Friday, Sept. 10. 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 [-j-Lr-u-u---.---.~u-■ BEIJAIEW NEWS Friday and Saturday! “MR. and MRS. SMITH” with Carole Lombard and Robert Montgomery PLUS “SCOTLAND YARD” with Edmund Gwenn and Nancy Kelly FRIDAY FREE to the Ladies! Constance Bennett COSMETICS “BILLY the KID” —Thrilling tale of the most colorful figure in the early history of the W est! —starring— Robert Taylor and Maureen O’Sullivan Filmed in Beautiful TECHNICOLOR • WED & THUR« BARGAIN DAYS 15c ADULTS KIDDIES a Dime “FOR BEAUTY’S SAKE” with Ned Sparks Marjorie Ram beau ----- Flu»----- MAIL TRAIN” Q LEGAL NOTICES BUY UNITED STATES SAVINGS BONDS < .«; N T E R T AIN M E N T Phone 75HI ilitily Milliner I: i.r» |>-ni ; 20 cents ; «'IveniiigN 6:1.5, 30 cenb; Kiddies ii dime Wednesdays and Thursdays Dime llayw ; Continuous show oil Sundays______ Friday, Saturday : “AMAN ii BETRAYED” with John Wayne Frances Dee “LAW AND ORDER” Johnny Mack Brown Sunday, Monday and Tuesday Death Calls Ex-Vicar Of Trinity Church Former AHS Coach To Be Married Soon NEW OWNER James G. Mackie AUTHORIZED DEALER with Judy Canova Boh Crosby Wednesday and Thursday “T () () M A N Y B L(> N D FS” With Rudy Vallee Helen Parrish an«l IF I HAD MY WAY with Ring Crosby Gloria «lean P-TA HOLDS MEETING Mm R I. Flaharty entertaine«l the member» of the city P-TA council at her home Wednesday of last w«*ck Plan» were mad«* for xjieciiil fall activities of th«* group Thom* present were Mesdames C. L Wolff. R. L. Crosby, Char)«*» Muscutt, R I Flaharty, Bob Van Vleet, Dave Kerr, A L. Wren. L. O. Lutz, Stanley I^eonard. I’hil Stansbury. E«l Vail, A I, S«hn«i der, Paul Ha rm sen and Minn Pat Geiser. Western Auto Supply Co. OIL SALE HARDYS RETURN ENSE LITH1A JR.-HI ELEVEN ; HINDSIGHT SHOWS PROMISE I ON SPORTS • The Upper Valley Community club met at the grange hall last Wednesday afternoon Mrs. R D. Reynolds presided. During the business meeting the members Two injuries have plagued Al I 111 voted to send Mi's Reynolds as a Simpson's junior high football I delegate to the district meeting of squad to date but neither is ex­ By I TOLD YOU 80 Federated Womens Clubs of Ore­ pected to prevent the injured from - - ------ gon which meets in Grants Dass seeing action in the opening game The I941 football season gets Oct 1 A lettel from the “Save against Medford here Friday the Children Federation" was read night, Oct. 3. Dick Merriman, a off to a good start this week end requesting winter clothing for classy-looking back from Chilo­ and Hindsight, pleased with last Gwendoline Walker, the little Bri- quin. suffered a twisted knee when year's record of picking winners tish child the club adopted. A tackled by Charlie Calhoun and in the nation's football schedule, committee composed of Mrs. May. Paul Cullop has a bu rated bl the Estate of D. Perozzi. Deceas­ • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Metz have from Medford, has had consider- r leased the Fred C. Homes place able experience as an ice hockey much for Grant high of Port­ ed, has filed in said court her and plan to move as soon as the player in Alberta, Can. He was a land and Kinmath Falls will en­ Final Acsount in th«* matter of joy the second win of the sea­ said estate, und the Honorable J redecorating is completed. goalie. B. Coleman. County Judge, has son. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rosen­ Medford, as usual, plays Weed designated Monday, the 29th «lay baum and small son from Klam­ in their opening game an«l the of September, 1941, at 10 o'clock ath Falls spent the week-end A M . at the Courthouse In Med­ Tigers will taste victory with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hash Ijast but not h*ast, Ashland's ford, said county, as the time and • Bob Dunn with a group of Grizzlies open a touch season nt place for hearing thereon. Ashland boys attended the Klam­ The Rev. Philip K. Hammond, Anyone having an objection to ath Falls-Chico football game at former vicar of Trinity Episcopal home on the new Walter Philllns field and when the final whistle said account Is required to pre­ Klamath Falls Friday evening. church in Ashland, died last • Miss Alice Wright recently re­ Thursday night at the Good Sa­ toots the Lakeview Honkers will sent the same on or before the date of said hearing. turned from Nevada where she