Pane 6 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER . Eridav, September 26, 1941 C•<*•<*• A» <*• <*• (x. <*• H SA,,,.. W. N.U. Servie «I ** WHO’S MJ^MF ? ;,o,ma ion NEWS THIS WEEK on various subjects J ? f pctro leurn, accounting for 192,100,- 000 of the 10-10 total world pro­ duction of 307,300,000 metric tons. Second is Rumig with 32,000,000; third, Venezuela, with 27,000,(MM); and fourth, Iran, with 10,900.000 metric tons for 1040. 1. Approximately how many members bus the British house of lords? 2. What is a euphemism? 3. What is meant by the French phrase vis u vis? 4. What was the nationality of the traveler Marco Polo? 5. Nemesis, tlie avenging deity of the ancient Greeks, was repre­ sented as whut, man, woman, or beast? 6. What river supplies the wa­ ter by which the Panama canal locks are operated? 7. The Science of pomology deals with what? 8. United States cruisers are named after what? The prisoner charged with as­ 9. Does the United States award medals or decorations for sault had been severely cross- achievements in the arts and examined by the prosecuting at­ torney, but continued to maintain sciences? that he had merely pushed bis vic­ 10. What Is the leading petrole­ tim “« little bit ” ’ um producing country in the "Now," suid the prosecutor, "for world? the benefit of the jury, will you please step down here and, with The Answer» me as a subject, illustrate just what you mean by ’a little bit'?” 1. Seven hundred and forty. The prisoner descended nnd the 2. A mild name for something spectators were astonished to see disagreeable. him slap the lawyer in the face, seize him bodily, and with a su­ preme effort, lift him from the floor and hurl him prostrate across u table. Turning to the jury, he explained mildly, "Gentlemen, about one- tenth that hard.” CHAPTER XII— Continued "You laugh that off.” snapped hung her white linen hat on its ac­ Tom knew she wanted him to pay Tom. "It doesn't seem funny to customed nail and marched over to By LEMUEL F. PARTON for his supper by hunting up his me." the littered table consecrated to her lCon»olid.ilrd Features WNU Service.I host and being very appreciative of He reached up to the shelf over the use. The last issue of the Clarion the spectacle to which he had been bed alcove and dragged down a bat­ lay there neatly arranged by Tom­ \’13V YORK In the newspapers invited solely for his wife's sake. tered suitcase. my for her consideration. Kathleen * ’ and on the street there is more But Tom had had all he could stom­ "What are you going to do?” de­ did not need to turn to the editorial and more talk of Donald M. Nelson ach at one sitting. So he stood stiff­ manded Mary Etta. page to know what was afoot. Nev­ for the one-man head of the nation­ ly by until Mary Etta was free to “What do you think?“” he retorted, ertheless. her brown eyes smolder­ al defense ef­ leave and said nothing complimen­ opening that drawer in the dresser ing. she read every word. Miracle-Man Sana fort A W.! .Ii- tary to anybody. which was dedicated to his use. Mike had done it again. Sleight -of-Hand, ington friend Mary Etta stood very still for a “Did you ever see anything like The very paper crackled with the informs this "Calling it a day and remarks he had to make about un­ /s Don M. Nelaon the way Harvey manages that three minute. writer that ring circus?” murmured Mary Etta quits?” she asked at last scrupulous financiers in general and powerful New Dealers, as well as Tom was stuffing shirts into the Banker Eugene Mays of Covington’s on the way to the car. Important members of the opposi­ suitcase. "I’m a failure. As a pro­ leading bank in particular. Kath­ Tom grunted. tion are working to Die above end. "Sulking again?" she inquired vider and as a husband. But I’m leen had to admit that her father, There has been much favoruble not going to be kept by a woman, crisply, turning the key in the ig­ when he decided to set off fireworks, comment on his showing in a recent even my wife.” nition with a snap. did a thoroughly good job. No won­ radio debate on prices. Processed Mary Etta caught her breath. "I der Eugene Mays had paid the Clar­ "If you must know,” said Tom. through several alphabetical scram­ "I'm fed up to the gills with Harvey warned you when I married you ion’s editor an early morning calL bles at Washington during the last that I'd not let any man swallow Kathleen shivered a little. The bank­ Leigh and everything about him. Do year, he has been appointed execu­ my personality." er was a very imposing figure in lo­ you realize we have him for break­ “I know. And probably you’re cal concerns. Naturally he resented tive director of the President's new fast. dinner and a bedtime