SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, Sept. 26, 1941 About People You Know P3 NEWS FROM Lincoln School By SCHOOL 1*1 PII.M Tile Lincoln school band WHM organized Monday, Sept. 22 There w« re several different instruments such as saxophone, snare ilium, cornet, trumpet, trombone, rlari net and a flute There ate 26 children in the band Many of the mi'mlirri are new players. Mi. Tripp, instructor, will have les­ son» three times a week. Monte Wray entered th«- third grade Monday. He had been visit- |(1g his grandparents In Idaho He went to his grandparents’ golden wedding. Page 5 | WORK WANTED Husky high school boy wishes part-time work to enable him to take more part in school activities Will be k free evenings 6-7 and all day Sat­ urdays Answer in care Miner office. • WANTED: An ambitious, wide­ awake man or woman to look £. Main and Siskiyou Blvd. J. it. Turnbull, Minister after renewal» and new subscrip­ L. F. Furman, Pastor tion« for the popular, fast-selling Bible school 9:45 a m. C. E magazine. The AMERICAN Corry, superintendent. Sunday school 9:45 a m. HOME It’s easy, pleasant work, Morning worship 11 o’clock Morning worship 11 o’clock. and it pays big commissions. .Sunday, H p. ni , chuich service, C. A service 6:45 Sunday eve­ Spare time only required. Write Wednesday, 8 p. m., prayer ning Evangelistic service to fol­ today to Director, Sales Division, praise and Bible study low at 7:30 o’clock. The American Home Magazine C. A service and choir practice Corporation, 251 Fourth Avenue, 7:45 Tuesday evening. New York, N. Y. Everybody is cordially invited Rev. W. -I. Meagher, Pastor to all services. NOTICE! • Mass at 9 a. m. Sunday. If you don’t want to sell Sunday sch«x>l for children con- your property, don’t list it ductod by s«-veral Sisters frdtn with us' Fourth and B Street« the Sacred Heart academy of C. H U F F M A N Medford following mass Rev. Shear bum, Pastor For Real Estate • 65 N. Main & 345 E. Main Sunday school 10 a. m. H. O V ----------- ------------------------------- > Butterfield, superintendent. Morning worship 11 a. m. Young People's meeting, 6:30 Cor. N. Main and I-aurel Sts. p. m. Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister Evangelistic service 7:45 p. m. Week nl^ht services Tuesday This Is Home-Coming day for ind Friday evening» at 7:45. the entire church The C_ Sunday 2_„ i’rayer meeting precedes these school meets at 9:45 a m and ev two services. Young people Ln cry da«« in ««-eking for 100 per barge of Tuesday service. cent attendance of its enrollment. ------------------------ Morning sermon at 11 o’clock on the subject, "Back to Bethel.*' Methodist Youth Fellowship at 6:15 p m. Evening sermon at 7:30 n Subject, "There we saw giants. »I Boulevard and Morton Streets (Numbers 13 33). Clarence F. McCall, Minister Prayer meeting at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, u«6ng John 4:1-15 for Bible school 9 A& a. m., Mrs. the scripture lesson. Glenn Prescott, superintendent. • Worship service 11 a. m. Sermon subject, "Our Goapel." ------------- •---------- — Second and B Street* Fari F. Doubling, Minister illiillHilllilHil* • Mis Jeanette Blown and daughter of Klamath Falls were week-end guests of Mr and Mis • Mi and Mis J Bennett arc I > <; employed al the home of Dora • Mr and Mis Otto .1 Wlliln MiiiiUi at the Anderson ranch. have returned from n trip Io Wis­ • Mi mid Mrs Alli ii Claia and consin children culled at the home ot • Mo G W Morris Ims returned Mi and Mia Ralph Hllkey in home from a month's visit In Medfoid Sunday evening Omaha. • Miss Mlldic«! Works, daughter • Dr and Mrs wthi-i, Gaylord Vestal Wagner creek, and Aubrey Taylor ' and Miss Ruth Froman went to of Applegate were married in Medford Friday to nt tend a dis­ Reno last week The ceremony trict meeting al the Methodist was performed by Rev Auains al r f r church the itaptlHt par sonage in Reno ROOM 2 • I’nui Icanhowei Is attending ti. M ih Taylor finished her s hooiln„ Gary Crowson came to our Multnomah Bible school In Port In Talent. room. He brought a bat. He «how- land. • M ih S uhmii Grant who han e«l us the bat He told uh about it • M ihm Alberta Thomas, teacher spent the past two months with He had it in a little box. The bat nt Crescent City, spent Sunday her daughter, M ih Helen Higgins, walked an«l walked. We saw his with her