SOUTHERN OREGON MINER KEEP HOME $$$ AT HOME Community Hospital I n Asset to Ashland Ashland Ice and Storage Company EDITION Broady Bros. Offers Quality and Service Bagley Canning Co. Cans Home Products Most of us are individualists at Everyone knows that no agri* heart even though we may not all cultural community is complete adhere to the political doctrine of without its canning company. The The Ashland Ice A Storage of Prominent Ashland Business Men "Rugged Individualism.” We all farmers must have a market for company, located on Water street, Compiled by Blanca and Gerald Marvin like to see a business created and the foodstuffs they raise and the phone 6761. under the manage directed by people of our own Bagley Canning company, located ment of Charles Spindler, is a succeed An outstand­ at Helman and Stanley streets, local concern, Interested in local Lithia Bakery Is Ashland Laundry Co. community ing example for such a business is ’phone 4001, is that place. They development and is more than de the Broady Bros Drug Store, lo­ pay the top market price for pro­ serving of the support of the far Home Industry Ends Wash Drudgery cated at 275 East Main, ’phone duce purchased. They are canners mere and merchants In this sec­ 5261 “Just Can, That’s All” of tomatoes, cherries, peaches, tion of the state Their plant is Finest in Breads and Pastrle« well equipped for storage and it The Ashland 1-aundry company, A combination of professional pears and the famous Del Rogue The Uthla Bakery, located at Is state Inspected yearly regarding located at 31 Water street, ’phone pharmaceutical services which in­ apple juice. cleanliness and sanitation Every 383 East Main, phone 4051, is clude prescription compounding In order for the home commun­ thing about the plant is kept In known for its excellent quality of 7771, is one of the most modern and the dispensing of drugs and ity to prosper it must be support­ the brat condition and Mr Splnd bakery goods. Their bread is al­ and up-to-date establishments in chemicals for home and farm plus ed, therefore the one way in which ler makes a special effort to offer ways fresh and protected by sani­ this section of the country. Their the other indispensable services everyone can help is to purchase a service to the farmers and mer­ tary wrappers. It is baked under work is guaranteed to give satis rendered by modern druggists canned goods from the Bagley chants that should be appreciated the most wholesome conditions faction. make Broady Bros, a routine place I Canning company. They offer em­ They have installed a system of of call for many of our folks At I ployment to many local citizens Since the opening of the doors and the best of ingredients are to the public tne management bar used. As everyone knows, bread machinery that will turn out a all times their prices have been I during the canning season, thus at all times been most reasonable supplies strength and energy and great volume of excellent laundr the lowest that is consistent with they are invaluable, not only to In its charges Let us take this should be consumed daily The work, at a price that will drive the quality of their articles and the farmers but to the community drudgery and worry out of the the excellence of their service and town as well. The purchase of opportunity to help o“’ standard of this institution is the They are specialists in filling i canned goods from this cannery realize the value of this service best grade flour, pure shortening, home. You may have your laun- It takes considerable capital to sugar, salt, milk and other in­ I dried, flat or finished One trial all prescriptions and all work is1 also brings much money into the operate a business of this nature, gredients mixed and baked under will convince you. This system is done by registered pharmacists town which might easily go else­ yet they have left nothing undone sanitary conditions by skilled prompt and unequalled You may and only the highest quality of1 where. select any style of service to suit materials is used They also have in their effort to provide a com­ workmen. The factory is an up-to-date es­ your budget, no matter how large excellent fountain servic«. plete service in ice and cold ■tor* tablishment. All the latest, best The Southern Oregon Miner has or how small. Sending your cloth­ Their policy of quality and age and individual lockers and scientific machinery is used, Of course everyone knows that always held fast to the contention ing to the laundry is the simplest vice plus low prices merits our | Their products, as a result, are that businesses that do more than method of disposing of your laun ­ admiration and support now and sanitarily canned and are par­ this concern handles the Hun Gold in the future. creamery products butter, full their share to make this a better dry problems. excellence. district deserve news space from cream milk, churned buttermilk. That the laundry is pleasing the In this Progressive Review, we Mission Orange and 8unfreeze ice various publications from time to people is shown by their ever-in­ take great pleasure in referring Drive-In Market Is time. When a concern goes out of cream all delicious and nutritive creasing business Housewives are ..