Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, October 03, 1941, Image 8

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    Friday, Oct. 3, 1941
Hiram’s Ice Cream Is
Popular Delicacy
Plaza (’ale Noted
Dining Place
When meal time approach»
stop at the Plaza Cafe and Con
Located at 397 East Main, op
fectionery. located at 23 North
erates a sanitary and immaculate
Malli, ‘phone 7051, aihl enjoy n
plant where delicious ice cream is
well-cooked nival at a moai tea
made and served under the finest
■unable price. People who find it
conditions. The first thought in
necessary to cut away from home
the manufacture of Hiram s ice
do not think of g«»ing uny where
cream is one of purity. Every p.i
but to “Ashland's Best” cate Tills
caution is taken to see that this
tine place Is noted tor good food,
delicious ice cream comes to you
a reputation that Is sustained by
absolutely pure and wholesome.
the community as well as the tra­
Only the finest quality of na­
veling public.
tural fruit flavorings and other
Here the manager, Mr Fred
ingredients are used in the manu­
Taylor, scouts the market for the
facture of their ice cream. Pure
No Expense S|xrrd In Giving
choicest foodstuffs money can buy
"If It's Made of Wood . . .
wholesome raw materials plus ex­
at 242 East Main, ‘phone 4811, U In the kitchen, only the most iikm I
Patrons the lU-st in Picture»
The East Side Meat Market at
We Can Make It”
pert craftsmanship, plus a sincere
one place where the people know ern equipment Is found and the
374 East Main, 'phone 8281 and
interest in their work on the part
The theatre has collie a long Uiat they can •ecure the best In sanitary laws are strictly follow­
Jordan's Sash & Cabinet Works the Plaza Meat Market at 59
of the entire personnel of Hiram's
way since the day of the truups drugs, kixlaks. sundries and no
are all combined to give the pub­ is a modern-day concern that spe­ North Main, 'phone 4771, are two playing the old-time inelodrutnas tlons. The store is modern, up-to ed.
The court«-sy and attention of
lic the most tasty, pure, whole­ cializes in the production of ex­ of the most modern and up-to- such as Uncle Tom’s Cabin and date, clean and sanitary through
some and smooth ice cream in pert wood, sash and cabinet work. date markets in this section hand-, other highly dramatic plays To­ out. No matter what it is In drug the attendants are features that
receive more than passing note
Being experts in this line, made- ling only the purest of meats at
day, comfortable, well-ventilated sundries, patent medicines, pci from the patrons While seateti at
In this Progressive Review we to-order wood and cabinet work all times.
fuinery, toilet articles, stationer)
Upon entering these stores, you I moving picture houses are as or any other specialties, you wii their tables, booths, or fountain,
take great pleasure in recom­ to meet the individual taste is one
great an improvement over these
you will be delighted by the home­
mending their modern sanitary
old theatres as the modern airlinei find it under the stamp of a wel like atmosphere which prevails
manufacturing methods and the which they take great pride. with the clean atmosphere that is over the old stage coach.
Not only arc the foods cooked as
delicious, rich creamy flavor and Their work is much in demand prevails ami the manner in which
behind the product. They also car
purity of Hiram's Super-creamed because of its individuality and the meat is taken care of ami j The Varsity Theatre, a Waltei ry a full line of box candy an«, "mother used to cook them,” but
H. Leverette enterprise, located on
you will find the best foods In sea­
artistic design. For estimates call displayed.
ice cream to our many readers.
other gifts.
son from which to make your se­
upon them and you will be pleas­
Here you are sure to receive ’ East Main, 'phone 3761. is man­
Mr. 8. H Short, the moat capa lection. It makes no difference
as we all know, by Mr. Lee
antly surprised at the moderate value for your money. These mar-1 aged.
whether you live to eat or eat to
prices which they will quote you. kets handle practically every kind I 8. Ryan.
the value of g«H«d service live, you will be most satisfactor­
The people of this community of meat, sausages, lard, oysters man who has the acumen tu know predate
.is a trade winner an«l are nios. ily served nt this cafe They also
are very fortunite to have such a and almost every kind of frozen and judge what type of entertain­ willing
and anxious to accommo have a fine assortment of Whit-
valuable establishment in their fish in season. In making their ment we enjoy ami no expense is date
their patrons at all times I I man's. Brown and Haley's candies
This fast growing enterprise, midst. You not only save trans­ sausages only the purest of meats spared to bring us the finest pic­
The aforesaid gentleman has for
Therefore, we deem It most fit­
located at 80 North Main, phone portation charges but you have are used.
