Page 4 Friday, Oct. 17, 1911 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER geious Opportunities '’ The dub .. . ■ i , will second Wellies , Mrs II If Cartel entertained wl" meet oil the , , ,. ............. dav in November at the home <»r the Pilgrim Misslomiry club of ^*' min W................. ’*---- *' Congregational church Wednesday reel. of last week at her home M in C F McCall had charge of the les * oii * Earl llohlNi of Uikcvlrw I n n study reviewing the book "Dan guest of Mi and M in Noti Heard. PILGRIM <’1.1'11 MEETS HILT NEWS Southern Oregon Miner legal notices • The I Julies club met Thursday for a pleasant afternoon of bridge at the club house. Mrs. Arthur l'llit«*er M I feet 14 I the school house Friday afternoon I . L- . ' A Columbus day play was pre- 1 __ M . ’ which whk h will wU1 be •** offered oWered for each SET YOU FREE" species and the total consideration sented by the seventh and eighth which will be paid for the timber. grade students under the direction No bid for less than the appraised of their teacher. Mrs. Stella King value will be considered Each bid Mrs. John De Witt, who attended must be submitted in duplicate the district P-TA meeting at Mt and accompanied by a deposit Surveys of public opinion indicate a strong trend Shasta recently, gave an interest­ in the be form of a certified check ing report on the meeting. Miss towards the idea that the first requisite of a more than Gansburg reported that the an­ in favor of the Chief Forester of the O. and C. Administration The temporary peace is the defeat of Hitlerism. Yet as nual play had been selected by deposit any successful bidder the committee and that most of America more openly and loudly proclaims this stand, the cast had been chosen. The will be of credited on the contract Payment in full at the time of fil-1 a report on the production of the defense industries play is to be presented at the club ing contract is required in; house Nov. 14. At the close of shows that we have failed to back our words with suf­ business, the hostesses, Mrs. Gus sales the amounting to $25u- required with bid, amount of attended the football game bond required with contract ami of our resources and facilities while we still cling to the tro information. application between Weed and Dunsmuir at other “business as usual" attitude, turning out pleasure cars Weed Sat unlay afternoon and the should be made to the address above IN JACKSON and allowing various monkey wrenches to be tossed game between Yreka and the Kia- shown math Falls Wildcats at Klamath POINTY: T 32 <. it 1 W SM 19, all merchantable timber desig­ into the defense mechanism. Falls ■ Saturday night. nated for cutting on the E'sSE1*, ♦ Mr. and Mrs. George Wright One of the most inexcusable of these obstructions estimated for the purpose of this' were in Medford Saturday. to production is work stoppage caused by union rivalry ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ekwall safe to be 840 M feet I> \ Fn M feet DC Hr, 35 M feet where working conditions are not involved and where drove to Lakeview, Ore. Saturday 795 to see Mr. Ekwall’s mother who Incense Cedar, 50 M feet White union welfare takes precedence over national welfare. recently suffered a nervous break­ Fir. No bid for less than $2 75 per M. ft. B M for the DA Fir, A very childish example of these union squabbles came down. ♦ Mrs. Frank Graves returned $2.25 per M ft BM for the DC to light last week in a Toledo. Ohio plant where tank from Medford early last week Fir. $ 75 per M ft BM. for the Cedar, 3 50 per M ft.! transmissions are being manufactured. Here the CIO- where she had undergone a ton- i B Incense M. for the White Fir, or a total sillectomy. ers refused to work just because certain parts which ♦ Mr and Mrs. Gerald Black and purchase price of $4.150 00 will be Douglas Fir and White they were assembling were turned out by AFL workers children were shopping in Ashland considered Fir. 22 ins and less DBHOB. and Saturday. in a subsidiary plant. ♦ Mr. and Mrs W. Dutro were in Incense Cedar 34 ins. and less DBHOB. reserved from cutting T Another example of this costly private war is re­ Medford Saturday. 35 S, R. 2 E . Sec 13. all mer­ ♦ Mrs Roy Hord and son Bob ported in connection with a recent bid on the construc­ drove to Medford Tuesday after­ chantable timber designated for cutting on the S>4NE*4 and W's tion of 300 houses for the government. One Detroit noon. ♦ Mr and Mrs. W. Gran visited NW'*, estimated for the purpose firm planned on pre-fabricating the homes—doing friends i of this sale to be 130 M. feet DA much of the construction on efficient factory assembly ning. in Ashland Sunday eve- ; Fir, 80 M feet DB Fir. 550 M ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Dick Williams feet DC Fir. 105 M feet White lines, and on this basis turned in a bid that was some and | Fir. No bid for less than $2 50 per $400,000 less than the nearest competitor. However, urday. son Roy were in Medford Sat- M ft B M for the DA Fir $2 00 per M. ft. B.M for the» DB Hr, the government has not yet accepted this bid because ♦ Francis O. Geroy. USN, arrived I $150 per M ft BM for the IX? home Monday night for a week of possible repercussions in the labor camps—it seems furlough to visit his parents, Mr. Fir, $100 per M ft. BM for the J White Fir, or a total purchase that the pre-fabricated homes would be built by CIO and Mrs. Marlowe Geroy. ; price of $1,415 00 will be consider­ factory workers which would be an invasion of the Big bundle of old papers 10c. ed. Douglas Fir 26 ins. and leas DBHOB. and White Fir 22 ins and monopoly in the building trades enjoyed by the AFL. .Miner office less DBHOB, reserved from cut­ ♦ Mrs. Elizabeth Rosenbaum of ting. Thus efficient methods are discouraged and taxpayers’ Ogden, Area to be logged with cat­ Utah is a guest of her erpillar tractor. T 38 8 . R. 2 W„ dollars are squandered in an effort to pamper the po­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Sec. 25, all merchantable timber Carter. litically powerful labor leaders. designated for cutting on the estimated for the pur- While congress and the administration look the ♦ Subscribe for The Miner today. 