Friday, September 19, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 7 Cav Flower Prints For Yon to Stitch Fun for the Whole Family By ED WHEELAN BIG TOP changing the route and heaping south to wint *» — ■ QUARTERS DIDN’T BOTHER TWO OF THE ■ ——~~ ...... , 'M e an V4 Hl le .SAM 6TIHGFR.OWNF.POF STINGER e^OS. CIRCUSJ4AD PLENT/ To WORRX ABOUT. TROUPERS - (TV'S A MESS ALLPlGt-TT WHAT IF - SILK" FCAULER SHOULD BECOME DELIRIOUS in THE HOSPITAL AN SPILL THE BEANS - AN’ V/H/ DON'T THOSE TV/O BUMS WHO GOT AW Ay WITH OLD BAN (PS SÏ BANK ROLL REPORT T _r* Œ ME ___ 2 SOMETHIN' __ O must e>E wr - ong - A n ALL RIGHT ?! !! ____ __ .■eP M ice I ak , LALA PALOOZA By RUBE GOLDBERG Eight-Balled by Moth Balls QUICK, DOCTOR- VINCENT AIN’T ANY GOOD BUT-I’U HATE TO LOSE _ HIM ,------ 1/ TOP, JUST AS L ' I THOUGHT­ LOOKS LIKE EAST INDIAN VARICELLA- I’LL HAVE TO J GIVE HIM THE > UPSIDE-DOWN TEST TO FIND OUT . HIS METABOLISM - WHIFF-WHIFF -MOTH _ -, BALLS! NOW, PINTO- OPEN MOUTH NICE AN’WIDE ARISTOPOLI9 JUNIOR- COME HERE ! Pattern 7055. SLOWER prints, so charming and gay for any room, are par­ ticularly lovely in embroidery. Do these in bright floss. You’ll want to show them off to everyone! S’MATTER POP- Nice By C. M. PAYNE Nice Training a a a Pattern 7055 contains a transfer pattern of two pictures averaging 814 by IS inches: color schemes; illustrations ot stitches; materials needed. To obtain this pattern, send your order to: Sewing Circle Needlecraft Dept. 117 Minna SC. San Francisco, Calli. Enclose 15 cents In coins for Pat­ tern No........... Name ............................................ Address ••«•••••••••••••••••••••••••• King ‘Tul’ MESCAL IKE Otherwise a Good Catch By s . l huntley King “Tut” was an Egyptian Pharaoh, known as Tutankhamun or Tutankhaten, who ascended the Egyptian throne about 1358 B. C. He ruled at Thebes, the old Egyptian capital and the site of his tomb, after a schism between two religious factions forced him out of the new capital at Akheta- ten. Atenism, the cult of the sun’s disk, espoused by his predecessor and father-in-law, was given up during his reign for a return to the old orthodox Egyptian wor­ ship. He is believed to have died about the age of 18. The curse of death laid upon anyone entering his tomb made him famous. Ar­ cheologists opened the tomb in 1923, and again in 1926. Miserable with backache? HEN kidneys function badly and you suffer a nagging backache, with dizziness, burning, scanty or too frequent urination and getting up at night; when you feel tired, nervous* all upset... use Doen’s Pills. Doan's are especially for poorly working kidneys. Millions of boxes are used every year. They are recom­ mended the country over. Ask your neighbor! W POP—Pop’s Frank About It I’ ve S pillrd the PEANS By J. MILLAR WATT -AS THE WAITER SAID WHEN HE SPILLED D oans P ills Noble Creed Live truly and thy life shall b* ■ great and noble creed.—Hora- tius Bonar. -Stf n 7ianci5co5 The World At Its Worst Largest and Best Located Hotel w>a>AH5 * 1000 ROOMS 1000 BATHS ♦ $4.00 ONI Pi R S ON $4 00 TWO PERSONS HOTEL FRRnCIS UNION SQUAMI MANAGIMENT DAN I. LONDON WNU—13 GLUYAS WILLIAMS ♦ "Th* wante4 ta ba aara aebair'b (at ta ma Defers tba Sr4 raaa lamarraw!" 38—41 mODERRIZE AFTER WIN6 COPIES Of A MAGAZINE UHTiLVOU CAN READ K SERIAL MV5TERV S10RV AT ONE STT1H6, YOU DISCOVER THAT JUST AS THE DETECfiVE IS ABOUT 10 NAME THE MURDERER,THE FAMILY HAS TORN THE PA6E OUT FOR THE ADVERTISEMENT bf n« tail lit I J Whether you're planning ■ party or remodeling a room you should Jo I lew the adierlittmentt ... to learn what's new... and cheaper... and better. And the place to find out about new things is right here in this newspaper. Its columns are filled with important messages which you should read regularly.