Friday, September 26, 1941 laOHMDOI SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 7 i IOI THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE I CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT TRUCK PARTS j Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young | imi BIG TOP By ED WHEELAN Heavy-duty Motor*. axel* part a, bodl««, lire*. hol«t« and uaed truck*. TRUCK WRECKING COMPANY lUth A H K Hawthorn« Portland. Or*. RABBITS AND SKINS I’UL'L'IHV AND RABBITS WANTED. Good white fryer rat.hit akin* 11 1# per lb Writ* poatcard for price* and Information Ruby k Co. 935 ■ W. Front Portland. Or*. FILM DEVELOPING FAST SERVICE Boll Developed and Two Print* from Bach Good negative 25c WEST»* PROTO COMMIT Boa W-4365 Portland. Ora S {’HINTS AND TWO ENLARGE­ MENTS 25 o —Made hy Portland'« larg- eat retail kodak flnlaher Satisfac­ tion guaranteed Quality Picture Co. Box W3573, Portland. Oraron. FOR SALE Good buaineaa. All new equipment. In faat growing Southwestern town. Helling account of lllneaa Cash or term* to dependable party Mildred Bovey, Empire, Oregon. LAL A PALOOZA Vincent Love« Picture« By RUBE GOLDBERG 12» -ACRE FARM CO CLEARED. Modern houae. Frank Oliphant. 307 B. 5th Ave. Olympia. Weak. 31 2* A. grafted Franquette walnuts, full bearing; big crop again this year; will subdivide. See thia for Investment and big future returns. Terms. Fred A. Burner. Carlton, Oregon. SHEEP 12 HEAD OF HAMPSHIRE AND t head of crossbreed Hamp-Suffolk rams, 320 per head. Clay Hichola, 818 Fifth St.. Lebanon, Or. TIMBER OWNERS! WE WILL PUT YOU IN CONTACT with purchasers, locate sawmills, cruise your timber, report on fir* hazards or damage, assist you tn preserving your Interests In unde­ veloped tracts. F. W. Cooper and Associates. Telephone 355. Canyon­ rille. Douglas County, Oregon. S’MATTER POP By C. M. PAYNE All Three Fellah« Cooperate WE KNEW WE C> MAKE TA LAUiH k fit ta . kill Î First hand information from the men in the service show cigarettes and smoking tobacco first choice as gifts from the folks back home. Actual sales records from post ex­ changes, sales commissaries, ship’s stores, ship’s service stores and canteens show Camel cigar­ ettes the largest-selling brand. Prince Albert Smoking Tobacco is another big favorite. Local deal­ ers, quick to note this preference, are featuring Camels by the car­ ton and pound tins of Prince Al­ bert as ideal gifts for men in the service from the folks back home. —Adv. DON'T LET CONSTIPATION SLOW YOU UP • When bowels are tluggith «nd you fe«l irritable, headachy and everything you do i* an effort, do a* millions do — chew FEEN-A-MINT, the modern chewing gum laxative. Simply chew FEEN-A- MINT before you go to bed-eleep with­ out being disturbed—next morning gentle, thorough relief, helping you feel «well again, full of your normal pep. Try FEEN-A-MINT. Taste« good, it handy and economical. A generous family supply FEEN-A-MINTioi Privilege to Listen By J. MILLAR WATT POP—Poor Fellow Didn’t Have a Chance YES’ ! D'D YOU SAY ME LOST MIC LIFE PLAYING DICE It is the province of knowledge to speak, and it is the privilege of wisdom to listen.—Oliver Wendell Holmes. tv /MIDDLE-AGES WOMEN [£S] HEED THIS ADVICEIi Thousands of women are helped to go snul- Ing thru distress pecul- gAy lar to women—caused T| hy this period in life— w with Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Com- pound—famous for over 60 years. Pinkham's Compound —made especially ¡or women— has helped thousands to relieve such weak, nervous feelings due to this ^uncttona^lsturtence^Tn^t^^^ The World At Ita Worst ADVERTISING • ADVERTISING represents the leadership of a nation. It points the way. We merely follow—follow to new heights of comfort, of convenience, of happiness. GLUYAS WILLIAMS ♦ As time goes on advertis­ ing is used more and more, and as it is used more we all profit more. It's the way advertising has — iRYiNG TO 6E1 TO THE FRONT DOOR iO OPEN 11 FOR CALLERS bEFORE THEY HAVE A CHANCE -TO RING THE BELL, WHEN>00 HAVE dUSI WON A1W0-H0UR bAlilE iO 6E11HE bAE»V ASLEEP lliiMlH >T TV >»11 l»»lirtt« lv I Mill By LANG ARMSTRONG of bringing a profit to overybody concerned, the consumer included "He get* wurked up, It takes him three er fear minutée te slew