story?” right. But I happen to have a per­ having sarcasm of the most virulent Supply, Priorities and Allocations “You just can't bear success—in board. There seems to be a growing sonality too. As well as a little nature directed at his policies. somebody else. Can you?” She belief that if anybody can perform a pride of my own. You might possi- glanced at him curiously. "You In the private office somebody guf­ micracle, he can. bly pay my bills and retain some have even hated me lately, haven't fawed. It was Mike of course, laugh­ shreds of respect for me. But I you?" Mr. Nelson probably would ing in his caller’s infuriated face. couldn't let you and feel like any­ concede no more than a depre- Tom went white. “Do you realize thing except my wife’s lap dog. A faint grin traveled over the har­ calory wave of the hand lo this assed faces of the group outside. we've scarcely spoken a civil word These past six months have proved miracle business. Tall, bulky. It was so exactly like Mike to treat to each other in six months?” that, don't you think? Between us bespectacled, slow-moving. and "Yes,” said Mary Etta in her we've killed our love, All it needs Mr. Eugene Mays’ important anger deliberate In speech, he would cool, unemotional way. "I realize now is a decent burial. And I fancy to a cold douche of derision. But resolve the bewildering compli­ Kathleen did not grin. It might be all that” cations of plane and tank pro­ very audacious and gallant of her “Where are we drifting. Mary Et­ duction in orderly and methodi­ father to tweak the lion's tail and ta?” asked Tom in a stifled voice. As Promised cal processes Instead of alrlght- then snigger about it His daughter, "I wouldn't know." "Show me an Irishman nnd 1'11 of-hand. The former and never however, was thinking of the num­ show you a fool." Her flippancy flecked him on the ber of people in Covington who owed , the latter is hia unfailing pro- "Well, I’m an Irishman.” raw. He stared unseeingly straight cedure. Eugene Mays money and who "Er—and I'm the fool!” before him and thought of their brief jumped through hoops at his signal. tempestuous courtship. They hadn’t Mr. Nelson's business career of The door of the inner office came known each other very well. Tom 29 years has been given entirely to Some rheerful philosophers tell open with a sharp crack, and every­ was barely twenty-one, Mary Etta a Sears Roebuck & Co., of which firm us that money does not bring hap­ body in the main office became sud­ few months younger. He hadn't in­ he became chairman of the execu­ piness, but it does help one to be denly tremendously occupied with tended to think of marriage for tive committee In 1939 He became miserable in comfort. his own tasks. Mr. Mays, however, years. But somehow after he met a defense aide at Washington a year did not condescend a glance to his Mary Etta he could think of nothing ago. He joined Sears Roebuck as a No Chance audience. He stood on the threshold, else. chemical engineer, for which he had "Ever had any organic trou- ’ facing the other way and brandished Starti»» OOeber III end fvury been trained at the University of ble?” asked the medical officer. He had not been sure she liked a fleshy fist in the general direc­ Wednesday Night him at alL Being Mary Etta she Missouri. His friends have noted “No, sir,” replied the recruit. tion of Michael Maguire's gamin- WITH that thus he would bring a technical "I’m not musicul.” had been more antagonistic than en­ esque grin. couraging. The day Tom asked her equipment to the job, as well as "Keep on printing these infamous out of a sudden mad impulse to long experience in organization nnd These Days attacks on me and my institution, elope with him over the week-end. co-ordination if he should be as­ Mr Meeker—So you're lost, little Maguire.” he said. "and by God. he had half expected her to bounce signed a one-man seat in the defense man? Why didn't you hang on to I’ll break you.” an ink bottle off his head. Not un­ wheel-house. your mother’s skirt? Mike grinned. til they came out of the County Jackie (sniff)—Plcath, thir, I "I’ve been broke before. Mays, He's slightly red headed but Courthouse, the license firmly couldn't reach it. By better men than you. But I ’ ve isn ’ t that way temperamentally. clutched in his perspiring hand, had never yet been scared out of telling In this connection, he Is an in­ FStSfNtfD SV he believed in her surrender. Off Color the truth if it needed to be told.” veterate pipe-smoker, the same But then Mary Etta never had ex­ Inn Dear me, uhal't wrong uith your being the classical deterrent to Kathleen was aware that Ritchie actly surrendered. rat ? ' Graham had come in by the street going off half-cocked. He was Mona lit art trouble. On their brief honeymoon before shoved around considerably In door and was listening to the en­ “Vo, no. You mnui heart trouble.’