Friday, Sept. 19, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 TALENT NEWS Southern Oregon Miner NOTED QUARTET • Mr anil tars O. Carver have opened the Talent cafe, recently operated by Mr. and Mra DeBord. The Carvers are former residents CHAS. M GIFFEN of Talent and ran the cafe a cou­ Published Every Friday ple of years ago. at 167 East Main Street WILLIAM SAVIN • Frank Maxon, a resident of ASHLAND, OREGON Publishers Talent for many years. )>assed ¥ away last Friday evening at a ★ Entered as second-class local hospital. Funeral services SUBSCRIITION matter February 15. were held Monday morning at the RATES 1935, at the postoffice at Litwiller Funeral home Interment (In Advance) Ashland. Oregon, under was made in the Mountain View ONE YEAR ....... $150 the act of March 3.1879. cemetery at Ashland. SIX MONTHS 80c • Mr. and Mrs Nobel Green of «Mailed Anywhere in the Phoenix were callers in Talent United States) Monday afternoon. • Rev. W. S. Wilber of Grants l*ass is conducting a series of THE TRUTH WIIX j meetings at the Baptist church evenings of this week. • Mrs. Dick Morrow and daugh- | ters Benny and Betty Lou of Wagner creek were shopping and Rising prices are definitely not the fault of retail visiting friends here Monday. • Mr and Mrs. Alva Smith mov­ merchandising, despite mistaken rumors to that effect, ed to Medford this week. Mr. which have recently gone into circulation. The truth Smith is employed at Groceteria i 2. is that retail merchandising has done a remarkable No. • Mr and Mrs. Wiley Hotchkiss j of Denver, Colo, are visiting Mr. job in holding price increases to the minimum. brother and sister-in- The MimtiKMlppI Gel Four The figures tell the story. Today factory payrolls Hotchkiss' law. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hotchkiss. quartet, one of the outMtcuidlng They are looking for a location negro quartet» of America, will are 50 percent greater than a year ago, and the aver­ and plan on locating in the valley, ap|H-ur at the Anhliuid Church age worker’s earnings are 22 percent greater. Yet re­ i • Mr and Mrs. Fred Cook of of the Nazarvne, 3 p. m. Munday. tail food prices have advanced only seven percent since Yamsey logging camp in Klamath This quartet, noted for It» ren­ were week-end guests of dition of negro »plrltuala, has June 1940. In the same period, wholesale food prices ' county Mrs. Cook's parents, Mr. and Mrs traveled a» a quartet for more advanced 22 percent—an increase three times as great Walter Holmes in Valleyview and than 11 year» and his» »ung over Mr. and Mrs Elmer Cook in Thl- station WDGX, MiniirapoUri, for as that which took place in retail food prices. I ent. Mr. Cook’s father accompan­ two yean. The quartet In now them home for a visit. working under the <.|Min»onhlp Compared with 1929. factory workers have about a ied • Mr. and Mrs. Allen Clark mov- of the Northwest Nazarene Col­ 42 percent greater food purchasing power. Other work­ I ed from the Brag orchard west of lege of .\iuii|MU Ida., and will Phoenix into the home of his prvwent negro »plritual» a» well ers’ food purchasing power is up 28 percent. Retail father. Ben Clark. an go»|>el »origw In their Sunday food prices are some 20 percent under 1929 levels. • The Community club held its appearance. What is true of food, is true to a very large extent first meeting of the season at the hall Wednesday afternoon. of other commodities. The fact that price rises have so city Mrs. C. W. Ix>ng is president of of the Parent-Teachers association was held at the school house Fri­ far been moderate, in the light of the inflationary ten­ the club. Mrs Kenneth • Talent school began Monday day afternoon. dencies produced by the arms drive with its unprece­ with an increase of attendance. Brown .president, conducted the meeting. Mrs Jo Goldpenny was dented spending, is very largely the work of merchan­ A number of high school students appointed secretary by Mrs are working in the pear harvest Brown and installed by Mis» disers. and will start later. burg to fill the vacancy left Prices will inevitably rise in the future. Higher • Mr. and Mrs Will Iamb of Gans by Mrs. Kenneth Nelson. Plans Reese creek and their daughter costs of doing business, combined with increased pur­ and family of California were were discussed for work on a play for the coming year The chasing power and dwindling supplies, make that in­ guests of Tom Lamb and Mr and ground P-TA creed was read by Mrs T Mrs. Roy Estes last Thursday. evitable. But to blame this on retail merchandising, is I • Claude Ward and family of Quamme; a poem entitled "When ’s Away," by Jean Henderson, to put the cart before the horse. Generally speaking, Wagner creek are anxiously a Ma poem, We Do Mean You," awaiting a visit from their daugh ­ retail prices are being advanced when, and only when, ter, Mrs. Margaret Davis and in­ by Mrs. M "And Bradfield, and a poem. "Secretaries,” by Mrs. Jo Gold- wholesale prices and operating overhead make it ab­ fant daughter whom they have penny Music was played by Mrs seen. Mr and Mrs Davis solutely unavoidable. That is the