parents, Mr and Mrs A returned to her home in Bozeman, wing» We naw him climb W Thomas. Mont. We »aw a white rabbit. It had TO TRADE—Trailer fol .1 • Mr. and Mrs William Davis iota of fur The rabbit was taking Weitzel, 27 North Main I were called to I « oh AngeieS ibi» a nap. He had a carrot to eat. He • Born to Mi mid Mi ' week by the sudden illness of their had an apple, too We saw him Reeder of Hollywtxxl. son. out of bin cage We read a story daughter Mrs. Churle Thursday about him Sarah Bishop brought • Talent grange met i mother of Mrs Reeder, evening In regular meeting when him to our room. Sht 1» In Room urday to visit with her daughter Rev an«l Mrs G. W Astleford one. and family were made members The grange • Mr mid Mis Iron Spencer and ha«i th«« honor of having one of its The fourth giade boys of room Mrs. Vern A thanas and sons have members, M ims Marian Borg, up five have been very successful in returned home from a two weeks pointed chairman of the YGA fol challenging games with the boys vacation trip southern Oregon This district in from r«x»ms six and seven, They • Mr and Mm Joe Kelly of eludes Klamath, Josephine and have not lost n game yet Dunsmuir were week-end guests, Jacknon counties. Th«- program 'Hie fifth grade boys and girls of Mia. W. C. Bevington. opened by all Hinging “The Church have organized n room club The • Bom to M i and Mrs Ambrose in the Wildwood," continuing in name Is Playmate« club. Camille Winker Sept 23, a son. the nature of a question l*ox with Frulon is the president Venita • Mis O W Goodside of Port- each memtier asking a question Roberson is vice president and land and Mrs William Specht of and attempting to answer it Mary Jane Coleman is secretary Silverton visited the past two Bo<>ster night will be observed by The fifth grade girls of Lincoln weeks with their sister, Mrs Car­ the grange at the next regular school challenged the fourth grade rie May Smith. meeting night, Oct. 2 All old girls in a game of baseball Tues­ • Jesse Drill has return«-«! to his members who haven't been at day The score was 12 to 2 in the home in Phoenix, Artz, after vis­ tending are asked to corne and fifth grade’s favor It was a good iting with his mother, Mr». Emma bring someone interested in be- game I Mil mnl his sister, Mrs. Floyd coming a member Room seven made pictures of • Dean Carver, son of Mr and their vneationn There were only Samford. • Mr and Mrs Edward Smith Mrs O. L. Carver, stationed at three people who went to the anil M r and Mrs Young of I>Hl Fort Ix-wis, Wash., la spending a same places. Bible school 9:45 a. m. classes Angeles are visiting with 8. J few days visiting his parents this for all ages L. U. Gresham, sup­ week Jandrvau. HILT NEWS erintendent. • Born'to Mr and Mrs. John Drn • Andy Carrol and family have Morning worship 11 o’clock. moved from the Ditsworth ranch • Th«- Women's Society of Chris­ Sermon, "Your Place as a Member ger Sept i 20, a «laughter. • Chnrles i Weeks of Klamath above Trail into the property of tian Service met Thursday after­ of the Church.” noon at the club house with the Falls was a guest of Mr and Mm Mr. an s Phyllis Sullivan After an dinner wns a compliment to Mrs ping nn<1 visiting relatives in Ash­ interesting meeting the hostesses. 1 Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor Mrs Frank Bemheisei and Mm. O. North who celebrated her birthday land Wednesday afternoon. Fourth and C Streets Bernheisel served delicious re ­ Sunday. LOYAL WOMEN ’ S CLASS freshments. • Mi and Mrs. Paul Ha: msrn, Church school 9:45 a m. Friend- The Loyal Women’s class of Un­ • Mrs. Gwen Watts and «laughter Mr and Mrs Kelly Parsons. Jesse Sunday. church of Christ met Thursday June of Chico arrived Wednesday , Ully, Kenneth Damon, Don Sears, Morning worship 11 o'clock. Don Travis and Cliff CUlmer spent afternoon of last week for a so­ to visit her parttUs. Ml and Mm. Departmental meetings. Junior, cial meeting After an Interesting I Richard Williams, and her son the week end hunting near Like- Young People. Adults. 