Page 4 Friday, Ort. 10, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER MONTHLY MEETING OF WS< N HELD FRIDAY • Mr. and Mrs Vincent I-anini The Women’s Society of Chris spent Monday at Buck lake look­ tian Service met Friday at the ing after their range cattle. By SCHOOL PUPIL* Class organization at the South­ Methodist church for the regular • Mrs. Archie Kincaid returned Room five han five student ern Oregon College ol Education monthly meeting Mrs Ralph Bill Published Every Friday CHAS M. GIFFEN Sunday frm a 10-day visit with teachers. Their names are Mr wax completed Wednesday The at 167 East Mam Street her daughter, Mrs. Bernice Red­ Robert Sage. Mr. Duaine Monroe. freshman class elected Eugene Ings wiih in charge of the morning WILLIAM SAVIN ASHLAND, OREGON business session at which time field, in Portland Publishers* Mias Bertha Wertz, Minx Jean Hayes of Medford, president, Wel­ plans were made for cottage meet • A. R. Kincaid attended the ¥ Drew ami Miss Margaret Unger. don Heard of Ashland, vice preei- ★ public aucUon at Phoenix Satur­ Mr. Sage teaches in the morning dent; Oscar Silver of Ashland, Ings for the Wrek of Prayer ob­ Entered as second-class servance. The lunch committee at day afternoon. SUBSCRIPTION and the other teachers teach in terasurer. and Virginia Bradfish noon consisted of Mrs E. <>. matter February 15, • Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Halbert RATES of Medford, secretary. Dr S E. Sirith and Mrs Cathie Chamber in the afternoon. 1935, at the postoffice at and daughter Carol Lee have I In Advance) Ashland. Oregon, under New teachers have started I Epler wax elected class adviser. lain. moved to Grants Pass to make ONE YEAR $150 the act of March 3, 1879. The junior class elected Peteri After lunch the meeting opened teaching at Uncoln school. .... «I Tile their home. SIX MONTHS 80c • Mr. and Mrs Ralph Hall re­ teachers for rearm six are: Miss Barker of Ashland, president.! with the devotional service con­ ★ i Mailed Anywhere in the íít I turned to their home in Oakland, Brown, Miss Jewett. Mis. Henson, Bruce Wall of Woodland, Wash, ducted by Mrs Charles M Giffen n TELEPHONE 8561 United States) Calif, after spending a week with Miss Borg and Mias Yoken The vice president, and Betty Boling Mrs George W Bruce had chaige T 1 of Grant» Paas, secretary-tn as of the lesson study and was assist­ Mrs. Hall's mother, Mrs. Ma lindi» children like them very much. Urer. The adviser is to be elected ed in the presentation by Mrs Jerry Garrett returned to school King. \ SET YOU FREE” "THE TRUTH Wll.I. II o I ni Relay, Mts Grace Palmer, • Helen and Vernon Krueger Monday. Oct. 6. He has been sick later by the class. Senior class elected Austin Mrs Maude Mnrske and Mrs Muy spent last week-end with Mr. and for a week. The third grade is Haddock of Sprague River, presi­ Herndon Mrs. Leo Potter at Medford and very happy to have him back e The pupils of room eight have dent; Stanley Bennett of Grants j attended the 4-H livestock show They both exhibited stock and four new student teachers. They Paas, vice president, and Norma | • Mix» Mûrie Isxiscly, Mr and Yes, let’s really show the men of Battery B a wel­ Helen was awarded the grand are Miss Tyrell, Miss Wertz, Mixa .i.'.m Warti sely grid MI mk prize on her pig. The Jacobs and Mr. Vestal The chil­ treasurer. Dr W W Wells wax Cornelia Hulat were week-end come that will make their homecoming Oct. 24-26 a champion I visitors tn Klamath Falla. Dead Indian 4-H club held a meet­ dren enjoy them very much They elected adviser. memorable week-end. Let’s be a part of an “army be­ ing at the Lanini ranch Saturday hope that they will enjoy working and the club members made plans with them The student teachers hind the army” to help bolster the spirits and morale for their club work for the com­ teach a half a day. of these men whose lives have been radically affected ing year. Helen and Vernon Krue­ The third grade went through gave short talks on what they the Bagley Canning company on because of the necessity for national defense, and who : ger ONLY Thursday, Oct. 3 They left at 1 did at the livestix-k show face continued service for many months to