Friday, October 10, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 3 Fashion Feathers Your Hat And Braids Your Fall Suit By CHERIE NICHOLAS PATTERNS SEWONG CDRCLE makes this outfit warm enough to carry you right through the early autumn, and the whole outfit is so slim you can wear it under a winter coat easily. The jumper closes with a placket in the side which may be closed with snaps, hooks and eyes, buttons or a zipper. Corduroy in bright vibrant col­ ors is the first choice for a fabric for this jumper and jacket. Wool tweeds, gabardine, scotch plaids, flannel and velveteen are other suitable materials. • • • Barbara Bell Pattern No 14M B Is da- signed tor sizes 11. 13. 15. 17 and 19. Cor­ responding bust measurements 29. 31. 33, 35 and 37. Size 13 (31) jumper requires 3*/« yards 36-inch material; jacket. 3 yards. Send your order to: SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. 149 New Montgomery Street San Francisco Calif. Enclose 15 cents for each pa tier*. FIE PERFECTION—A WINNER EVERY TIME (See Recipes Below.) AMI ItlCA'H FAVORITE DEHNERT Confess now, how often would you turn down a tart lemon pie, a deep­ dish apple pie, or a juicy crunberry one with the bright berries peeking out of the lattice crust? Not often, 1 imagine, or pie wouldn’t be our country's fa­ vorite desCert So here’s to pie, fa­ vorite at dessert time or al a bakery sale, made in big tins or as indi­ vidual servings: 'Lemon Angel Fie. (Makes one B-inch pie) 4 egg yolks *« cup sugar *4 cup lemon juice 1 tablespoon butter 2 egg whites, stiffly beaten Cream egg yolks and sugar to­ gether. Add lemon juice and cook in double ooiler until thickened, stir­ ring often. Add butter. Remove from heat and fold in beaten egg whites. Pour into a baked pie shell. Top with meringue and brown in moderate <325 degrees) oven for 15 minutes. Meringue. 2 egg whites, beaten until frothy 4 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon lemon juice Add sugar gradually to egg whites and continue beating until egg holds up In peaks. Fold in lemon juice. Any pic is as good as its crust, and If you've mastered the art, your pies will always be something to come back for. A good crust is ten­ der. short, flaky, well flavored and smart enough to stand by Itself If you make a crust to be filled, cool t ile filling before it comes in contact witti the crust so you won't have soggy pie. Flaky Pie Crust. 2 cups flour Hi cup shortening teaspoon salt About H cup ice water Mix and sift flour with salt. Work in shortening using pastry blender, fork, knives, or fingertips, until mix­ ture appears crumbled. Moisten with water until dough just holds togeth­ er. Roll out on floured board and cut to fit pie tins. This makes enough for a double crust for a fl­ inch pie tin. For a one-crust pie, use: 1 cup flour, ’4 cup shortening, *4 teaspoon salt, and 2V4 to 3 table­ spoons water. Delicious Rhubarb Pie. 1*4 tablespoons q lick-cooking tapioca 1 *4 cups sugar 14 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon grated orange rind 1 tablespoon melted butter 4 cups cut rhubarb 1 pie crust Combine ingredients and let stand about 15 minutes. Line a 9-inch pie plate with pastry rolled one-eighth inch thick, allowing pastry to extend 1 inch beyond edge. Fold edge back to form standing rim. Fill with rhu- bnrb mixture. Moisten edge of pas­ try with cold water; arrange lattice LYNN SAYS: To keep your pie crust short, hove the shortening and water Ice cold. If possible, have your bowl cold, too, and when handling the crust, use your Ungers as little as you can, to keep the heat from the hands from getting into the dough. Avoid rolling extra flour Into the dough for this makes tough pastry. Fold the pastry over sev­ eral times while rolling to help make flaky pastry. Never stretch the pastry into the pan. Make It large enough before Atting into pan. Pie crust should be baked quickly on the lower shelf of the oven to prevent sogginess. The intense heat of the oven expands the cold liquid in pastry into steam, making the crust rise In flaky layers. Pattern No....................... Size........ ..... Name .................. Address ........................... ................. TIIIM WEEK'S MENU For Your Hakery Hale Pecan Rolls Holiday Fruit Scones •Lemon Angel Pic 'Apple Pie Devil's Food Cake Silver Moon Cake . Cornflake Filled Cookies Brownies •Recipe Given e of pastry strips across top. Flute E'EATHERS on your hat rim with Angers. Bake in hot oven r and braiding on your (450 degrees) for 15 minutes; then suit, coat, dress or cos­ decrease heat to 350 degrees and tume ensemble These are bake 30 minutes longer. two of the most outstand­ Apple Pie. ing trends for fall and winter. 