Friday, Sept. 12, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 SHIRLEY HELPS PHONE CO. SAVES HINDSIGHT DEFENSE METAL i ON SPORTS A saving of more than 5,000,000 V / V pounds of metala vital to (Manse By 1 TOLD YOU SO needs, including enough aluminum & to build more than 27ft fighter -|TlU~L~L~L~l. — plant's, is being effected by the It has been reported that pub­ Bell System this year though a materials substitution program, licity-seeking Russ Hawk, "cen­ Friday and Saturday! according to word recsived by H. | ter” on last year’s Ashland high S Akins, telephone manager here football team, has satisfied all Made possible through long; concerned by joining up with Med­ range planning, research and re-1 ford high Tigers for the current adjustments in manufacturing, the 1 football season Thia has caused substituting of materials in 1941 much street-corner arguing pro will divert for use in defense work and con but let's look at it from nearly 1,700.000 pounds of alumi­ Hawk's side. In a conversation with I Told num. almost a third of a million pounds of nickel, well over 3.000,- j You So about two weeks ago, 000 pounds of zinc and 8,300 Hawk said he has had to buy bls pounds of magnesium. Additional own gas and oil to drive from his home in Valley View to school In reductions are fort-seen for 1942. The Western Electric company, Ashland and Hawk further stated manufacturing arm of the sys­ that Ashland high school had re­ tem, now saves Oft tons of alum­ fused to give him any work Shirley Temple make* bus ing inum annually by replacing alum-1 around the school to pay for this IS-fenxe Savings Stamps a regu­ inum with steel in the "finger gas ami oil nor had they offered lar practice. She In shown with wheel" on dial telephones This is to compensate him in any other an album which is filling up only one of many items of tele­ way. He further stated that Med­ flutter than ever a* she cooper- phone equipment in which alum­ ford high school officials had of­ ata» in Kelailera-for-lieftMiHe inum is being replactnl by other feree! to buy his gas and oil if he Week. articles The total saving of alum­ would come to Medford and play inum is enough to build more than football for them Hawk lives in 27ft military planes othAr than a non-union high sch«x»l district bombers, or half as many bomb­ which, it is understood, makes him immediately eligible to play for ers. Since 1925 the Bell System has either school. Just how hard Hawk work­ been studying how to make the • Mr. and Mrs J. B Platt en­ most effective use of materials ed to get his gas und oil ex­ joyed a trip to Shasta Dam Sun­ Immediately after the outbreak of penses to play bull for AUS is day. known only to school officials war in 1939. a survey was made of • Capt. and Mrs. Marcus Woods critical materials particularly used and Hawk, but Hindsight dors Affi««! of San Luis Obispo are visiting in the telephone system and ef­ know that one prraon In a relatives and friends in Ashland forts to determine suitable substi­ teaching capacity at the Romance! while on a two-weeks furlough. schiMtl told your scribe only tutes were initiated. Thrills! • Dr. C. A. Haines spent the a few days ago that hr would Supplementing the Bell Sys-: week-end in Los Angeles, making tern's substitution and conserva- i gladly puy Hawk's mlltnig«- CESAR blll from his own |>ockrt If | the trip by plane. tion program are the reclamation ; • Mrs. V. O. N. Smith and daugh­ activities it has been carrying on | he would only say something ROMERO ter Emmy Lou spent last week in since 1931, when the Nassau * about It. as the San Francisco on business. It is the opinion of thia column smelting and refining company i "CISCO • Bob Weaver is attending Wil- was acquired for the purpose of that Medford high school officials KID" lamete university this year. are not to blame for if they were reclaiming junked material. • Mrs. C. B. Andrews has return­ The Nassau smelting and refin­ actually trying to steal a player ed home from a visit to several ing company last year supplied from the Grizzlies to bolster their points in California. the system with more than 42,- ranks they would have picked on • Miss Lois Nicholson of Yreka 000 000 pounds of metal. This was som«s>ne with more footlmll prow­ was a week-end guest of Mr. and I obtained chiefly from non-ferrous ess than Hawk; there are several Mrs. N. B. Hull. metals in outworn equipment, such players among the’ Grizzly • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hartley and ' structures and supplies junked by ranks. daughter have returned home i the operating telephone compan­ If the truth were known, the from an extended trip in the mid­ ies. 10-day training at I^ake o' the W cxm I x and a big squad with a dle west states. • Mrs. L. O. Adams and Vernon • Rev and Mrs Adrian Sias went fine record behind them and pros­ Heath of Los Gatos, Calif, are to Coquille Monday on business pects for another good season, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. • Mr. and Mrs H. A. Steams plus