come. Greet ■ • Mrs. R. D. Reynolds has re­ o’cltx-k and came back at 2 o'clock Decker. Mrs. Shearbem. Mixa them with a sincere welcome that proves beyond a turned home from a week-end vis­ Mrs. it with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Con­ Coulter and MLss King took the doubt that Ashland is still their home rather than just ley at Dunsmuir. children in cars They enjoyed the • Bellview schixrl district will vote trip and learned much about the a place “they used to live.” the school budget Oct. 20. All I cannery. Committees already are at work planning and on names must appear on the last muir recently visited her mother. working out details for the celebration; however, they tax roll for a person to be eligible Mrs Helen Hellman. •to cast a vote can only lay groundwork and the success of the affair • The extension unit will meet • Kelly Brks of Medford was in Saturday to visit his son Jere. depends upon the enthusiastic support of the entire Oct. 15. Home emergencies will Hilt be the topic for study. Hostesses • Mr and Mrs. W. A Dutro and community. So, remember the dates and lend your will be Mrs. Hash and Mrs. La- son Norman were among those w’ho attended the Yreka-Weed nini. support—we’ll all have a lot of fun! football game at Yreka Friday • A group of Bellview grange ★ ★ ★ members attended a meeting of night. the Central Point grange Friday • Mrs Ben Ollom and Mrs Ray evening and presented the Agate Elliott attended a show in Yreka ceremony and program for the Sunday. • Mrs Roy Hord and sons Bob One big current question is price control. What has evening. Don were Grants Pass visit­ • Miss Lola Gresham was honor­ and not been sufficiently emphasized is that there can be ed at a bridal shower at the home ors Sunday no adequate “price control” without rigorous “cost of Mrs. Jack Young in Ashland Monday night. Miss Betty Nichols control,” states the Industrial News Review. and Miss Barbara Moore from The price charged by a manufacturer is necessarily Bellview attended. “Home of Better Jewelry” ---------- •------- - --- NEWS mon Southern Oregon Miner I Lincoln School Class Elections at SOLE Name Officers T WT Let’s Kill The Fatted Calf! WARNING! Make a selection from our fine stock of merchandise and use our lay away plan Price Control Means Total Control! RAMSEY JEWELRY STORE the total of his operating costs, plus a profit, continues HII.T NEWS the Review. Those costs include labor, materials, ma­ Black was honored with 1 chinery. transportation, taxes and everything else that a • Shirley birthday party Monday. Sept is part of industrial overhead. If the government es­ 29. which was attended by the Sally and Maurine tablishes a price ceiling which is below the aggregate I following: Ryce, Ruth and Donna Rosecrans, of a factory’s costs, it will lose money and eventually I I ! Patty and Donald Henderson. Kay Craig Williams. Sherry and go bankrupt. If it establishes a price ceiling which is and Fay Bradfield, Ruthie Pederson, precisely the same as the aggregate of costs, the manu­ Mike Purvis, Jimmy Albert. Doris facturer will lose the incentive which the profit system Wall, Gene Gilberg, Shirley and Black. Sherrill Smith was provides—at the expense of industrial progress and Robert unable to attend. Shirley received | many lovely gifts and the refresh­ production. ments included a "merry-go- It is to the credit of American industry that, in round" birthday cake. general, it is doing everything possible to keep prices • The Women's Society of Chris­ tian Service met Thursday at the from getting out of hand. In the retail field, which pro­ club house with Mrs. John De vides a notable example of this, thousands of mer­ Witt and Mrs. Gus Goldenpenny hostesses. Attending were the chants have established a definite, aggressive, “anti- as Mesdanies L. B. Clevenger, Elmer inflationary” program. This sort of work is of the ut­ Jackson, E. O. Robinson, Harry De Jamett, Frank Ward, Gus most importance. As wages, taxes and other costs Goldenpenny, T. Quamme, John rise, there is no solution except to increase the selling pe witt, Kenneth Brown, Edwin Richardson, Enzie Wright and j price to the buyer., I Carrie Bemheisel. Plana