Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, September 26, 1941, Page 3, Image 3

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    Friday, September 26, 1941
Page 3
Dr astio Millinery Changes
For Autumn Fashion Parade
many interchangeable effects.
Pattern No. 8018 presents a jump­
er which slim girls will like—it
has a fitted waistline, marked with
a shaped, wide belt. The top is
supported with straps which cross
and button in back. The regula­
tion convertible collar blouse is in­
cluded with the jumper pattern.
Pattern No B018 Is Iri uneven sizes 11
to 19. Size 13 jumper requires 31» yards
35-lnch material or 2*i yards M inch ma­
terial. Blouse with short sleeves takes l’i
yards 35-lnch material.
For this attractive pattern, send yr.ur
order to;
119 New Montgomery Street
San Francisco
Enclose 13 cents in coins for
Pattern No......... ................ Size............
Name................... . ................................... .
Address............. . ................................... .
(See Recipes Below)
Waffles! Urn'm! Crisp and
browned to suit the taste—a queenly
dish, whether you’re a homemaker
who delights in calling In your
friends a “home body" who caters
only to Uie family—or a lone cater
who simply likes nice foods.
It's fun to make ’em . . . It's fun
to buke 'em. And waffle baking has
made so many homemakers—young
and old—waffle-party conscious, that
we’ve included in Uris week’s col­
umn gumes especially suitable for
waffle parties.
So why not be a hostess who is
different! Invite the “gang" in for
a neighborhood
"waffle feed."
Your new deal
in entertaining-
whet h l • your
guests be ,'ub-
women, daugti
ter's pals, the
high school bas­
ketball team, or
hubby's cronies—
will go down in social history. Mark
our words!
Waffle retlpes can be divided into
two parts -the "ordinary" or “regui
lar” waffle—good enough for any­
body; and Uie waffles with frills arid
furbelows —gingerbread
chocolate waffles, etc. So we give
you some of each.
(Makes 5 waffles)
2 cups sifted flour
1*4 cups milk
3 teaspoons baking powder
*4 tcasp<x>n salt
3 eggs
4 to fl tablespoons melted shortening
Separate the eggs and beat the
yolks with the milk. Add the sifted
dry ingredients, then the melted
shortening, and last, the stiffly beat­
en egg whites. Pour into hot waffle
iron and bake until iron stops steam­
Variations for Standard Recipe.
Pineapple Waffles—Reduce milk
in plain waffle recipe to 1 cup and
add % cup well-drained crushed
Date Waffles—Add 1 cup chopped
dates mixed with part of flour from
Ham Waffles—Add 8 tablespoons
fninced cooked ham to plain waffles.
Huckleberry Waffles—Add 1 cup
well-drained, canned or fresh huck­
leberries mixed with V< cup sugar.
Nut Waffles—Add 1 cup finely
chopped nuts to standard waffle rec­
Spiced Waffles—Add 1 teaspoon
cinnamon, *.i teaspoon cloves and %
teaspoon nutmeg to batter for plain
waffles. Nuts may be added to this.
Corn Waffles—Add 1 cup well-
drained, canned whole-kernel corn
to standard recipe.
Yeast Waffles.
(Makes 5 waffles)
1% cups milk
1 teaspoon salt
4 tablcsput/'s melted shortening
1 yeast cake
V« cup warm water
2 cups flour
2 eggs
Dissolve yeast in warm water.
Add salt and melted fat, then milk
and flour. Stir until smooth. Let
Care of the Waffle Iron. Most
modern electric waffle irons
should not be greased, but extra
richness must be put into the
waffle batter.
This should be
poured on the pre-heated iron
from a pitcher or with a large
With continued use, the cook­
ing surface is apt to become
brown, and it is a mistake to re­
move this unless it becomes
burned or too thick. During the
occasional scourings, great care
must be taken not to get water
into the connection plug or heat­
ing element. A damp cloth or a
soft brush should be used to free
the iron from excess batter or
Hot Bouillon
Fruit Salad
Homemade Chocolate-
Mint Ice Cream
DREPARE to s< <• drastic innova-
* tions in millinery fashions this
Perhaps the most signifi­
cant and startling is the new cover­
up look that is achieved through
curtain drapes, snood fantasies and
stand over night, or 1H hours. When
various other intriguing devices.
ready to use, beat egg yolks, add to
There Is an endless number of
mixture and then add beaten whites.