maritan hospital in Portland after be on the short end • attended an Episcopal church re­ a long illness LOUISE PEROZZI treat at Lake Tahoe. Executrix He was born in London in 1857 • Arthur Conley from Chico. Cal and came to the United States BRIGGS A BRIGGS. spent the week-end with his when he was a yonug man. After Pioneer Building. Ashland, Orc . brother, Claude Conley and family serving several other churches in Attorneys for Executrix. Announcement has been receiv ­ • Mrs. A. R. Kincaid and Miss Oregon, he came to Ashland in Date of first publication: Au- ed of the coming marriage of Marie Walker attended a special 1915 and was rector of Trinity grange meeing at Eagle Point church until his retirement in 1930 lighten Blake, former Ashland gust 29, 1941.____________________ high school football coach, to Miss Tuesday night. MRS BRI t i. BNTBMAINS Rev. Hammond was very active in • Bellview grange held regular civic and fraternal affairs as well Anne Faxon, daughter of Dr an«! MININTERS ’ W IVEM Mrs. E. B Faxon of Oswego, Ore meeting Tuesday evening. Mr. and as in his church work during his The event will occur In Briarwood. Mrs. George W Bruce enter­ Mrs. Homer Grow and Bessie stay here. Ore at 8:30 o’clock Friday night. tained the Ashland Ministers’ Grow were obligated in the first Survivors are his three sons: Wives association for their regu­ and second degrees and the grange William of Oregon City. Philip of Oct. 3. Blake, heaii grid man here last lar meeting at the Meth------------- A merica O n G uard ! --------S--------- ,— APARTMENT HOUSE SOLD Above is a reproduction of th« Treasury Department’s Defens« Savings Poster, showing an exact duplication of the original ’’Minut« Man” statue by famed sculptoi Daniel Chester French. Defense Bonds and Stamps, on sale at your bank or post office, are a vital part of America’s defense preparations Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chrisman have sold their apartment house on Granite street to Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson of Chicago. The Chrismans have no immediate plans for the future beyond a pleasure trip. -------------•------------- Carelessness is the mother of 1 catastrophe. THE MORE TIRES YOU BUY—THE MORE YOU ACTUALLY SAVE—PER TIRE. This outatandina offer enablaa you to actually pay less, per tiro, for each additional tiro you buy. Take advantage of this «top-down plan and equip Kur car with rugged. Firot Quality. Double Duty oe. Enjoy the added safety, easy riding and long mileage which these handsome tiros provide. DOUBLE GUARANTEE iTiSi defects in material and workmanship . . . AND to Ivo satisfactory service for 21 months on the 6 ply and 18 months on the ply. (One-hall this period in commercial service.) LINCOLN P-TA MEETS The Lincoln P-TA held its first meeting of the year last Friday afternoon. The following chair­ men were appointed: Miss Edith AND STAMPS Bork, hospitality; Mrs. E. E. Vail, membership; Miss Bertha Stevens, publicity; Mrs. Irvin Smith, maga­ zine; Mrs. Bob Van Vleet, pro­ gram, and Mrs. Esther Moore, welfare. Plans were made to fur­ i in -jAi e atwh -’R post office orbank J nish milk and hot lunches to needy children. TIRE SALE PENN SUPREME DOUBLE DUTY DOUBLE DUTY 2 Gallons in Can. ... $ 1.55 luiludtag Federai Tax Compares with other oils selling at up to 35c per quart I ... De-Waxed, Double Distilled, and Specially Fil­ tered. . . Refined under permit of Pennsylvania Grade Crude Assn. DOUBLE DUTY 6.00-16 Fair of Tiro, 6.00-16 »of of » Tiro, lot of 4 Tire, »8” $045 Sole includes 4 ond 6 Ply 100% Pure Pennsylvania DOUBLE DUTY 6.00-16 On. Tlr. 6.00-16 5^ Eoch loch Ask for Prices on the Slso for Your Cor * A» Authorized Dealer for the Western Auto Supply Co., we pledge strict adherence to the high principles of merchandis­ ing which have made it famous throughout the West for GREATER VALUES — You will always SAVE with SAFETY herel JAMES G. MACKIE authorized Dealer* 1 rn AutoSupply Co. Phone 4521 A New Shipment Just Arrived Ih'Hiitifui new sets of ■ Silverware; Bidova, Elgin, Hamilton, Waltham Watch«*« I Julies' Nta-kliu'ea and llraceilcts (’hlhlreti’s • Jewelry and Silverware Ring«« for Men, Woman iui«l Children Manti«* and Alarm Clocks Parker Pen and Pencil Seta ' Classy Tie Chains and Bell 1 Net» DUALITY IN FINEST ; THE DESIGN BEAUTIFUL Chas A. White Jewelry