Friday, Sept. 12, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 TALENT NEWS • Mrs George King returned to her home in Prospect after spend­ ing several weeks with Mis Mil Couple Honored On School Opens With linda King • Auntie McCoy of Ashland Is 20th Anniversary Enrollment of 38 spending the week with Mrs CHAS. M GIFFEN Published Every Friday • Friends and neighbors of Mr. • Bellview school opened Monilii) King. at 167 East Main Street WILLIAM SAVIN and Mrs Floyd Young gathered with 38 pupils enrolled. Mrs Pen­ • Mrs Dolt Williams return- ASHLAND, OREGON at their home last Thursday eve­ dleton him 17 in the primary mid «1 to her work at "Wimpy's" aftiu Publishers ning and gave them a pleasant Mrs Dews 21 in the intermediate having a week's vacation surprise, it being their 20th wed­ the seventh and eighth grades are • ■Mrs Abbie Moore returned to Entered as second-class SUBSCRIPTION ding anniversary. Those attending being transferred to the junior her home in Han Diego aftvi matter February 15. ROGER/M. KYES -' RATES were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wol ­ high in Ashland 1935, at the postoffice at Nsiioosl ftra Yott Williams family water than any other previous | riders who practically block the entrances to business A good many thousands of and that there would be a large | • Mr and Mrs I i and E Deadmond granddaughter. Mrs B A Welt­ establishments with their parked machines. young men from farms are now hold-over of water at the end of j were visiting with Mr and Mrs man of Talent .a grandson, Clar­ being attracted by factory jobs in the irrigation season The pri>- Black at the Modoc • orchards iwsr ence Mathes Jr, of Vancouver, These practices are not only dangerous, but are the industrial centers. Certainly, gram opened with a bean guessing Medford Sunday 1 Mr and Mrs three brothers and slaters, Miss Jessie Mills. Mrs George Carry violations of city rules. As future citizens and drivers working in a factory that Is busy contest, also a white elephant Black are former residents of and John Mills of Ashland. Mrs sale. James Wolters won the clos- Bellview with defense orders is a patriotic of cars, it seems that now is a good time for these thing to do right now But not est to the bean contest and wax • Mr and Mrs. Dan Farmer and Joe Frtzell of Snoqualmie Falla, Wash . T C Mills Beaver, Calif, youths to learn to consider the other fellow and to re­ always is it the best start in life. awarded a bag of beans Frank I children from Itorris. Calif spent and W A Mills of Jacksonville the week-end here with relatives Reed was second in the contest The returns are not always as spect and observe traffic regulation^, which in reality great as they promise to be. Mrs. Myrtle Babbs won the nail­ ' — - - ..... - -. — . * are rules of courtesy helping to keep traffic orderly. Consider the case of a young driving contest and was presented 5c Extra for Panchromatie H or H Ex. R<>H« a vase as prize The VGA will working on a farm for a < >1- Police action may become necessary unless these man Double .Size 25c Dev. und Printed lar or a dollar and a half a day meet Sept. 17 in Talent Th«- HEU violations are stopped. Police Chief C. P. Talent has nnd found. He eats well and reg­ met at the home of Mrs L. O. Tuesday. The hospitality issued a warning that if there are further complaints, ularly. He can save most of his Rush ALI. FINE GRAIN DEVELOPING. GUARANTEED WORK »noney, for his only out-of-pocket committee for next meeting will the police will have to “crack down” and penalize the expenses are clothes and amuse­ be Mr. and Mrs C. E. Borg and Reprint« 2c ea. Deckle edge or plain, double xlze. Sc 35 mm. 36 ex. Dev. A Printed, Sxl print«, 95c roll. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wolters ments. offenders by taking away their bikes or licenses. Send this ad with your order and we will send a miniature Now move that same man to a • Miss Tillie Balstad left Sunday frame free. Mull films to Sty, and pay him five dollars a for Eugene where she will be em­ lay. Out of that five, he has to ployed at nursing. ECONOMY PHOTO FINISHERS pay room rent and board and laun­ • Mrs. Mollie Garrett of Bly has BOX 1576. HTA. D. U>N ANGELES, CALIF. dry. He lives a different kind of been visiting relatives in the val­ I , The current revival of cantonment enthusiasm life—spends more money for pass­ ley the past two weeks. ,z V • Mrs Jota Miller and daughter should occasion further study and thought on the prob­ ing entertainment, and more for Faye of Fresno, Calif, who have He has more opportu­ lems that will be ours along with the economic benefits clothes. nities to spend money—not always been visiting relatives and friends in Ashland and Talent the last when the “go ahead” signal arrives. in the most wholesome way. week, returned to their home Fri­ Of course, the city worker has As the Oregon Journal stated in a recent editorial, more money passing through his day. They are former residents of “ . . you can’t have your defense prosperity and eat it, hands. Maybe he gets a kick out Talent. • Joe Rapp, employed at the Boe­ of that But the real measure of ing plant in Seattle, arrived home too.” success Is how much of that mov­ by plane Friday evening to spend In speaking of the cantonment sites in the state, ing stream of money «ticks. How week-end with his parents, the Journal continued, “You can’t plunk two $15,000,- much does he have left at the end the Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rapp He re­ a year, or perhaps at the end turned to Seattle Monday evening 000 cantonments and 56,000 troops down in two rela­ of of a lifetime? • Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Tame