were In short, price control isn’t just a matter of estab­ completed for having the windows the church decorated, this to lishing, by government fiat, fixed ceilings over the of be done in the near future. Re­ price of finished goods. Real price control means “to­ freshments were served. • Axel Ekwall suffered a severe tal” control of all costs. Our country is being forced stroke early Monday afternoon into a position where the people will have to give up and was taken by ambulance to Yreka General hospital for temporarily the liberties they have enjoyed under a the treatment. free economy. Left-wing groups are urging rigid price • Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Coleman control without control of> wages, taxes and other arrived by bus Sunday noon from Kentucky where Raymond spent costs, in the hope that this would wreck the profit sys­ the summer playing baseball with tem. That must not happen—for if it does, American the Kentucky Kitty league of the Louis Browns. democracy will be as dead as if the nation had suffered St. • Mrs. James Purvis, and the lit­ tle son, Patrick Thomas, who ar­ ignominious military defeat. (LEANINC WITH MODERN EQUIPMENT Permanent PRICES! SUITS PLAIN DRESSES Til II. PLAIN COATS WV OR ANY THREE FOR $ FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY COLLEGE CLEANERS 823 Siskiyou Blvd Phone «33« r r- REMEMBER WHEN —there was a hitching post at the curb in front of every home? This would be a much safer world if we still had need for them. Now and then a horse would get a bit skit- tish, but traffic accidents were practically unknown then. Remember ? It is no “accident”—Ashland's leading Fun- eral Directors for nearly seven years. DEPUTY COUNTY CORONER Litwiller Funeral Home C.M.Litwiller We Never Close—Phone 4541 rived Wednesday night, were able to go home from the Hilt hospital I Tuesday. • Mr and Mrs. Richard Williams spent the week-end in Chico visit­ ing their daughter, Mrs. Nelson Watts and family. • Twelve members of the board of directors of the Fruit Growers Supply company spent Wednesday 1 and Thursday in Hilt looking over the plant and also making a trip into Mr. Foxe’s logging camp. A I directors’ dinner was given for • them at the Club hotel Wednes­ day and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Vin­ cent entertained them with a din­ ner Thursday night. • Mrs. Marian Newberry, County school nurge, spent Wednesday night visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs .Stella King. [ • Ernest Saunagear and two small daughters from Susanville 1 were at the Club hotel Sunday night. Mr. Saunagear has obtained employment here. • Mrs. Thorf Anderson and daughters of Fortuna visited rela­ tives and friends here. • Mrs. White, instructor of the intermediate grades of the Hilt school, spent the week-end at her home in Richmond. • Professor and Mrs. R. L. Larson : of Amity, Ore. were guests of , Mr. and Mrs. H. De Jamett Fri- I day evening. • Mrs. Fred Johnson of Portland and Mrs. Robert Lewis of Berke­ ley spent Friday night at the Ohlund home. They were enroute to Berkeley. • Mrs. John De Witt .Mrs. Frank , Ward and Mrs. C. Baumgartner I attended a meeting of the Stella ¡Chapter in Yreka Friday night. ' • Mrs. Elmore and daughter Gar­ net of Hornbrook visited at the F Ward home Monday afternoon. • Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Luper at- ' tended a show in Ashland Sunday evening. • Bobby Ohlund visited friends in Sacramento over the week-end. • Mrs. Harry Kennedy of Duns- Sweden burg Building Ashland. Oregon The SUNGOLD Family FIRE DEFENSE Is Vital to National Defense A high wind and a small blaze have many times re­ sulted In a conflagration that destroyed an much pro­ perty as a fleet of enemy bombers dropping thousands of incendiary missiles on a city. As a patriotic Ameri­ can we should all enlist for Fire Prevention Week and stay enlisted. In the mean­ time, insurance Is the sen­ sible thing for safety. Billings Agency REAL ESTATE and REAL INSURANCE Phone 8781 IS GROWING! You Can Now Have— Butter Full Cream Milk Churned Buttermilk GOLD Mission Orange SUNFREEZE ICE CREAM SUN ASHLAND ICE & STORAGE CO. F'or home delivery, l*h