Bake 4 minutes on a very hot iron., new silhouettes on the fall program,
which carries the assurance of ev­
Fruit Hauer for Waffles.
ery one, being becomingly hatted
this season Basic hats are all on
>4 cup cutter
the list, so you can be utterly con-
2 cups powdered sugar
servative In your choice. You will
1 cup crushed berries
find your favorite beret on the list,
1 egg white
all types of draped turbans, pill-
1 teaspoon vanilla
box shapes galore, bonnets from
Cream butter,
add powdered Dutch to frontier-woman types, sail­
sug <r and when well creamed, stir ors wide of brim or not. mushrooms
in u ite of egg and vanilla. Mix and cloches (very face-framing
thoroughly and add berries. Chill. this year) also calots in versatile
Makes a delicious topping for waffles pleasing interpretations.
However these simply give start
when served for supper, dessert, or
to the current millinery story. The
even late-at-nlght as a "snack."
big thrill is the revolutionary inter­
Gingerbread Waffles.
pretations that daring designers are
iMnkes fl waffles)
giving to the various type hats,
back - curtain
1*4 cups pastry
effects, cover-up devices and pictur­
esque drapes. This all seems to con­
Vi cup sugar
vey a new message of "more hat
Mi cup molasses
than hair" in direct contrast to the
2 eggs
long bobs showing as heretofore.
1 cup sour milk
Below to the right, in the group
1 teaspoon ginger
illustrated is a very new pompa­
l4 teaspoon salt
dour pillbox type made of sheered
i teaspoon soda
felt that achieves outstanding dis­
i teaspoon baking
tinction and sophistication, via a
coarse-mesh net snood draping, so
0 tablespoons melted shortening
voluminous it extends over the
Beat eggs until light. Add sugar, shoulders. Note also the decorative
molasses and sour milk. Sift dry in­ metal band ornament, from beneath
gredients together and add. Beat which, the snood emanates in gath­
until smooth. Add shortening and ered fullness.
bake 3 or 4 minutes. Serve with
Another hat that is making con­
Ice cream.
versation in the fashion world is
the profile beret. The hat below to
Chocolate Waffles.
the left, is typical of this new trend.
(Makes 4 waffles)
1*4 cups flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
H teaspoon salt
6 tablespoons sugar
2 eggs
1 cup milk
1 squares chocolate
4 tablespoons butter
Luxury Blouse
(Released by Western Newspaper Union.)
Apple Waffles.
(Makes 6 waffles)
1*4 cups flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 egg
2 tablespoons butter
*•« teaspoon salt
*4 cup milk
’i cup chopped apples
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Dash of nutmeg
HE dress which is practically
a requirement for college en­
trance is the jumper. It’s the
basis of every well-planned school
wardrobe, for it can be worn with
different blouses and sweaters in
People of Thailand
The inhabitants of Thailand
(Siam) are called “Thai,” which
is a plural term meaning “The
Free People.” Because the na­
tives have always been known as
Thai, and have preferred to call
their country “Maung Thai,” rath­
er than “Sayam" or “Siam,” the
terms Siam and Siamese were of­
ficially changed to Thailand and
Thai, respectively, on June 24,
1939, by a notification of the presi­
dent of the council of ministers.
Two Classes
There are two distinct classes of
people in the world; those that
feel that they themselves are in a
body; and those that feel that
they themselves are a body, with
something working it. I feel like
the contents of a bottle, and am
curious to know what will happen
when the bottle is uncorked.—Wil­
liam De Morgan.
Two-Piece Effect
For Fail-Winter
The two-piece effect whether sim­
ulated or actually so, is outstand­
ing this season. Sometimes the skirt
is seamed to a long-torso middy­
like top so that it has the appear­
ance of a two-piece, though it really
is a one-piece. This type is particu­
larly slenderizing to the figure in­
clined to curves.
Then the new tunic costumes in­
terpret the two-piece vogue, being
actually two-piece versions and not
camouflaged. Tunics are running a
big vogue, some straight-lined, oth­
ers with a flare.
Peplums sewed on at the waist­
line make another interesting ap­
proach to the modish two-piece fash­
ions. Youth seeks the peplum ef­
fects for they are especially adapt­
ed to slender hips but the more ma­
ture figure glories in the straight
tunics and long torso bodice tops.
