Friday, Sept. 5, 1941 SOUTHBRN OREGON MINER Page 8 X MIM’E INSTRUCTOR GRANTED , CAVEMEN SIGN WEAKLEY VS HEAD FOOTBALL COACH THREE MONTHS I.EAt E After losing Loren Tuttle to the; it W McNeal, assistant profes army anil George Erickson resign­ nor of geography at the Southvic Playing on a rain-soaked field ing his unfilled job as head foot­ Oregon College of Education, han that had been sprinkled with saw­ ball coach at Grants Pass high been grunted a three -months leave dust in an attempt to dry it, the school, the Cavemen have finally of absence during the fall term, Silverton Red Sox slapped two i signed Justin Wealth v at Comae 1 1 1 according to Preaident Walter Medford pitchers to win the Ore­ I Wash . as head grid man for the By I TO1J> YOU 80 Redford. gon State league's 1941 baseball i season. McNeal plana to continue work championship 14 to 5 at the Fair­ Weakley, in his first job as a on hla Master's degree in geogra grounds park Monday afternoon. coach, comes highly recommended TTiis department was quite sur­ of California The Medford Craters had won from Willamette university where prised the other day upon visiting phy at the Univereity • the second half flag Sunday after­ he was a popular athlete as well the new $50.000 Walter Phillips noon when they stopped Silverton I as being an athletic favorite in his athletic project at Ashland high 7 to 6 in 13 innings. Al Wray's home town. He also is highly spo­ to find that a nice fence had been hot single down the third base ken of by txdghton Blake, former constructed completely around tin- line that scored Bob Churchill Ashland high coach who is now field with the obvious purpose of NOTICE OF HEARING ON from second broke up the game working in Portland. keeping spectators out iuid forcing FINAL ACCOCN'T OF Box score for the championship ------------ •------------ them to enter at the gate as re­ tilt: WCTl’ REELECT* OFFICERS spectable cash customers How­ EXECUTRIX K II ■ Th Women's Christian Temper­ ever, it appeared that this pur­ In the County Court of the State 14 15 3 ance Union Silverton was entertained pose might have been defeat«*! of Oregon in and for Jackson . 5 11 2 Thursday of last week at the home somewhat by the addition of two Medford County Box score for second half pen­ of Mrs. Henry Newton. Mrs. Wal­ four-inch strips nailed on the out­ In th«» Matter of the Estate of nant game: ter Herndon led the devotions and side of the fence, on«* about two D. PEROZZI, Dece«tsed 6 15 4 Mrs. Mabel Russell Lowther con­ feet from the top and the other Silverton NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 7 11 2 duct«*! the lesson study. All of the about the same distance from th«» Medford officers were reelected to serve bottom, which would be a tempta­ that the undersigned Executrix of the coming year. They were Mrs tion to even a lukewarm fence the Estate of I) Perozzi, Deeeus John Poet, president; Mrs Mabel climber. Furthermore, these strips ed, has filed in Mild court her Lowther, vice president; Mrs. have been painted a bright ivory Filial Account in the matter oi estate, and th«* Honorable J The turf on the new Walter 1 Maud Marske, corresponding sec­ which should make them a par­ said Phillips athletic field at Ashland retary; Mrs Henry Newton, re­ ticularly tempting "ladder" ufter B. Coleman, County Judge, has | high is in good shape and ready cording secretary, and Mrs. Paul dark WPA workers an* wonder­ designated Monday, th«* 29th «lav for the coming season, according Byers, treasurer. Mrs. Walter ing if the school heads had the of September, 1941, at 10 o'clock to word from the school The Herndon and Mrs O. F. Carson welfare of the workers in mind A M . .it the Courthouse In Med­ said county, aa the time and grass has had excellent care all were elected delegates to the when they ordered the "ladder" i ford, place for hearing then-on summer and is rooted well enough county institute at Grants Pass, built Anyone having an objection to | that the cleats of the fall football Sept. 12. Refreshments were serv­ '71s a pity the grandstand un­ games will not hurt it in any way. ed by the hostess assisted by Mrs. doubtedly will not be finished for said account is r«*quir«*l to pre- A fence will be constructed Frank Walker. the Sept. 19 opening grid game sent the same on or before the —•----------- around the turf to prevent spec­ with Lakeview Just where the date of said hearing tators from getting on the playing • Mr. and Mrs. W. W Parish of spectators will sit is yet an unset­ LOUISE PEROZZI field and a fine suspended press Twin Falls, Ida and Miss Helen tled problem. If school czars had Executrix box is being built in the top center Parish of Medford were dinner their way and were allowed to put BRIGGS & BRIGGS. of the grandstand to enable press guests of Mr and Mrs. C. F. 771- their own labor on the j«»b it Ashland, Ore . correspondents to better see the ton TTiursday. might be accomplish«*! but the I Pion«M»r Building, for Executrix games. • Bom to Mr and Mrs J. D | WPA wants to know what's the, Attorneys Date of first publication: use of having a WPA if someone ' • The Miner for Quality Printing. Burton Sept. 3, a son. else is allowed to finish their jobs 1 gust 29, 1941. It would defeat the purpose of th«* I WPA 77s also a pity that the prac-' tice field has not been completed but the hike to SOCE*s Fuller field every day should aid in keep ing the Grizzlies in fine fettle At any rate, it will be mighty t swell when it’s done and AHS will have something to be proud of At the Ri^lit Price»»’ • Red Sox Win Title By Downing Craters HINDSIGHT ON SPORTS LEGAL NOTICES Friday and Saturday! -2. Mfi HATUM1 THE MOST EXPLOSIVE DRAMA IN YEARSI Turf in Good Shape At Phillips Field An M-G-M P«n Sunday* Friday, Saturday “PRIDE OF THE BLUEGRASS” with Edith Fellows James Me( allion and it wonderful horse and “THE WRANG­ LER’S ROOST” With Ray Corrigan and other Itaiig«* Busters ALSO THE NEWS Sunday, Monday and Tuesday omen hating cacti otnrr for loving the same men! iNoaio waawia BERGMAN BAXTER M«"xxabl« . . . *>• >tory of «•vdl, romoACSI. vallan« d»,Hny I Jumbo Tablet* 5c, 1 <><• Pencil* ...... 