* each of them returned to their re­ the more or less broken field of counter with every manifestation of “No. I ' one continuous anti-climax. "If it's war you want,” said Eu­ had been moments when he could had slammed the lid of a coffin on From the day of his 90-yard run in Mays in a suddenly colder and gene have wrung her neck. Interspersed a fragment of his heart the Yale-Harvard game of 1917, he more ominous voice, "say so. But with the delirium of loving her so has been you had better take into considera­ A. L. Gate» Long CHAPTER Xin wildly it frightened him. But he slipping tion the fact that I have influence in was never indifferent to her. steadily. In Hat Been on the The demand ia for competent, well-trained young women Kathleen Maguire was late get- this town. I can cut your advertis­ the World ‘T had another letter from old with health, ambition and agreeable personalities. ing accounts to a quarter of what ‘ Dovun-and-Down ’ war the best Colonel Shoup today,” he said later ting down to the office the following they are. Likewise your circulation. morning. he could do was to become Yale's while Mary Etta was cold creaming You can afford the best training available. Of course it did not make a lot of Maybe you don’t realize that.” most decorated war hero. He didn't her face. "That’s your ultimatum, difference when Kathleen reached Now even become a bank president until Time NOW ii your most precious investment. "He dies hard, doesn’t he?” she her desk. Officially she was the suppose you listen to mine," Mike he was 33 and was probably near 30 observed. ”1 should think he’d tire Clarion's society editor. But she said with a thrust like the glitter before he gathered his first million. of wasting postage." Inquire about the opportunities awaiting you in Beauty suspected that Mike would not blink of a rapier. "You have ten thou­ And now he has dragged along to Culture. "Listen, Mary Etta,” said Tom an eye if she failed to show up at sand depositors in your bank. And thickly, "I know you hate small all. For years he had been every­ a couple of hundred stockholders 46 before being named by the Presi­ towns. But we can’t go on like this. thing from janitor to political econo­ who leave everything to you. You dent as assistant secretary of the I grant you Colonel Shoup's proposi­ mist on the paper if the emergency are the bank. And it's a hell of a navy for air. His final slump from tion sounds like piffle on the sur­ arose. And he was still capable of responsibility. Because this whole that golden November afternoon of Rsouitf. School ^bidlinclion. face. Fifty dollars a month and writing every word in any edition community would be sunk if you got 24 years ago probably will be when* commissions, if any. But he’s got without missing a stride. Neverthe­ your tail in a crack. Now as bank­ they make him president of the 209 Union Street Seattle, Wash. the best real estate business in Cov­ less Kathleen took her job as seri­ ers go, you’re not so rank. But you new League of Nations, after the ington. And he’s offering to let me ously as he allowed her to. could be sweeter. That western deal war. buy into a partnership on the in­ In many ways the staff, due to you are dickering with smells to lie entered Yale from Cedar stallment plan. It’s exactly what Mike’s penchant for broken-down heaven. So do one or two other Rapids. Iowa, his home town, I’ve always wanted. And”—his voice humanity, was as decrepit as the juicy pies you've tried to stick your Lonesome Impolite guessed right on our entering quivered—“a couple can live on fifty purely mechanical end of the busi­ finger into recently. The people "He’s as dumb as an oyster.” Jack (in front of dental display the World war, joined an ap ­ dollars a month in Covington. I ness. Mike had an unique manner ought to know that sort of thing is "How do you know that an oyster window)—I believe I’ll get myself a prentice flying group and was know a four-room house not far from of selecting employees. He was al­ dangerous to their interests. And is dumb?" set of teeth like those over there. ready when the call came, vol ­ Mother’s that can be rented for ways hiring some derelict because they’re going to know every time you "Because, if it wasn't, it would Virginia—Hush, don't you know unteering in the naval air serv­ twenty, and whole families nowa­ he was down on his luck. At pres­ try to pull a fast one. My advice to kick because it didn't have any it ’ s impolite to pick your teeth in ice. He was a tackle in the