Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, October 17, 1941, Page 2, Image 2

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Washington. D. C.
Dear Ma.—
I am inclosing a clipping witch
has gave me the biggest lift since
I was drafted. It is from Camp
Stewart down in
Georgia and it
says that a colo­
nel named Ralph
Tobin of the 207th
Coast Artillery
came out against
potato pealing in
the army. He said
he didn t think a soldier should ever
wash a dish neither as both take
time that could be used in learning
how to tight. Well this man Tobin
is my choice for top general in the
U. S. A. If this clipping gets read
much he will be the hero of the
army in no time.
• • •
This colonel says the German
army used a separate organization
of kitchen workers to peel potatus
and wash dishes and, ma. that is
the key to the way them Nazis fight
I gess. With a guaranty that they
won't never never have to do no
work as kitchen canaries no wonder
there morale is so good. He gave a
hint that the American army wood
organize a trained division of kitch­
en help soon and I hope he is right.
It wood improve the spirit of the
whole army and me so much that
you wood never no we was the same
• • •
I do not no if there is anything
except talk behind this idea but 1
wish you would mention it in your
prayers every night as I am sure
the army wood be in better shape to
win a war if it could get potatoes,
dishes, cooking and general house­
work off its mind.
There were two inside reasons for
the slowness of the U. S. mission
to Moscow in sitting down at the
conference table with Joe Stalin.
One was the technical difficulty of
the flight across Germany. The oth­
er was China
The flight from London to Moscow
is not the easiest thing in the world,
since about a thousand miles is
across enemy territory. The British
bombers which make the flight use
as much of the night as possible
over German territory and also go
up to tremendous altitudes.
The U. S. mission to Moscow
•Iso had to fly in sections three
different planes, flown on different
days, with the time of departure
kept a dark secret. And the last
sections were delayed in London.
The Chinese delay of the mission
to Moscow occurred before Averill
Harriman left Washington, when it
was proposed that China, nearest
friendly neighbor to Russia, should
sit in with Harriman. Stalin and the
But the state department objected
—and for a highly unexpected rea-
Appeasement-minded diplo­
mats inside the state department
claimed that a Chinese mission to
Moscow would offend Japan. The
United States was trying to woo Ja­
pan away from the Axis, they ar­
gued. and so nothing must be done
to rub the Japanese fur the wrong
In the end. Japan reaffirmed its
partnership in the Axis; but only
after the U. S. mission to Moscow
already had started, also after Nazi
victories in Russia seemed on the up­
grade once again. So the appease­
ment policy of the state department
got nowhere.
NOTE— Key to Japanese policy of
I also wish ma that the army wood
friendship for the United States or organize a division of street clean­
allegiance to Germany always is ers and bath room attendants two
the barometer of Nazi military suc­ on account of that —
cess. If Hitler is winning. Japan is no work for a -
will stick by him; and if the U.S.A, soldier neither. It ~
looks stronger, it is vice versa.
is awful hard for ~
• • •
me to feel like a _
100 per cent fight- _
Gen. John Magruder was recently ing man when I
appointed head of the U. S. mili­ am walking up
tary mission to China in order to and down a camp
heal the slight to Chiang Kai-shek spearing old papers and picking up
when he was not permitted to send general rubbish. And I certainly do
an envoy to the Harriman confer­ not feel like no important cog in the
ence in Moscow. But General Ma­ arsenal of the democrats when 1
gruder is more famous for another am in a scrub bucket brigade in the
men's room.
chapter in his life.
When he was U. S. military at­
They call this fatigue duty in the
tache to Switzerland in 1933, Ma­
gruder sent a report to the war de­ army and the man who first thqught
partment on the march of Hitler's up this name for it hhd a great
mechanized forces to conquer Aus­ sense of word values. It fatigues
tria. In this report he said that Nazi me to even think of army house­
tanks and trucks were of poor qual­ work. I do not get half so tired or.
ity and that many of them had an all day hike as I do just thinking
of peeling another barrel of potatus
broken down en route to Vienna.
This U. S. military report was or washing dishes.
