Friday, Oct. 3, 1911 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 Southern Oregon Miner About People You Know AMII.AMI MUNK' <1.1'11 MKT MONDAY EVENING Tiie Ashland Music club held its first meeting of the year Monday evening at the Civic club house Mrs Homer Elhart, new president, preaided over the business meet­ ing. Mrs. Will [lodge was in charge of the program hour. Those parti cipatlng were Mrs. Stephen Kpler Mrs Cay HUfinan, George Mad doX, Aileen Clawford Maddox and Homer Elhart. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Will Ikidge, M ih Homer El-' hart, Miss Benia Haight, Hugo Reinbold und Mrs Albert. .IOIIN FREDERICK IIINNON Funeral services were held Fri­ day afternoon for John Frederick Hanson nt the IJtwillcr Funeral home with Rev Bertrand F Pet­ erson officiating Interment in Mountain View cemetery. • Bom to Mr and Mrs. Bill UK 1.1.VIEW NKWM Betts of Gold Hill on Sept. 26. a son. The mother was formerly • Mrs. Floyd Samford, Mia R E Bell, Mrs. R. L Brantley and Mrs Miss Alice Edgehill. ¥ • Mrs. L. J. Walton of Medford Catharine Chamberlain went to ★ Entered as second-class visited with her daughter, Mrs Grants Pass Wednesday to attend SUBSCRIPTION an all-day meeting of the Federat­ matter February 15. Dwight Patterson, last Friday. RATES 1935, at the postoffiee at • A. J. Bayless of Phoenix, Artz ed club women of southern Ore­ (In Advance) Ashland. Oregon, under was a week-end guest of Mr and gon. ONE YEAR........ $1 50 • Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hall of the act of March 3, 1879 Mrs. Roy Frazier. W i ­ SIX MONTHS Oakland, Calif, are spending this • Mrs. Vern Hayes and daughter * (Mailed Anywhere in the of Klamath Falls are guests of week with Mrs. Hall's mother, TELEPHONE 8561 United States) Mr| and Mrs. O. R Miller this Mrs. Malinda King • Mr. and Mrs Henry Stenrud. week. Mrs. Sorenson, Mrs. Ella True and WOMEN’S ASStMTATION San Mateo was • Donald Rude of with SET YOU FREE." the TRUTH WILL/-! a week-end guest of his parents. Miss Marie Walker were picnick­ MKT THURSDAY ing at Union Creek Sunday HORSE SHOW Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Rude. The Women's association of the • Bill Hawkins and Bob Jensen • Mrs. Milton Hamilton returned Preabyteriun church met Thura- and RODEO have been transferred from the Wednesday from a 10-day visit day in all-day session with Mrs PORTLAND. ORtCON with her mother, Mrs Eastman, naval air training school at Sand Phil Stansbury conducting the October 4 to II Point, Wash, to Corpus Christi, near Grants Pass. Throughout the country attention has been turned Tex. • Lloyd Wenaus who is employed business session In the morning At noon lunch whs served by Mrs It Show» in O n at Dunsmuir, spent Tuesday with to the newspapers during observance of National • Dr. David H. Sloan of Berke- his mother, Mrs. Theo Wenaus E. S. McFarland, Mrs Cad Ellis, Kl«v«n «cia, aide ley visited over the week-end William Stennett and Mrs i Newspaper Week, October 1-8. The following tribute with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. They drove to Sexton mountain Mrs <,»• loot »allibii« ol A. Erickson At the program puiebfad luvaatoeh. to see Mr. Wenaus, who is doing was paid the weekly newspaper by a daily contempor­ D. G. Sloan. hour Mrs B. C Forsythe spoke on Dog* Positif, Hat • Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Lusk and road construction work Sloob. Wild Lila. Maa- "Alaska, the Idind of Challenge " ary, the Hibbing (Minn.) Daily Tribune: daughter are vacationing in Car- • Aileen Inlow who is teaching ulaclurad aad Laad Produci*, 4 H Club son City axid Reno. Nev., Stockton, school at Gold Hill spent the EXAMINER CHIMING “Since this century began a great change has taken Calif, and Smith Huglai and other places of interest week-end with her parents. Mr Voealiuaal Kdaoatloa A traveling examiner of opera place in the publication of the weekly newspaper. • Cap. Charles Delsman of Fort and Mrs. Vai Inlow Wulh. alao Comblaad • Mr and Mrs Harry Farmer tors and chauffeurs is scheduled to Canby is visiting in Ashland. ll.u** Show aad IbllU- “Weekly newspapers have decreased in number. In • Mr. and Mrs. A M Beaver of from Nubieber, Calif, were visiting be at the city hall in Ashland ■ *g Indoor Hodao between the hours of 1 und 5 p relatives here Saturday the latter years of the 19th century few hamlets were Los Angeles visited several days • Mr. and Mrs. C. M Hamilton m. Friday, Oct. 10 All those wish- I ni » Prtmium Litt» last week with Mr. and Mrs Wal- so small as to be without a weekly newspaper and in ter Herndon and Mr. and Mrs and sons Clyde Jr. and Gene of Ing permits or licenses to drive Grants Pass were dinner guests of cars are asked to get in touch many very small towns there were two and sometimes Henry Newton. