Friday, Oct. 3, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 HILT NEWS -------------------- SEWS FROM ] Lincoln School • FRIDAY AND • • SATURDAY • Those stroppi«' lev« birds ar« at it agaial M-G-M present* • Norman Dutro attended the ■ Axliland • Grants Pass football By SCHOOL PUPILS game at Ashland Friday night Roy and Ray Patterson entered • Billy IkTnheisel attended a the fourth grade of Lincoln show in Ashland Saturday eve­ school Monday. Sept. 29. They ning came from southern California to • Mr and Mrs W A Gran and live in the Siskiyou mountains. son Billy returned from a trip to September 2S the boys of room Gig Harbor, Wash. Friday eve­ eight challenged the boys of room ning six. They all played very well and • Mr. and Mrs Joe Vieira drove the game was very interesting. to Weed recently to have some Room eight made one touchdown dental work done for Mrs Vieira and field goal. The score was • Guests at the Homer Vincent seven to nothing. home this week-end were Mrs. Eugene Ritxinger went on a trip Vincent's sister and mother from to Agate Beach. He lived in a Susanville. campground called State park • Florent Van De Weghe and The beach was just a little way daughter Agnes. Mrs. Victor Van on the other side of the camp­ De Weghe and Mrs W Gran were ground. He went through a big in Hornbrook Tuesday. aquarium in Waldport. They had FROM LAST WEEK all kinds of ocean flowers and al­ • Marilyn Dunaway was guest of so most of the ocean fish. They honor at a party given by her had one he liked especially. It mother, Mrs J. S Dunaway, at was called a wolf fish. the Club hotel, to celebrate her Lincoln school is having a P-TA 10th birthday. Decoration» were membership drive. Room five is in pink and blue, the flowers being charge of the contest. They made blue asters and pink roses, and a race track with horses on it to the birthday cake a lovely minia­ show which room is ahead in the ture circus, with its animal cook­ race. There is a painted clay horse ies. and tent decoration of crepe for each room Mr. Wilda. art paper streamers fastened to 10 teacher, helped the boys and girls candles at the edge of the cake make the race track. The race Attending were Annabelle Hen­ track is in the lower hall of Lin­ derson. Phyllis and Barbara Al­ coln school. phonse. Jean Harris, Audrey and Room six is making a library Annabelle Graves, Delores Men­ chart to keep a record of the li-1 des. Laura Geroy, Maurine Ryce, brary books they read. The chart will have new pictures for each near Grant» Pass, entered the fifth grade of Lincoln school Tues­ month. John Arms from Benton mine, day, Sept. 23. SEE THE PLUS “ROBIN HOOD OF THE PECOS” with Roy Rogers 1942 FORD Choice of a 6- or an 8-Cylinder Engine Beautiful New Styling and Interiors FRIDAY ON DISPLAY HERE OCTOBER 3 FREE to the Ladies! Constance Bennett BEARE MOTOR COMPANY VOI R FORD DEALER COSMETICS 1 SUN • MON • TUE • WED & THUR • BARGAIN DAYS ADULTS 20c I Kiddies 10c Tax lc-llc 2 - BIG HITS - 2| b the MODERN way . . . with the Comprehensive "AJ1- Kisks” Automobile Policy. This unique policy protects you against loss or damage to your car from practically ANY cause . . . fire, theft, hail .lightning, windstorm, explosion, flood . . . even the “freak” accident that is not covered by any other existing policy. It can be had either with or without collision coverage. Come in, write or telephone for full details about this unique policy. ☆ Billings Agency REAL ESTATE and KE Al. INSURANCE Phone 8781 *1 East Main The Ashland Grizzlies opened the 1941 southern Oregon hl«h school football conference by iisk By 1 TOLD YOU 80 , ing a 20 0 win over the Grants I Pass Cavemen on the local field If the New York boxing com­ Friday night It wns the second mission pays any attention to thia 20 to 0 victory for the Grizzlies column, which they don't, this de­ this season, they having defeated partment would like to make a Lakeview by the same score the suggestion that they give Reform* previous Friday. Arthur Donovan a rest, a