6:30 p m. program, delicious refreshments Gene. vi,-w Evangelistic service 7:30 p. m. were serve«! bv Mrs. Holman and • Among thorn who attended the • Subscribe for The Miner todav Mrs Effie Gaibraith. Prayer meeting, 7:30 p m. Wed­ I j football game in Yreka Friday I nesday. evening were Mrs. W Dutro, Nor­ Missionary meeting 2 p, m man Dutro, Mr and Mrs W. A. Thursday. Gran. Barton Nelson, Bob Ohlund and Charles Wright. • Mr and Mm Richard Williams and son Roy and their daughter. Mm Nelson Watts and children I 1 Gene and June of Chico drove to Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Vicar Medford Wednesday evening and ASK YOUR FRIENDS VXD WIX A DOLLAR’ again Saturday to visit Mr. and Holy Communion 8 a. m. Mm. Roy Rushton, Church school 9:30 a. m, • Mr, and Mr» G (} Black spent Sermon and morning prayer 11 three days last week visiting Mrs. Black's mother. Mm. E. E Gran a. m. Holy Communion 9:30 a. at Cave Junction. • Mi and Mrs W A. Gran and Wednesday. m Choir will meet at 7:30 p. son Billy left Monday morning for Gig Harbor, Wash,, where they Friday, You are cordially invited were called by the death of Mrs. worship with us. Gran's mother, Mrs. J. C. Roby, -------------------- •--------------------- ------------- •------ -- THIMBLE CM B MEETS The Thimblp club of the Neigh­ bors of Wixxicraft were entertain­ ed Thursday evening of last week at a covered dish dinner at the Sunday scr.ool 9:45 a. m. home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Sten- Worship service at 11 a. m. nett. After a short business meet­ ing Chinese checkers and bingo were enjoyed Mr«. A. L. Wrenn • Mr. and Mrs, George Martin was receive«! as a new member. and son and Mrs. Thora Cooper Were Medford visitors Saturday. • Eilmund Dews is attending Stanford university this year • MI hh Zelda Heer of San Fran­ cisco and Mm. Paul Flannigan of I Oakland are visiting with their j mother, Mm. Bertha Heer, First Baptist Church hull Gospel Temple Catholic C hurch Foursquare Church First Methodist Church Neighborhood Church Congregational Church of Christ Church of the Nazarene HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW 1942 CHEVROLET? Trinity Episcopal Church Selby’s is providing 15 persons with $1 bills to be given free to the first one who asks them this tpies ion—so ask around and I * a lucky winn *r! SELBY CHEVROLET COMPANY Free Methodist Church East Main Street John K. Poet, Pastor Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Bernice Beare, superintendent In charge. Morning worship at 11 o’clock. Junior meeting and Young Peo- flie’s meeting at 6:45 p. m. Even- ttg worship at 7:30 p. m. Mid-week prayer meeting Wed­ nesday evening at 7.30 p. m. You are welcome to all services. Dr. L. W. Stoffers DENTIST Hours 9-12 and 1-5 Medical Bldg. Phone 5211 TO TRADE—Trailer for wood. J. Weitzel, 27 North Main Street. ------------ •------------- “NO HUNTING” cards at the Miner office. Southern Oregon Credit Bureau Medford Office Ashland Office 151/j NO. MAIN ST. Phone 7321 , Medford Center Building Phone 2261 YOUR CREDIT RECORD — You Make It, We Record It! First Presbyterian Church YOUR CAR |N$URE YOUR CAR FOR WINTER DRIVING Now is the time for complete lubrica­ tion service that prepares the trans­ mission and every moving part for winter driving. The proper grade of oil and grease will enable your car to get going quicker and keep going longer. WINTER NEEDS BATTERIES PRESTONE HEATERS H. Certified TEXACO Service Murfak Lubrication Mechanical Service Phone ."Oil Main and Helman PRCIFII ïïl inTERnRTionnL LIVESTOCK sxposmon the MODERN way . . . with the Comprehensive “All­ Risks" Automobile Policy. This unique policy protects you against loss or damage to your car from practically ANY cause . . . fire, theft, hail .lightning, windstorm, explosion, flood . . . even ♦ be “freak” accident that Is not covered by any other existing policy. It can be hud either with or without collision coverage. 31*' Rnnuul HORSE 8H0W and* RODEO PORTLAND, OREGON October 4 to JI Largs Premium Lists Facilities . . . Mean Not Only Services of Unusual Beauty But Loiver Charges . . . . Come in, write or telephone for full details about this unique policy. II Shows In Ono ti...» acta, utd.i on. tool. K.kibit. ol »ur. bt.d Uvaatock. Dog», Poultiy, Pot Stock. Wild Ule. Maa- ulaeturod and Load Product a. 4 - H Club aad Smith Hugkoa Vocational Iducatioa Work, alao Combinad Horao Show aad thrill­ ing Indoor Rodao Our More Complete I Our services are available to all regardless of financial condition ☆ Billings Agency J. P. DODGE & SONS KEA I. ESTATE and REAL INSITRANCE Phone «7«! 41 East Main FUNERAL DIRECTORS z