SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, October 10, 1941 I (DI 1(01 1(01 IOI ioi 1(01 IOI IOI IOI Page 7 IOI Financing and Plans in New Booklet on Hom IOI THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young IOI By ED WHEELAN BIG TOP 7 W i ’ X'«U A. FHA Helps You Own Such a Home LALA PALOOZA By RUBE GOLDBERG Mutual Distrust ( HOW DO I KNOW YOU HAD A FULL HOUSE ? HOW DO I KNOW YOU HAT FOUR ACES? 1 Hr HE house that Jack built for you and the youngsters—on hie modest salary! Thanks to loans insured by the Federal Housing Administration, families with low incomes may easily finance such charming homes. On a $1,500 salary you may comfortably buy a property worth $3,000. • • • Our new 24-page booklet has photo­ graphs and floor plans of 22 homes valued from »2.600 to »8.250. Explains FHA financing, tells how to save on space, ma­ terials. electric wiring. Insulation, built-in furniture. Send your order to: READER ROME SERVICE 117 Minna St San Francisco, Calif. Enclose 10 cents In coin for your copy of PLANNING AND FINANC­ ING YOUR LOW-COST HOME. Name.. Address INDIGESTION what Doctor» do for it S’MATTER POP— Oops! By C. M. PAYNE Careless Wishing! Doctors know that vra trapped in th« stomach or gullet may act I ike a ha.r-triggpr on the heart They set ga» free with the fastest-acting medicines knows — th« fastest act like th« nedtHnc« in Bell-aa» Tablets Try Beil-ana today. If th« FIRST DOtMB doeen t prove Bel 1 - ana better, return bottle to us and rmm DOUBLE money back. 25r. at all drug atorea. Rascals Alone Men who are rascals severally are highly worthy people in the mass.—Montesquieu. MILLIONS OF WOMEN Have Discovered This Economy MESCAL IKE No Time to Lose b , s . l . huntley By J. MILLAR WATT POP—Plain or Tubulated? Millions of women every­ where, women who take pride m thrifty home management, wo­ men who take pride in their bak­ ing, use Clabber Girl, exclusively ... First, because of its remark­ able economy; second, because of its absolute dependability, for the pleasure it adds to home baking. Order a can of Clabber Girl from your grocer today. You will be surprised when he telle you the price . . . And, you will be delighted with your baking results. Clabber Girl means Bigger value when you buy, Bet­ ter results when you bake . . . You Pay Leu for Clabber Girl .. . but You Use No More . . • CLABBER GIRL BAKING POWDER THE WAY OUT LANG ARMSTRONG i Late Love Like the measles, love is the most dangerous when it comes late in life.—Byron. G ood M erchandise Can 8. CONSISTENTLY MitninJ • BUY ADVERTISED GOOD» B