Mix and sift dry ingredients. Add
milk, beaten eggs, fat and chocolate
which has been melted over hot wa­
ter. Preheat iron 8 minutes and
bake waffle for 3 minutes.
Chop apples, add lemon juice and
nutmeg. Let stand for 15 minutes.
Sift flour, measure, add dry ingredi­
ents and add apples and butter. Heat
waffle iron fl to 8 minutes, pour on
batter and bake 2 to 3 minutes.
Serve with butter and brown syrup.
Here’s a good game for your next
waffle party. It’s called CONSE­
QUENCES and is
played as the old
familiar Conse­
quences. Paper
and pencil are
needed. Each per­
son draws the
— head of a beast.
Pird or man, folds
the paper over
and passes it to
the neighbor on his left. Each per­
son then draws a body of beast, bird
or man, according to his fancy, and
again folds the paper over. The
last item to be added is the legs and
feet. The paper is to be folded
again and passed to the neighbor
on the left, then all are opened. The
results may be astonishing.
(Released by Western Newspaper Union.)
The dramatic pose given to dashing
berets, to achieve a smart new look
is perfectly demonstrated in this
model, which is a black skirt-felt
shape worn to accent the new profile
silhouette. That there are many
ways of wearing the popular beret,
adds to its popularity this season.
Not only is the profile beret out­
standing but emphasis is also given
to huge berets worn back on the
head in pompadour fashion.
A tremendous revival of feather
trims is announced, which is an­
other "reason why" hats take on a
different look these days. Not only
does fashion place “a feather in
your cap” but entire hats are made
of feathers. And a perfect riot of
feathers enliven the new fall felts,
while dressy headgear will flaunt
feathers in gayest mood. The little
hat above, to the left, is typical of
little feminine millinery confections,
that call for cunning veils and the
use of hatpins.
One characteristic feature of town
and country wide-brim felts, is that
crowns go towering to any height,
as you see in the model pictured
in the upper right corner. In this
instance, a striking hat-and-bag en­
semble has been achieved with two-
toned felt, bright blue and red glove
stitching. Blue and red combina­
tions is a "last word" message
broadcasting from fashion centers,
not only for hats but for the entire
Sportsfelts are very wide of brim
this season and have a nonchalant
swagger picturesqueness about them
that is most intriguing.
you, too
You pay leas for Clabber Girl
but you use no more . . . Add to
this Clabber Girl’s half century
record of perfect baking results
and you will see why millions of
proud homemakers use Clabber
Girl, exclusively.
Order a can of Clabber Girl
from your grocer today. You
will be amazed when he tells you
the price. You will be delighted
with your baking results.
You Pay
but us«
The whole secret of living is to
make adaptations as they are nec­
essary. Let none of us try to in­
sist that nothing should ever be
changed!—Jane Addams.
Fall Fashion Program
Includes Lace Neckwear
Evening and dressy afternoon
blouses stress the luxury note more
importantly than it has been for
many past seasons.
This distin­
guished blouse has an elaborate em­
broidery treatment expressed in
multi-colored sequins, beads and
metal threads. The use of rich and
glittering embroideries for the new
evening jackets follow the same
The new deep armhole
seams so modish this fall, present
endless opportunity to introduce or­
nate embroidery schemes.
Sweater V Necklines
Sweaters have become a campus
and schoolgirl hobby. The fashion
te*t stands pre-eminently forth as
a favorite is the long torso pullover
sweater with a deep V-neckline. The
“big idea" is to wear this sweater in
lightweight soft cashmere yarns
over a smartly styled tweed skirt.
Emphasis on lace neckwear ac­
cessories continues as important
fashion news. The fact that classic
simplicity is the rule for daytime
dresses of sheer wools and smart
velveteens, has caused a revival or
rather sustained interest in lovely
feminine lingerie neckwear touches.
New in the present showings are
deep lace-trimmed collars with half
sleeves of matching lingerie to be
sewed into bracelet-length sleeves.
nf the 4 other largest-
Sequins and Appliques
Trim Fine-Mesh Veils
Veils will be very ornate this sea­
son, with glittering accents of se­
quins or appliques of tiny felt flow­
ers. Some are dotted with tiny suede
Very fine mesh veils prevail, some
of which are bordered with span­
gles, others having rows of heavy
chenille to finish them off.
a im
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