I *Z4< PojaX Harbingers of seasonal change: Wild geese and hoboes drifting southward The beautiful V for­ mation« of the former are often disrupted by airplane« Progress, on the other hand, assists the "thumbs up" gentry who line-our highway«, automobile drivers oft­ en ignoring the risk they take in wufting them to warmer climes A hint to Adolf Remember the big «hots in sportsdorn said Stan* ford couldn't I m * beaten! e * < "Pooh! to messy printer's InV 1 and pay less press day«!" says erstwhile Miner Editor Hall as he docks H $420 load of "soup fin " Somehow we are sincere when wo congratulate him Salxitage continues regardless of what "agents" or “represent- ativea" may say Else why are all he major explosions, fires and crack-up« confined to the na- tlonal defense program? / * ' We've often heard of the old wringer" episode but here comes one from Portland where a man suffered |M>s«lble arm fracture by becoming entangled in a warhlng machine THIS AND*THAT By OLD TIMER To the Editor: In the good old days In rural communities apple butter making ranked with the huaklng bee as a gala event. Yes, apple butter mak­ ing was the occasion of much mer­ riment. TTie night before the "boiling" the "parin'" was held Apples were shed of their skins and cores and made ready for the kettle Fire was built under the big copper kettle the next morn­ ing liie apples were put on to boll Sugar was added, boiled ci­ der! apices, etc. Then the stirring began The paddles had hole« bor­ ed lh them with a long handle at­ tached The stirrer went ‘round and 'round and after long hours had pawed, the chief cook an­ nounced that the stuff was and she and ’’n left Wednesday morning to visit relatives at Eugene, Harris­ burg and Dallas They plan to return the last of the week ( • The Birthday club met Sunday Continued on page five ■ Lead in Bowling The Greyhound Tavern team moved into first place in the ma­ jor bowling competition Monday night by defeating the Lions Hilt and the Elks also were winners in Monday’s games. Fred Van Curler achieved the high series score for the evenini with 573 pins. Honors for high individual game score went to Bill Tallis who rolled 208. Next week Hilt will play Pro­ vost; Selby Chevrolet will play the Lions and the Greyhound Tav­ ern team will meet the Elks, The present league standings are: W I, Greyhound Tavern 4 11 Lions Club 9 6 Elks 9 6 Hilt 8 7 Provost 5 10 Selby 3 12 -------- — •----------- • Mrs. Ed Gettling visited with friends and relatives in Portland last week. • Mrs. F. V. Wanchope of Fort Stevens is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Stennett.