5 for 5c Zipper Binder* $1. And innumerable other School Bargain*! • C. W. Astleford, pastor of the Methodist church delivered an ex- ! cellent message on "Labor Day" Sunday morning • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Raleigh ☆ ☆ | who have resided on their ranch northwest of Talent sold their property and moved to Medford They were in business here for 1 several years. • Mr. and Mrs C. C. Collins of “S A H Green Stamp*" Medford and Mr. and Mr* Joe Tryon motored to Albany Satur- - * *■ ~ 1 day and returned home Monday evening. • Tom Ijirnb and Mr and Mrs Roy Estes spent Sunday on Huck­ leberry mountain gathering huck­ leberries. 240 East Main Street • Mr and Mrs. Bill Childers were vacationing at Crescent City the f * — ■■ “ ■ “■ latter part of the week. ß or 8 Ex. Rolls M 5c Extra for Panchromatic • Mrs. Floyd Clark and Miss Lot­ Dev. und Printed I Doubla Mile 25c tie Beswick of Ashland visited friends in Talent Sunday evening • The Talent school will open ALL FINE GRAIN DEVELOPING. GUARANTEED WORK Sept. 15. The building has bet* Reprints 2<* «-a. Deckle edge or plain, double »lie, 3c completely redecorated and need­ 35 mm. 3«, ex. Dev. & Printed, 3x4 prints, 95<- rolL ed repairs made. Teachers in the Send this ad with your order and we will send a miniature I high school are as follows: Harry frame free. Mail films to Meyers, music; Amy Durham. KIDDIES a Dime English, Marjorie Votaw. itiathe- ECONOMY PHOTÔ FINISHERS matics and social studies; Dexter BOX 157«, NTA. I), U>* ANGELE*, CALIF. Russell, science and athletic coach, V and Alice Schlafmann, commer­ cial. Grade school teachers arc with Cecelia Fifield, first grade; Jean­ ette Gore, second and third grades; Eileen Mallory, fourth and fifth grades; Betty Ring, fifth and and sixth grades and John Meyers, seventh and eighth grades • Mr and Mrs. Ray Sargeant and children and Mrs. L Putman and children of Los Angeles, Calif ar­ rived Saturday morning in Talent for a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Harrison Monday morn­ with ing the party, including the Harri­ sons, left for Idaho where they will spend a couple of weeks vis­ 9~ iting relatives. Mrs. Sargeant and Mrs. Putman are daughters of Mrs. Harrison • Ray Lewis returned home Fri­ day from San Francisco where he has been receiving medical treat­ ment in a hospital. • Mr and Mrs. Willard Sargeant sold their property near the Meth­ T he number of telepho odist church to Mr. Thorson and purchased the Inman property calls we handle on the Pa­ near town where they will have cific Coast has mounted to acreage. UNITED over twelve million a day! • Miss Eleanor Head of Wyoming STATES is visiting at the home of Mr. and Each telephone call must Mrs. Carl Baylor. SAVINGS be made to order—on a • Mr .and Mrs. Roland Parks ^BONDS moment’s notice... manu­ and daughter Tammy left Wed­ nesday for Sprague River, where factured and delivered in AND STAMPS Mr. Parks is principal of the a matter of seconds. school. Their school opens Sept. That’s a big job—but it’s 8. They spent the summer in Ash­ land. only part of the job we’re • Mr. and Mrs. H. R Nicodemus doing today as the West hits of Overland, Kan. are visiting its stride on National Defense work. Add to this a program of 11\ SAI F ATYOl'R POSI OFFICE OR RANK their son Rex and family as well as acquaintances in the valley. plant additions, this year, in excess of 170,000,000 of which ex- TTiis is their first visit here and ienditures for new construction alone will be over 157,000,000. A merica O n G uard ! they are favorably impressed o say nothing of the everyday job of maintaining hundreds of with the country. Above is a reproduction of th« ------------ •------------ thousands of telephones and millions of miles of wire! Treasury Department’s Defens« • Dr. and Mrs R. S. McVicker Savings Poster, showing an exacl We are making an all-out drive of man power, materials and and five children of TTie Dalle» duplication of the original “MinuU money to supply the kind of telephone service that will help were week-end house guests at the Man” statue by famed sculptoi home of Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Bruce. the Pacific Coast speed its part of America’s biggest job. Daniel Chester French. Defense! "They came from the Methodist Bonds and Stamps, on sale at your church of which Dr. Bruce was bank or post office, are a vital pari of America’s defense preparations THE PACIFIC TELEPHONL ano TELEGRAPH COMPANY pastor for five years previous to his coming to Ashland a year ago. Wednesday and Thursday J.V.W. 5c-10c I. C. ERWIN BARGAIN DAYS 15c ADULTS “JUNGLE LOVE Dorothy Lamour “SAINT IN PALM SPRINGS Gecrge Saunders BUY 1 Now-more than 12 million telephone calls a day THE UNDER PUP »