—.... «--------- the Bagley Canning company to products. In presenting this edit Its way to do its bit in making a learning that it does not pay to do all our readers and urge them to orial to our readers, when in need better than average product as their own laundry and that this Ashland’s Newest Craig Service Has buy products from this cannery of good service and products, we the Lithia Bakery does they de­ laundry does their washing much Complete Stock, Prompt Service and keep Oregon money at home. can recommend nothing better serve the patronage of the people. cheaper than they can do it them­ Hancock Products The Drive-In Market, located than the Ashland Ice A Storage Those who have never tried the selves. at 180 C street, 'phone 5161, is company. delicious products of this bakery In this Progressive Review we one of the leading grocery stores Stevens’ Glass and “Better Gaa for le*»’’ I are Indeed missing on« of the ac- wish to congratulate the people of of this community. TTieir unusual­ !•» Thia Concern» Motto , companiments of the perfect and this community upon having such ly large and well-assorted stock , Paint Shop well-balanced meal because ■o | a reliable and up-to-date eatab- is an attraction to buyers from i Thia reliable service station, Io-1 Briggs and Briggs many people are praising the han- llshment in their‘midst and also all parts of this trade territory. I A worthy example of substan­ cated on North Main, ’phone 6186, Law Offices diwork of this concern and are de­ wish to compliment Mr Wirt M Here you will always find every-■ tial progress is Stevens’ Glass and la well known and highly esteem­ ed and has been serving thia com­ Briggs and Briggs, attorneys, manding that their supply house Wright, the manager of the Ash- thing arranged for your con ven-1 Paint Shop, a most modern place munity and surrounding territory have reached a position of prom­ carry this excellent line of pure land foundry company, upon his ience, with a fresh up-to-date' located at 74 North Main, phone with Hancock gas and oils. They inence in the legal profession A food products In this Review we splendid business acumen and up­ stock, attractively displaved for i 7231. They carry everything in the are not content to merely offer man who takes for his life work are pleased to recommend the on his modem and up-to-date ser­ your inspection. The clerks are way of glass: window glass, art, good products for sale, but also the study of law has an opportun­ Lithia Bakery to al! our reader* vice. courteous and accommodating and plate, mirrors, glass for autos, etc. strive to render a service that is ity to become a most valuable offer a prompt and efficient and paints. They have become an unsurpassed at all times indispensable factor and a center asset in the community in which service. Mr. C. J. O’l-eary, the genial! he lives Such an asset are Briggs J. P. Dodge & Sons, Funeral Directors in the glass trade. You will find This market carries a complete manager, states that SERVICE and Briggs, lccated In the Pioneer . here the most up-to-date mirrors line of groceries, fruits, meats and J. P. Dodge and Rons. Funeral I decorated and Its very appearance here means just what it spells for console, buffet and many other building, ’phone 6291 vegetables, supplying your every here the policy of treating all An attorney renders invaluable Directors, located at 125 East bespeaks quiet and solemnity. need in an efficient manner. You uses. There is nothing that adds people alike has been adhered to service in ironing out rough spots Main, phone 8771 or (3727-3726- There is no extra charge for the quite so much to the beauty of a whether they ever expect to see which are the natural penalty of 5711) (day or night), have been use of the funeral parlor and here can often take care of your wants room as does a beautiful mirror under one roof and save real the customer again or not. Mr our restricted social order. The unusually successful in the con­ complete funerals can be con­ money and time. well placed. At this store may be O’l^eary has proved exceedingly attitude which Briggs and Briggs duct of their business because ducted. Ihad glass for windows, either dou­ The Drive-In Market is a local All the work is done privately efficient In this business and has bring to their profession marks they offer a most complete ser­ ble strength or plate They will home-owned concern with a fine cut it to any desired size and fit gained a reputation for his up­ them as a credit to the legal fra­ vice and keep their equipment up- in their most sanitary and up-to- stock of quality goods at date fireproof preparation and right business methods and unus­ ternity Their friends and clients to-date for y°u- 11 y°u hav*e broken reasonable prices. Strict sanitation ual acumen. are unanimous in their expression Conditions in the profession slumber rooms. As is well known, is observed in all departments for ,’ glass on your automobile windows Buy Hancock products and of confidence and their opinion la have changed in the past few they have conducted some of the or windshield, drive to Stevens’ when you do buy it at Craig's universally respected in al) ques­ years. The introduction of auto largest funerals ever held in this your protection. Glass & Paint Shop and let them In this Progressive Review of Hervice Station "Stop and fill 'er tions of legal procedure equipment and good roads has section in an admirable manner the Prominent Business Men of replace it for you. They feature up, then sit back and relax, ready ------- • ------- widened the scope of activities of and their excellent facilities make Ashland, we wish to compliment only the highest quality glass and for a moat enjoyable trip.” this fully-equipped establishment it possible for them to render this market upon their extensive are moderate in their prices. College Cleaners Are and where one only went a few complete service. From the time selection of foodstuffs and recom­ On their shelves one can find every color of paint. With their miles from home in the past, today that they are called on the ’phone, mend