5781, is just about the headquar­ the convenience of going into their
The managers favor out-of-town 1 Where can anyone find such en many years been known for his ting and proper that we, in thia
Progressive Review, direct the
ters for new and use«! tires in place of business and making your business because they know that ' joy ment at such small cost as at fair and honest dealings
Attention should be brouxht to special attcnlon of the readers to
these parts. Their stock of tires ___ __
_ ..___ “ In their unique the farmers are the ones who fur­ I the Varsity? Here we are whisk«*«! their
excellent prescriptkin depart­ the Plaza Cafe and Confectionery.
is made of new fresh rubber and town shop, located at 17 East nish the stock in the first place.' away from our everyday cares am
ready to withstand many miles of Main, they carry paints, curios so they are entitled to good meat ' tribulations ami for a few hour» ment where only the purest of Upon your mk ! tup into town,
tire abuse. There are many ways and unusual antiques that will at the right prices.
we are enabled to enjoy all th« drugs are usttl Then, too, we shall don't fail to drop in for a meal
of keeping down the expense ot please the most fastidious.
These markets are equipne«! thrills and adventures of the ac­ not fall to mention thdr excellent or a cool drink at their fountain.
fountain service.
operating an automobile and the
with the latest cooling devices j tion on the screen.
most important is the tires and
This writer who has thorough Ashland, we are indeed pleased to
view we desire to compliment this
at Madden’s Tire Shop you can valued
establishment upon the temperature winter and summer. I ly enjoyed every minute in hi: recommend the East Side Phar­
immediately erase your tire wor­ quality
theatre, wishes, at this time, ti macy to our many readers.
of their work and unhesi-
ries. To save automobile dollars tantly recommend
Delta'* Beauty Salon, located In
it to all our assured that your meat is kept congratulate Mr. Ryan on the
at least 70 percent, we suggest readers.
the l.ltilla Hotel pholH- 6511. Irll
■ splendid type of entertainment he
Cabinet Works is lo­ under the best conditions.
that you try a set of their tires. cated at The
We are glad to compliment offers and extend his cordial in­
dera a most complete service in
and Vanness,
You will not only receive the best and both Helman
both the East Side and Plaza vitation to drive in and enjoy a
beauty culture
The charming
tires but receive courteous atten­ phone number—7011.
Meat Market upon the manner in few hours of real relaxation.
owner, Mias Delta Thompson, hna
tion as well.
which they run their business and
------------ •------------
mad» an extensive study of the
----------- •------------
also upon the quality of merchan­
We wish to urge you at this
There are many times when It work from a scientific standpoint
dise handled and we urge our
time also to come in and inspect
pays to be wise and investigate and keeps thoroughly up-to-the-
their array of Willys Americar—
readers when in need of meats of ..
• .
> .
what can be done in the way of minute in methods of operation as
any description, to stop at either HilS Complete I,1HC
a great motor car that is guaran­
getting good merchandise such ar well as the« latest styles <>f th«-
of these stores and do their
teed 100,000 miles. In this Pro­
that handled at the Plaza Trail« period. A most completely ap­
"Wire Us and We Will
Offers Free Instruction
gressive Review, we heartily re­
Shop, located at 11 North Main, pointed salon lends comfort to the
commend the Madden's Auto Com­
Wire for You”
To Inexperienced Bowlers
'phone 3101. owned and operate«' patrons while they arc being giv­
pany and Tire Shop to all our
by Mrs W. A Barker, a most en the moat careful service possi­
This concern, located at
The Ashland Bowling Alley, lo­
tradeswoman You hav< ble. Miss Thompson's success in
East Main, 'phone 5051, are spe-
cated on East Main, is one of the
to appreciate the man’ tti.- w.iv "! Ix-auti culture has
clalists in electrical contracting
most modern of its kind in the
bargains you will find been moat marked ami as a conse­
and gladly will help you with the
state of Oregon .and its four
quence the reputation of her hair
“Get Associated"
electrical plans for your new home there from a piece of furniture to dreaaing
streamlined alleys are a delight to
or the home you are remodeling
bowling fans. It has just recently
grown. She is an excellent judge
They have a complete line of elec­
opened and many are flocking to
the types of women and can
but uses his better judgment and trical supplies, including RCA Vic­ will save both time and money it of
This cleaning establishment, lo­ it daily.
you how your hair should be
cated at 45 North Main on the
Bowling not only is a very buys a product that has proved its tor and Emerson radios and will you will spend a few minuter dreastM to make you most attract­
Plaza, 'phone 2500. features an pleasant recreation but also a quality.
go anywhere within a reasonable browsing around thia moat com ive Her French braids are indeed
The Steve Zarka Service Sta­ distance to give an estimate.
