Friday, Oct. 17, HM 1 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 5 BELLVIEW NEWS About People You Know HÌÌÌIiNlltìlHill' .Continued from im U" I* evening at the A R Kincaid home honoring Mis L H Pankey, eusa Eunice Kincaid and Lyda Cather­ • Mi mid M in Will Dodge visit­ Hairy McNair thin week ed In Marshfield ami Roseburg • Mm C C. Ix-wis of Weisel, ine Ira vis. last week Ida 1« a guest' of'Mrs. C I. ning with the honored guests were Cathode Church • Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Isom of Full Gospel Temple Big bundle of old pa|>er« 10c. Lewis .Miner office E. Main and Siskiyou Blvd. Rev. W. J. .Meagher, Pastor • Mi and M ik M. T Bums vis- Portland are spending the week I.. P. Ftirrnan, Pastor • Ml and Mis Wnltei Bradley lied In Dunsmuir, Mt Hhawta and with Mr and Mrs Jim Tucker. They aie relatives of Mrs. Tucker Mass at 9 a. rn. Sunday. and mm of Klnmath Falls were Klamath Falls Sunday. Sunday school for children con- j Sunday school 9:45 a. m. week-end guests of Mrs Lulu • Miss Mary Mcljirmtn of Chilo • The Bellview extension unit met at the giange hail for an all­ ducted by several Sisters from Wilson Morning worship 11 o’clock. quin was a week-end guest of Mr. day session Wednesday. Home the Sacred Heart academy of C. A service 6:45 Sunday eve­ • Mr and Mis II M Olson of and M in . Ted Guetzlnff. emergencies were the main topics M*