perm­ The visitors were badly out­ anent one From this corner, it classed in all departments ns the looks like the only way any chai local offense tore through the line longer will defeat Champion Joe and around end and through the Is>uis is with an axe In one hand air and, when Grants Puss had and a couple of shotguns In the the trail, the Grizzly defense tight other, one for Donovan. ened to hold them to only one His decision in »topping the first down throughout the evening Nova-Louis fight the other night Prosser, Grants i’nss quarter­ In the sixth has not only drawn back, wns tnken to the hospital in criticism from this author but the second half with a slight con- from many others throughout the ! CUSaion but wns able to go home country. It seems Donovan was I Inter in the evening the only one to know the farce Medford's black Tornado trounc­ had been called to a halt until the ed n heavier Corvallis team 41 to rest period was half over. The boy 0 nt Medford and Klamath F h II s with the placard to designate the made it three In a row by taking seventh round was in the ring and | the measure of Eugene 13 to 0 nt Dr. Walker of the commission al­ Eugene so was in there to examine Nova to see if he was fit to continue TALENT NEWN when Donovan announced It was ail over. Continued from page I Nova had been floored only once and had a cut over his eye but we son's mother. They left by motor feel he was entitled to the minute car and a half rest and a chance to • Mr and Mrs Herman Nlcodv mus of Oberlin, Kan are visiting come back for another round. their son Rex and family Mr Ni­ < < f The football prognostications codemus report» a bountiful har­ for last week resulted in seven vest in Kansas this year • Mr and Mis Joo ti yon mid« correct and three wrong for a season average of »147. This a business trip to Medford Friday afternoon. week's guesses: Washington over Oregon State • H O Butterfield who has i charge of Hiatt dam during the at Portland. California over Washington summer months has returned to his home in Talent for the win State at Pullman Oregon over Idaho at Eugene tor Stanford over UCLA at Palo • The Royal Neighbors held an all-day meeting at the home of Alto Ohio State over Southern Cali­ Mrs Claude Williams Thursday, with a covered dish luncheon at fornia at D>s Angeles Santa Clara over Ixryola at San noon • Mr and Mrs Howard Bennett Francisco. Nebraska over Iowa State at I and family of Antioch. Calif »top- ! ped over the week-end, guests of Ames. Ia. Medford over Grants Pass at Mr. and Mrs Jay Terriill They I wen* enroute to Seattle. Grants Pass Klamath Falls over Dunsmuir • Mr and Mrs Ben Hart moved back to their home after living at Klamath Falls Ashland over Coquille at Co­ a year in the Banley property south of town Mr and Mrs Bill quille. Hervey and family have occupied ------------ •------------- the Hart property during the past All that is human must retro­ year and have moved to the En- grade if it does not advance.—Gib­ ! berg property on Wagner creek bon, • Talent high school clnss officers I for the school term were electee! last week as follows Members of I student council IJoyd laicy, pres­ ident; Bill Slack vice ju cseh-nt Alvin Fenton, senior class presi- dent; Margie Curry, junior class president; George Gllnes, sopho­ more class president; Alvin Gra­ ham, freshman class president; Virginia Garvin and Lovell» M i son, business managers; Mr Parr, adviser: Almena Dobbins, secre­ tary Class officers are: Seniors Alvin Fenton, president Hob Mat quern, vice president; Juanita Boardman. secretary - treasurer. Bill Slack, business manager Jun­ ior president. Margie Currie; vice president, Helen Rominger; secre­ tary, Claire May Withrow, and treasurer. Betty Boardman Soph­ omores President, George Gliem; j vice president, Monty Montgom­ ery; secretary and treasurer, Jua­ nita McKenzie Freshmen Presi­ dent, Alvin Graham: vice presi­ dent, Dick Hervey; secretary and treasurer, Gloria Hervey LITHIA ¡INTER T A I N M E N T rimne 7MI 