Friday, Oct. 10, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 LITHIA ; ; N I E II r A I N M E N T rhon. IMU > Uly Matinee 1: 15 p. m ; Evrningn 0:15 lulls 30c; Students ?0< ; ' ildrcn I Io—incliiding; t.i\ Continuous show on Sundays ; JLKfi ÍÍATUSH Friday, Saturday —“NAVAL- ACADEMY” with Freddie Bartholo­ mew, Jimmy Wydoi “TUMBLEDOWN RANCH” with ; The Range Blisters Sunday, Monday and Tuesday Chevrolet Provides Army Service Dept. ' 0NATHY I'll. lei Romance highlights the colorful adventure in 20th Century-Fox’s latent technicolor hit "Blood and Sand" coming to the Varsity Theatre. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. The feminine aide la well represented with Rita Hayworth and Linda Darnell topping the feutured caat which In­ cludes Nazimova, Anthony Quinn, John (^arridine, Lynn Bari and Vincent Gomez. TYRONE POWER in CAMP FIKE GIRL-S E1.KXT NEW OFFICERS The members of the Aowakiyo Campfire group met at the Lin­ coln school Monday evening for their second meeting of the fall. New officers elected were: Kath­ erine Rossman, president; Nancy Beers, vice president; Ione Hili, secretary-treasurer; Virginia Luti, reporter, and Mary Louise Tillej, song leader. WOOD CIRCULATING HEATERS MARTHA GILLETTE GITLII TO MEET TONIGHT The Martha Gillette Guild of the Presbyterian church will meet to­ night at the home of Mrs c R Bowman. A covered dish dinner will be served. Miss Edith Bork will have charge of the business session. Miss Edna Goheen the program and Miss Florence Allen the de­ votions. Mrs. James H Edgar will assist with the program. ! i ' , I ' “THEY DARE NOT LOVE” Extension of service facilities, expansion of service personnel and the establishment of a military mechanical service deportment within Chevrolet's service organi­ zation were announced recently, and the appointment of 17 service managers lor military duty swells the total of such advisers to 2»i super vision of Ed with Martha Scott JUKI Hed ner. national director of service foi <•>ievt..ict, these 26 servioe experts have been stationed thru- out the country wherever army camps are located Their principal duties will include consultation with army unit OonUMMfol ■< in the field on problems pertaining to Chevrolet military vehicles, as- Misting army personnel in the training of truck operators and service men, and holding service schools at the army's request. "As one of the largest single suppliers of 4x4 trucks to the army," Mr. Holler said, "Chevro- let is inaugurating this 'follow-up' system to Insure the propei per­ formance of these vehicles in the field under all circumstances of military usage Already. 4x4's by the thousands hove been provided the army by Chevrolet, as thia George Brent unit Is regarded us u practical unit for every tyjw of service, such as ambulances, troop transports, equipment carriers and other spe­ cialised units Wed’sday & Thursday Bargain Days 20c ------- — 2 - BIG HITS - 2 SIMPSON HARDWARE 1 The DRAMATIC THRILL ol the S[RV¡CíOf^^ John Marjorie "THE NEW STYLE THAT WILL STAY NEW ’ BEAI • MOSCOVICH • COOLEY Chevrolet bring* you "the new style that will stay new" . . . with swank, sweeping “Leader Line” Styling . . . with distinctive new “Door-Action” Fenders . . . with smoothly modeled Bodies by Fisher of a size and beauty equaled only by much costlier cars. And matching this style leadership of The Finest Chevrolet of All Time is the combined performance and economy leadership which has made Chevrolet the No. 1 car for ten of the last eleven years. . . . See It —drive this beautiful new car todayl RANDOLPH SCOTT CAIL PATRICK STYLING PERFORMANCE )|l SELBY CHEVROLET CO RKO RADIO Picture A LEO McC’REY Production OirtcM k! (ARSON KANIN Written forth« Kt««n by B«llo ond Somv«l $p«woct THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY ASHLAND, OREGON