plete store Much of the stock tn a work of art.
expert service in dry cleaning, very healthful indoor sport for
dyeing and pressing.
young and old alike. With the tion, located at 185 East Main,
Electricity no longer is a lux­ the used furniture department har
In this Progressive Review, we
Since this well-known house has ever-increasing number of men 'phone 6006, sees to it that your ury—it is a necessity. A home hardly had the first newness won are glad to compliment Miss Delta
been in business it has enjoyed an and ladies who because of their motor is supplied with the best of that is not electrically wired is off. but at the same time you can Thompson on her modern meth­
ever-increasing patronage because business are forced to recreate fuels and lubrication. If you would cut off from the comforts a home get up to 70 percent savings on ods. extensive patronage and rea­
of the reasonableness of charges, away from their homes, the Bowl­ have a properly lubricated motor, should have, Mr. Jordan, who has almost everything in stock Mrs sonable prices and heartily recom­
the excellence of work and their ing Alley manager has realized start using Veedol and Tydol, As­ had over 32 years experience in Barker will pay cash for used mend her beauty salon to all our
reliability. The dry cleaning sys­ that the public has learned much sociated products, for better mile­ this field, and his assistants have household furnishings, farm and readers.
tem they use not only cleans from these as to what constitutes age, easier starting, stop at this made a study of the problems con­ home tools, and hundreds of other
clothes, but thoroughly renovates a modern and efficient recreation station—use Flying A - smooth at nected with the wiring of houses articles too numerous to mention
every speed. They also specialize and general electrical construc­ in this space and so if you have
them in the most sanitary man­ center.
Through his straightforward on guaranteed lubrication service. tion. They are conversant with anything that you wish to dispose
ner. It also turns them out in the
Service is the watchword of this the laws of the state and city rel­ of, get in touch with the Plaza
most approved styles without the dealings with the public, the man­
"Now Is the Time to Nervier
disagreeable odor that accompan­ ager, Jack Eaton, has made many reliable station, when you stop ative ot electrical wiring and when Trade Shop at once in person or
Your Old < ar."
ies the work of so many cleaning I friends and has always taken an here you pay for the products, but the work is completed It will be by telephone.
----------- •------------
Defense needs have brought
establishments. The most modern active and commendable interest most of the service is free. Service found perfectly satisfactory and
about a drastic reduction in the
machinery in their plant makes it I in his fellowmen. realizing that a includes cleaning your windshield, will conform to the rules of the
production of new cars. The re­
possible for them to handle the I concern located in this community putting air in your tires, water in underwriters.
sulting shortage of new cars will
most delicate fabrics so that they that is not progressive will not your radiator and many other Ut-
tie important details.
make it necessary for car owners
look like new.
take pleasure in recommending
------------ •------------
In this Progressive Review we
Dyeing is an art and science
It is impossible to over-estim­ to give more attention to the ser­
the services of Jordan Electric
and requires the very highest type cannot fail to give the Ashland
ate the Importance of the firms vicing of their older models.
Store to all our readers.
of scientific services as well as Bowling Alley extended mention
--------- 4------------
that buy farm prcxluce from our In view of this situation, the Sel­
good color sight. Here you will as worthy of its deserving success
growers and distribute it to the by Chevrolet company, located nt
find that the service in this line and worthy of your patronage, j
markets of the world Such a firm 100 East Main, 'phone 4061 (night
Once upon a time America
is of the very best and we are Come any day between the hours
the Rogue River Produce com­ phone 7481), Is renovating and
pleased to compliment the Ward-1 of 12 noon and 1 a. m. and really bought its motor cars impulsively
located at Siskiyou and adding new equipment to their
and made selections without com­
robe Cleaners in this Renew.
enjoy yourself.
'phone 7736 This enter­ **rvice department to take care
Many do not realize the value
paring values. But now Dodge and
has a reputation of the increasing need for de­
Plymouth have changed that. of an auto wrecking concern to for paying top prices
and com­ pendable repair work.
