene hounds from true tree dogs, just right for winter training. O. D. Hall. Mist. Oregon. MESCAL IKE By & L HUNTLEY A Wo. 1 STOCK RANCH 20 Acres, twenty miles ncrthwest from Newport; 200 acres in hay; good buildings: creek; lots of out­ side range; 100 head of cattle. 4 horses, tractor and farm imple­ ments; all fey »IS.000. and a bar­ gain at that price. Zlmer Jones, A Slight Interruption Wswport, Wash. SMALL INLAND EMPIRE VARIETY STORE priced for quick sale. Write Box 96. Soap Lake. Wash. Arthritis. Sinus. Neuritis, Sciatica, Rheumatism and Lumbago. Short Wave Diathermy in the home, for rent or sale. Ask for circular. Merit Diathermy, 534 N. 8. Coucb Portland. BAst 5063. Fifty-five Planes When the United States declared war in 1917 it had 55 airplanes, the majority of which were obsolete and the rest obsolescent POP—Reciprocation Relief At Last For Your Cough By J. MILLAR WATT Creomulsion relieves promptly be­ cause It goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in­ flamed bronchial mucous mem­ branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un­ derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis Farmers Are Founders The farmers are the founders of civilization and prosperity.—Dan­ iel Webster. Miserable with backache ? The World At Its Worst HEN kidneys function badly and you suffer a nagging backache, with dizziness, burning, scanty or too frequent urination and getting up at night; when you feel tired, nervous,, all upset... use Doan's Pills. Doan's are especially for poorly working kidneys. Millions of boxes are used every year. They are recom­ mended the country over. Ask your neighbor! W D oans P ills I ~~ " ' ' '■ — • WNU—13__________________ 42-41 GLUYAS WILLIAMS ♦ "How want! I knew whirl year bawling ball Is. wbere'd ran leave Ilf” k mODERHIZE Whether you're planning a party or remodeling a room you should follow tht ¿di trtitrnentt ... to learn what's new... and cheaper... an< better. And the place to find out about new things is right here in thia newspaper. It. column, are filled with important messages which you should read regularly.