1 recipe flaky pie crust If you would make a dra­ 2 pounds cooking apples matic and high-styled ap- 1H cups sugar proach to fall, take your cue from I So far as the new hats are con­ 2 teaspoons cinnamon the two ladies of fashion pictured in cerned they are staging a veritable 2 tablespoons butter the foreground of the accompanying riot of feathers. Casual wide- 1*4 tablespoons cornstarch illustration. Note how smartly fash­ brimmed felts, this season, mostly Pare, core, and slice apples. Mix ion feathers their hats and braids of the picturesque vagabond type, with sugar, cinnamon, and corn­ their handsome wool costumes. are in ravishing colors aided and starch. Fill pie tin which has been You can indulge in as little or abetted with spectacular vividly col­ covered with crust and dot fruit with ar much as ydu please in this mat­ orful pheasant quills. Referring to the butter. Lay on top crust which has ter of braiding, but whether it is three hats shown above in the pic­ been pricked with a fork, and flute just a wee dab of braiding here or ture note in the upper right corner edges. Bake 45 to 50 minutes in a there, or an all over blanketing of a gray felt vagabond gaily sporting moderate <350-375 degrees) oven. braided design, when it comes to a bright pheasant quill. This stun­ Tang and color are this cranberry topnotch style prestige braiding's ning headpiece tops a yellow sweat­ pie's delectable recommendations, the thing this season! er worn over a gray dress. so make enough Centered in the trio is a black See the ensemble pictured to the to have seconds. beret that glories in a snow white left. It is a masterpiece of artistry You can have in both color and costume design. novelty quill. Berets have certainly your vitamins, It is the sort of coat-ensemble that come into their own this season. too, for cranber­ takes you places in "style,” is Ideal And you are supposed to wear ’em ries are an excel­ for travel or town wear. You will any way that is most becoming. lent source of vi­ wear it to dinner at fashionable res­ Some like ’em posed in daring pro­ tamin C, neces­ taurants. or to the matinee. It has Ale effect, others position ’em back sary for teeth and a red gabardine reefer with a black of their pompadours, others dash bones, and also a fair source of vi- velvet collar and cuffs embroidered 'em down over their eyebrows, but tamin A which promotes appetite, with red soutache braiding. The pose 'em as you will berets are stimulates growth, and makes for sheer wool dress carries out the making conversation that is punctu­ general well-being Make it with same color scheme. The hat is a ated with thrills every step of the a criss-cross crust and you'll come crushed Homburg with two stream­ way. And keep an eye on the dra­ in with top-honors: matic manner in which they are lined quills. feathered, if it's exciting moments Spicy Cranberry Pic, To the right is a youthful suit of you crave. (Makes one 9-inch pie) beige wool with forest green sou­ Completing the trio of smart 1 recipe pie crust tache braid on lapels and upper feathered creations shown above is 4 cups cranberries sleeve. a black hat accented with a gray 2*4 cups sugar The new greens this fall are fas­ feather bird that blends with a mon­ 2 tablespoons lemon juice cinating. Milliners are enthusiastic key fur jacket of an unusual shade Grated rind of 1 lemon about soft, subtle greens in felts, of light gray. While all types of 1 teaspoon cinnamon velvets and feathers. The jaunty feathers are to be seen on the new feather hat has sprightly birds' hats, milliners are giving special *4 teaspoon ground cloves wings to give it height and its mel­ emphasis to pert little wings, birds 1*4 tablespoons cornstarch low green color is a perfect comple­ and all-feather hats. *4 cup water ment to the beige and green suit (Released by Western Newspaper Union.) Wash and pick over berries. Bring to a boil with the water, add sugar, boil gently, being careful not to break berries. Boil 5 minutes, re­ move from Are, cool, and add lemon juice, rind, and spices. Fill un­ baked pie crust, cover top witli strips, and bake 30 minutes in a hot College girls who seek something (400 degrees) oven. 1 other than the usual black or col- ’ There ar» pies in which you bake ored date dresses will hail with de­ just the crust, pies in which you light the advent