Thousands upon thousands are the community. They are one of plete satisfaction is assured
Service is not merely a motto
turning to Dodge and Plymouth the indispensable factors.
here but is backed by a reputa­
They will take your old auto to
today as they are finding in these
duce and the retail merchant who tion proving that they render
smartly styled and impressive cars their place of business, pay yo sells
motorists of this section a real
it to the public.
roominess and comfort beyond a good price and dismantle it.
service. It has been the workman­
their expectations. They marvel Bolts and rivets are cut, good
ship by men of recognized skill
at the smoothness and the lack of parts are segregated into separate pany has many friends in Ashland along these lines. Experienced au­
vibration. There’s a new brilliance bins, the rest sold for junk. From and throughout the county and tomobile mechanics ars employed
of performance with real economy, these blns of salvaged parts one we do not hesitate recommending at this place to insure you case
too. The new Dodges and Ply- may obtain parts for almost any the firm to our readers as a com- ■ of control and the best in riding
mouths are their choice, not be­ make of car or truck. It will pay pany with whom they will find it comfort. The Selby Chevrolet
Phone 6732
cause they offer so much more of you to see Barnies Wrecking a pleasure to do business.
company in on the job at all hours
It is just as important for the of the day and the motorist re­
everything for every dollar in- Yard, located at 628 North Main,
vested but because they are the 'phone 8271, before buying parts grower to contact a reliable pro­ ceives quick and efficient service
cars for these times.
This is an efficient establish­ duce man as it is to grow the in the face of any mishap.
If you are contemplating the ment whose business continues to produce. In recommending the
Whatever you may need in gas,
Rogue River Produce company, we
I purchase of a new car, may we grow. It is operated by a far­ feel that we are doing our friends lubrication, expert paint and body
suggest that you see, ride and sighted business man who was
repairing, AAA towing, heavy
This Company is well duty wrecking, it will be moro
drive one of these cars and learn able to foresee the need of such a favor.
what Leever Motor company, 83 a business with the increase of
than worth your while to consult
established an enviable reputation the Selby Chevrolet company. We
North Main, 'phone 7541. They auto .owners.
In this Progressive Review, we
also have a used car lot, consist­
also wish to stress the point and
ing of various makes of cars are pleased to recommend Barnies chants and deserve the liberal repeat that NOW Is the time to
which will give the buyer superior Wrecking Yard to all our readers support of this entire community ' service your old car.
43 North Main
service at a price within the reach as a place to really save money in
of all.
auto parts.
East Side and Plaza
Meat Markets
Jordan’s Sash and
Cabinet Works
East Side Pharmacy
Varsity Theatre Is
Entertainment Center Offers Wide Variety
Madden's Auto Co.
Offers Tire Service
Delta’s Beauty Salon
Has Steady Growth
Plaza Trade Shop
Stocks Bargains
Jordan Electric Co.
Bowling Alleys Are
Recreation Center
Steve Zarka—Your
Associated Dealer
------- •-------
Wardrobe Cleaners
Use Modern Methods
Selby Chevrolet Co.
Increases Services
Rogue River Produce
Is Big Distributor
Leever Motor Co.
Displays New’ Cars
Barnies Wrecking
Yard Expands
Compliments of
Radiating Progress with
Their Inimitable Products
Compliments of
“Where Jolly Fellows Get Together”
J. C. Penney Co. Attracts Wise Buyers
Compliments of
Compliments of
Dealer in All Kinds
of Monuments
H. A. MERRILL, Proprietor
15 North Main
Magazines, Fountain Service, Groceries
Phone 6261
607 Siskiyou
Compliments of
Phone 4581
Compliments of
“Clean Boxes Pay Dividends”
Phone 5983
1201 East Main
Phone 4281
This store, located in the Elks
building, East Main, 'phone 5301,
is one of the community's most
necessary and most popular estab­
lishments, whose progressive poli-
cien iiave enabled them Lu oilei
such wonderful bargains that
their trade has grown to large
proportions a tribute to the bus­
iness ability of the manager, Mr.
Paul Finnell, The directing heads
of this establishment are business
I men known as the men who help­
ed to make this a progressive city
Whenever any business house Is
able to Inaugurate a merchandis­
ing establishment where tho pub­
lic is able to obtain the very ne­
cessary articles at lower prices
I than they are usually sold the
public alwsvs nrnfits This Is lust
such an establishment and here
the people of the community are
able to save much on their pur­
chases, and thus many people who
j would have to forego many of the
necessities or luxuries of dress on
account of the high prices of the
times are now enabled, due to the
reasonable prices of this store, to
secure them and enjoy life more,
rhe fart that thrv buy their
stock in large quantities and are
them to offer these wonderful
values to the people. This gives
them a large trade and they do
not try to make all the profits on
one sale, but count on small pro-
fits and a large volume of busi­
ness This concern is up-to-date
and all departments are most, re­
plete with the models of the hour
in the various materials and
shades which have been approved
by the world's leading authori­
ties of fashion. No sooner has any
stvle been accented hv the leading
fashion authorities than It nt onrr
makes Its appearance in this store
and is presenter! in a variety of
materials for the choice • of the
people of this section.