oMaÂ. *Z4< *7 £ ay--/Ind £ay¿ 9ti The tux situation I« «o bu'i turn wlii'ii Guy Applewhite *c n d c« four time« in a row yesterday, some-, one pipped up, ‘"i tie firm two uie Volume oil tile house but you owe US 10 . per cent on the unrecorded bal­ ance." 111 Even th«- army i* irked. They sent a truck up heir to pick Up the remain * of the plane which cracked up on the Hiskiyotis But | before the canvas hail stopped ripping. 27 Houvenier hunter * and i three dogs had stripped the ship *<> the only thiiiK * left were an, innertube, a wing, half a motor and four blotch« * of yellow paint | X BUILDING IS ON INCREASE HERE Increased building in Ashland was Indicated by the Issuing o' eight new building permits st thr cltv council meeting TiiesArv’ nlrht. Permit* totaled >15.350 with a ma|«>r riotlion of tt * amount Involved In the construe » • < tion of five new dwellings T*Bi- Medford Tribune «ugvests« A building permit also wax is that the Neutrality Act might ' sued to Arthur L Coggins for even smell bad, " the Act la. construction of a planing mill on dead,- for at least IK month * has street near East Main been dead, then whv not have the California A petition of neighboring proper decency to bury It." tv owners was presented bv Mrs > > > Edna M Sherman opposing con Another bad smell from the dir­ structlon of the mill on the ection of the capitol ha * been the grounds that it would lx- a pub> * exposure of Congressman Fish's , nuisance In answer to Pe •«!' misu«o of hla franking privilege1 tlon, City Attorney Frank Van by allowing a so-called nasi organ-1 Dyke indicated that there was n< Ization to send their propaganda, legal way to prevent that tvne o' through the mail * free under his construction which would prove : name. public nuisance only if operate • in an objectionable manner. THIS AMI THAT Upon request of a delegation o. * member of the Ashland Goll Hy Ol.ll club, the council approved a mo­ To the Editor: tion for the purchase of a smal On Oct 8, 1871. Mrs O'Leary’« tractor and gang mower to be cow allegedly kicked over a Ian used in the upkeep of the course tern starting a fire that swept the , The original request of the club city of Chicago The fire destroyed * was for a loan, but since thia wax 17,450 buildings and property v»1 j not possible the plan was sug ued at >196,000,000, and rendered grated whereby th« city would almost 100.(MX) persona homeless. purchase the equipment for use 250 lost their live * Robla-ry, pil­ of which the club would pay a lage, extortion, orgies ami crime monthly rental of about >25 added to the general horror After which would reimburse the city about 27 hour * of destruction the for its Investment. conflagration was checked A vast system of relief was organized and generous aid was receive« 11 from all part * of the world Th« money contributions amounted to nearly »5 (XXI,(XX) and in addition UM gift * of flood, Slotting an«l sup plies were made to last to the Two army pilots parachuted to close of 1876 safety shortly before their plan» * * * The city council's interpretatior c rushed to earth in the rugged of the leasc-lcnd act Is to lease Nlaklyou mountains near Idiot Rock Saturday morning Engine and not lend. trouble was given a* the cause of < < < It is presumed that the next the crash The pilots. Lt. Jerome a Resch- move of health culturists will he * and 2nd Lt. Robert D. Curtis, to spray haystacks with vitamins Il were traveling north in a Vultec to |>ep up the cows basic trainer from Mather fie)«’ r < r Bumper cranberry crop la re­ near Sacramento, Cal , accompan­ porter! It's got to tie, with an­ ied by another plane piloted bv other double Thanksgiving day Lt Barker and Prvt R D Elbert The second plane continued on for looming ahead. Its scheduled stop at Medford. After landing, the men walked to the home of Mrs Lucille Idnd- berg, who brought them to Ash­ land where they receiver! medical Traffic violators assessed fine- attention. Lt Peschka suffered a In the justice court this |>axt week slight back injury from striking r tree in landing. include the following: Kennett C Williams forfeited A detachment with two truckr >10 ball on a charge of violation and a reconnaisance car ha of the basic rule. been here from Sacramento the Newell Dean McIntyre was past two days salvaging the found guilty of driving with im­ wreckage, proper lights and fined 12 and ----------- •------------ costs. Clarence C. Howard failed to stop at a stop sign and was as- j seaaed >1 and costs (•ale E Maston forfeited $10 On request from Secretary of bail on a charge of driving with State Knox, the American I reg­ more than three in the driver’s ion of Oregon wlU start at once seat. to recruit 110 men for service Dentls J. May was found