1 SW4SE'*, pose of this sale to be 200 trees, other way, it seems that it is high time that the public more or less, of Douglas Fir Fil­ ing No bid for less than $ 90 per make its influence felt by demanding action in such tree or a total purchase price of i situations. America’s stand must be backed by pro­ $180 00, more or less, will be pon­ dered All trees over 22 ins DBH­ duction and not empty words. OB are reserved from cutting un­ WESLEYAN SERVICE GUILD WSCS STUDY CLASS TO less samped U8OC Only Douglas PLANS PENNY PARTY MEET WITH MRS. PRATT Fir to be cut. The right to waive technical defects, and to reject Miss Voda Brower and Miss The weekly study class of the any and all bids, is reserved Dat­ Velma Brower were hostesses to | Women’s Society of Christian Ser­ ed at Portland. Oregon, this 13th the Wesleyan Service guild of the ; vice of the Methodist church met day of October, 1941 W H Hor­ Methodist church at the home of at the home of Mrs. Harry Yeo ning. Chief Forester O. & C. Ad- the former Tuesday evening of Wednesday afternoon. After the ministration. this week. Mrs. Alice Willits led devotional period conducted by the devotional meeting. Miss Cora Mrs. Reba Kelsey, Mrs. George PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mason, program lader, was assist­ Mason presented the lesson study. I HOLDS RECEPTION ed In presentation of the lesson by The next class will be held Wed- Mrs. Frances White, Mrs. Hazel , nesday at the home of Mrs. Carol Faculty and students of the Gunter, Miss Carrie May Smith Pratt, 438 North Main. Southern Oregon College of Edu­ and Miss Gladys Whitson. Miss ------------ •---------- cation and the local high sc hex» I Geraldine Wenner was received as ♦ Mrs. J. P. Halfhill has returned ; who claim the Presbyterian a new member. home from a visit with relatives church as their church preference Saturday afternon, Oct. 18. the in Los Angeles. were royally entertained Wednes- guild is sponsoring a penny party ♦ Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Jackson Care will prevent moot fires 1 day evening of last week at the [ at the home of Mrs. Sam McNair have returned home from a visit ... but only sound and suffi­ Presbyterian church. The Wom­ to which the public is invited. Mrs. with friends and relatives in Colo­ en's association had charge of the cient fire insurance will pre­ McNair will speak on her hobby, rado, Idaho and Utah. banquet. Rev. James H Edgar I vent a loss when fire strikes. displaying her large collection of ♦ Sgt. John E. Barraclough of the asked the blessing. A. Bert Free-1 goblets. Proceeds from the party Panama Canal Zone is visiting his We represent only tried and man was toastmaster. will be used for the benefit of parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Bar­ tested coni|Muiies, known for At the conclusion of the pro- | kitchen equipment for the church. raclough. gram, Wirt M. Wright, Sunday their de|>endahilit.v. Consult school superintendent, welcomed us at any time ... there's no the group and invited them to par­ obligation. ticipate in the activities of the Presbyterian church. WITH MODERN More Action Needed! (LEANING EQUIPMENT Permanent PRICES! SUITS £jin PLAIN DRESSES PLAIN COATS - Il II. OR ANY THREE FOR Dillings Agency REAL ESTATE and REAL INSURANCE Phone 8781 41 East Main v-*- _ ■■e ----------- WE RENT FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY COLLEGE CLEANERS 823 Siskiyou Blvd I • Harold Baughman df Fort Canby spent the week-end in Ash­ land. ♦Mr . and Mrs. Harold Bechtel and Mrs. Charles Robinson of | Grants Pass were callers at the F. E. Russell home Sunday eve­ ning. HILCO Phone 6336 REMEMBER WHEN —the old wooden pump stood In the back yard? In winter it took a tea kettle of boiling water to thaw it out so the handle would work. Icicles hung from the spout, and the ice-covered platform was an uncertain standing place. Remember ? FLOOR SANDERS THOSE WHO HAVE TRIED THEM .... LIKE THEM! Nothing is left to uncertainty and doubt here. We plan every detail with care and precision. PRICES REASONABLE DEPUTY COUNTY CORONER Litwiller Funeral Home C.M.Litwlller We Never Clone—Phone 4541 9 SIMPSON HARDWARE f 1881 Rogers Silverware KM» piece servici* for 12 in a lM*iuitifiil Miss America tabi«* cabinet. Botti for $67.50, including tax. Our 1911 allotment of only three sets Is now in stock! RAMSEY JEWELRY STORE “Home of Better Jewelry” Swedenborg Building Aohhuid, Oregon The SUNGOLD Family IS GROWING! You ('an Now Have— SUN Butter Full Cream Milk Churned Buttermilk GOLD Mission Orange SUNFREEZE ICE ( REAM ASHLAND ICE & STORAGE CO For hotiM* delivery, Phone 6761