Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, October 10, 1941, Page 5, Image 5

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Friday, Oct. 10, 1941
About People You Know
Page 5
Farm Crops Used in
Producing Autos
Tin- automobile industry is one
of the fanner's beat customers,
according to a report baaed on the
extensive use of f irm products by
th« Ford Motor company in
building cars and trucks
It Is estimated th it for each
1,(XX),(XX) units it manufactures.
Ford needs the following agricul­
tural Items:
69,300,000 [xiundx of cotton, 3.-
204,(XX) pounds of wool, 112.(XX)
(MX) board fret of wood, 30 (XXI
head of cattle to provide 1,500 (XX)
square ferì of leather, (WX) (MX)
bushels of noy beans, 118,000
bushels of flax. 451,(XX) bushels of
com, 12O.(XH) pounds of flour. 2 -
500,000 gallons of sugar cane mo­
lasses. pine pitch 2,060 000 pounds.
83,(XX) (XX) bees to produce 6 (XX)
pounds of beeswax and 150,(XX)
gallons of castor oil.
Soylx-anx have many uses in the
Ford industries, due to the pion­
eering efforts of Henry Ford in
trying to find more and better
uses for farm prixlucts in his
plants Chief among them are in
the txxly finishes, moulder! elec­
trical parts and as core ol) and
bond in the foundry Flax Is util­
ized in paints, core oil, soft soapfl
and glycerine
• It J Reed la now employed at • Mr. and Mrs. It. L. Crosby
(the Boeing aircraft plant In entertained Saturday evening
a dinner honoring Mr and Mrs.
• Verner Cai son of Him Francisco E G. Ira vis who are leaving soon
wus a guest of Mi and Mia, O. F. to make their home In Marshfield
Carson foi several days
Those present in uddltlon to the
• Mi and Mis Kenneth Burns honor guests and hosts wen- Mi
of Dunsmuir visited with Ashland and Mis. C. L Weaver, Mrs L E
Crosby, Mr. and Mis. J. Q Ad-
■ datives Tuesday
• George Ciapsey accompanied I arris, Dr. and Mrs. Arthur S Tay-
his brother. Bill Crupsey, to his lor, Mis D. II Mitchell, Mrs
horn« in St Paul, Minn for a visit George Goidy, A Bert Fre
• Slade Soiigfi WHS II Medford and Stanford Ikivla
visitor Wednesday morning
• Mr. uml Mrs. Frank Mesteller
San Jose wer« week-end guests
• Mia II C Galey spent last of
week in Portland visiting with of Mr. and Mts D. G. Sloan
• < apt and M m R i . Burdle oi
relatives and friends
• Mrs S II Short wax a business San Lula Obispo visited several
days with friends here
visitor in Medford Monday
• Mr anil Mrs David Baxter and
• chmicM McKaan of Fort Sie- i Mr.
and Mrs Earl Rogers were
vens spent the week-end in Ash- week-end
visitors at the coast
• Bill Johnson wax successful in • Mr and Mrs Kenneth Brown of
getting un antelope near lutke- llllt called on Bill Bicwn Tuesday
• GA Culey of Burney, Calif
• Miss Camille Cleinenaon spent wax a guest of Mr and Mrs. H
the week-end In San Francisco
i L M<x>re Sunday
• Miss Fiances Schilling a
h • Mrs. J. A Blah of Portland is
er at Cottage Grove, spent the a guest at th« A II I'c.iilu-v
week-end in Ashland.
• Mr and Mrs John Koehler and • G. W Goswick was d««r hunt­
Mr and Mrs Robert E Dodge ing near Klamath Falla last
spent last week-end In Portland *n>ursday.
• Mr and Mrs W J Stevena • Mrs Kate Neil and daughter, AT CHURCH OF < HKINT
went to Malin Sunday to visit
leaders and pupils of the
their daughter who is a teacher Barron are attending the Inter­ Church of Christ Bible school are
t li< r
national Livest<x*k exposition at making an effort this week to
• Lt. Roy Clary of Fort Stevens Portland.
have 251 present Sunday for the
Is visiting with local relatives and • Mr and Mrs William B Whit­ annual Rally day A special fea­ )
well have purchased the Cliff ture of the program for the day I
• Mr ami Mrs Homer Billinga. Burlingnme home at 6M1 Mountain is a pageant. "Under the Royal
Mr and Mm Charles M Giffen. avenue.
Banner." This will be presented
William Savin. Miss laiura Bill­ • Mis .1 I. Miritle is visiting in by five young people and the
ings and Miss Norma Jean Wertz Hastings. Neb
church choir.
were Sunday dinner guests at the • Mrs John Kiel is visiting in
Those not now attending Bible
Methodist parsonage
l<* Angeles with relatives
school and all former members of
• Mr and Mrs George Mack have • Miss Jean Fridegcr la attending the school arc Invite»! to rally to
sold their house and two acres of school at the University of Ore­ the cause of Christian education.
land at 440 Beach street t<» Mr gon.
Th« school convenes at 9:45 a. m.
and Mrs W S Card of Dunsmuir
at Second and B streets.
I>> your share to preserve the
Nutter Real Estate ngency made
American way of life Invest regu
the transaction.
All growth that is not toward
• Boni to Mr and Mrs Harold larly In Defense Savings Bonds God. is growing to decay. George
ami Stamps
Willis. Sept 30. a daughter
Catholic Church
Full Gospel Temple
Rev. W. J. Meagher, Pastor
E. Main and Siskiyou Blvd.
L. P. Furman, Pastor
Mass at 9 a m. Sunday.