gulltv in the navy or naval reserve. legionnaire A. Bert Freeman. of driving without a atop light and having no horn. On the first Ashland Post Nn. It has been charge he was assessed court coats appointed recruiting officer for and on the second $1 and coats. the Post and will interview any Norman C. Griffen paid 52 and candidates. His address Is 112 costa for having no operator’s li­ Nut ley, phone 34X2. cense and >1 and costs for having no muffler. Dorris Spenser Porter forfeited! >7 50 hail on a charge of having 1 no tail light I • Ashland residents who have OI K HONOR KOI.I. been registered with the employ­ New subscribers to the Southern . ment bureau operated by the Oregon Miner: Chas White Jewel­ local chamber of commerce are ry Store; Cora Mason, and Mrs advised to renew their listings, ax Lowell Ager. the file information is being Hencwals: B B. Clark, Talent: brought up to date East Side Pharmacy; Chamber of Files are revised every three Commerce. months and those persons who ----------- •------------ registered to the first of this • Mr. Madden of the Madden month should renew their appli­ Tire Shop was unfortunate in in­ cations Both men and women arc juring his back last Friday after­ invited to utilize this free service noon when helping unload tires Chamber officials have reported • Mr and Mrs Clark Thomas that there is a shortage of tomato spent the week-end in Oregon City■ pickers and common outdoor la with Miss Betty Thomas who | orers at the present time Persons teaches there. .«»eekirig employment of this nature To "Keep ’em Flying" you must I should cal) the office as soon as "Keep on Buying” Defense Sav-1 possible as several positions are Ings Bonds and Stamps regularly | open. ----------- •------------ f---- -----------------------------• CHARLES BUGG and Companion xre Invited to Be Guests of the The blue and gold junior high Southern Oregon Miner varsity goes to the post again to­ To See Their Choice *f night on Walter Phillips field to lock horns with the Klamath the Following Falls Frosh. Varsity Theater Head Coach Al Simpson says hi» bovs will be fncln«r a toucher Programs: test than against Medford last (Friday and Saturday) week but feels that he has Ironed "THE COWBOY ANI) THE out several of the kinks that ham­ BLONDE" pered his club last Thursday. Tommy Anderson, regular cen­ and ter .is out with a sprained knee AFFECTIONATELY YOURS but his place will be ably filled (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday) by Boh Fi zler of the reserves. Dick Me «1« an. backfield ace who "BLOOD AND SAND" was out of the Medford game • with injuries, will probablv .see Please Call at The Miner Office action tonight in at least part of for Your Guest Ticket * the game. The remainder of the PLANE CRASHES IN SISKIYOUS Court Proceedings Legion Seeks 140 Recruits for Naw ------- e------- Employment Bureau Asks Registration Simns^n’s Midgets Mix with KF Tonight squad is in fine shape. ASHLAND, QREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1941 OUR DEMOCRACY---- —I by Mat « *N0T A LOOK OF FEAR WAS SEEN/ Lions Discuss Fire Hazards, Prevention Problem« of fire hazard * and fire prevention were discussed at the Tuesday evening meeting 300,000 000 Of these fires it was stated that approximately 75 percent were ' caused by carelessness. • 1 Number 41 HOMECOMING FOR BATTERY B OCT. 24,25,26 Big news of the week was the annoucement by Lt. Lynn Neeley, commanding officer of Battery B. that members of the battery and the regimental band will be in Ashland Oct. 24. 25 and 26 for a big homecoming week-end. According to word from Lt. Neeley, about 100 members of the unit will make the trip in addition to the band personnel of 28. The men will arrive early Friday morning in private cars and will be due to start the return trip Sunday morning. Committees assigned to various phases of the homecoming cele­ bration met at the city council chambers Wednesday evening to work out plans to assure the suc­ cess of the big week-end. Tentative plans call for a pa­ Wearing haphazard whiskers of rade to Walter Phillips field Fri­ syrup and feather«, 13 applicants day night where the battery will gained their coveted membership appear in military drills before 'Ç a PT. ISAAC HULL WROTE IT OF HIS WHOLE SHIP'S to the Down-Town Quarterbacks the Ashland-Dunsmuir game and ‘ COMPANY *FR0M SMALLEST BOY TO OLDEST SEAMAN * club Monday night by propelling also between halves. The battery * peanut about the floor with their will occupy a special section in AFTER THE 'CONSTITUTION * (OLD IRONSIDES) noses and struggling for elusive the grandstand and impressive HAD TAKEN THE '“GUERRIERE " floury doughnuts «dth the none- flag raising ceremonies are plan­ too-gentle assistance