the distinction of being "on DeArmond. went to Eagle Point Sunday to the winning side" had something • Mrs. C. E. Pratt has returned a grange dinner. to do with swinging Hawk's bead FREE to the Ladies! from a visit with Mr. and Mrs • Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kerr visited tovritrd the Tigers Pratt in Steilacoom. in Yreka Friday. If Hawk did dicker around for Constance Bennett Emerson Wash, and Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Mr and Mrs R. L. IJndner. a school that would pay his trav­ Harrison of Portland. • Mrs Minnie Okeson who has eling expenses, this department • Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Green and spent the summer in Minnesota thinks it a bit out of place for a children spent last week in San has returned home. high school student to be looking Francisco. • Leslie Segsworth is teaching around for blds and tf M«-dford • Mrs. Mabel Kinney and Mrs. at Sixes. Ore this year. high did approach Hawk with an Provost are attending the • Bob Beach of Longview, Wash offer of exjwnscs we think that SUN • .MON • TUE Dom PEO supreme chapter convention former SOCE student, called on also is out of place for it gets to 1 in Vancouver, B. C. this week. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Newton last be some league when schools bid , • Dr. and Mrs. Walter Redford week. against each other for football and daughter Lois enjoyed a va­ • Miss Alice Jimmerfeild of Al- [ material. cation trip to Crescent City and bany, former employee in the local [ San Francisco last week. with telephone office, called on Mr. and • Mrs. Bertha Winter has return­ Mrs. H. H. Gearhart the first of Myrna Loy ed from a vacation trip to Alaska. the week. and • Dr. Walter Redford attended a • Mr and Mrs C. H Thomas meeting of the Board of Higher visited several days in Turner I Bill Powell Education at Portland the first of with the former’s mother. the week. • Mr and Mrs. Carl Stevens of With the start of the local foot­ • Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wolcott of Twenty-Nine Palms. Calif, have ball season only a week away, Tucson, Artz. are visiting with returned home after visiting with The Miner, in its following para­ Mrs. H. G. Wolcott several days. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Stevens. defines the officials' sig­ • Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Taylor • A family reunion was held at graphs, so that fans may better un­ have returned from a trip to the home of Mrs M W Wheeler nals of those In Idaho. On the way home Thursday of last week with the derstand of the the decisions games Four new BARGAIN DAYS southern they attended the state fair at following present: Mr and Mrs. charge signals have been added for the Salem. George Grizzle of Klamath Falls, coming season by the nation's • Miss Frances Miller and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Silas Grizzle of Kla­ Thelma Conley are visiting in math county, Mrs Mattle Pollock rules committee. ADULTS 1. Pushing movement of hands Dunsmuir this week. of Grants Pass and Mrs Charles to front with arms hanging vert­ • Miss Clara Ann Roberson is Hayne of Grand Island, Neb. visiting her sister, Miss Laverne • Miss Ruth Woods of McMinn­ ical: Crawling, pushing or helping KIDDIES a Dime Roberson, in Seattle. ville. teacher in the local high runner. 2. Hands on hips:Offside or vio­ • LeRoy Lindner of Camp Rob- school, arrived here Friday of last lation of kick-off formation. eerta, Calif, is visiting his parents. week. 3. Grasping of one wrist: Hold­ ing. • 4. Military salute: Unnecessary roughness. 5. Pushing hands forward from with shoulders with hands vertical: In­ terference with forward pass or James Stewart pass that touches ineligible play­ PLUS er. 6. Sifting of hands in horizontal plane: Penalty refused, incomplete pass, play to be replayed, missed goal, etc. Sidney Toler as 7. Horizontal arc of either hand: Player illegally in motion Charley Chan 8. Waving hand behind back: Illegal forward pass. 9. Folded arms: Delay of game or ertra time out. 10. Both arms extended above head: A score. Bringing palms of hands together after this signal Indicates safety. Sifting hands in vertical plane above head, time out; timekeeper answers by rais­ ing his right hand. The new signals added this year are: 1. To show intentional ground­ UNITED ing of a forward pass, the official shall hold both hands above his STATES right shoulder. No more waiting and wondering — we ’ re SAVINGS 2. Unsportsmanlike conduct will be Indicated by the official extend­ completely ready with a perfectly grand fBONDS ing both arms straight out from the sides of his Ixxly with the assortment of the very newest fall fash­ AND STAMPS palms facing down. ions. All sizes in Coats, 2 and 3-piece 3. Illegal touching of a kicked or free ball will be shown by the suits, Dresses (also in Jr. sizes), Hats, official tapping both shoulders with his hands, the upper arm be­ Blouses and Lingerie. Start the fall ing parallel with the ground while right by buying at the BETTY JANE he is making this signa). 