were tively small communities and dodge the social, sanita­ City work wears men' out. It transacting business in Talent replaces energy like farm Saturday evening tion, housing, health, educational, public service and I seldom work does It is not so healthy— • Mr. and Mrs George Holt of recreational responsibilities that go with them. It’s like either the working conditions or I Crescent, Ore. visited Mrs Holt's living conditions. The greater parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Col­ superimposing two cities the size of Salem upon cities | a the man's progress in industry, the man, last week Mrs Holt was half or one fourth that size, suddenly, without warn­ more pressure is put on him. Esther Cochran before her mar­ Finally there may come a day riage. ing, and expecting to escape trouble. Without careful i i when somebody says. "Sorry, Jim, • Mr. and Mrs. J Inman of Velle- planning and detailed preparation, it means explosive but you are too old to stand the jo were business callers here last week, having sold their property problems, like those being wrestled at Hermiston, but | pace." that sad Jay comes, only on the Pleasant View road to Wil­ magnified. Just one of the headaches is What to do a When very small percentage of city lard Sargeant, who took immed­ with the 400 families dispossessed by these two workers can retire and live the iate possession. rest of their lives in decent com­ • Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Kilmer of cantonments.” fort. on their own savings. Oakville, Wash, who have been So let’s be forewarned, and if the cantonment does But chances are. the same num* guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. ber of years and the same amount Barricks, returned to their home come, be prepared to shoulder our social responsibili­ of energy spent on a good farm Saturday. ties rather than feverishly trying to cash in on possible j will net a good, comfortable home, • Mr. and Mrs Victor Milbum of and reasonable security, for old Thompson creek were in the Tal­ defense prosperity. ent neighborhood Tuesday buying ’ age What has an individual gained by losing his own self-respect ? • On the farm, there may have fruit and vegetables. Or what has he lost when, retaining his own, he loses the homage I been less money passed through a • Mrs Sue Clayton, known as of fools or the pretentious praise of hypocrites false to themselves i man's hands, but there are re- “Grandma’’ Clayton, will celebrate | wards in life that are far more im- her 90th birthday Sept. 11. Mrs as to others?—Mary Baker Eddy. I portant than cold dollars, especial­ Clayton was a nurse in the Civil ly if you can't keep very many of war. the dollars. BETTER Did you ever stop to think why All 1940-41*Grads WITH MODERN we have unemployment insurance Get Your and old age pensions, both financed Of SOCE Are Placed EQUIPMENT in part by government agencies? All the 1940-41 graduates of the Car Ready It is because city work so seldom Permanent PRICES! Southern Oregon College of Edu­ provides any great degree of se ­ SUITS Clip curity. cation have been placed in teach­ For Fall Yet you seldom hear of any ing positions, according to the teacher placement bureau at the farmer who has been reasonably college. This is a total of 42 stu­ PLAIN DRESSES - Il II. NOWI" industrious and reasonably thrifty dents. spending his last years in the poor ­ PLAIN COATS WV The placement bureau has been house, or living with his relations more active this year than at any as a dependent. other time in the history of the There is a lot to be said in favor college. This is evidenced by the OR ANY THREE FOR of a man’s spending his life on a fact that approximately 30 in-ser­ family farm in America. There is vice teachers have been placed in no better life, when you weigh new positions through the college FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY everything. * placement bureau. There is a definite shortage of Refit your car with new or re­ Why argue with the other driv­ teachers this year, especially in er? He ’ s always bigger than you capped tires while rubber is the specialized fields such as mu­ 823 Siskiyou Blvd Phone 6336 are when he stands up. sic and art. BKI.IAIEW NEWM Southern Oregon Miner ¥ ★ ★ Sidewalks Are Not Speedways! ★ ★ ★ Let’s Be Forewarned! LET US COLLEGE CLEANERS ▼ v REMEMBER WHEN —the family clustered around the organ to sing while mother played? Sister’s beau contributed the tenor, and father carried an uncertain bass. Housekeeping hearts were happiest way back then. Remember? C.M.Lltwiller ■ > ■ V obtainable prices. V < The World’s News Seen Through T he C hristian S cience M onitor An International Daily Newspaper PabUikai by THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PUBLISHING SOCIETY ■ ■ One, Norway Street, Boston, Maazrhuwtt« 1 < > ia Truthful—Conatructive—Unbiased—Free from Sensational­ ism — Editorials Are Timely and Instructive, and Its Daily Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. Price ¿12.00 Yearly, or ¿1.00 a Month Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, ¿2.60 a Year. Introductory Offer, 6 Issues 25 Cents. Obtainable at: < < Sorrowing hearts are lightened in our homelike atmosphere. > DEPUTY COUNTY CORONER ■ Litwiller Funeral Home ■ We Never Close—Phone 4541 v y > > L* Christian Science Reading- Room Pioneer Avenue Ashland, Oregon 1 a. a a a a, aLa « « . * » » » » » » < reasonable LET US Marfak lubricate, check bat tery, wash and vacuum your car—All for only .$1.00. H. L. O R O N B Y < < « < < < < at Certified TEXACO Service Marfak Lubrication Mechanical Service Phone 3911 Main and Helman