of the act­ ned in which the regimental band, the city band and the high school ive members. However, the ordeal of the neo­ band may participate. phytes proved mild compared to ; Saturday night the soldiers will the initiation of the new Quarter­ be guests of honor at a banquet back president, Bert Miller, who at the Elks banquet hail followed was overpowered and given a by a dance. Steve Whipple and blanket toss. But the blanket his orchestra will provide music proved inadequate for heavy for the dancing. Members of the general com­ weight tossing, split in half and let the president down for a jar­ mittee in charge of arrangements ring lamling on the floor. No in­ are Guy Applewhite, chairman; - 1941 \7?5 - U.S.NAVY AND MARINE CORPS juries were reported from this Ebe Dunn. W. E. Bartelt, Bill Larry Hunter and Dean scrimmage and the Quarterbacks Allen, Pieper. Civic organizations have contented themselves with the FjjHIS is ONE OF THE NAVAL TRADITIONS WHICH CAUSES SO quieter games of basketball and assumed various responsibilities the celebration. The Rotary shuffleboard for the remainder of for MANY FINE YOUNG MEN TO VOLUNTEER FOR OUR NAVY club will care for housing prob­ the evening. OR MARINE CORPS TODAY AND MAKES CIVILIANS lems; the Lions will have charge Preceding the initiation, a short of ticket sales for the banquet­ RESOLUfE IN THEIR SHARE IN NATIONAL DEFENSE. business session was held at which dance; the Elks will have charge between-game stunts were dis­ of the banquet and dance; the cussed and a vote was taken chamber of commerce will see to on adoption of red hunting hats the week-end entertainment pro­ as the identifying mark of the and the American Legion Quarterbacks to be worn on game ! gram will make contacts necessary for days. The IJons club won three games New member * initiated into the the success of the affair. from the Provost team Monday Two undefeated southern Ore­ night to move into first place in club were Bob Hardy, C. R Ram­ gon high school conference foot­ the major league at the Ashland sey. Stephen Epler, Dr L. W. ball teams clash tonight at 8 bowling alleys The present stand­ Stoffers. Bill Savin, J F Engle. o'clock in Modoc Stadium at Kla­ ing in the ¡eague is Lions, first; G. Goddard. Frank O'Neil. Phil math Falls when the Ashland Greyhound Tavern, second; Elks, Keeton. Dick Trites, Allen McGee. , Registration for the fall term Wood and Virgil Jackson Grizzlies, victorious in three third; Provost, fourth; Hilt, fifth, Kenneth ----------- , at the Southern Oregon College *------------ start«, face the highly-touted Kla­ .and Selby Chevrolet last. of Education will close on Oct. 11, AIR WARNING math Falls Pelicans, who have according to Marshall E. Woodell, Harry Travis was high man of ( OBSERVERS NEEDED won four game« to date. registrar. Students interested in the evening with 209 single score The Pelicans have a more im­ and a series of 542 The Lions A request has been made enrolling at the college will find pressive record than Ashland but rolled the high team score with for volunteer observers for air little difficulty in making up back a hotly contested battle 1« ex­ a total of 2873. warning service. A statewide assignments if they register this drill is to be held Oct. 28 to pected before the final gun sounds week, Woodel states. Listed below are the individual Ashland, after the Coquille bat­ Nov. 1 and many observers In-service teachers in Jackson scores with the handicaps figured are needed. tle last Saturday, has a few minor and Josephine counties still are in the totals: Volunteers are asked to Injuries Al Newbry, pass-snatch­ I able to enroll in the teaching and 1st 2nd 3rd T ing end. Is limping as the result Lions contact the Jackson county elementary school science and con­ 156 163 190 593 chamber of commerce. of a twisted knee and Charley Anderson temporary problems which meets 130 164 158 605 Jandreau, triple-threat halfback, Williamson . Thursday evening and Saturday Hopper 134 525 140 116 suffered a leg Injury in practice I morning. 134 154 122 542 this week. It is undecided whether Andres Anyone interested should con- 168 180 191 608 they will start tonight The Peli­ Reed r tact the registrar's office prior to —. —- — — can« emerged practically unscath­ [ Saturday noon. Oct. 11. 704 801 795 2873 A four-yard line buck by Bud i ed after their 43-0 routing of —-------- *------------ Provost 1st 2nd 3rd T Provost in the second quarter and l CHURCH OF CHRIST GIVES Dunsmuir last Friday night. 