SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, Sept. 19, 1941 NKWH FROM About People You Know • Howard Oden and Hid R< • 1 Joyed a two weeks vacation trip to made a business trip to I'oitland Sail Fiuncisco mill Oakland curly this week • Mis A I Hodgen was a bust • Mr and Mis I-ouls Dodge have ni-.s visitor to Medford Saturday. returned home from a vacation • Bertha Smith hus returned from trip In Cañada While away Mis a vacation trip to Hawaii 1 lodge attended the supreme chap • Rev and Mrs Eail Downing ter of i'EO In Vancouver, B C. and children, formerly of Dufur, • Mi and Mrs John Adams oí On»., have moved to Ashland Rev Mislesto, Calif visited several Downing Is the new pastor of the I Church of Christ. days with Mm Curtis Johnson • Mr and Mrs Fred Dohnrrt • Mrs G W Goswlck visited rel­ and daughter of Portland ate vis it Ives In Kliimath Falls Monday Ring with Mr and Mr*. Paul 1 • Mis B M Heath rwrlved I three first prizes, two eecond priz- Flniiid) this week • Mis Colver Anderson, daughtei | e» iind two honorable mention of Mr. and Mrs A (> McGee, is ; places on her exhibits at the Ore- teaching nt the Benton Mine near | gon st ntr fair. • Mr and Mrs Howard Hobson, Grants Puss this year • Miss Madge Evans of Browns | formerly of Klamath Falls, now vllle was a guest of Mr and Mrs I arc residents of Ashland. . • Mr and Mis Ray Conley have Ihivid Baxter last week • Dr and Mis Stephen Eplei moved from Gerber, Calif. to have returned from New York Ashland. City where Dr Epler attended • Mr and Mm C H Butchart of Columbia university till» summer Sheridan were week-end guest* of • Mis M A Hpayile visited in Mr. and Mrs J A Yeo. Eagle Point with her daughter. • Mm Mabel Ru ••«•II Diwthci Mis. Kenneth Madison, last week was a speaker at the WCTU con­ • Sunday dinner guests of Mr vention at Grants Pass last Fri­ and Mrs L E Ager were Theo­ I day. Mrs Paul Byers also attend- dore Bryant of Kapioa, Calif Mr ed the mi'etlng and Mm Gilbert Elder of Krno, • Mr and Mrs Wayne Heard Mr anM> GRADE There are so many new pupils in the second grade at Washington school this fall. Bill Miles. Donald Hodgen, Jimmy Manning, Lloyd Haynie and IXck McNemey trans­ ferred from Lincoln school. Mll- dred Williams camo from Provolt: Roger Olson from Grant* I*aaft: Billy Wooten from Willow Spring*, and Donald Gould from Medford. Wylin Relgel came here from Hilt. Calif and Jessie Mackie from Beverly Hills. --------- •------------ Your side of the road ia the Right Side. r > i I r Page 5 I ■ i cinity. Every family orders sub­ scription*. Hundreds of dollars are spent for them each fall and win­ ter in this vicinity Instructions and equipment free. Guaranteed First Baptist Church Full Gospel Temple lowest rates on all periodicals, do­ mestic and foreign Represent the K. Main and Siskiyou Blvd. J. R. Turnbull, Minister oldest magazine agency in the U- L. P. Furman, Pastor nited State*. Start a growing and Bible school 9:45 a. m. C. E permanent business in whole or Corry, superintendent. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. spare time Address MOzRE-COT- Morning worship 11 o'clock, Morning worship 11 o'clock. TRELL, Inc , Naples Road. North Sunday, 8 p. m , church service, C. A service 6:45 Sunday eve­ Wednesday, 8 p. m., prayer ning Evangelistic service to fol­ Cohocton, New York, praise and Bible study low at 7:30 o'clock. C. A. service and choir practice 7:45 Tuesday evening. Catholic Church Everybody is cordially invited to all services. Rev. W. J. Meagher, Pautar ------------ •------------ Mass at 9 a. m. Sunday. Sunday *chl for children con­ Foursquare Church ducted by several Sisters from Fourth and B Streets the Sacred Heart academy of Rev. Nbearbum, Pastor Medford following mas*. •----------------------------- AUTOMOBILE - FIRE Sunday school 10 a. m. H. O. CASUALTY - LIFE First Methodist Butterfield, superintendent. Morning worship 111m. Church INSURANCE Young People* meeting, 6:30 Cor. N. Main and laurel St*. p. m. Dependable Protection at Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister Evangelistic service 7:45 p. m. Reasonable Rate* Week night service* Tuesday Sunday church school meets at and Friday evening* at 7:45. 9:45 a. m Prayer meeting precede* these M. T. BURNS Morning Sermon at 11 o’clock two service« Young people in on the subject, “Come Unto Me charge of Tuesday service. ON THE PLAZA All Ye that Labor and are Heavy Laden and I Will Give You Rest.” Special music will be presented by Neighborhood Church the adult choir. Methodist Youth Fellowship at WATCH REPAIRING Congregational 6:15 p. m. Expert Swiss and American Evening sermon at 7:30 p.m. on Boulevard and Morton Streets watch repairing. Your watch Clarence F. McCall, Minister the subject, "I Will Lift up Mine timed and regulated FREE on Eye* unto the Hills from Whence our Electric Time Michrometer. Cometh My Help.” Bible school 9:45 a. m., Mr*. Prayer meeting on Wednesday Glenn Prescott, superintendent. evening, using the book of St Worship service 11 a. m. RAMSEY’S JEWELRY John for study. Sermon subject, "I* it well with ----- •------------ the child?’’ STORE Wednesday 2 pm, Plymouth Swedenburg Bldg. " Ashland Guild at the home of Mrs. Bums, Church of Christ Harrison Street. Second and B Street* ------------ •------------ Bible school 9:45 a. m. classes for all ages L. U. Gresham, sup­ Free erintendent. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Methodist Church Meetings of High School and East Main Street College C. E Societies at 7 p. m. John R. Poet, Pastor Evening service at 8 o’clock. The new pastor, Rev. Earl Dow­ Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. ning. will have charge of the Sun­ Bernice Beare, superintendent in day services. charge. ------------ •------------ Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Junior meeting and Young Peo­ Church of the ple's meeting at 6:45 p. m. Even­ ing worship at 7:30 p. m. Nazarene Mid-week prayer meeting Wed­ Bertrand F. Peterson, Paster nesday evening at 7:30 p. m Fourth and C Streets You are welcome to all services Church school 9:45 a. m. T. S. Wiley, superintendent. Morning worship 11 a. m Ser­ Dr. L. W. Staffers mon by the pastor. Junior and YP meetings 7 p. m. DENTIST Evangelistic meeting 8 p. m. Sermon by the pastor. Hours 9-12 and 1-5 Prayer meeting 7:45 p. m. Wed­ Medical Bldg. Phone 5211 nesday. • Subacribe for The Miner today. -• Trinity Episcopal Church Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Vicar liu can still make alltypes of instalment hans at the First National ... with as long as 18 months to pay! I I WANTED — Representative to I look after our magazine subscrip­ tion interests in Ashland and vi­ Holy Communion 8 a. m. Church school 9:30 a. m. Sermon and morning prayer 11 a. m. Holy Communion 9:30 a. m.. Wednesday. Choir will meet at 7:30 p. m. Friday. You are cordially invited to worship with us. First Presbyterian Church Southern. Oregon Credit Bureau Ashland Office 15