SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, September 19, 1941 Not That “Whut do you mean by telling people that I win deaf and dumb?” ”1 didn't nay deaf.” »A rs r H arry C ium . © Me INSTALLMENT EIGHT—The Story So Far Kathleen Msculre goes to a dance with Gena Maya, wealthy scamp, whom aha does not like, because aha la Irri­ tated for many reasons. Mrs Newsum wants Jaird. her son. to marry Connie Maya, though he is In love and en­ gaged to Shtrley. Kathleen's sister. Tom. her brother, and hit wife. Mary Etta, are talking of Reno, since the drprr« elon has made him dependent on her earnings as secretary. Her brother. Alec, who can't find a job. la taking up with a flashy divorcee, years older than he. And Rttchle Graham, a stranger tn • e e town, kissed her after flxlng a flat for her He la a newspaper man too. At the dance she sees Alec, who tells h.r that tor a joke he made a phony date with poor Lou Knight, the town drunk's daughter. Kathleen makes him keep the date. He takes her to a show. a NEWS THIS WEEK CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Frank Outlook *7 ini >«rry yoii ere Irai ing ua, luna,“ kik I Mrn. Uroiana, "bui. of anuria, <1 fon ara itomi lo ballar yuurialf, I “ “Oh, no, maturi,“ rapi iati iha mani, “l'm pini lo ha marnati." FINANCIAL The W ill and the Way “John,” said the young mother, “I've decided on u name for baby. We will cal! her Imogen.” John win lout in thought for n few minutea. He did not like the name, but if he opposed it hia wife would have her own way. "Thnt's nice,” he aaid present­ ly. "My first sweetheart was named Imogen, and she'll take it ■s a compliment." “We will i .ill her Mary, after nly mother," was the stem reply. TRUCK PARTS llravy duly Mulura. «Bela parti, botili*. Urea. I io I m I n mid iiurd truck« 1T<1(K WKK KING COMPANY lutti 4 X 1C Hawthorn« Portland, Or«. CHAPTER X—Continued pranks But Shirley knew that Con­ heaviness lay between them like a By LEMUEL F. PARTON blight. It had not been present <>se Alec had a healthy fear of ridicule nie was neither a child nor innocent first radiant months of their eng.ige- (Consolidated Features WNU Service.) because he was awfully good at it But did Jaird know or care? It was enough to turn any man's ment. Shirley had been able to talk himself. He made plenty of sport EW YORK,—From somewhere of other people and he imagined they head, the way Connie had been pur­ to Jaird then—about anything. More deep in Sybil’s Cave in Wash­ IH HJ l.'llt Y AND KAIIIHTH WANTED. were always looking for a chance to suing Jaird for months. It did not intimately than she had ever talked ington comes the whisper that the Good whit, try.r rabbit akin. Il 10 seem possible that she could have to another person. Against his i»cr 111 Writs im.ti'urd fur |»rl<-** and return the compliment If be caught government has secretly called Informai Ion Kuby * Co.. S3Ö M W. a pal in a comic position, he rode the gone on and on without a fraction breast, her lips on his. her reticence M ’ V JI A • ta Hcr' Front Fortland. Or.. life out of him. He knew that by of encouragement on his part And had vanished. But somewhere in the Maj.t ardleyAgain bertO. Yard- morning everybody in town would yet Shirley suspected that where past year they had receded from Assaying Foreign ley. Its cryp- have heard about his new girl friend Connie Mays was concerned, any­ each other. A curtain dropped be­ Broadcaot, “c cryp‘o‘ and he had a good idea of the kind thing was possible. It was certain, tween. Even their kisses were no Worthy Life g r a mmer. of hurrah he was in for. But he however, that others by no means longer sweet, but bitter, Terribly forgiven his indiscretion in publish­ Boll D*v*lop*d and Two Frinii fro bitter with denial. had no comeback. That was what gave Jaird the benefit of the doubt. ■ *ch Ouud M.gatlv. ing “The Black Chamber” n dec­ The law of worthy life Is funda­ The wide front porch of the Ma- ade ago and set him to work again mentally tlie law of strife. It is hurt. He would just have to take it For weeks Shirley's friends had and like it The girl beside him been going out of their way to be guire house was dark