121 187 170 541 a 92-yard runback of the opening The entire squad, under Coach­ Provost, D. 148 113 125 527 kick-off of the third period by RECEPTION FOR MINISTER es Frank O’Neil and Jerry Gas- Forsythe Members of the Church of O’Neil 92 153 115 513 Charley Jandreau gave Ashland tineau left today for the ti't 146 148 153 558 high a 12 to 7 victory over Co­ 1 Christ gave a reception last week Medford is idle tonight, await­ Gastineau 146 122 150 532 quille there Saturday afternoon. I honoring the new minister. Rev. ing their Ocf 17 clash with the Crowson —• — —- > The Red Devils presented a Earl Downing, wife and daughters Pelicans, and Grants Pass enter-. 653 723 713 2671 strong offense and a stubborn de­ and Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Epler, tains Marshfield. Tavern 1st 2nd 3rd T. fense combined with a passing at­ who recently returned from New —•------------ D. Travis 111 168 171 524 tack. one of which netted them York City. Rev. Everett McGee, master of Krinock 137 127 129 456 their lone touchdowm. Much cre­ Bishoff 103 143 165 501 dit for Ashland's win goes to ceremonies, gave the address of 201 116 201 587 Martin Herrin and Chet Fowler, welcome and introduced the new Van Curler H. Travis 209 188 145 572 tackles, at which positions most minister and family as well as the A dinner-reception was given *— —- — — of Coquille’s ground plays were guest ministers and their wives. Monday evening at the Methodiri. Dr. George W. Bruce, president of 761 742 816 2610 directed. church to college students, public Al Newbry suffered a knee In­ the Ashland Ministerial associa­ 1st 2nd 3rd T school teachers and college in­ Chevrolet 121 134 171 516 jury and was replaced bv Bob tion. expressed the welcome of the structors who are members of that Kavanaugh Neeley 117 139 131 528 Dunn In the first period. Gilbert ministers of the city. Rev. Down­ church The WSCS with Mrs F IieAutremont 169 169 149 550 Russell and Russ Hawk were the ing responded with appreciative O. Smith and Mrs. G. W. Bruce 85 11 550 only other reserves who saw ac­ remarks for the fine welcome ex­ * 142 in charge of arrangements, served Mathews tended him and his family. After Culp 120 169 136 521 tion. the dinner. conclusion of the program, light — — — — - — The Grizzlies showed weakness A short program followed the were served. 669 696 706 2529 at ability to convert extra points refreshments dinner. Musical numbers consisted ----------- •------------ after touchdowns. Both of their Hilt 1st 2nd 3rd T of two songs "When Song 1" 158 178 178 592 attempts, through the line, were • C. M Litwiller was successful Sweet" and "Thank God for a Tallis in getting his deer last week. 151 117 168 505 stopped short. Garden,” given by Mrs. E O. Vincent • Mrs. Bill Piatt of Weyerhaeuser ------------•------------ Bauman 161 166 163 604 Smith; two violin solos, "Vene­ and Mrs. O. A. McKinnon and son PIONEERS ASSOCI ATION’ Harris 119 151 144 .MS tian Love Song" and "Busy Bee." of Medford were guests of Mrs. 167 167 160 60« HAS PROGRAM MEETING played by R. H. Cooke, and a pi­ Schlappi Anna Scheidereiter Tuesday. — — — » — ano selection by Miss Wilma Fro- An interesting program was 756 779 813 2852 given at the Southern Oregon Pio- man. Greetings from various or­ Elks 1st 2nd 3rd T. ganizations and groups of the neers' association meeting held ir 152 127 143 491 Ashland Thursday of last we«v church were extended to the Allen 120 127 153 478 The princinal sneaker of the dav guests Mrs. F., O. Smith repre­ Eberhart 155 147 141 563 was G. Edwin Dunn, member of sented the WSCS; Mrs. G. W. Oden 90 113 109 426 a prominent pioneer family. Miss Bruce the ¡»indent's voung peo­ Harker 184 174 137 600 Lvdia McCall, president of the as­ ple’s group: Allen McGee the Sun­ Erwin — sociation, presided. — — — day school; Miss Ruth Froman 708 681 683 2558 The business meeting in the af­ the Weelev League: Miss Wilma ternoon resulted in the election Froman the Methodist Youth of the following officers: Countv Council; Miss Voda Brower the CLASS MEETS WEEKLY Weslevan Service guild, and Dr. The Mission Study class of the Judge J B Coleman of Medford, Walter Redford the college class WSOS of the Methodist church president: Mrs. T W Miles of in the Sunday church school. Dr. held its first weekly meeting at Medford vice president, and Miss George W Bruce pastor, gave the the home of Mrs. Fred Engle on Claire Hanley of Jacksonville, concluding address of welcome. Wednesday afternoon. Mrs Rainh secretarv. The meeting next year Billings conducted an impressive will be held in Jacksonville. MISSION CIRCLE MEETS devotional service which was fol­ The Meiiey Mission Circle of lowed by an interesting review INVITED TO VENISON FEED Ashland Lions are looking for- the Baptist church met Thursday of the first part of the bo-'k. "A CHEF JACK HALFTLL fur­ to their meeting Tuesday of last week After s covered d)»x Christian Imperative" by Rn»w" ** rt luncheon scwin