4. Revolving of the hands in DRESS SHOP. front of the chest by an official A merica O n G uard ! will signal the illegal formation Above is a reproduction of th« or position of one or more players. ----------- Treasury Department’s Defens« BETTY JANE DRESS SHOP Savings Poster, showing an exact SOCIETY MET WEDNESDAY duplication of the original “MinuU The Missionary Society of the Man” statue by famed sculptoi Christian church met at the home JJculizi. ¿.zciusioz cJWatly to Daniel Chester French. Defense | of Mrs. Chari«-« Blake Wednesday Bonds and Stamps, on sale at your afternoon. Mrs. Earl Rogers led bank or post office, are a vital pari the program on the topic of "Lib­ of America’« defense preparations erty and Justice for All.” O. WC HATUP» People You Know! FRIDAY COSMETICS “LOVE CRAZY” GRID OFFICIALS USE NEW SIGNS Medford Squad Has Many Husky Players LITHIA Over two and a half tons of football material has reported to Coach Hill Bowel man for th«- 1911 E N I E R T A I N M E N T; Medford high school season. Bow 1-I ioih -7.MII ' ornian has a squad of 31 players in training which will average Daily Matinee 1:1.5 163% pounds per player Only four first team men from last sea­ 20 cents son have reported with the rest ¿venings 8:15, 80 cents of the roster being made up of either reserves or entirely green Kiddies a dime material. Wednesdays anti Ik«- Orr, big fullback lavt ae-t Thursdays Dime Days ; •on, is moving to right half and Cato Wray, last year's left half, Continuous show will again set- service in thut p<> sition. Curt Hopkins, right half on Sunday*_____ < is moving to left end mid big Bill Wail again will play at left tackle The big problem is to make a ; Friday, Saturday line that can operate in front of a very first backfield Orr, Wray and Jim Glenn were sprinters on last year's stat«- championship t track team and Bob Stead wns a hurdler Except for Wall and Hop­ kins, th«- Medford line will b>-1 ' with ; green. ------------ g............... Hugh Herbert LOUIS E. JONES Basil Rathbone Funeral services were held st ' and th«- Litwiller Funeral chanel Tiles day afternoon for Ixruis E Jones 74. Rev ,J R Turnbull was n charge Interment was in th«- IOOF addition to Mt View cem­ etery Mr Jones is survived bv two brothers and two sisters. A with the 11 Jones of Ashland. Forrest I Jones of Texas, Mrs. Lida * ! Three Mesquiteers Dickerson of Gardiner and Mrs [ ALSO THE NEWS Margaret Johnson of Portland “THE BLACK- CAT” “PRAIRIE PIONEERS” Sunday, Monday : and Tuesday LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT OF EXECUTRIX In the County Court of the State of Oregon in and for Jackson County. In the Matter of the Estate of D. PEROZZI, Deceased NOTICE IS HEREiBY GIVEN that the undersigned Executrix of the Estate of l> I'.i-./zi I •«■eas­ ed. has filed in said court bet Final Account In th«- matter of said estate, and the Honorable J B. Coleman, County Judge, has designated Monday, th«* 29th «lay of September, 1941, at 10 o'clock A M . at the Cburthouse in Med-« ford, said county, as the time and place for hearing thereon Anyone having an objection to said account is required to pre­ sent the same on or before the date of said hearing. LOUISE PEROZZI Executrix BRIGGS A BRIGGS, Ihoneer Building, Ashland, Ore., Attorneys for Executrix. Date of first publication: Au­ gust 29. 1941. --- - -------,--- Borrow trouble and pay off in worry “SHE KNEW ALL THE ANSWERS” with Joan Bennett Francbot Tone Wednesday and Thursday “THE GREAT 1 SWINDLE” Jack "l loll Marjorie Reynolds and RIO ; Victor McLaglen Sitfrid Curie Leo Carillo ; Robert Cummings : Self-respect is the noblest garment with which a man may clothe himself, the most elevating fi-ellng with which the mind can be inspired Samuel Smiles It Is necessary to the happiness of man that he be mentally faithful to himself Thomas Paine • WED & THUR • IS YOUR HOUSE IN ORDER? 15c Time to cheek up and prepare for the colder months ahead. Maytie we can help you figure just what to do to be more comfortable this winter. FHA Financing is Available. See us for further details. “NAVY BLUE AND GOLD” ‘DEAD MEN TELL’ ASHLAND LUMBER COMPANY Were AH Ready FOR FALL KEN WEIL, Manager Oak Street at Railroad Phone 3291 Reward your faaiBy with a vacation at tha HOTEL MANX — San Francisco's finest located hotel . . . Powell at Union Square ... in the vary heart of the theatrical, Ratal from restaurant and «hopping district. FENSE •2 HOTEL MANX SAN FRANCISCO BUY ENTIRE FAMILY From $ 4 RAINBOW’S END st Paxton, on the glamorous Feather River, where you can pan for gold and li- - iy for your vacation. Ratal from >2 HOTEL SAN CARLOS invite« you to Monterey . . . California’s meat historic city . . . overlooking Fort Ord, on tha Bine Bay of Monteray. Ratal from $2.50 HOTEL CLUNIE with its famous "Ultra Modern Coffee Shop," at Satramenio, Capitol City of California. Ratal from I THE HARVEY M. $1.50 TOY HOTELS (May we lend yon deicriptive folder) 4$ ¡Í a '•Aft,:- C Al I FO R N IA :