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Gowland Sun­ with the examiner during these • Mr. and Mrs. Herb Lewis of three. They were in truth weekly newspapers. Almost I Grants Pass were week-end guests day. Clyde is a corporal with the hours. Grants Pass National Guards sta- I every community had more newspapers than it could of Mr. and Mrs. C J. Perrine I • Norman C. Doke of Oakland. boned at Fort Lewis, Wash. support. Calif, is a guest of his brother. • Mr. and Mrs. Willis Rector and family left Tuesday for California Fhe World’s News Seen Through "The character of weekly newspapers has definitely Judson Doke and family. where they plan to work during • Miss Della Willard, who spent changed in the last 50 years. The editor of a weekly the summer at Northwestern uni­ the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Gorden he hristian cience onitor have moved to the Rector An International Daily Neuifiafier newspaper used to sit in his easy chair and take in versity, is visiting with her par­ Grow place to stay during their absence rubhthra 6» Tilt. CHRISTIAN SI II NCI I'l III ISHING MX IP.TV ents. Mr. and Mrs. B. H Willard, potatoes and cordwood for a living. He regarded him­ a short time before leaving to • A group of neighbors gathered One, Norway Strzzi, H-nlon,* ■a 7 ruihful—C.onatruttiv»—Unbiawd—Free from Svnaational- at the home ui W. L. Moore Fri­ self as an indispensable character in the community take employment at Eugene •am—Editorials Are Timely and Instructive* and he Daily • Bom to Mr. and Mrs Mare day evening honoring him on his and took it for granted that the town owed him a Conger Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make of Lakeview on Sept. 25. birthday anniversary. Tne party tha Monitor an Ideal New.paper for the I lorne. was planned by Mr. and Mrs. N. living. He was an institution. He thought it quite un­ a son. The mother was formerly B. Hull and was a complete sur­ Price 812.00 Yearly, or >1 00 a Month Mary Ann Whitsett. necessary to bestir himself except for two purposes— Miss Saturday Issu«, including Magazine Section, 82 60 a Year, • Charles Weeks of Klamath prise to Mr. Moore. Chinese check­ Introductory Offer, 6 Issues 27 Csnta. to write a piece taking the hide off his competitor and Falls was a week-end visitor in ers were played and delicious re-1 freahments were served at the Obtainable at! Ashland. to go to his meals. • Miss Minerva Griffis and Mrs. close of the evening. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Dickens, Mr. and 1 Christian Science Rendinr Room “Today the weekly newspaper is a business under­ A. E. Kinney visited with friends Mrs. Wade, Glen and Bert Wade, at Lake 'o the Woods over the taking conducted strictly along sound industrial lines. week-end. Pioneer Avenue Ashland. Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stenrud and < Sorenson, Mr. and Mrs The publisher and editor works and works hard. He • Mr. and Mrs. W. F Jordan of Mrs. Eureka were week-end guests of George Yockel, Mr. and Mrs. W. tries to make his paper interesting and desired and to | I Mr. and Mrs. Al Jordan and Mr O. Martin and the honored guest, Mr. Moore. win for it a circulation that will make it a profitable : and Mrs. Sam Jordan. • Miss La Crete Aby of Salida,' • Miss Charlotte Short Is a stu- 5c Extra for Panchromatic advertising medium for the stores and other business > dent at Oregon State college at Colo, is a guest at the J. Z. Wai- 1 H or H Ei. Rolls Double Mire 25c ker home this week. Miss Aby is undertakings of his community. He thinks he owes Corvallis. Dev. and Printed an old friend of the Walker fam­ • Dr. Clarence Woods, who re ­ something to the community. He owes it each week the cently was graduated from North ' ily. FINE GRAIN DEVELOPING. GUARANTEED WORK local news, it is his business to voice the spirit and the Pacific Dental college In Port- j • Mr. and Mrs. William Ford and | ALL Reprints 2c eta. Deckle edge or plain, double size, Sc I son of Dunsmuir spent a few days land, is visiting with his parents.! aspirations of the people of his community, he owes Dr 35 mm. 36 ex. Dev. A Printed, Sa* prints, 95c roll. this week with Mr. and Mrs Floyd and Mrs E. A. Woods. Send thia ad with your order and we will send a miniature them all the leadership of which he is capable. If he • Dr. Bertha Sawyer has return­ Samford. frame tree. Mail films to • Mr. and