behind its tan­ plucking diplomatic and espionage only through labor, painful effort, WB8TIBN PHOTO OOMPANT said nothing at alL She sat as far sweet to her. And she knew what gle of wistaria and climbing roses. secrets from the air. PortluLd Ore. by griin energy and resolute cour- koi w «aea away as possible, buddled in her that meant. They believed Jaird in­ It was not late. But nothing stirred. nge, that we move on to better I PRINTS ANI> TWO KN I.A ICG£- This is highly interesting in view seat, her eyes fastened on the tended to jilt her for Connie Mays. Jaird caught Shirley into his arms. of Major Yardley’s frequent predic­ things.—Theodore Roosevelt. MKNTH 26o—Made by Portland'» lurg- After all. thought Shirley with a Lately his caresses were always a •at retail kodak flnlaher HrtllefiM'- screen. But the small hands tions that the state department tlon guaranteed Quality Picture Co. clenched in her lap were white at bitterness that dismayed her. Jaird little savage. As if he resented them would have to set up new listening Boi W3S73. Portland, Oregon. the knuckles and Alec had an idea could not be blamed if he yielded because they never came to any­ posts, and carry on where he left she didn't see any more of the pic­ to the inevitable. Eugene Mays' son- thing. Even his lips had lost the off, in the event of war or even in-law would not long remain in the shy tenderness with which they had ture than he did. the threat of war. Butch Henderson and Henny Bax­ ranks of the unemployed. Once mar­ once kissed her. They were fever­ ried to Connie. Jaird's economic Major Yardley was ao expert ish. almost cruel. More desperate ter, a couple of pool-room cowboys 837 B. ■- BBOADVAY as a decoder that, knowing no A whom Alec wouldn’t have introduced problems would dissolve like mist than anything. Shirley's lovely slen­ POBTLAMD, OB1OON in the blaze of his wife's powerful Japanese, he eould catch Japa­ der body quivered. Her heart beat to his sisters, but with whom he Tli« Northwest'■ (ildml *n(l hiramt nese double-talk on the air. and trad» achool Writ«» I’«-pl 7 f|eHr|, IHrstel electric, auto de-code it. When Henry L. Stim­ “Shirley!” he cried in a thick un­ he had nothing else to do, came in Jaird chose Connie as a way out, he body and fender. shipyard welding son was secretary of state he and sat down directly behind him. lost Shirley. But did that any long­ natural voice. “It's hell to have you and general ahret nietnl Ad<’o* a HENRY MILL er mean a loss to him?" biller tl.lining gel* I I Job«. didn't like cither espionage or like this and then let you go." Occasionally one of them sniggered I 1 staring at him with big miserable r ’ > 1 two. His head ached. The Coal eyes and her under-lip quivered. He Scuttle, the city's newest tavern, OWN in the valley he heard didn't want to lie but it seemed kind­ was crowded to its rococo doors, the train blow. So the farm er than to let her down flat. “Maybe air heavy with stale cigar smoke, in the North Carolina mount The demand it for competent, wcll*train«d young women we'll do it again some day." the tables littered with cigarette hung up his hoe and followed th< with health, ambition and agreeable peraonahttes. His heart sank as he realized that ashes, dreggy glasses and dead bot­ white plumi she was crying. Very softly. As tles. There had been many speeches. Old Squirrel Gun of smoke t< You can afford the beat training available. shyly as she did everything else. The same old hooey, thought Tom. Taught Tycoon to fame ant “Somebody told him she was “You don’t have to pretend so as Bombastic flowery eloquence, prais­ Draw Sharp Bead fortune Time NOW it your most preclout Investment. engaged.” not to hurt my feelings," she said ing the new Highway Commissioner, Yount in a little smothered voice. "I know to which he had replied with the Thomas A. Morgan’s muzzle-loading Inquire about the opportunities awaiting you In Reauty you won't ask me again. Because fair,” he said when he and Shirley usual inanities. And running the squirrel gun was an instrument ol Culture. were dancing a little later. I’ve just bored you. Ever since you whole show although he kept in the