progressive retail never left here a couple of years ago John DeWitt at the piano. Hist- policy today. And it will be the retail policy in the for South America and after esses were Mrs Franklin and Mrs Blanchard. Refreshments ( spending some time in Colombia, Art Tutuie. moved to Panama where Davis is were served. employed in the Canal Zone. Mrs • A Girl Scout committee meet- GEMS OF THOUGHT Davis is coming by air transport ing was held Tuesday evening at to Los Angeles where she will the Club hotel with Mrs. T Quam­ No more important duty can be urged upon those who are spend a few days visiting friends me. Mrs Sam Dunaway, Miss Lu­ entering the great theatre of life than simple loyalty to their best before continuing the journey here cille Gansburg, Mrs White and convictions. —Chapin. Mrs. Enzie Wright attending. ----------------------- •----------------------- He that respects himself is safe from others; Mrs. John De Witt and Mrs Fred HILT NEWS He wears a coat of mail that none can pierce.—Longfellow. Bayliss were unable to attend. It is noft what he has. nor even what he does, which directly ex- , • The "Country Fair" given by • Louis Alphonse, Barbara and presses the worth of a man, but what he is.—Amiel. the Women’s Society of Christian Phyllis and Mrs Enzie Wright Service at the hall Friday evening and Mrs. Julio Rossetti were in a great success. Attendance Medford and Ashland Saturday. Up was ---- - - -------—........................ New Books in Library X™? the! tar exceeded the hopes and plans • Gordon Alphonse and Kenneth I Inveri vs ra- liet ____ of the ladies who worked on the Rogers of Stockton are hunting The F following list of nani new Krv^b-a books ’ ( Earth, their vacation and plan to has recently been added to the1 Longworth—Desk Drawer An- I project Music was furnished by during return to College of the Pacific at thology. Louis Alphonse with recordings public library: Stockton next Sunday. McNeill — Wy'east the Moun- ' played over his loud speaker sys- Abercrombie—How to Buy or Build Your Home Wisely; Ander­ tain; Marquand—H. M Pulham, [ tern, and Bill Tallis very ably pre­ • Mr. and Mrs Richard Williams and sons Roy and Russell and Ed­ son—Dog-team Doctor; Appelhoff Esq. : Mel bo—Our Country's Na-1 sided as master of ceremonies Bemheisel, accompanied " *--* ward Ekwall were Medford visi­ —You Can Be Happily Married; tional Parks; Morton—Angle of1 Bethel by Rita Sultana and Gladys tors Saturday. Earth and Sky. « Arnim—Mr. Skeffington. Quamme, and a court of fairies, • Mr. and Mrs Clinton Cobb re­ O'Brien—Best Stories of 1941. Capek—I Had a Dog and a Cat; Shirer—Berlin Diary; Silverman clowns. Girl Scouts, and Boy turned Sunday from their vacation I Cardwell — Mountain Medicine; Cleaveland—No Life for a Lady; —Magic In a Bottle; Streeter— Scouts, was crowned queen of the trip. • Bob Purvis and his small eon Clendening — The Human Body; The Kaw i Rivers of America ser­ fair by Frank Ward. Exhibits were put on by the Mike, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cobb—Exit Laughing; Coatsworth ies). Young—Behind the Rising Sun. Boy Scout troop. Girl Scout troop, Purvis, spent last week at Pendle­ —The Trunk; Cronin—The Keys Yreka Camera club, Mr. DeWitt ton, Ore, with Clyde Purvis and Williams—Crater Lake. to the City. and Howard Trivelpiece, besides Mrs Inez Sowall of Klamath Falls Derleth — Still Small Voice; Dodd—Ambassador Dodd's Diary. BIRTHDAY SURPRISE PARTY booths of flowers, vegetables, pets, attending the Pendleton Round- Ethridge—I’ll Sing One Song; Mrs. Afton Hannah was guest art (which included the school i Up. They returned Sunday. Fear No More. A book of poems of honor at a surprise birthday work and fancy work), fortune • Mr. and Mrs. Orman Lee spent by English poets. party held at the Madden home telling, and tea towels. The tea Sunday at Crater I^ake. Fisher—Toilers of the Hills; last week. Guests included Mes- towels, made by the ladies, were • Mr and Mrs Don Ward and Fletcher—South Star. dames Helen Reigel, Fem Berry, i all sold out early in the evening. daughter Diane and Mr and Mrs Grey—Twin Sombrero; Grissom Mabel Roberts, Will Darby, Row­ Mrs. Lucy Mendes presided over W. Gran and son Bill spent Sun­ —Under Desert Skies. ena Myers, Will Stennett, A. A. the fortune telling booth. Prize day picnicking and, fishing on Handy—Father of the Blues; Madden. Afton Hannah and the ribbons were awarded for the best Beaver creek Harding—Amazon Throne; Haycox Misses Voda Brower, Velma Brow­ exhibits. Judges were Mrs. King. • Mr and Mrs Frank Gracey of Miss Gansburg, Frank Ohlund and Klamath Falls were visiting her —Trail Town; Hedin—A Conquest er and Leona Ormand. i Frank Ward. parents, Mr. and Mrs H. Cleven­ i During the latter part of the ger, early this week, Walter Clev­ evening cake, coffee and ice cream enger left for Klamath Falls with them, planning to obtain work were sold by the ladies. WITH MODERN • The first meeting of the term there. —- METHODIST FELLOWSHIP MET MUNDAY AFTERNOON At 4 o'clock Bunday afternoon the Methodist Fellowship group oi young folk» met nt the home of Dr an