111 • ¡Juily Matinee 1:15 p. nL Evening* 6:15 U!ultN30<*; Student* 20e ¡Jhildren I lc—Including tax Continuous show oil Sunday* Friday, Saturday “THE KINGOF THE ZOMBIES” with Dick Percell > i 1 and Joan Wood berry ------ also “BOSS OF BULLION CITY”; Johnny Mack Brown Sunday, Monday ; and Tuesday “THE ROAR OF THE PRESS” ; with Wallace Ford and 1 Jean Parker Wed. and Thurs. Mid-Week Special ALSO THE NEW* WM.ROGERS&SON By International Your Favorite Magazine with the SOUTHERN OREGON MINER at Unbelievable Savings! Choice of — Ladies’ Home Journal McCall’s Magazine Pathfinder (Weekly) Woman's Home Companion Modern Romances Photoplay—Movie Mirror True Confessions Choice of — |NSURE YOUR CAR HINDSIGHT GRIZZLIES IN ON SPORTS 2ND 20-0 VCTORY Collier’s Liberty Magazine Look (26 issues) Parent’s Magazine Saturday Evening Post Choice of — Magazine Subs.... $1.00 Miner Subs........... $1.50 Total $2.50 $2.50 value Magazine Subs..... $2.00 Miner Subs........... $1.50 Total $3.50 value $3.50 $2.25 Magazine Subs..... $2.50 Miner Subs........... $1.50 American Magazine Cosmopolitan Good Housekeeping Popular Mechanics Red Book Magazine Total $4.00 value Complete coverage of local happenings eax*h week and news from the communi­ ties of Bellview, Hilt and Talent. Also current news pictures, comics, fic­ tion and many other features. $2.50 SPECIAL SUBSCRIPTION OFFER Enclosed find $.............. for one year’s subscription to the SOUTHERN OREGON MINER (new .... or renewal....... ) and one year's subscription to (magazine choice)............................................... (new......, renewal Name Address Babe and Bethel Bernheisel, Gla­ dys Quamme, Helen Bernheisel, Betty and Marilyn Dunaway, all of Hilt; Mrs. Rae Grubb and Walker Grubb of Ashland, and Mrs. Mary Dumas, Mrs. Fred Jones, Willis Jones and Phyllis Brownlee of Hornbrook. Al) en­ joyed a lovely time and delicious refreshments of sandwiches, ice cream and cake were served. EFENSE “EXQUISITE”-« lovely new­ comer— the other two proved favorites 1 Set contain* 6 knives, 6 fork*, 6 teaspoon«, 6 dessert (oval soup) spoon*, 1 butter knife, 1 sugar spoon. •‘IT’S ORIGINAL ROGERS” Guaranteed by INTERNATIONAL SILVER COMPANY Chas. A. White Jewelry Store $4.00 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE SAVINGS NOW! PRICES ARE GOOD FOR BOTH RENEWALS OR NEW SUBSCRIP­ TIONS. INQUIRE AT THE MINER OFFICE FOR OTHER MONEY-SAVING COMBINATIONS! Read the Southern Oregon Miner MRS. W. II. HARKIN Funeral services were held Wed­ nesday afternoon at the J I' Dodge and Sons funeral chape! for Mrs I^eta Minerva May Silver Harris, who passed away at her home in Grants Pass last Sunday. She is survived by her husband, W. H Harris of Grants Pass, her mother, Mrs. Catherine Silver of Ashland, and five sons and two daughters. BUY RIN'G-WAM'll Miss Betty Lorene Ring, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mra. M. A. Ring UNITED of Bellview, and John Woodrow STATES Walch, son of Mr and Mr» John of Lake Creek, were united SAVINGS Walch in marriage last Saturday evening at the First Methodist church in BONDS Ashland, with Dr. George W, AND STAMPS Bruce reading the service. The matron of honor was Mrs. Peggy Johnson, twin sister of the bride, and the best man was Lloyd Walch, brother of the groom. following the ceremony a re­ JÍN OA I I AT Yl HR POST OFFICE OR HAN k | ception was held at the bride’s home for 62 relatives and friends. Mrs. Walch is teaching school A merica O n G uard ! in Talent and Mr. Walch, who is Above is a reproduction of th» a member of the forestry service, Treasury Department’s Defens< is at present employed in Talent. Savings Poster, showing an exac • duplication of the original “Minut< IRA JOHNSON Man” statue by famed sculptor Funeral services were held Oaniel Chester French. Defense Tuesday afternoon at the Lltwiller londs and Stamps, on sale at your .ink or post office, are a vital pari Funeral home chapel for Ira John­ Americu s defense preparations son. Interment was In Mountain View cemetery,