Mrs. Luke Willis gave ed home from a visit with rela­ discharges these obligations to his community, he has tives a family dinner Sunday in honor in Klamath Falls. ECONOMY PHOTO FINISHERS got to get up in the morning and hustle. The editor’s • Lyndel Newbry is attending of Mr. and Mrs. Williford and son BOX 157«, MTA. D. MH ANGELES, ‘CALIF. of Fullerton, Calif, and Melvin Oregon State college at Corvallis easy chair has gone from the editorial sanctum of • Mr. and Mrs. Othel Lee of Willis of San Diego who are vis­ today. Dunsmuir were week-end guests iting at the G. W. Willis home Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Baughman • Mr. and Mrs Dick Black, for­ “The weekly newspaper has a very profound influ­ of • Mr. and Mrs. O. A McKinnon mer residents of Bellview, attend­ ence in American life. It is close to the people. It is one and son of Medford visited Sun­ ed the wedding and recepbon of with Mrs Anna Scheiderelter. Miss Betty Ring Saturday eve- of them. It knows their thoughts, their problems, their day • Dr C. A. Haines and son Keith ning. hopes as no editor or board of editors of a big metro­ were both successful in bringing • The Bellview extension unit held the first meeting of the year their deer. politan newspaper can possibly know them. The weekly in • Mrs. Leland Flint and Mrs Monday afternoon at the grange newspaper is published at the very grass roots of Lawrence Flint of Beaverton vis­ hall. Miss Farrell gave a talk on ited Friday with Mrs. Frank new projects to be studied this civilization. year and Mrs. Carl Henry gave a Moore. “In a democracy public opinion is all powerful. The I • Mr. and Mrs G A. Andrews report on the mattress and com­ and daughter, Mrs. Merrick forter project that was completed weekly newspaper more nearly reflects that opinion Thornton, You Can Now Have— and grandson visited in the past summer. Mrs. McCoy, a than does any other publication. Moreover, the weekly southern California the past two new resident of the community, joined the unit The next meeting s newspaper is in a far more favorable position to lead wepk • Mrs. F. K. Wilson of New York will be Oct. 15. Butter ---- -------- ». than are the city dailies. The weeklies can set in motion City has returned home after a “FOR RENT” visit with her sister, Miss Lucie the beginnings of public opinion, and they do. Failli Cream Milk Miner office. Landen. Published Every Friday at 167 East Main Street ASHLAND, OREGON CHAS. M GIFFEN WILLIAM SAVIN Publishers LIVESTOCK XPOSITIOn The Weekly Newspaper! • T M S C The SUNGOLD Family IS GROWING! SUN “The editor of the weekly newspaper is almost al­ ways a leader in his community. He has grown im­ measurably in the last half century. Instead of being an incubus he has become an asset. The weekly news­ paper has become one of the most powerful influences in American life.” Churned Buttermilk GOLD Mission Orange SUNFREEZE ICE CREAM ASHLAND ICE & STORAGE CO For home delivery, Phone 117111 CASE: Tenant Burns House Jumps Rent-Skips Town DIAGNOSIS- Landlord refused to investigate constant heating complaints and big fuel bills. Trouble was under­ sized radiation and screwy piping job laid out by a “Direct to You.” PRESCRIPTION REMEMBER WHEN —father read the Bible and led the family prayers right after breakfast? Discouraged hearts were cheered and wavering spirits strengthened by the fervent faith of father’s prayer, and the consciousness of God’s presence. Remember? We are conscious of our sacred trust, and endeavor to faithfully practice the “Golden Rule.” DEPUTY COUNTY CORONER Litwiller Funeral Home CMIJt wilier We Never Close—Phone 4541 Don’t ask a good boiler to labor against poor engineering or the lack of it. Where there is a boiler to be installed, buy Crane’s for Greater Economy, Convenience and Comfort. They are guaranteed 100 percent. SIMPSON HARDWARE Plumbing & Sheet Metal Works Reward your faznly with ■ vacation at the HOTBL MANX — San Franciico’l finest located hotel . . . Powell al Union Square . . . in the vssy heart of the theatrical, Haiti from restaurant and shopping dhtrlct. *2 HOTEL MANX SAN FRANCISCO ENTIRE FAMILY From $ 4 RAINBOW’S END at Paxton, on (be slamorout Feather River, where you ran pan for sold and b-'•* nay for your vacation. Ratet from $2 HOTEL SAN CARLOS invile» you to Monlerey . . . California'» moti hiitoric city . . . overlooking Fori Ord, on th» Blue Bay of Monterey. Ruin from 42.SO HOTEL CLUNIE with it» famous "Ultra Modern Coffee Shop," at Satramenlo, Capitol City of California, Ratet from V E Y M . $1.50 TOY HOTELS (May we tend you deteriptive folder)