air, days eat on a dollar a day.” ent there were old Miller, an excel­ you, Mays, is to pull in your horns company in a stew." public. as he had been on the ground, "You mean if the wife does all lent typesetter when he was sober, and leave high financing to the rest dropping many German planes. the cooking and the washing and Roger Whyte who could write like of the pirates. But if you don’t, The British awarded him the the ironing,” said Mary Etta scorn­ an angr! H »e wasn’t having nerv­ then you’ll have to put up with what­ Distinguished Flying Cross, the fully. "Are you seriously proposing ous shakes, end Tommy South, of­ ever I care to say about you and French the Croix de Guerre, and that I give up my hundred and sev­ fice boy, an orphan Mike had your wildcat business ventures. And his own country the Navy Con­ enty-five a month and move to a plucked off by the scruff of his neck believe me. I'll say plenty!" gressional Medal of Honor. His town I hate where I’ll have to work out of the Court for Juvenile De­ Unfortunately the peroration of most sensational exploit was the like a slave, just so you’ll have the linquents. Mike’s philippic was somewhat rescue of two British fliers pleasure of saying you pay all our The moment she entered the big spoiled by the failure of Banker whose bomber had been downed expenses?” cluttered room which was the Clari­ Mays to remain for its grandiloquent in the channel. "Yes,” said Tom, his mouth a on's main office, Kathleen knew conclusion. THE PLEDGE hard ugly gash. there was tension In the air. Roger All this got passing mention in the Ritchie’s gray eyes sparkled in “To save your face,” went on Whyte’s frail hands trembled on his his sunburned face. TO THE FLAG public prints, as did his appointment Mary Etta, "I’m to let go of every­ typewriter keys. Tommy South’s "I’m pretty good at the sling shot to the presidency of the Liberty Na­ it a fine, heart-warming thing I’ve won from life and turn freckles stood out more prominently if you need any help,” he said. tional bank. In New York, in 1929, patriotic custom that began in a into the kind of female drudge my on a pale and perspiring counte­ "He doesn’t,” interrupted Kath­ at the age of 33, but it was just a great national public school mother was. Bending over a hot nance. Old Ducky Miller had leen with tartness. "Mike 'never whisper compared to the uproar celebration October 21, ft 92. cook stove. Squeezing pennies. Sav­ dropped a tray of type and just missed a bull’s-eye in his life if he touched off by that 90-yard run. ing on haircuts. Wearing house stood staring at the jumbled pi. The had something to shoot at that was SMOKING KINO EDWARD At this writing Mr. Gates is presi­ aprons. Cutting up Sunday's roast door to Mike's private office was practically certain to explode and Cigars in moments of relaxation or dent of the New York Trust com­ for Thursday's hash. Boiling cab­ closed, an unusual occurrence. gum up the works.” aober reflection on tht high dutfea pany. bage till I want to scream. We Kathleen recognized the symp­ and privileges of citizenahip ia Mike cocked a quizzical eyebrow Others engaged in Wall Street ac­ couldn’t even keep a car." toms even before her sharp ears at his daughter. another pleasant American custom. "No," said Tom. "we couldn’t identified the roar on the other side Try King Edward today. You'll "Yes,” she said in a voice sharper tivities who are on the up-and-up at But we might afford a baby some of the flimsy partition. Grimly she than she realized, "if Eugene Mays Washington include Robert Lovett, •njoy thia fine cigar. day.” wants to, he can move us all into (he not so long ago served as one of Mary Etta went very white. the poorhouse. And.” she gave her , Mr. Gates’ directors) who now has "Just because your mother thinks a father a hostile glance, "you’d think j a war department post correspond­ wife should sacrifice herself to her it was a circus and laugh. But then ing with Mr. Gates’ new navy sec­ I’ve begun to wonder if you’ll ever retarial job; James C. Forrestal, man and go on and on sacrificing—" > "We’ll leave my mother out o: be quite adult. Or maybe I’ve got who is deep in production-manage­ Begin this fine «tory to- *2 growing pains. Anyway the pros­ ment, and then there is Averill Har­ this.” "It’s funny you married me, when IJ J thy. There H pect doesn't amuse me.” riman, who is swing-man diplomat she's your ideal.” (TO BE CONTINUED) I i&s¿ass T s¿ WA-ZñÍllÍÍH in England and Russia. I Muth’ Most of Opportunity To Illustrate llis Point FRED KENNY BAKER TEXACO DEALERS Beauticians Needed 1 1 MARY STONE’S lt's A GOOD AMERICAN CUSTOM It I» Not Too Ute KING EDWARD WORLD S LARGEST SELLER ‘Wa­