precision compared to the best art! Doubts stabbed her. Was Jaird background, was Harvey Cobb called this afternoon I’ve tried to flee of economics and business al think of things to say. Interesting hinting that he agreed with his Leigh. a time like this. It taught the fu mother? things so you'd want to come back. With tired embittered eyes Tom ture president of the Sperry corpo­ "I guess you'll be a withered old studied his wife’s employer. Leigh But I couldn’t. Say anything, I ration to draw a sharp bead on what­ maid before I can afford to marry was in his early fifties, a short mean." ever he was shooting at and in Lin- you, Shirley. ” he went on and his Alec stared at her dumbly. paunchy man with a smooth un­ coin's phrase, never to “shoot at a 209 Union Street Seattle, Wash. voice rasped. “God knows. I'd think lined face and small bullet eyes un­ "You see," whispered Lou Knight, louse on his own eyebrow.” you ’ d hate me for the fiasco I ’ ve “nothing as lovely as this has ever der sleepy eyelids. But he was not So, today, hi* target Is post­ happened to me before and I guess made. After I promised you every­ sleepy. He was a human dynamo thing. If I were half a man I'd as Mary Etta often boasted. He war solvency. With all the rush it never will again." of defense orders and plant ex­ Alec Maguire swallowed hard but set you free for some other man never tired or took his hand off the pansion there Is each day some­ he could not speak. And after a who can afford a wife." throttle. Tom sighed. Mary Etta She wished that she could read his sat at her employer’s left, the wife thing in the kilty for what may minute she went on, so low he could mind. He might mean exactly what of the guest of honor at his right, a come hereafter. For the first barely distinguish the words. half of this year, >433.316 ha* "I’ve always thought you were he said. Or he might be offering pudgy lady who looked as if she gone into this “cushioning” wonderful. At school I used to watch her a graceful exit. Hoping she'd wished she were at home in bed. break their engagement and set fund. The margin for error in you although you never noticed me. But apparently Mary Etta was as them both free to find happiness fresh as she had been three hours *uch computation* probably You were always taking prizes. And elsewhere since together they had earlier. Tom knew that she had not is greater than that of a Sperry every time you did, I felt as proud bomb - sight, but whatever n as if it had happened to me. And reached an impasse. missed a trick in the evening’s prog­ “You’re so beautiful, Shirley," ress. That was what made her in­ skilled preciaionist may do Is you’re the only person who ever did 1taring Down Goat Posts being done. anything about Pop when kids treat­ groaned Jaird. “And so sweet. And valuable. She had a stenographic by anthusiastic sptc tutors tt ed him mean. I could have kissed you're wasting the best years of memory which on such occasions as At 16, Thomas A. Morgan fetched football ¡amts btgan about your life waiting for a guy who can ’ t the ground you walked on for that. these did not require a notebook, i up in the navy, was quickly en- 1876 whan ttarns wtrt rtduttd But I never thought you’d ask me even buy you a sack of peanuts un­ The next day when she filed her ! grossed with the magic whirligig of from 25 to tt mtn and tht for a date. Not really. I used to less his father doles out the nickel." memoranda, nothing would be miss­ a Sperry gyroscope and was there­ ¡amt btgan to btcomt a popu­ She wanted dreadfully to tell him dream sometimes that you would. ing that might later be required. No by steered into his manifest destiny. lar sptetator sport. Dreams help when you haven't any­ that she would wait forever if he wonder Harvey Cobb Leigh depend­ His skill with the gyroscope KINO EDWARD CIGARS thing else. Only I always knew any­ wanted her to. Only she wasn’t sure ed on her and paid her a commen­ brought him in touch with its in- he wanted anything of the kind. So arouse similar enthusiasm in smokers body as marvelous as you could nev­ surate amount. I I ventor, Elmer A. Sperry, and his she couldn’t say