Friday, September 12, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 7 Set of Cheery Coaster* You Will Enjoy Weaving - BIG TOP By ED WHEELAN ^Q h E TELEGRAM WAS FROM TUE HOSPfiÀl Al PINCHI Lit JL.. —. .. . ~~ tATER ,AT IME COOk MOU8B.ÄFF MET HYPA'.RED A ho HAU / ?'/*«. ue's still uhcohsooü S H I HAP A ''MIRE FROM the z Ü HOSPCTAL - ''NEV t3ONT_^’ KNCMJ VET /------ . HO\U EAPLV I WES IHTURED I -A •Loom’ Is Circle of Cardboard. TOO MUCH II MX I guess TV—r' I A SET of these smart red-and- white coasters is so delightful­ ly easy to weave! • • • You can ea*ily make yourself dollies, belts and purses, too, on cardboard ''looms.” Our 32-page booklet tells how. in detail. Also explains simple methode of weaving lovely place mats, pillow tops, knitting bags, other useful novelties. Send your order to: Nyndl< • !•. Inc LA LA PALOOZA By RUBE GOLDBERG Mothballiti* READER HOME SERVICE 117 Minna St. San Francisco, Calif. Enclose 10 cents In coin for your copy of HOW TO WEAVE USEFUL NOVELTIES. Name........................................................ Address............................................. ...... JOHN MARIN LOOKS GOOD IN THE S’MATTER POP— Hear About Pop Nearly Getting Dragged Into Something? By C. M. PAYNE The men in the service them­ selves have solved the problem of what they want in the way of gifts from the folks back home. First hand information from en­ listed men on shipboard, in camps and barracks indicate that tobacco is first choice in the gift line-up. Actual sales figures from service stores show that the favorite cig­ arette with men in the Army, Navy, Marines and Coast Guard is Camel. Prince Albert Smoking Tobacco is another special favo­ rite. Local dealers feature Camels by the carton and Prince Albert in the pound tins as doubly wel­ come gifts to the men in the serv­ ice from the folks back home.— Adv. ¿MIDDLE-AGES WOMEN [,S] HEED THIS ADVICE1I Thousands of women are helped to go smil­ ing thru distress pecul­ iar to women—caused by this period In life— with Lydia E. Pink­ ham’s Vegetable Com­ pound— famous for _ ____ ,____ Pinkham’s Compound —made especially for women—baa helped thousands Us relieve such weak, nervous feelings due to this functional disturbance. Try It! MESCAL IKE By s . l . huntley Force of Habit. No Doubt HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE Self-addressed Stamped envelope and SI.OS brings full information how my 202 blood pressure was reduced to 146 normal tn 3 months, relieving pains, worry, eventual •nd untimely death. With It will send very Interesting information. JEROME CRAITE 439 Wilcox Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. Integrity Integrity of Life is fame’s best friend which nobly, beyond death, ■hall crown the end.—John Web­ ster. By J. MILLAR WATT POP—Domestically Speaking DIARRHEA UE to dietary indiscre­ tions, change of drink- D ing water or sudden changes in weather can be quickly relieved by Wakefield’« Blackberry Balsam. For 94 years a household remedy. Sold at all drug stores. Be sure to ask for genuine Wakefield’s BLACKBERRY BALSAM Compound WNU—13 Banishment 37—41 Our Waterloo Every man meets his Waterloo at last.—Wendell Phillips. 1 H r 71 k s À L Y 1 F”----- Today’s popularity of Doan's Pills, after many year* of world­ wide use, surely must be accepted as evidence of satisfactory use. And favorable public SIMPL opinion supports that of the able physicians TOLD wbo test the value of Doan's under exacting laboratory conditiona. These physicians, too, approve every word of advertising you read, the objective of which ia only to recommend Doan's Pills as • good diuretic treatment for disorder of the kidney function and for relief of the pain and worry it causes. If more people were aware of how the kidney* must constantly remove waste that cannot stay in the blood without in­ jury to health, there would be better an- derst*nding of why the whole body suffer* when hiJney* lag, and diuretic medica­ tion would be more often employed. Burning, »canty or too frequent urina­ tion sometimes warn of diaturbed kidney function. You may auffer nagging back- ache, persistent headache, attack* of diz- tineaa, getting up nighta, swelling, puffi- neas under the eye«—feel weak, nervous, all played out. Use Doan's Pills,