it to all our readers. Beauty Nook Offers Skilled Workmen assortment of colors you may se­ the funeral director is prepared the relatives and friends are re­ lieved of all details. They take cure absolute harmony of various This is business that requires to conduct funerals within a ra­ complete charge and have the Expert Service shades in either plain, flat walls, experience and at the College dius of many miles. The day when most able assistants in all depart­ Ashland Mills Is stippled or mottled. In a comprehensive review of Cleaners, located at 823 Siskiyou, it was necessary to have a funeral ments for carrying funerals to a In this Review we are glad to Boon to Community this nature, embracing the moat ’phone 6336, only practical help is director at every crossroad has satisfactory termination. call the attention of our readers salient features of the onward employed B F Craig and Son, passed away. In making this Progressive Re­ Feeds for All Pur]>ones to this superior glass and paint J. P Dodge and Sons have a view, we are glad to compliment progress, we should not fail to the former having had 25 years I shop. devote apace to the Beauty Nook. experience in the cleaning busi­ most modem funeral parlor, being' J. P. Dodge and Sons and recom­ The farmers of this community Iixnted it 161 Harrison, ’phone ness. proprietors of this concern, i perfectly appointed and tastefully I mend them to our many readers are indeed fortunate in having 7001 There is a saying that beau­ have efficient and able workmen such splendid facilities for mar­ Bohemian Club ty is only skin deep, but we have who know their line thoroughly keting their grain and hay. No Provides found upon observation and study and thus you are assured the most Icenhower’s New And Caton firm in this section is better i Extends Welcome that beauty is one-fourth the re­ careful and painstaking work nor has greater confidence Expert Repair Work known sult of natural forces and three- Many people have learned through Second Hand Store been placed in them than the Ash­ The Bohemian Club, located at fourths the result of care Science this service that they can save the land Mills, located on B and Wa­ 137 East Main, ’phone 6056, is This store, owned by Mr. George With the density of traffic and has made great advances in the expenditure of many dollars for B Icenhower, located at 389 East ter streets, ’phone 4021. striving at all times to give its past few years and many of the new clothes Every day brings Main, ’phone 8551, is one of the the scarcity of time In this hur­ Ever since this firm was estab­ customers the very best in re­ old ideas hpve been displaced by more work from patrons who have institutions that fit perfectly into rying, scurrying age, the one-stop lished they have successfully con freshments. appetizing snacks, ci­ new Ideas baaed on science. been saved the purchase of new present day life and business and ducted a business that required gars. lunches and good fellowship. The Beauty Nook is one of the garments through the excellent furnishes the public with a service garage 1s rapidly gaining in popu­ a special study, as they carry a They take pride in keeping up larity and the Caton gc rage. lo ­ best beauty shops located in thia work that the College Cleaners that entitles them to a large pat­ full line of feeds for all purposes with the times by giving good district and it offers the ladies of does in the cleaning and pressing ronage and a well-deserving com­ cated on Siskiyou and Indiana, They have their own reed-mill courteous service and keeping this and surrounding sections an of old ones. mercial success phone 5311, seeing the changes for grinding and mixing farm their place sanitary and orderly. opportunity that is unexcelled. At the College Cleaners al) of People who are suddenly trans­ that would come into the auto grains. They make a special effort Under the capable management of This is the day when women, both the latest processes are used and. ferred from one city to another, world have anticipated them and to serve the farmer and will glad­ Mr. Allen Brower, this place has young and old. are pn”in'» • as a consequence, when garments or who desire to break up house­ have established an automotive ly give him anv advice or inf'” grown to the point where it is attention to the little things that are returned to you they are keeping will find that this store service that answers all the needs mation he desires. It is such relia­ recognized as one of the leading keep them from looking beyond smooth, odorless and in press ac­ is a ready purchaser of the com­ of the time. ble institutions as this that have meeting places for residents of their years. The Beauty Nook 1 cording to the styles of the day plete outfit as they deal in every­ built this community as one this and surrounding communities. In the very complete repair de­ of the up specializes in natural permanent They specialize in all classes of thing from household furniture to leading agricultural centers They are deserving of w’ partment, they give expert and waving. The owner of this beauty dry cleaning, both for men and tools, hardware, trunks, etc. or all of the state. tronage and they appreciate it. shop la a l>eauty culture expert women, and the most delicate kinds and are able to offer in untiring service. Their service in- In this Progressive Review of too. < ides v/elding, auto body and and is well prepared to render the dresses are handled in a careful Be sure and drop in at the Bo­ £ a**? prlCe^nder work, axles lightened, Prominent Business Men, we wish best of service along this line. and efficient manner. to compliment the manager, Mr