of the new white bake crust and filling, and other I jersoy frocks that are designed to , pies which you don't bake at all. In wear under brown or black fur J this latter class are those pies whose coats. This dress is proving to be crust is placed in the icebox to cool, one of the highspots in a co-ed’s | then Ailed with Alling and cooled un­ life. As a rule the white jersey I til set. Here's a pie with crust, rich dress is styled with classic sim­ and crumbly, a Alling that really plicity but with exquisite detailing melts in your mouth: in the way of drapes, tucks and ; sometimes trapunto quilting. For Coconut Custard Pie. those who have a yen for color (Makes one 9-inch pie) there are white jerseys that are*] 2 egg yolks gaily embroidered in bright yarns. 1’4 cups milk Others flaunt glittering gold buttons Mi cup sugar and gilded kid trimmings. Mi teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons gelatin Vi cup cold water Aon* You Can If ear Your Soak gelatin in cold water. Cook egg yolks, milk and sugar in double Vitamins on Your Head boiler until thick and pour over gel­ A new process has been discov­ atin. Cool, add vanilla, and pour ered whereby the casein in skimmed over a crust made of: milk can be used to make a fiber 3 cups oven-popped rice cereal, which blends with rabbit fur to make ! rolled fine felting material for hats. One pounfl Smart young sophisticates do not Mi cup butter melted of this fiber is produced from about like to give up the picturesque dirndl V4 cup sugar 30 pounds of skimmed milk. skirt that has been such an out­ Since imports of hatter's rabbit standing favorite during the past Combine cereal crumbs, sugar and butter and press evenly around the fur are now limited because of war summer. That is why many of the sides and bottom of a pie pan. Chill conditions, there is a large market most voguish taffeta and wool cos­ before Alling. Pile meringue on top for this domestic product. Bossy’s tumes on the fall and winter style of Alling. Use 2 egg whites stiffly in the hat business now—classy hats program continue to exploit the dirndl after the manner here shown. beaten, to which add V4 cup sugar from contented cows! Wear White Jersey Under Your Fur Coat slowly, and Vi cup of coconut. Brown lightly in broiler. In making a successful meringue, beat the egg whites until stiff and glossy, then blend in sugar com­ pletely to prevent beads of syrup from forming on top of the me­ ringue. Leave the pie on the top of the oven after it is baked. Cold air striking the meringue will cause it to fall. (Released by Western Newspaper Union.) Embroidery on Suits There is no end to the embroidery story this season. The newsy part of the tale is that embroideries ap­ pear on sedate suits and wool day­ time dresses, as well as on dressier modes. Long evening capes have embroidered yokes. Daytime jack­ ets and blouses are also ornately embroidered. Taffeta Dirndl Sheer wool and taffeta are com­ bined most attractively in this stun­ ning afternoon dress. The fitted bod­ ice of sheer wool has a brown taf­ feta facing at the V-neck, and the sleeves show the new drop shoulder treatment. Crisp brown taffeta is shirred on at the natural waist. The hat is a veil-trimmed rolled-brim dark brown felt The whole effect is soft and feminine and true to the tradition of elegance. Carrots can be made crisp and fresh before cooking by peeling and leaving in cold water for half an hour. see Baked products made with hon­ ey retain their moisture long­ er than those without it. • • • Prepare onions under water, preferably running water, and spare the eyes. “IT’S to be another jumper A year,” says every fashion prophet who knows a thing aoout school smartness. Pattern No. 1450-B sounds a new note in jump­ ers—it has a jacket, too. The jacket is long sleeved, waist length, collarless—of a peasant feeling which keys it perfectly for the youthful, wide-skirted jumper. The latter is cut with a square neckline, low enough in front and in back to allow a great part of pretty blouses or soft sweaters to be clearly visible. The jacket Dry salt sprinkled immediately on new fruit stains will prevent them from being permanent. • • • When you pour water off boiled potatoes save it and use it instead of water or milk for your bread, sponge or coffee cake. If the wa­ ter is salted you will require ■ little less salt when mixing dough. • • • Accurate measuring spoons, cups and cans not only give bet- er results, but they save food ma­ terials. Best for Juice ■a/ul Zveig use/?