Sunday school for children con­
Sunday school 9:45 a. m.
ducted by several Sisters from
Morning worship 11 o'clock.
the Sacred Heart academy of
C. A service 6:45 Sunday eve­
Medford following mass.
ning Evangelistic service to fol­
low at 7:30 o’clock.
C. A. service and choir practice
7:45 Tuesday evening.
Church of Christ
Everybody is cordially invited
Second and H Streets
to all services.
Earl F. Downing, Minister
------ •------------
Bible school 9:45 a. m Rally day
with a pageant, "Under the Royal
Foursquare Church
Banner" and ari attendance goal
Fourth and B Streets
of 251
Shearhurn, Pastor
Morning service 11 o’clock. Ser
mon topic, "The Alternative to
Sunday school 10 a. m. H. O
World-wide Disaster.”
Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. Butterfield, superintendent.
Morning worship 11 a. m.
m., with societies for high school
Young Peoples, meeting, 6:30
and young people.
Evening service, 7:30 o'clock p. m.
Evangelistic service 7:45 p. m.
The male quartet will sing The
sermon subject is "The * Love
Week night services Tuesday
Chapter.” This message is the and Friday evenings at 7:45.
third in the series. "Golden Chap­ Prayer meeting precedes these
ters of the Bible.”
cwu services. Young people in
Midweek service, 7:30 p m charge of TuesAiy service.
Although production of 1942 Ford
cari will be sharply curtailed as the
immense program of defense work be­
ing carried out by the Company gets
into full suing, Ford engineers declare
the new cars are unquestionably the
finest in the 38 years of the Company’s
Sunday church school, 9:45 a.
Morning sermon at 11 o'clock
by Rev. Averett McGee, speaking
in the absence of the pastor. The
adult choir under direction of W.
H. Cooke will lead the singing and
give a special anthem.
The Methodist Youth Council
of Medford, Grants Pass, Wilder-
ville and Talent will meet in the
Ashland church at 4 to 6 on Sun­
Trinity Episcopal
day afternoon for a rally program
and dinner.
Wesley League will meet for
Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Vicar
worship at 6:15 p. m.
The evening service at 7:30 will
Holy Communion 8 a m.
be conducted by the young people
Church school 9:30 a. m.
Sermon and morning prayer 11 of the church, assisted by young
people from visiting churches.
a. m
Holy Communion, 9:30 a m Prof. Loren E. Messenger of the
Southern Oregon College of Edu­
Choir will meet 7:30 p. m. cation will give the inspirational
address. The young peoples choir
You are cordially invited to under direction of Mrs. Cora Bruce
will give a special anthem.
worship with us.
Prayer meeting Wednesday eve­
----------- •----
ning at 7:30. The book of St.
John is being studied at these
Neighborhood Church mid-week services.
Bible school meets at 9:45 with
Mrs. Glenn Prescott, superintend­
ent. Children of all ages are asked
to enroll. Mr. Brickey teaches the
adult class and Is giving very
helpful Bible interpretations. The
minister is leading a young peo
pie's class and extends a cordial
welcome to students of the college
and high school.
Worship service 11 a. m. Ser­
mon subject, "The First Day of
the Week.”
------------ •------------
Methodist Church
East Main Street
John It. Poet, Pastor
Sunday school at 9:45 a. m.
Bernice Beare, superintendent in
Morning worship at 11 o'clock
Junior meeting and Young Peo­
ple’s meeting at 6:45 p. m. Even­
ing worship at 7:30 p. m.
Mid-week prayer meeting Wed­
nesday evening at 7:30 p. m.
You are welcome to all services.
------------ •------------
• Subscribe for The Miner today
Expert Swiss and American
waieh repairing. Your watch
timed and regulated FREE on
our Electric Time Michrometer.
Sweden burj( Bldg.
Professional Cards
Dr. G. B. Hull
1st National Bank Bldg.
Phone 6271
Dr. L. W. Stoffers
Hours 9-12 and 1-5
Medical Bldg.
Phone 5211
First Presbyterian
Boulevard and Morton Streets
Clarence F. McCall, .Minister
Bible school 9:45 a. m. C. E.
Corry, superintendent.
Morning worship 11 o'clock,
Sunday, 8 p. m , church service,
Wednesday, 8 p. m„ prayer
praise and Bible study
—------------------- •-----------
FORD -frufox ¿t/42
Church school 9:45 a m. Friend-
Morning worship 11 o’clock.
Departmental meetings. Junior,
Young People, Adults, 6:30 p. m
Evangelistic service 7:30 p m.
Prayer meeting, 7:30 p. m. Wed­
Sunday school 9:45 a. m.
Worship service at 11 a. m.
------------ •------------
Literary commercialism is low­
ering the intellectual standard to
accommodate the purse and to
meet a frivolous domand for
amusement instead of for im­ i
provement. Incorrect views lower
the standard of truth.—Mary Ba­
ker Eddy.
If you don't want to sell
your property, don’t list it
with us!
J. R. Turnbull, Minister
Cor. N. Main and I-aurel Sts.
Dr. Gborge W. Bruce, .Minister
Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor
Foorth and C Streets
First Baptist Church
First Methodist
Church of the
Congregational •
The big 1942 Ford, with smart new
styling, luxurious appointments,
sensational soft ride, and thrilling
new responsiveness, far exceeds any­
thing Ford has done before. It gives
us real pleasure to present this car.
Come in and see it! Your choice of
a *6’ or an S’.”
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Physicians & Surgeons
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Sweden burg Building
Phone 8791
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Phone 8041
Sweden burg Building
Intellectually, as well as politi­
cally. the direction of all true pro­
gress is toward greater freedom,
and along an endless succession of
Southern Oregon Credit Bureau
Ashland Office
151; NO. MAIN ST.
Phone 7321
Medford Office
Medford Center Building
Phone 2261
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