• • •
immediately picked up by the Brit­
private I wood write
ish who placed great confidence in
the word of a U. S. military attache. a letter to Colonel Tobin saying he
Today, Hitler’s tanks and armored is the first smart general the army
cars are the model for modem war­ ever had and that I was for him for
President. Secretary of War and
the hero of the next Sergeant York
• •
picture, but it might get me into
trouble like most *>f my letters do
A friend of Mrs. Roosevelt came
I wish you and pop wood write him
to see her at the White House, to and get all the neighbors to do it
talk about the First Lady's new job Believe me it has puzzled me how
in the Office of Civilian Defense. the Heinies could take all those
She was much impressed at Mrs. Maggienot lines and forts so quick
Roosevelt’s grasp of the problems, but the hole secret is out. They
but a little disturbed at the boldness could concentrate on it instead of
of some of her plans.
on potato peeling.
So thinking of Director LaGuar­
dia, the friend remonstrated: "It
Well, this will half to be all for
you introduce such bold ideas, what now now.
will the mayor say?”
Lots of love.
The First Lady smiled. "My
P.S.—Could you find out the ad
dear.” she said, “I don’t think the
Cress of Myrtle Atwood for me.
mayor will say ‘No’ to me.”
NOTE — Mrs.
Friday, October 17, 1941
Follow Witch to New Stunt*.
I’* what you want at your Hal­
loween party.
So have your guests enter by a
dimly lit hallway—where wicked
witches ride broomsticks, where
black cats prowl. (You cut these
out of black paper, fusion to
You'll find many lively games In our
33 page iMMiklet lias gators for all kinds
"t parties Ice breakers, tram games,
brain ticklers, a kltful of jolly stunts,
j Send your order to:
Dr. Arnulfo Arias, ousted from the presidency of Panama in a coup
which placed a regime more favorable to the U. S. In power. Is shown
at left. Right: Dr. Ernesto de LaGuardia, (ormer Panamanian minis-
ter to Mexico, who has assumed the presidency of Panama following
the bloodless coup d'etat which overthrew President Arias.
George Sylvester v lerci k. shown
In New York federal court after ar­
rest by federal agents. Vlcrcck. poet
propagandist and journalist, was ar­
rested on charge of falling to sa*
forth “divers (acts'* regariMng his
activities when registering ns an
agent of the Nasi government, He
was held on TiO.OOO ball.
Lost Babe Found
ID Minna Ml
Nan Franrlaro, I'allt.
Enclose 10 cents In coin for your
copy of PARTY GAMES rOlt ALL
Name............... . ............................... .........
Ton of Scrap Iron
According to un ratiniate by
army ordnance officers, a ton of
I scrap iron collected tn thia coun­
try could be made into: One 75-
rmllimetcr field-gun, or the car­
riage for such a gun, or 12 ma­
chine guns, or nine 500-pound
demolition bombs, or one 2,(XX>-
pound, 10-inch battleship piercing
If you have n relative or friend
in the service and have any doubt«
about what to send hint as gifts,
your problems ate over. The serv­
ice men have solved it for you by; tub.u co ns th-
choice in gifts. Actual
ords show the favorite cigurrttc
with men m tin- Army, Navy, Ma­
The Grand Trunk A Western railway’s passenger depot at Lansing,
Mich., was wrecked when a freight train jumped the track and crashed
Into It, killing one person and Injuring several. Photo shows general
view of wrecked train and depot. It is believed a wheel on a freight car
broke. The train was traveling 60 miles per hour.
Surviving right days of wandering
through New Hampshire wilderness
without food and protection from
rain and t old, live-year-old Pamela
llolllngworth of llunstable. Mass.,
(shovel was found by a CCC corps.
"Pammy” lost eight pounds.
nne Corps, and Coast Guard is
Camel. Prince Albert is the popu­
lar smoking tobacco. With these
preferences in mind, local tobacco
dealers feature Camels by the car­
ton and Prince Albert in the pound
tin as ideal gifts to the men in the
service from the folks back home.
oon ’ t
Governor Weds
• When bow«l> «r» sluttish and you feat
irritable, haadarhy and avarything you
<lo ii an aflort, do aa rrulbont <lo — rhaw
FEEN-A-MINT, tha m.-l.rn thawing
gum laaativa. Simply chaw FEEN A-
MINT Itafora you go to bad—sleep with­
out being disturbed—neat morning gentle,
thorough relief, helping you feel await
again, full of your normal pep. Try
EE I'. N A MINT. Ta.tea good, it handy
and economical. A generoua family supply
Worst Plague
War—a plague of mankind which
should be banished from the earth.