hemian Club for games (billiards, have to do is call upon them and - - .................. In this Progressive Review, we the closing of the deal will be painting, excellent towing service Noel Heard, upon his splendid and cards, etc.), and good comradeship In doing so, she is actuated bv a strong desire to please and this are indeed pleased to compliment only a matter of a very short for any distance, etc. Mr. Clyde N. unusual foresight and abilitv to on your next trip to town and Caton, in charge, employs only build up the large goodwill he make the acquaintance of congen­ fact makes this beauty par!o the College Cleaners and recom­ time. men who are expert mechanics mend them to our many readers worthy of mention. ial Mr. Allen Brower. Service is the watchword of this and have a real understanding of holds in the community. At the Community Hospital, on Hisjtlyou, 'phone 7511, batter care can be administered than in the home because It is equipped for all emergencies and la much more satisfactory due to Its most reas­ onable rates Patients arc assured of the best attention, everything is kept scrupulously Immaculate, and there Is an air of cheerfulness about the place that is alwnys un aid to a quick recovery More people are realizing every year the value of the hospital. The confusion in the home where there Is sickness and the effect of thia confusion on the patient are avoided when the patient Is sent to the hospital, especially this one Other members of the family can go about their daily tasks in a better frame of mind because of the efficient and satisfactory care that their loved ones arc receiving The doctors and attending nurses have had long and scien­ tific training in hospital work and do not tolerate any incompetency on the part of anyone employed in this Institution. It Is with pleasure that we give the Community Hospital honor­ able mention in this Progressive Review and highlly recommend it to you for all cases of sickness or accident Healthful Mungold Products ---- •---- Ashland Groceteria is Popular Market This well-known groceteria, Io-1 the sales people have the ability cated on Enders Block, 'phone I of giving vou exactly what you wish, and a large or small order 3841, is the one store in this com­ receives the same courteous treat­ munity where the housewife ment. knows she can secure the best This is the place where the foods and at reasonable prices. highest of quality prevails at the The store Is modem, up-to-date lowest possible cost. All that Is am! clean in every particular. The needed is a trial to convince the business Is conducted along pro­ moat exacting and fastidious gressive lines and we are proud to person. say that it is a credit to the com- The public is assured of a mar­ mereiai life of this section. ket of the very best grade right Here is your local grocery with here at home and thus the Ash­ the interest of your home and land Groceteria merits the con­ country at heart. Fair and sideration and liberal sunnort of straightforward in their business both farmers and townsfolk. I dealings, it is not strange that Mr. J. H. Hardv, the manager, they have reached the pinnacle of of this enternrising store win he success To be able to make cer­ found courteous and accommodat­ tain of getting the best of gro­ ing at all times, and has been ceries and other allied products closely allied with the lar' welcome all motorists to during all periods of history and the * city ” and if anything is wrong thus is familiar with the settings wiui your car you can drive it in and can furnish the little neces­ to be repaired and drive home per­ sities to correspond with the stvle fectly satisfied. We take pleasure in this Re­ in which you desire to furnish the view in complimenting this garage room or house. In this Review we wish to com­ upon their service and upon the pliment Mr. Icenhower upon his fact that they are saving motor­ capable business ability and re­ ists time and worry as well as commend his store to all our money by their very comprehen­ readers. sive service. COMPLIMENTS OF LOG CABIN Fred Pearson. Prop. Cold Drinks - Lunches - Cigars - Games - Cards “WHERE CONVIVIALTY ANO CONGENIALTY REIGN" 39 E. Main This well-known concern is one | interesting to the unitiated. Their mii.d pioiulnent Hi In thisi husairwiisi has Increased so . rapidly runLllv of tile must lu this nur! part business of the state Its place is modem that improvements have been and up-to-date in every particular made from time to time and today clean and sanitary throughout they have a very modern industry. The business is conducted along It is the policy of the institution progressive lines and we are glad not only to produce cream and to say that this creamery is a milk that will pass inspection, but credit to the community. to turn out products that are as They serve the public in a dou- near an approach to the acme of ble capacity, for many farmers perfection as modem machinery and stock raisers ship their milk and up-to-date methods will per­ and cream to this most reliable mit. concern Thev have merited the Mr. O. N. Wrav, in charge of reputation which they have estab­ this creamery, although he has lished far and wide for naving the been here for only three vears, too price at all times. Reing fair has been closely allied with the »nd straightforward in their Hea’- creamery business for manv vears. in~s It Is not strange that so Butter, milk, cream, Shasta ire manv producers are shinning to cream, cottage cheese, the n™ them daüv and receiving the high­ ducts of the Ashland Creame’-“ est market price. are the finest of their kind and A visit to the plant is very well known to all of you.