it Not when possi­ er bother about me." who appreciate the mild, mellow Tom stared at the cigarette which Alec felt as if someone was pour­ bly he hoped she would say some­ he had lit from the butt of an­ career as a maker of precision in­ qualities of the nation's moat popular struments—the need for which is al­ thing quite different. ing salt on a fresh wound in his side. cigar. Try King Edward today other. He hated all the loud talk. “Maybe things will change,” mur­ It made him want to chew his finger­ ways in inverse ratio to the stability “I’m not marvelous, Lou,” he said mured Shirley, which might mean nails. It was just so much eyewash, and precision in the affairs of men. humbly. It wasn't all smooth sailing. "You are to me,” she whispered anything or nothing. as he very well knew. And at the "Maybe so," agreed Jaird and back of his brain a hammer During the World war, the czar’s and fled up the stairs. navy was ducking and dodging went off to dance with Connie Mays. pounded. and hiding in the mists. Mr. And the old dreary treadmill set CHAPTER XI The rent was due- tomorrow and up its merciless hammering in Shir­ he could not pay it Morgan chased it here and there and everywhere, to sell it gyro­ Shirley Maguire, dancing with Bob ley’s heart. Was Jaird tired of go­ Until now—thanks to the nest egg scopes, caught up with it and Baird, did not look at Jaird. Never ing around in circles never getting which he had accumulated in more rang up a sale. It was an epic once did her eyes turn in his direc­ anywhere? The way he and Shir­ prosperous times toward buying his of American salesmanship. tion. But she was really conscious ley had been doing for years. own business—Tom had been able at Both of them were silent on their least to pay for sheer necessities •f nothing except Jaird with Connie Mr. Morgan became president of Mays in his arms. Connie’s face way home in Jaird's coupe which like rent and food. But the past the Sperry corporation in 1928. lifted devouringly to his while her his mother had given him on his year, when his earnings had dropped Shortly thereafter he became an em­ The merchant who advertises must treat green eyes said shameless things last birthday. It was not new for to an appalling low, had wiped out inent patron of aviation and soon you better than the merchant who does them to have nothing to say to each and her pouting scarlet mouth prom­ his savings at a rate that left him was caught up in a swirl of insti­ other. Nowadays they were never hanging on the ropes, dizzy for tutes, chambers, boards, funds, ised even more. not. He must treat you as though you gay when they were together. A breath. The girl was perfectly brazen. councils and societies—the inescap­ were the most influential person in town. Why not? She was the daughter of "Thank God!” he muttered when able fate of eminence and intelli­ Eugene Mays and all her life she As a matter of cold fact you are. You at last people began to push back gence in America. If the chariot had done exactly as she pleased. of progress needs anything new on from soiled and disorderly tables. hold the destiny of his business in your Like her brother, Connie was about Mary Ette gave him a stiletto its dashboard, he and his company hands. He knows it. He shows it. And you as subtle as a battering ram. She glance. "You needn't make it quite can be relied upon to figure it out did outrageous things and the town so obvious that you’ve been bored and install It overnight. Mr. Mor­ benefit by good service, by courteous treat- smiled indulgently. People like Bella to death," she said out the corner gan had but 10 months of schooling good value—and by lower prices. Newsum said Connie was just a behind him when he broke home of her mouth. high-spirited child, full at innocent ties to join the navy. (TO BE CONTINUED) RABBITS AND SKINS FILM DEVELOPING FAST SERVICE 25c SCHOOLS ADCOX TRADE SCHOOL rouNp FOR SALE VS /I LJ/• J I'J D Beauticians Needed I I MARY STONE’S Roouly School ^buiinoliott It's A GOOD AMERICAN CUSTOM KING EDWARD WORLD S LARGEST SELLER "Cigars f--------------------- A SELECTED STORY iSBYAGlFTEDilli I ARE AN INFLUENTIAL PERSON