?an *Tta.ncÌ5co5
Largest and Best
Located Hotel
1000 ROOMS
1000 BATHS
Roosevelt cannot
spend full time at her desk in the
O.C.D., and during her absences, Vacation friendships warm
the job will be held down by her
So much that, when you come tr.
good friend Mrs. Henry Morgenthau,
wife of the secretary of the treasury.
With people you have known a day.
• • •
“Be sure to look us up,” you say.
And they in turn insist that you
What the army needs for men in Look them up when you're passing
This radiopholo transmitted from Berlin shows German Infantry­
southern areas is short pants. The
men crossing river In rubber boats at beginning of the new offensive In
long trousers are too hot and diffi­ They wring your hand, and you the east. Moscow's armies were retreating and the Soviet capital was In
cult to keep clean. British officers
peril, dispatches from both Russia and Germany indicated. The Red
wring theirs,
observing the maneuvers wore No other parting’s pang compares.
press urged British action against the Nazi divisions and air force.
shorts and looked cool and swagger. So great your joy in having met
Observed one second army wit
anent the fact that the war games It’s strange how soon you can forget
were held in the "Cajun” (Arcadi­
an! section of Louisiana, "450,000
—Richard Armour.
soldiers and all looking for Evange­
• • •
Attention, Mr. Tom Dewey: The
Just a song for twilight.
U S O. did not show up very help­
When the gas is low;
fully in the maneuver area. In some
Fill your tank to brimful
of the towns the local organizations
As you watch it flow.
did make an effort to provide the
soldiers with bathing and laundry
Though your tank be heavy.
facilities, but in general the U.S.O.
With a heart that's light
fell down on the job. It should have
Comes the call at sunset,
made special arrangements for the
•'Fill 'er up tonight!”
men in this backwoods region.
—Milton Mohr
The Newport News Shipbuilding
company recently painted the army
transport West Point in the amazing
Hi—There was a serious accident
time of exactly eight hours.
J. H. Crutchfield of Pittsburgh has in Washington yesterday, Six bus
devised an auto sticker reading: loads of eastbound co-ordinators col­
"Give a lift to every man in uni­ lided with four buses full of west­
bound federal administrators.
Carlos Davila, popular ex-Presi- trucks carrying defense program
dent of Chile, has been appointed allocators, priorities fixers, etc., fol­
special ambassador to five Central lowing the eastbound buses then
American countries. With European crashed into the wreckage. It is
Secretary of the United States Navy Frank Knox recently visited
markets closed, Chile has asked Da- believed the defense program will
vile to make the most of trade pos­ be greatly speeded up, due to the Bermuda, an Important U. S. naval base in the Atlantic. This official
navy photo shows the secretary reviewing the sailors aboard the U. S. 8.
sibilities inside the Western hemi- crash .
—K. L. M
14.00 ONI
Arthur II. James, SB-yrar-old gov­
ernor of Pennsylvania, Is shown with
his bride, the former Mrs. Emily
Radcliffe Case, IB, widow of a mem­
ber of the Cornell university staff,
after their marriage In Doylestown,
Pa. Only 150 guests attended, In
line with the governor's desire for a
quiet, unpretentious ceremony. The
Rev. William Hteckcl of New Ips-
wlch, N. IL, married them.
Navy Secretary Visits Bermuda Outpost Confer Willi F.D.R.
represents the leadership of
a nation. It points the way.
We merely follow—follow to
new heights of comfort, of
convenience, of happin
• • •
As time goes on adve
ing is used more and molt
and as it is used more
all profit more. It's the way
advertising has —
Sir Ronald Campbell, left, acting
British ambassador, and Sir Shan-
mukham Chetty, head of purchas­
ing commission of India, pictured
as they called on the President.
of bringing a profit to
everybody concerned,
»he consumer included